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MS Top 6 #23

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
March 3, 2021 5:00 am

MS Top 6 #23

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick

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March 3, 2021 5:00 am

Matt gets calls on Biblical Theology. Matt has answers on Biblical Theology. The questions come from people all over the world.  We've compiled the six most memorable of the week. Number 6 to #1! 

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This is the Truth Network. Monday through Friday, Matt takes calls from all around the world on his radio show.

We've compiled this week's best, Matt Slick's Top Six. Number six. I was in the Bible stories with my daughter, talking about Samson. I was teaching her how he had to make a vow because he was a Nazarene. So I was like, huh, did all of us have to take a vow? No, no. No. Nazarite, not Nazarene.

Nazarite vow. Oh. It was that because the judge, I think, is 13. He was consecrated by his mom and couldn't cut his hair, something like that.

Of course, in the movie where all of his name, Victor Mature, played him and he got his hair cut, he was in trouble. Number five. Generally, how it works is, I'd recommend, is that if you are being convicted by the Lord to be reconciled to people, then what you're obligated to do is go be reconciled. If it's a person across the street, you call them up, you walk across the street, you talk and you get it taken care of. What do you do if the person you, so to speak, need to forgive or be forgiven of has passed away? Then what do you do? There is no possible way to get ahold of that person and so therefore you're done. And you just give it to the Lord, Lord, you know, please forgive me or whatever it is and you work through it that way and you trust God in that.

Number four. He believes we can be saved and not forgiven and still go to hell. Well, to be saved means to be saved from damnation. So how could you be saved from damnation and be damned? Well, he's saying you can be saved but not forgiven. So in other words, he's saying people that are in hell, they're forgiven but they're still in hell. He does not understand biblical theology nor does he understand logic.

If you're forgiven of your sins by God, he forgives you of all of your sins and the sin that is canceled at the cross, Colossians 2.14 tells us that. Number three. How important is attraction in looking for a spouse? Well, how important is attraction? It could be really important or it could be very unimportant.

It just depends. Now, my wife happens to be attractive and no one could understand why she was dating me. Well, I was attracted to her but the issue is I would not look for another woman the same way. It would not be so simply an attraction.

It'd be on godliness. And my wife's a good godly woman and she's really great except for her taste in men. Other than that, she's really good. So is attraction important? It's not important if that's the criteria you use because what happens is after a while you go, yeah, okay, nice looking, whatever. It just doesn't become an issue.

It goes away. Now, when you're dating and you want to find a woman, you know, hey, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to her but there's different kinds of attraction too. There's physical attraction, there's spiritual attraction and so it depends what you're looking at. You know, that's important.

Sure it is. We're guys, you know. We're kind of shallow that way. Women are more discerning. Well, maybe not. I mean, my wife. Anyway, get my drift.

Number two. Because those who claim the name of Christ are abstained from doing wicked things. They should. So don't do it. Don't lie. Not even a white lie. A lot of Christians say it's okay to just, you know, a little lie, just a little one. And an example I use is my wife learned a long time ago if she asks me how a dress looks on her, I'm going to tell her the truth. And so she learned. I'm going to tell her exactly what I believe. I will not cater an answer to make her feel good just and lie in the process, even if it's meant to help her. But it is not true. So the point I'm trying to make is white lies are lies. Don't lie.

Number one. But it seems like in my experience, people are sometimes, they're so afraid of and dismissive of another good book, which obviously I'm sure you have a lot of issues with, but generally speaking, why will people not give it the time of day? Because it's not true. Jesus says the Law of the Prophets were until John, John the Baptist. That's Luke 16. Joseph Smith claimed to be a true prophet of God. Joseph Smith boasted he did more than even Jesus keep a church together. Joseph Smith said he saw God the Father.

The Bible says he cannot be seen. I'm going into all these details. Well, you're already getting past it.

I'm just saying. Yeah, but I'll get to the Book of Mormon. Words to refute that.

No, you don't. As far, I mean, like I said, so if I write a book about Jesus Christ, you're not willing to read it. You're not willing to look into the good that it might be offering the world. Yeah, but you've got to understand something. Mormonism is not Christian.

It teaches a false God, a false Christ, and a false gospel. Period. And now the end is near. So long, farewell, I'll be the Saint of June.

God be with you, shall we rejoice. Let's see it. Clinton!

Clinton! We hope you've enjoyed this episode of Matt Slick's Top Six. For more on Matt and his live syndicated call-in radio show, go to Got a question? Matt Slick has your answer. This is the Truth Network.
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