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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
August 26, 2021 7:33 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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August 26, 2021 7:33 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Questions include---1- Who is the other flock that Jesus refers to that will hear his voice---2- Matt discusses the grafting in of the Gentiles.--3- What is the -woke- movement---4- What is critical race theory---5- Why are politicians making such bad decisions---6- Who do you think the antichrist will be---7- Are teachers and pastor different---8- What are verses that show that women can't be pastors---9- How should I handle my friends who listen and share songs by Elevation or Bethel---10- Do you think people can be born homosexual---11- When will Christians be raptured-

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I'm trying to get a hold of the opponent and I haven't been able to today, but I'm sure I will be able to. Then, if you want, I think you just go to forward slash debates. Or is it just debate? I think it's debates.

But if you go to the apologetics section and just type in debates there or go into the menu, you can see the list of debates. Oh, I know what it was I was supposed to say. It's the calendar.

That's what it was. Calendar. So forward slash calendar, that should bring you, yes it does, for the debate that's tonight.

And Rodney Smith and there's the information there and things like that. Supposed to happen, oh, I should edit that. 9 p.m. Eastern time is when it's supposed to occur. So 7 p.m. my time. Anyway, hey, there you go. Okay, information.

If that time changes, I'll let you know, but I'll put it on the calendar. But there you go. All right, let's get to Don from Raleigh, North Carolina. Don, welcome. You're on the air. Yeah, hi.

I was wondering who you think the starting quarterback should be for. No, I'm just kidding. It's a joke.

I have no idea about sports. You know, I got on the wrong station or something. I was just kidding.

Because that's my idea. It seems like everything we talk about in the Bible is so solemn and serious that Jesus was walking around with his hands folded. Is there any humor? I mean, I haven't read the Bible that. I mean, I'm going to church now at a Baptist church in Perry and very, very serious like you are. And I just don't see any laughing or anything.

Is there such things? I think there is mention of laughing, but it's a mockery thing. Let's see, Genesis. And Abraham fell on his face and laughed. And he said his heart will a child be born to a man who is 100 years old. Genesis 17, 17. Sarah laughed.

Genesis 18. And let's see. I'm sure Jesus and his disciples might have had some fun, you know. But I guess that's not your intent to tell that story. Yeah, I would agree.

Yeah, so I'm looking actually. And the word laugh is in there a lot. Often it's just a mockery. Our enemies laugh among themselves. Then our mouth will be filled with laughter. Let's see if it's anything in the New Testament.

Let's see. Okay, so they're laughing at Jesus and stuff. So laughing is there, but you mean from the Christians and or Jesus himself?

Yeah, like if there's some type of humor. There's never like a pun or anything, is there? No, there's puns in the Bible, but they're not in the humorous sense that I'm aware of. Kind of pun, it's like a play on words with the word only begotten and the word unique that they form in a Greek vein. They're kind of a play on words there. John 3.16. But I don't know about Jesus laughing and them telling jokes. You're right. It's something I have. Go ahead.

And then the last thing. Okay, I'll double check on it with my junior pastor. But as far as the Trinity, if you don't believe that, is that a sin to not go to heaven? I mean, can you be saved and not be... There's a yes and no to that. You don't have to believe in the Trinity in order to go to heaven. If you're just ignorant, you don't know. That's one thing. But if you have a full knowledge and you continue to resist it, then I would say that that is grounds for saying that you don't affirm the true God.

Because what would they say? Like, for example, the oneness guy that I debated two weeks ago denied the Trinity, but he also denied the incarnation. He affirmed an indwelling but not an incarnation because he said the Father in Jesus left Jesus right before Jesus died. Well, that is a damnable heresy because he's denying the incarnation and denying the divine sacrifice.

So it just depends on what people do with these things. So someone might say they don't affirm the Trinity, but believe everything else, they could be confused, and I still think they could be saved. So it's possible. But the Trinity is basically a doctrinal thermostat to see where some people are.

And I've talked to people who deny it, and I just talk to them about how it's arrived at, and they go, oh, I didn't know that. And then we have some interesting conversations. Okay? Right. Thank you very much. Sure. Is that it?

You got anything else? Well, I just said earlier in the week, or this week, or the end of last week, the young man, or I don't know how old he is, probably younger than me, but he was just so confused. And it is hard to totally understand the three persons, and he was counting one, two, three, and he just wasn't going to get it unless he really meditated on it. It is a hard concept for someone that's just coming.

Yeah. But it's actually easy when you just do what the Bible says. And when I've explained how the Trinity has arrived at with people before, they go, oh. And so the Trinity has arrived at systematically.

It's not arrived at by looking at one verse or two verses. And so the Bible says there's only one God, and then the Father, Son, Holy Spirit each speak and each have a will, each love. We both have fellowship with each of them. And they make decisions. They speak.

That's what personhood is. So we would just say, okay, well, one God, and we have Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They each exhibit attributes of personhood.

They talk to each other. Therefore, one God, three persons. It's easy to arrive at. It's easy. It's the oneness who really mess things up.

It's the oneness who mess things badly. Hey, are we done? We're going to break it. Done? Oh, your mind is cold. Okay. Yes. Thank you.

That's it. Okay. All right, buddy. God bless. All right. Hey, folks.

Three open lines. 877-207-2276. Be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome back to the show. We have two open lines, 877-207-2276.

Thomas from Kentucky, welcome. You're on the air. Thank you, Matt, for taking my call. Sure. Got at the first by saying I want to thank you for all the information.

And your website is fabulous, and I've learned so much from it. That being said, my question today revolves around the topic of sanctification. Sure. And I'm kind of caught in between the two theologies of Calvinism and free grace-ism. I don't know what that's tied up to that is. But again, it comes down to works versus grace.

And I'm confused on which one is more accurate. You mean free grace or what? Or is it the Calvinist position that it's some sort of combination of works and grace? Never is it a combination of works and grace. Calvinism would never teach that. And the Bible doesn't teach it either. If you say that grace and works work together in order for someone to get saved, it's a damnable heresy. Damnable. The Bible says in Romans 3.28, we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. So, apart from it. In Romans... Walking forward as a Christian, if I am attempting to turn from sin, and by my conduct of not sinning, wouldn't that be considered a work?

A man's work trying to get an outcome. You've got to understand. Let me explain something here.

Now put this in the framework and then we can discuss it. So, justification is a legal declaration of righteousness. Because we've broken the law of God.

That's sin. 1 John 3.4. And we cannot keep the law. Because the standard of the law is perfection. Deuteronomy 27.26, Galatians 3.10.

We can't do it. Jesus did everything that we could not do. 1 Peter 2.22. He never sinned.

He kept the law perfectly. And then he died and rose from the dead. And when we believe, that's a faith that God grants to us. Philippians 1.29.

He grants it to us. And our believing is the work of God. John 6.28.29. So, when we believe, because God's granted that to us, then we are justified.

Having, therefore, been justified by faith. Romans 5.1. And along with justification comes something called regeneration. Regeneration is God's indwelling us and changing us.

Made new creatures. 2 Corinthians 5.17. Then, we are enabled to do good works. But those good works do not contribute to salvation. They don't get us salvation. They don't maintain our salvation. They are the result of God's regenerative work in us. But the justifying faith that we have is just that. It's faith alone in Christ alone, by God's grace alone. That's how it works. Okay?

Okay, I've got that. When they talk about, then, repentance, who is doing the repenting? Is the believer doing the repenting or is it the spirit within him that gives him the resistance to not sin?

It's both. See, okay, I'll get a little bit deeper on this kind of topic. We have to be able to be the ones initiating a movement, an action, in order for us to have culpability in that action. If I choose to take a ball and throw it through my neighbor's window, I'm the one who freely chose to do that. And, therefore, the responsibility is mine.

If someone puts a gun to my head and says, throw a ball through the window or I'm going to shoot your wife, I'm going to throw a ball through the window. But I'm not the one responsible because I'm being forced. We would say that free will is the ability to make choices that are free and not forced. So, when God grants that we believe, God grants it, but we also actually do believe. When God grants that we have repentance, 2 Timothy 2.25 says that God grants repentance.

We actually are the one doing the repenting also. Now, I can get into another level of logic about this and simultaneous events and then causation and things like that, but this is what we'd say, but the unbeliever cannot come to God on his own without God's intervention because the unbeliever is a slave of sin, Romans 6, 14-20. He doesn't seek for God, doesn't do any good, Romans 3, 10, 11, and 12. He cannot receive the things of God, 1 Corinthians 2.14. He's dead in his sins, Ephesians 2.1.

He's by nature a child of wrath, Ephesians 2.3. So, God has to grant that he believe, Leviticus 1.29. And Jesus says in John 6.65, you cannot come to me unless it's been granted from the Father. So, God grants that we believe, but we actually do the believing. And how that works, we don't know.

But there's a regenerative work in us. This is why we would say regeneration precedes faith. And what we would say in that is that it precedes it logically, not temporally.

So, let me explain this. So, if I flip a light switch on and five seconds later the light turns on, then that would be a temporal priority where the electricity is there for five seconds before the effect of light occurs. That's called temporal priority. And logical priority would be as soon as you turn on that light, the switch, electricity is there instantaneously and the light is there instantaneously. They both occur simultaneously. But it is electricity that is the cause of the light, not light being the cause of electricity. So, therefore, we would say electricity is the logical priority. It's logically prior, not temporally prior.

It must be in place in order for the simultaneous effect to be there. So, similarly, we would say that regeneration is logically prior and we believe because it's a logical necessity or a necessity that occurs along with our regeneration. So, we would say that God's regenerative work in us enables us to fully believe. And we do. Which leads to repentance.

Yes. And we are granted the ability to repent by God and we freely turn from our sin. But it's not that repentance that saves us. Because we have to understand, repentance is turning to the law. If I am lying and I find out that the Bible says in the Ten Commandments, Exodus 20, don't lie, and then I stop lying because I see what the law has said, am I then saved because I kept that law?

No. We're not saved by keeping the law. We don't get saved by keeping the law.

We don't regain salvation by keeping the law. It's by God's grace. And so, he grants that we have faith. It's in Philippians 1.29. It's in the Aorist passive indicative, which means that it's done to us. Philippians 1.29. It's granted that we believe. Or as he does the granting, okay? So, that's what's going on there. This is biblical theology.

Most people never get this deep. We've got a break coming. You want to hold on?

Formulated question. No, I'm good, Matt. Listen, thank you and God bless. Okay. Okay, buddy. It's okay. All right, man, God bless.

Hey, that was Thomas from Kentucky. Two open lines, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. Welcome back to the show. Let's get on the air with Marcus from Montana, who's no longer there.

I had a question on John 3-5, which would have been interesting to talk about. Call back if you want, Jason. Hey, Jason, welcome. You're on the air.

Hey, Matt. My question today was I was confused in Psalm 14-1 when it says, The fool has said in their heart there is no God. The confusing part to me is they're saying in their heart. Does that mean you're thinking in your heart? The phrase is just confusing to me.

It's just an issue of how the Bible speaks. It says in your heart you know this and your soul and man's spirit. That heart is considered that place of thought, communication, things like that. I think in the Hebrew context it really deals with the gut. I think that's what it really is, but we don't use that. It can be the man, the inner man, our understanding, the soul, the innermost part.

That's what it means in his heart. Okay. Are you there? Did I lose you?

Hello? Okay, there you go. Now you're back. Okay. Did you get that? Okay, maybe he's traveling or something. We'll try it one more time here. Jason, are you still there? Okay. Call back, Jason. When you get a better line, we'll get you back up top of the line. All right, let's see. Let's get over to Roger from North Carolina.

Roger, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, how are we doing, Matt? It's going, buddy.

What have you got, man? I'm having a conversation with this lady, and this question she wanted me to ask. Okay, the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven. That's what I've been telling her. And she's saying that it has to be because Paul blasphemed against God. And since God is a triune, God is a triune with the Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son, that blasphemy has to be against the Holy Spirit. So it has to be forgiven, if not, you know? Yeah, she's not understanding what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is, and then Jesus himself says it was not forgiven, and then she's contradicting Jesus.

So her rationale is based on faulty assumptions. First of all, the definition of what blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is is found, not really a definition, but the context, is in Matthew 12, 22 through 32. And the context there is that Jesus is casting out demonic forces. And the Jews said he was doing it by the power of Satan. And that's when Jesus says blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this age or age to come.

The context is saying that he was doing it by the power of the evil one. Now, when Jesus was baptized, he was baptized to fulfill law, Matthew 5, 14 and Matthew 3, 15. And so he came to fulfill the Old Testament law, and he was baptized to enter into the priesthood at the order of Melchizedek.

A lot of people don't know that. But the point is that the Holy Spirit came upon him at his baptism. And it looks like that all his miracles began at that point after his consecration and his, so to speak, ordination into that part of the ministry. And so I think that this is why Jesus had what he said about blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, because he was doing his miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit that was indwelling him.

Okay? Yeah, this conversation came in with the atonement. And he's like, well, all the sins are forgiven. I said, well, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit can't be forgiven. And that's where we went into this. Right. And also go to 1 Samuel 3, 14.

Okay, so, you know, Pi is 3.14. So 1 Samuel 3.14, right? And I'll read verse 13 just for a little context, God talking. For I have told him that I am about to judge his house forever with iniquity, which he knew because his sons brought a curse on themselves, and he did not rebuke them. Therefore, I have sworn to the house of Eli that the iniquity of Eli's house shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever. So I show this to people when they say Jesus bore everybody's sin. No, blasphemy of the Holy Spirit can't be forgiven.

So he can't have paid for that. And the iniquities of Eli's house will not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever. So I just say, deal with the scriptures. Okay?

And that's where I went to, too. But he was like, well, he has the power to do it. He just doesn't. I said, well, God can't contradict himself. God cannot lie. So when he said, I cannot forgive the sins, then he's not going to. And what she's doing is submitting the word of God to her sensibilities to say God has the power, but he won't.

That's an assumption. When people say that God can do anything, that's not correct. God cannot make a square circle. He cannot lie.

He cannot violate his own nature. If Jesus says in Matthew 12, 22 through 32, if we go there, Matthew 12, 32, it says it will not be forgiven in this age or age to come. Well, then we have to ask, first of all, if she says that God has the power but does not do it, then she's admitting God is not forgiving all sins right there. And she'd have to admit that the context is his blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not what Paul the apostle did. Because if Jesus said it shall not be forgiven in this age or age to come, then how could Paul have been a Christian? Because the end of this age is when Jesus comes back.

So how could he have been forgiven in order to be apostle? So she's not making any sense. Yeah, I pretty much believe that God restrains the elect from committing that sin. I agree. I agree with you. Yep. It took years before I could talk about it without giving me the willies when I got in detail about it.

Seriously, it did. Okay. All right. Thank you, sir. Have a good day. God bless. You too, man.

God bless. Hey, folks. You want to give me a call?

Three open lines, 877-207-2276. Mike from Colorado. Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. How are you doing? Doing all right. Hanging in there. So what do you got, buddy? Good.

Check for different questions. And I was wondering if you know of any scriptural references for kind of what I'm experiencing. So a little bit about my background. I'm not a Christian. I mean, I didn't grow up as a Christian, rather. I always felt the presence of God my whole life. Went through the military, came out of the military, and felt a draw towards God, towards truth-seeking, basically. Started going deeply, just searching for truth, and kind of found all this different weird stuff that definitely led me to the Bible. Once I started being led to the Bible, I had a bunch of serious, like, demonic oppression happening in my life. Sleep paralysis, and seeing figures visually in my room and stuff like that, attacking me. The presence of definitely spiritual enemies, 100 percent. No one could tell me that it didn't happen, like 100 percent did.

Thought I was going crazy for a while. I would invoke the name of Jesus, which would cause a very violent reaction from these enemies. Wait, wait, wait, violent reaction is what? In you? No, no. No, the spirits would get me. Okay.

All right. So when I would invoke the name of the spirits to get very violent with me, I knew that that was causing a reaction that was good. In other words, like, for me, offensively using that, and I guess because of my background, that seemed like that was a weapon. Kept digging into the Word. God let me experience that for about two weeks of, like, serious demonic oppression. And then, all of a sudden, light just came on inside me. And it was almost like, spiritually, I was untouchable.

That was many years ago, about ten years ago. Since then, just digging into the Word, a lot of prayer, a lot of fasting. I'm not perfect. I do succumb to temptation from time to time, and I try to fight it. Whenever I purposely get on my knees and ask for protection and for more strength, it's easily given to me, and I can feel that power. But I do sometimes slip to lustful thoughts in my mind, and when I do, I feel that demonic oppression start to creep in. I don't know if there's any scriptural reference to this that you know of happening. I guess that's kind of my broad, super weird question. All right, so let me ask you, I guess there's some questions.

That's right. Are you experiencing any of these things, this oppression and these manifestations now? I was last night.

I've been fighting some spiritual battles, and I've kind of overcome those today. The answer is yes? Okay. Are you married? Yes. Okay, how long have you been married? And you're making noise in the background there, man. How long have you been married?

Sorry about that. I've been married seven years. Do you have any kids? Yes. How many, and how old?

Two children, 20 and three. Okay, we're going to get back to you after the break, okay? Because we're going to ask more questions, we'll talk. Hey, folks, you have four open lines. You're going to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick.

We're looking back at the show. You have four open lines. Give me a call, 877-207-2276. Mike, are you still there?

Yes, sir. Okay, so one kid's 20 and one kid's what? Three. Three?

Big gap. Boy or girl? Little girl. Okay.

And boy. When you were in the military, did you have any trauma while you were in the military? Any trauma experiences? No. Okay.

Do you have any books or objects that friends and family have given to you who are unbelievers? Not really. Okay. Do you have any relatives who- I had trauma from- I'm sorry? Yes? I had trauma- Fraud? I was sexually abused as a- A child?

Or a four-year-old. Yes. Okay. Okay. Okay.

Was that by a relative? No. Okay. So, let me ask you, have you ever seen any UFOs? At first, I thought that the demons were aliens. I was kind of going down that path, and then I realized that they were trying to appear that way to me, but they were 100% demons.

I'm 100% positive about that. Okay. What church do you go to? The generic kind, you know? I don't really go to a church. I mean, I go to an apostolic church kind of sort of every once in a while, but- Okay, let me ask you about that. Like a Pentecostal church, I guess.

Pentecostal? Okay. Sorry.

I hear noises in the background distract me. Sorry. So, apostolic church, is it Trinitarian?

They believe in the oneness. Okay. If you're attending a non-Christian cult church, oneness is not Christian. Okay. You need to absolutely get out of there.

Don't ever go back. Find a good church in your area, and oneness is not Christian. Okay. It denies the true God, denies Christ, denies the true doctrine of salvation.

And so, you can have demonic doors open up there from people inside who are praying for you. Okay? Okay. So, that's it. If you're curious about that, I have a whole section on CARM, my website, on oneness.

And I'll be debating a guy actually in two hours from now, two hours, ten minutes, on oneness. It's a non-Christian religion. Okay? So, it's false.

So, this is an open door to the occult and things like this. Alright? And you need to- So, it's an assembly of God church, and you're saying that's- No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Assemblies of God is better, but it's not oneness.

Okay. Well, what I meant by that is they believe that Jesus, all those in God, are one entity. I'll tell you what, I forego those definitions because most people don't know how to articulate the doctrine of the Trinity, but Assemblies of God is Trinitarian, but they do teach women pastors and elders, which is bad, and they teach that you can lose your salvation, which also is bad because then you keep it by your work.

So, you're better off to be in the Assemblies of God than a oneness church, but it has its own serious problems. If I were you, what I would do is go to the CARM website and look up the article, What to Look For in a Church. It's really simple, what to look for in a church, and then you need to find a church.

You can call up on the Yellow Pages, you can Google whatever your local area, and you call them up and you ask questions. You need to do this, okay? You need to be involved in a church, you need to have the elders involved, and the reason I want to know what church you're going to is because you get the elders over to your house to pray over your house, to anoint the house with oil, to anoint you with oil. If you've been traumatized in the early life, that needs to be dealt with, and elders at a good church would know what to do through prayer, and it's not your fault, you just talk about it, you confess it as an actuality, and you ask God to cleanse, to even forgive the perpetrator, and hopefully the perpetrator, or perpetrators, whatever, grant him salvation and that you forgive, you go through this process.

It's not always that easy, it's easy to say, it's not easy to do. And you go through this process, you anoint the house, you do the various things like this, you get involved with the church, and you move forward. You need to be involved with elders because there are times when people in your situation, where they do these things I recommend, it doesn't always clear up. And a lot of times it's because there are open doors and there are areas that need to be closed, and sometimes I believe that it's because God is letting it occur for a reason and you've got to find out what that reason is. Not that you're being punished, no, but it could be a reason for preparation, that you might have a sensitivity to things like this, there are just a lot of factors and variables in this. And I can tell you that I have seen stuff when I was younger, I was involved in the occult, I've seen manifestations. My mom would see a figure come to her in her sleep and then she'd wake up and he would be there. This happened numerous times.

My daughters have said that they have seen things in the house I'm in right now. And so when I heard that I had everybody leave, my wife took them out to dinner or whatever it was, and I prayed through the entire house. And problem solved. And so there are just things you've got to do and be cognizant of a spiritual battle and stuff. And you have to pray and ask God if there's anything in your life that you need to repent of. And I'm not accusing you of anything, it's just, hey, you know, maybe there's something that you don't know about that you've got to take care of. And maybe there's not.

We all have stuff you've got to take care of, but I mean big, you know. And God will bring that up if it's there. This is why you have to be involved with a good church. I don't recommend the Assemblies of God for several reasons. Some Baptist churches are pretty good, some Presbyterian ones are pretty good. But I would go and look on my website,, what to look for in a church. You'll find a list there of things. It's an article you can cross-check with churches.

And call them up and interview them. Okay? Is it something I can do on my own? I live in a pretty rural area.

Like very rural. Okay. You need to find a church.

I wonder if it's something. You need to find a church. Well, I mean, I'm driving.

Like, okay. You need to find a church. And if you can, I mean, if it's three hours, you know, you can only go once a month and you go once a month.

And you tell the elders, I can only come here once a month because it's three hours away kind of thing. Or you have fellowship online. But you need to have others that you can talk to about this who can pray with you. We also have a prayer ministry here at KARM.

So you can email us at prayer at And people can pray for you. And often dialogues get started that way.

And people are helped. So it's a big problem. I mean, it's a big issue with the solutions. Not always that simple. It just takes some time and some work. Okay. Right. I mean, you do find a church.

And there's going to be a church locally, you know, and hopefully it'll be decent church. I'll look into it, man. I really appreciate it. Okay. Sorry for the weird, difficult question. It's no big deal.

I've had these questions before. It's not a problem at all. All right, man, you can give me a call in a while.

Let me know what happens. All right. Okay. Thanks, man. All right, man. God bless you. Talk to you later.

All right. Let's get to Eric from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Eric, welcome. You're on the air. Hi, man. How's it going? It's going, man.

It's going. So what do you got, man? I met you up in Manti, Utah. You remember going up there? Oh, I've been there before. I've met hundreds of people, so if you say, hey, I'm the guy that was, I'm not going to remember.

But I'm smiling. Why did they stop having the meetings up there? Yeah, they quit. I think it's because the Christians were having an effect. Blowing them down? A lot of Christians were there.

So now what's going to happen is they're going to start going to Temple Square. That's another issue. So anyway, so what's going on, buddy?

What do you got? Okay. My question is I've been involved in the street ministry for many years. As a matter of fact, I went out regularly in the San Francisco Bay Area, and we had people coming through our ministry with all different types and walks and theological backgrounds and stuff. So we pretty much drew the line that somebody didn't believe in the Trinity, you know what I mean? There are simply basics of Christianity. But if they didn't believe in the Trinity, we wouldn't allow them to come out and preach with us.

Good. And so when I interviewed a lot of prospects, that's one of the first questions I would ask, you know, do you believe in the Trinity, one God and three persons? You know, and then my ministry leader got a little bit upset with me because he said, well, of course, Christians believe that. I said, well, we can't assume everybody will believe that.

So anyhow, to make a long story short, Matt, I met somebody out here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, preaching on the streets. And two minutes into the conversation, I asked him if he believed in the Trinity. And he said that it's taught by the Roman Catholic Church and it's false doctrine. And I said, well, just because they teach it doesn't mean it's false. I mean, it's in the Bible. It might be hard for you to, you can't really understand it, but that's how God revealed himself. Yes, he accepted.

And so I say, can I read to you? John chapter 16, where it goes pretty clearly into the doctrine of the Trinity, I believe the relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And he said, well, that's just one part of scripture.

My question is, a friend of mine has allowed this individual to move into his house. I've confronted him once after this time. I asked him to define what he believes about God. And he had made the statement when I first met him that the Trinity is a false doctrine taught by the Roman Catholic Church.

I tried to show him passages in the Bible, he was very reluctant to have me read to him. So basically, this guy doesn't want to be corrected, and a friend of mine has allowed him to move into her house. As a matter of fact, she's a member of my church.

She has meetings over her house, she hasn't allowed him to get up there and teach in the pulpit or, you know, to preach as far as I know. Wait, wait, wait, wait. They're allowed other than the... Wait, wait, wait.

Yeah. She's... Wait, she allowed him to get into the pulpit and preach? No, she allowed him to... No, she hasn't allowed him to do that.

Then she had the meetings over her house. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait.

something very specific here. I'm not sure you said no and then you said the same thing so you confused me. Is she a pastor? I'm sorry.

It's okay. Is she a pastor? No, she's not a pastor. Okay, so no. She allowed different people over the house.

So she, okay, so she... She allowed him to move in with her. Okay, okay, so that's all that is. Okay, so what's your question then? Okay.

My question is she has meetings in the house and I feel very uncomfortable going over there with him there. I'm wondering, you know, am I approaching this the wrong way by not going over there? I would call back tomorrow because we're going to be on a break.

I mean we're done. Tonight I'm literally debating a Oneness Guide in two hours. Go to forward slash calendar for the information.

Forward slash calendar on the website C-A-R-M dot O-R-G. Let's talk tomorrow about it because we're right out of time, okay? All right. Okay, buddy. Okay, I think I should call. Okay, hey folks, God bless. Talk to you guys tomorrow. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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