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MS Top 6 #35

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
May 26, 2021 5:00 am

MS Top 6 #35

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick

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May 26, 2021 5:00 am

Matt gets calls on Biblical Theology. Matt has answers on Biblical Theology. The questions come from people all over the world.  We've compiled the six most memorable of the week. Number 6 to #1! 

The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
Grace To You
John MacArthur
Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram

Speaking of hangry, we got something going on at the Truth Network that's going to help the world not be so hangry. Yeah, he's talking about just needing God's Word. He said, please help the Truth Network send Bibles to Africa.

And we know that they need God's Word. We have until the end of the month, just $5 gets a Bible in the hands of a poor, impoverished believer all over the African continent with the help of the Bible League. Just $5.

Just think about that, Robbie. Just $5. So please give. If you can give more than $5, man, we'd love for you to do it. And the number to call is 1-800-YES-WORD. 1-800-YES-WORD. The 1-800-YES-WORD. This is the Truth Network.

And we'll be right back. Monday through Friday, Matt takes calls from all around the world on his radio show. We've compiled this week's best, Matt Slick's Top 6.

Number 6. Before the preacher starts his sermon, doesn't he supposed to pray first? Well, nothing in the Bible says he should pray first before preaching.

I think it's a good idea. I always pray before I preach. That's just me, because I want God to be involved. If a pastor has been praying all night and he gets up and he doesn't want to pray, you know, it's between him and God. But I think it's a good idea to pray. Before he opens up the sermon. Yeah, I think it's a good, polite, humble thing to do.

And if he doesn't, that's okay. A lot of pastors don't do that before they preach. They get up and they just say, okay, folks, let's open the Word.

And they get right into the Word, and that's fine. Number 5. When I was in the COC, they told me if I was home, I shouldn't be listening to, like, my favorite band, Led Zeppelin. Can't listen to it. That's a sin. Why?

Is that valid? Well, I would say that they have to show you in Scripture why that's sinful. Now, this is where we get into a gray area, because we want to be holy and sanctified before the Lord. You know, I love Zeppelin, and I love Sabbath and ACDC back in the day. You know, I dig Korn and Rammstein. But I really love to hear praise music, you know, and I listen to that more than anything else. And reggae is good. I don't like country western. I could see that being sinful.

But anyway. To me, listening to Led Zeppelin is relaxing. To me, it relaxes me.

It reminds me of my youth. Maybe that's a bad thing. I don't know. Well, I don't see anything sinful about it. I think it's an issue between you and God.

Number 4. My dad went from a dispensationalist view to a saying the Jews are a problem, saying black people are bad, the Spanish are bad. How can I reach him? In Numbers 12, Moses married a Cushite woman, and that's Ethiopian. So he married a black woman. God didn't have any problem with it. Why does he?

And that's one issue. You can ask him, Dad, do you think you're better because of your skin color? Because he'll recognize its stupidity to believe that. Even if he says yes, then you can just let it kind of go because you don't want to argue where he becomes defensive and defends that. You want the truth of the idiocy to sink into his mind and his heart. Some people are just so ingrained in stuff that way. What are you going to do? You pray for him, and you try not to follow in those sinful footsteps.

Number 3. UFOs are probably demonic manifestations since they teach theology, the theology being Jesus is not God. We're all divine, and reincarnation is true. When you say teaching, how are they teaching? Abductees. When people are abducted, the first time I ever heard about this, I was reading, I don't know how many decades ago, I was reading something on a guy who was doing research. He was a non-Christian, and he was doing research on people who were abducted. He said that he went to the Bible and researched Jesus because that's where you go. In another session, he was quoting some verses, just reading some verses to him about Jesus. His concluding remark was stunning to me. He said, some of the people who were under hypnosis, reviewing the issue of what the aliens were teaching, when I would read some verses in the Bible to them about, you know, just research, he said some of them behaved the same way the demoniacs did in the Gospels.

Number 2. The famous Joel Osteen sermon, the I AM sermon, saying these things, it really sounds as though to me where Satan says, I will ascend on high and make my throne. Joel Osteen and others, they're not biblically minded about the things of Christ. I was involved in the occult, in pornography, in foul language. I was living with a girl, I was doing bad stuff, I mean, I was just a pagan. And God saved me. I can look back on those things, and it says in Romans 6.21, what benefit were you then deriving of the things of which you're now ashamed, for the outcome of those things is death. That's Romans 6.21, one of my favorite verses. And the reason it is is because I look back on my whole life and I say, what benefit was I gaining?

None. And nothing but regrets from that time. And only by God's grace am I saved. And so, by God's grace am I saved. By God's grace am I retained. By God's grace I can move forward. By God's grace I have hope for my life.

Number one. A lot of people think that God predestined us against our free will. I believe in faith for knowledge.

God knows who's going to accept him or not. That's not right. That's not correct.

Let me finish. So why would Christ command us to repent if God would not override our free will? Okay, first of all, you're just incorrect.

And I have to tell you that. God does not know who's going to pick him and then they become the predestined ones. Because no one of their own free will would ever pick God.

Period. Because the Bible says the unbeliever is a slave of sin, Romans 6, 14-20. He does not seek for God and he's a hater of God. Romans 3, 10, 11, and 12. Ephesians 2.1 says he's dead in his sins. Ephesians 2.3 says he's by nature a child of wrath. 1 Corinthians 2.14 says he cannot receive the things of God. And because these things are true, Jesus says in John 6.44, you cannot come to me unless the Father draws you.

John 6.65, he says you cannot come to me unless it's granted to you from the Father. You guys give up or you're thirsty for more? He's a very strange man. He's an idiot. You're still here? It's over.

Go home. I always trust a guy named Matt Slick on the radio. We hope you've enjoyed this episode of Matt Slick's Top 6. For more on Matt and his live syndicated call-in radio show, go to Got a question? Matt Slick has your answer. This is the Truth Network.
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