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Hidden Treasures of Psalms 119: Verse 20 - Longing For Jesus' Interpretation

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
September 6, 2021 5:30 am

Hidden Treasures of Psalms 119: Verse 20 - Longing For Jesus' Interpretation

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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September 6, 2021 5:30 am

Link to The Ten Words PDF

From Soul break to breakthrough - verse 20 is more than amazing food for the journey of life

Psalms 119:20

The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Grace To You
John MacArthur
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram

Hidden Treasures of the 119th Psalm. So we are going on a treasure hunt and the gold we are seeking in this treasure hunt is actually the face of God, pure light. So join us taking this deep dive mining with King David in the 119th Psalm. Oh, the fourth verse in this gimel section is another way that you can see that King David is going to level up on us again on this journey that we're taking through the 119th Psalm. And so the gimel being the foot, this verse kind of came out of left field for me and it took me a while to really process it.

But as it turns out, it's really one of my favorites thus far. So it starts off in the King James version, my soul breaketh, or is crushed might be a better way to say it. My soul is crushed for the longing that it hath unto thy judgments at all times.

So man, he went from, you know, deal bountifully with me and show me wondrous things and all of a sudden, man, he is crushed here. And he's talking about his soul being crushed in this journey, you know, and I think it's very much linked to that 19th verse that he's this stranger and now he's crushed because he's trying to find his way in a very difficult place. The beauty of this, and I can really just credit John Eldridge's ministry and his boot camps that have really helped me get wholehearted and to begin to understand and discern kind of what this is.

They have a category they talk about there, which is extremely helpful from my standpoint. It's called getting Jesus's interpretation on events, like so often we got all these things going on in our life and they're just really soul crushing. But how does Jesus interpret that? Well, when you look inside that word judgments again, and we did this when we did the whole, you know, 10 words PDF, which is always there, by the way, in the show notes. But this miss putt, again, is this sense of obviously the mem in miss putt would be this Messiah, it's Jesus. And so, and then you've got his presence. But the way that the word ends is goodness.

It's got this letter tet at the very end, which is the beginning of the word tav. And so, it's certainly this sense of goodness, actually, it's a pregnant letter. It's the letter that ends, I mean, the number of the letter is nine, because goodness is hidden in there. And so, this idea of like, Jesus could give us the interpretation of our events to see the good in them, right, that Jesus's judgment is always finding the good and obviously getting rid of the dross, however that may look. And so, I don't know about you, but I've been at four or five events already today that have crushed me, crushed my soul, how could this happen, God?

My wife often asked me, well, here's the question again, how could God let this happen? This is when our souls are crushed and we need to see the Romans 8, 28 and something, but you know, it's easy enough to say all things work together for good, but to actually see how they're working together for good is what the psalmist is saying, is that essentially, when he says that he's got this longing for the judgments, and so I'm looking, I'm longing for your interpretation, Jesus, and oh, what a wonderful prayer, because often if you ask Jesus for his interpretation and you hang around and you listen, then he is gonna provide you some information of where is he working in this situation and how is this gonna work together for good? And so, the other beautiful thing that's actually in this verse that to me is just where's the price of admission to the whole psalm, I mean, just this one understanding, oh my goodness, is the word time at the end, and I never had seen this until I was looking at it actually this morning, and I'm just like, oh my goodness, this is so huge. The word times, at all times, it says he wants his judgment at all times, well, that word there is an ein and a tav, which means really being able to see where you are in God's story. In other words, I'm looking for Jesus, where's your judgment in the continuum of, of course, you're coming back, but it's trying to stand up and get the larger story. In other words, this story started on the scene way before I got here, and there's a whole lot that's gonna happen clearly, you know, before Jesus comes back, and so where are we in the continuum? And so, it's interesting that King David says, I'm looking for a sighting of where I am in the story, right? And where this fits into your larger story, and when we're looking at Jesus's judgments, obviously all things are working together for good for those who love the Lord and called according to his purpose, but what a neat thing to me to see that the word time in Hebrew has nothing to do with the earth going around the sun. It's got nothing to do with, you know, how long it takes for the earth to rotate one time and get a day, or, you know, how long it takes for the moon to make a revolution.

None of that stuff is involved in the word time as far as what King David is saying here. What's involved is getting a look at the story. It's getting a look at where we are in this continuum.

This again is huge. I mean, the whole verse is huge when you think about it, like, oh Lord, my soul is crushed for the longing to see where I am in the story and your interpretation of where we are and what my role may be in spite of how horrible things may look. God, you're at work, and it's something beautiful, and this is really, what a verse for spiritual warfare. Like, God, take me up and help me to see where I am in this continuum and show me your interpretation of the events so that I can see where you're at work and how I can serve you. It's truly, truly, truly an amazing thing when you think about that. Here we are in the Gimel section, right? We're on the journey, and he is asking, while I'm on this journey, Lord, show me where I am in the continuum. Show me, give me interpretation of how you see things. Just absolutely amazing. Of course, we thank you for mining with us today in the 119th Psalm.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-09-03 11:37:02 / 2023-09-03 11:40:08 / 3

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