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Lead Like Jesus!

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
October 6, 2021 1:00 am

Lead Like Jesus!

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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October 6, 2021 1:00 am

Stu is joined by Richard Cummins, President of Lead Like Jesus, a global organization that promotes the transformational leadership Model of Jesus Christ. They discuss Next Level Gathering 2021, a free, global event that can be attended in-person or virtually on October 13th at

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On Finishing Well, we help you make godly choices about Medicare, long-term care, and your money. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. So Abraham Lincoln, the great President Lincoln was known for saying that you can cut a tree down if you hit it enough, if you whack at it enough, with a dull axe. But if you take just a second to sharpen that axe, you can knock that tree down, you can down that big old tree in half the time and be more effective and more efficient and you can get to the next level. Next level gathering is here.

It's coming and I hope you're registered. What in the world am I talking about? Well, Richard Cummings is going to have to explain that to you. He's the legend.

He's the leader of Lead Like Jesus and he's got something to tell us all about. Richard, what a treat to have you on the air today, my friend. Stu, it's a pleasure. It's a pleasure.

Thanks for inviting me in. Yeah, we're very excited. Well, it's very exciting and thanks, by the way, for letting me use that opening illustration, which I know you have used a lot more effectively than I have, but it's true. You are offering to the world. This is amazing and everyone's waiting for that knockout punch of a huge, massive price, but you're literally offering something to business leaders, church leaders, families, homeschool moms, anyone and everyone.

And it's right around the corner in the calendar year of 2021, I believe like October the 13th. Am I right about that? Absolutely, Stu. Absolutely, Stu. We have been given this message free, so we need to give it away for free. And I got to tell you, Jesus truly is the greatest leadership role model of all time. We know him to be our Savior, we know him to be our Lord, but he also has led over 2.4 billion followers today in this movement to live, love, and lead like Jesus, and so we want to share that message with the world. Well, that's awesome. I just got your, by the way, your Lead Like Jesus devotion this morning, and it's just always a blessing and encouragement. It's always a blessing to talk to you. I saw your marketing information, and you and I spoke even a few months ago about this, and I was amazed the people you're pulling together for this big event.

Can we back up? Everyone, by the way, listening, stay tuned because you're invited to an amazing deal, okay? You're going to get the information right here, right now, on Truth Talk with Stu Epperson. I got Richard with me, the leader of this organization. But Richard, tell us a little bit, back up about Lead Like Jesus. How is this birthed in your heart to take the masses back to the Master?

Yeah, great question. Oftentimes problems require our attention, and it doesn't take you long, Stu, to look around and see that we are a nation, we are a world right now that's riddled with offense and divisiveness and anger and frustration. And you know, a poll was done not long ago that says 9 out of 10 Americans believe that we're in a leadership crisis, and so we just want to point people to the Master because we believe His way is the way. And so we've invited a lot of our friends to join us that believe in living, loving, and leading like Jesus, and they're excited to help train up more leaders. And let me tell you, Stu, there are a lot of people out there that would say, I'm not a leader. But here's what we say, anytime you influence the thinking, behavior, or development of someone else, you are leading. In Jesus Christ, the only leadership approach, He endorsed servant leadership.

And so we want to train and equip the moms out there, the wrestling coaches out there, the CEOs out there to lead the way Jesus led. Yeah, that's awesome. And so you are literally putting your money where your mouth is.

I mean, I know people that would and have paid triple figures to spend a day with these amazing speakers. Can you tell us a little bit about the folks you have lined up for October the 13th? And people listen to this program, Truth Talk, in all kinds of time zones, and you might be hearing this the best of like a year from now, which is cool. But if you're able to dial into this, you will be thoroughly blessed. We've got our Truth Network team, a bunch of us are going to be watching and participating.

If you can't be there in person, I guess it's also virtual. Set the table for us, will you, Richard? Tell us about the menu of amazing speakers. Well, first and foremost, Ken Blanchard. Ken Blanchard is one of our co-founders. He's going to be leading the way starting the day. And he has been instrumental in paving the way and developing, mentoring other great leaders like Pat Lencioni, who is going to be with us too. John Gordon, the author of Energy Bus, is joining us. Ken Harrison, the CEO of Promise Keepers, will be there. And Stu, here's one I'm excited about.

J.B. Brown, James Brown from CBS Sports. This guy, he's an amazing sportscaster, but guess what? He's an even better pastor. This guy is a pastor leader and he is full of Scripture and he's full of great takeaways.

Please share them with you. But there's tons of others, too. We have 14 speakers on the day. It includes Tricia Goyer. She's a well-known family, marriage, and parenting author, written over 80 books. Terry Looper, he's the CEO of Texan, Houston's largest privately held company. He has a book called Sacred Pace, which talks about getting in line with Jesus and letting Jesus be the Lord of all of your decisions, slowing it down.

We just have a number of great people. Passion Music is going to be leading us in worship that day, because everything needs to start and finish with bringing glory to God. So it's not going to be just a leadership conference, it's going to be a gathering. It's going to be a church service to some degree, too. Yeah, it's called the Next Level Gathering and it's happening October 13th. Now, it's kind of an all-day thing. Tell us how it works, you know, practical registering, because I know some folks, including me, I just go hear Blanchard.

I just go hear James Brown. I mean, I'd go to an event just to hear one of those guys, but you've got this power-packed, almost like a one-day intensive called the Next Level Gathering. Richard, how do people dial into this and how do they sign up?

And if they want to show up in person, we do have loads of listeners across Kentucky and Ohio, especially our new friends that listen to Truth Talk on 106.5 FM in Toledo, 106.5 FM, all across Dayton and Greenville, on into the edge of Cincinnati. How do they maybe come in person as well? Yeah, come in person and join people from 60 nations. This is a global ministry. So we'll have speakers that are from the Philippines, we'll have speakers that are from Africa, they're all over, they're going to be live streaming with us.

But if you go to, and you register, you'll register for the event, you'll get the web link and all that good stuff. And here's the cool things, Stu. It's only $5,000, right? Five grand for the whole day. What?

You get a set of knives with it. Wait a second. No, no, no, it's free. Free! Unbelievable.

Unbelievable. It's free for 90 days. So you can get back on again and again.

Oh, my soul. So if you can't watch it all on the 13th, you've got three months to complete it. Maybe a pastor and his staff, or some of them are out on a missions trip the 13th of October, they can dial back in, or maybe someone hears this broadcast, you know, or podcast, later in November, December, and they can go to and they can still tap into this amazing resource about the leadership passion of Jesus Christ and how to really serve and how to really point people to the kingdom with the King's very, you know, the biblical principles of leadership. Absolutely. And so you sign up today, you'll get access, you'll have access for 90 days, you're going to learn about the heart of Jesus, what your motives are for leadership, the head of Jesus, what leaders think about, the hands, what leaders do, and then the habits.

What are those essential things that you need to do as a discipler to stay on track? I love it. Richard, you are a blessing, man. Thank you for doing this. Thank you to Ken Blanchard and all your awesome leadership team at Lead Like Jesus for inviting all of us in to this one-day intensive.

I know that pastoral staffs, I know the guys, the professionals in old companies, I know they're going to want to bring their team. Sign up as soon as you can.

It's a free 90-day window for it, too, but October 13th is the online live virtual or in-person event. God bless you, my brother. God bless you, brother. Thank you for having me.

This is the Truth Network. Say, what would you do if you were a new Christian and you didn't have a Bible? It's Michael Woolworth, by the way, from Bible League International, and you'd probably say, well, I'd hop in my car, I'd go to a Christian bookstore, or have one shipped to me.

What if those weren't options? You'd say, well, I'm new to the faith. I mean, I need to know what it means to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. You know, you would pray that someone, anyone, would bring you a Bible, and that's exactly the way it is for literally millions of Christians around the world. They're part of our spiritual family. They're new to the faith. They want to know what it means to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus, but God has them planted where it's very difficult to access a Bible. And that's why the Truth Network and Bible League have teamed up to send God's Word to 3500 Bibleist believers around the globe. Our campaign is called The World Needs the Word. $5 sends a Bible, $100 sends 20 every gift matched. Make your most generous gift by calling 800-Yes-Word, 800-Y-E-S-W-O-R-D, 800-Yes-Word, or give at
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