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Preach the Word & Reach the World!

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson
The Truth Network Radio
March 5, 2021 5:39 pm

Preach the Word & Reach the World!

Truth Talk / Stu Epperson

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March 5, 2021 5:39 pm

Stu is in Memphis, Tennessee with Dr. Richard Hamlet, CEO of Global Ministries Foundation, as they talk about expository preaching, getting to the meat of the Word, and the legacy of Pastor Stephen Olford, who mentored Billy Graham.

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I am in Memphis, Tennessee, the home of Elvis, Barbecue Ribs. What am I doing here? Dr. Richard Hamlet, you better fill in some blanks for our listeners. They're getting worried about Stu being out on the road. Well, it's good to have Stu Epperson Jr. here as a media magnet. I'm so glad that he accepted my invitation for him to come to Memphis.

Well, I'm glad someone, one person on the planet thinks I'm a media magnet. Richard Hamlet, what's Scott doing in Memphis? You grew up here as a Memphian, but you're kind of an Amos story. Really interesting how Wolf on Wall Street, to being a preacher, the Alford Center. We're about to go to this Alford Center.

I can't wait to see it. Maybe I'll interview you in there real quick, but tell us what God's doing here and a little bit of your story. Well, you know, Memphis has quite a history. We've had our challenges through the years.

In many ways, the yellow fever epidemic in the 19th century killed about one third of Memphis. But Memphis, we continue to progress forward. We are continuing to pray that God would bring a gospel awakening here. There have been wonderful fragments and aromas of gospel life and Bible believing churches and people being converted to Christ.

It's happening. And we're praying that God would advance his kingdom here in Memphis. And so we're in this town and I'm in your car with you. We're driving through town talking, which I love to do this. The last time I did this interview, the car was in Nashville. Brother Sam, the great public man of God, Sam Moore, had just gone to be with the Lord.

I interviewed Peter Rosenberger in his car on our way to see Sam for the last time we'd see him on this planet. But I'm in Memphis in your car in Tennessee. Tell us your challenge to be able to see their marketplace as missions. You've built an entire global missions foundation. You've got marketplace in the ministry. You're trying to do church outside the walls. Is that right?

That's right. I mean, here's the deal. When you read the Bible and you see what biblical Christianity is, I mean, Jesus was the first true minister in the marketplace. I mean, everywhere he went, he taught, he preached, he shared the good news of the kingdom that he was bringing from heaven to earth through the gospel. And his followers are encouraged and really commanded to do nothing less. And so here in the 21st century, we are simply following the script and the admonitions that come from Jesus and the apostles that go out and preach the gospel to every creature. And that means to every person, most of which would never come into a visible community of faith, some of which have never heard the gospel.

And in the United States, I hate to say this, but within this great country of Judeo-Christian legacy, people are dying every day into a Christless eternity because no one is telling them the good news of Jesus Christ and how they can be saved. And there's a way to do it without violating the ethics, without stealing from your boss on the clock. There's a way to do it, to be a tentmaker like Paul was. He went into business with Aquila and Priscilla. He went into Corinth. Instead of building the church right away, he built tents. He was a leather worker. He was a gifted tapestry, a gifted weaver of leather and camels here and goats here.

Right. God has given every Christian spiritual gifts, at least one spiritual gift. If they're born again, I believe the Bible teaches that. But he's also given them practical skills, and he's given them the mind to be educated and to work and do their work unto the Lord. And that's not just to receive wages in an occupation, but it's to go tell others about Jesus, to share the gospel with others so that they can focus on seeking the kingdom of God in their life first before even trying to accumulate possessions or things in this world.

So this is Stu Epperson in Memphis with a Memphian. He's from this area and God's using him to out of this world. You've been to 100 countries, share the gospel all over the place?

Almost 100 countries. My wife and I have been to preaching the gospel and training biblical pastors, indigenous pastors and teachers and church leaders. And we're all about evangelizing and equipping in Christ's church so that others will be equipped to do the work of ministry. We work directly with local New Testament churches. We are part of the church, but we are here to equip the church going forward around the world. You go to church to get built up, but then to go outside the walls to build others into Christ, to leave people to Jesus, to make disciples.

That's right. I mean, the analogy is, you know, when you go to a lake, you go to a lake and you want to fish, you want to catch some fish. You want to try to find out what part of the pond or lake you're going to find the fish. And that's as important as the type of bait to use. Now, we don't bait and switch anyone in fishing for souls.

Let me say that. But we want to get the gospel to those who have not heard before or to those who have heard but have rejected it in unbelief because we believe the Holy Spirit is still a breathing spiritual life into sinners and granting repentance and faith to those who need to be reconciled to Holy God. And so they only hear through us as witnesses for Christ.

And that's every day in the marketplace within our lifestyle. Well, I'm driving through Memphis with Dr. Richard Hamlet, but we're pulling into a really neat campus here. Tell me what we're about to see, Brother Richard, as we pull up here right now to a legendary place. A man of God who mentored you, grew up with missionaries in Angola, was pastor to such people as Billy Graham. Tell us about Dr. Steven Alford and where we're going.

Well, Steven Alford was my mentor in the ministry. And he established a conference center in Memphis called the Steven Alford Center, the Institute for Biblical Preaching. And six years ago, our ministry, our foundation, Global Ministries Foundation, was blessed to be able to purchase this conference center. And it's 19 acres secluded within East Memphis in an urban area. But we have a chapel and accommodations for 40 to come for overnights.

We have a radio station studio here, our Buenos Nuevas network station. We have programming going on here in training Christians and ministers from all around the world in how to preach the gospel, the Word of God, how to share Christ. We take the Great Commission seriously. So we're just stepping into the shoes of Dr. Steven's vision to preach the Word and reach the world for Jesus Christ.

I love that. A combination of preaching and reaching. And that's why we preach to reach.

That's why you listen hopefully to this program. It says you're motivated to go out and lead someone to Christ. That's why we go to church to be built up, to be sent out, to point others to Jesus. And that's where this is beautiful. Look at this.

Just to paint the picture for someone. I want anyone who ever comes to Memphis to come visit here. Can they?

Oh, they can. You can check it out on our website, slash SOC for Steven Alford Center. Look at the pictures, the virtuals. We'd love to have you come visit us.

The building's got to be sprawling campus with buildings. Now buenas nuevas, I see a sign for that. Tell everyone what this Christian Spanish, the fastest growing population cell in America are Hispanics. And God's broken your heart for these folks. Yeah, we've established the first Christian radio station in Memphis, Tennessee.

Well, there were some before, but in a long time, the first one. And this is the headquarters. The studio is here on the Steven Alford Center campus. And so now we're about to go in and see the studio, but we broadcast biblical preaching and teaching the gospel 24 seven K love quality, Hispanic, Spanish music. It is in our, in our second year now in our third, actually just finished two years. And so now we're expanding as the Lord opens opportunities into other markets where there are Hispanic and Spanish bilingual speaking people in the United States.

You can download their free app and listen to incredible Spanish language, Bible teaching and music. And right now we're going to go on the tour. We just drove by the library. We're on the Alford campus.

Okay. Accommodation. So people can come stay retreats, marriage retreats, even during, you know, during the kind of the virus time, you're being very careful sterilizing everything, but groups are coming for all kinds of things, right? Hear the word, learn the word Hispanic leaders are coming to be taught for a year.

Now we've had with COVID we were shut down a while, but we are having COVID policies in place, social distancing and hygiene and mask. And, and, uh, we're starting to have groups coming back on campus for, for training and for conferences. And so we're thankful for all that God is doing here, uh, on the campus, global ministries foundation, so much going on in the marketplace. You're a businessman who you see your business as mission. It's all going toward the kingdom. If a donation comes in, it goes toward the kingdom.

If you sell a house or you Lisa a property, it goes toward the Lord's work. Absolutely. Uh, remember when Jesus was 12 in the center in the temple and, uh, his parents, earthly parents, Mary and Joseph were looking for him and they found him. They were concerned. He had been away for a few days and they said, where have you been? We were concerned.

He says, why are you looking for him? I'm here doing the father's business. And that was Jesus saying his, his whole mission was to be here to do the father's redemptive work emissions. And here we are, we're about to be about the father's business. And that includes even commercial business. How are our livelihoods, our training, uh, our investments, uh, everything that we do in the marketplace, uh, employers, employees, uh, business owners. Uh, we need to bring in our intellectual capital, financial capital, educational capital, social capital, bring it all together in order to multiply the gospel so that lives can be transformed through the Lord Jesus Christ.

So Dr. Hamlet, if someone says, I hate my dadgum job. If they're a Christian, they should see that job as an opportunity, right? Yeah. I mean, God's listen, the employers pay in them, not only for their, their services within that organization that they do a value for the company, but they are, they have a platform to reach out to others on their own time, outside of company time, and be able to share the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. It is the good news of Jesus Christ, the free grace of Jesus Christ.

Wow. And the website, one more time for the global ministry, You have donations to this ministry. It's all going to go right back to the kingdom and God bless you. What are you doing with your Christian Spanish network?

We're learning, we're looking at maybe partnering on that and we're doing some things already in Jacksonville, Florida. God's using you brother. Thanks for inspiring me and everyone out there to see the marketplace as a mission field church outside the walls. Amen. Let's take the gospel to the streets and to the stadiums all around the world. God bless you.

I am in Memphis, Tennessee, the home of Elvis Barbecue Ribs. What am I doing here? Dr. Richard Hamlet, you better fill in some blanks for our listeners. They're getting worried about Stu being out on the road. Well, it's good to have Stu Epperson here. Stu Epperson Jr. here as a media magnet. I'm so glad that he accepted my invitation for him to come to Memphis.

Well, I'm glad someone, one person on the planet thinks I'm a media magnet. Richard Hamlet, what's Scott doing in Memphis? You grew up here as a Memphian, but you're kind of an Amos story. Really interesting how Wolf on Wall Street, to being a preacher, the Alford Center. We're about to go to this Alford Center.

I can't wait to see it. Maybe I'll interview you in there real quick, but tell us what God's doing here and your little bit of your story. Well, you know, Memphis has quite a history. We've had our challenges through the years.

In many ways, the yellow fever epidemic in the 19th century killed about one third of Memphis. But Memphis, we continue to progress forward. We are continuing to pray that God would bring a gospel awakening here. There have been wonderful fragments and aromas of gospel life and Bible believing churches and people being converted to Christ.

It's happening. And we're praying that God would advance his kingdom here in Memphis. And so we're in this town and I'm in your car with you. We're driving through town talking, which I love to do this. The last time I did this interview, the car was in Nashville. Brother Sam, the great public man of God, Sam Moore, had just gone to be with the Lord.

I interviewed Peter Rosenberger in his car on our way to see Sam for the last time we'd see him on this planet. But I'm in Memphis in your car in Tennessee. Tell us your challenge to be able to see their marketplace as missions. You've built an entire global missions foundation. You've got marketplace in the ministry. You're trying to do church outside the walls. Is that right?

That's right. I mean, here's the deal. When you read the Bible and you see what biblical Christianity is, I mean, Jesus was the first true minister in the marketplace. I mean, everywhere he went, he taught, he preached, he shared the good news of the kingdom that he was bringing from heaven to earth through the gospel. And his followers are encouraged and really commanded to do nothing less. And so here in the 21st century, we are simply following the script and the admonitions that come from Jesus and the apostles to go out and preach the gospel to every creature. And that means to every person, most of which would never come into a visible community of faith, some of which have never heard the gospel.

And in the United States, I hate to say this, but within this great country of Judeo-Christian legacy, people are dying every day into a Christless eternity because no one is telling them the good news of Jesus Christ and how they can be saved. And there's a way to do it without violating the ethics, without, you know, stealing from your boss on the clock. There's a way to do it, to be a tentmaker like Paul was. He went into business with Aquila and Priscilla. He went into Corinth. Instead of building the church right away, he built tents. He was a leather worker. He was a gifted tapestry, a gifted weaver of leather and camels here and goats here.

Right. God has given every Christian spiritual gifts, at least one spiritual gift. If they're born again, I believe the Bible teaches that. But he's also given them practical skills and he's given them the mind to be educated and to work and do their work unto the Lord. And that's not just to receive wages in an occupation, but it's to go tell others about Jesus to share the gospel with others so that they can focus on seeking the kingdom of God in their life first before even trying to accumulate possessions or things in this world.

So this is Stu Epperson in Memphis with a Memphian. He's from this area and God's using him to out of this world. You've been to 100 countries, share the gospel all over the place. Almost 100 countries my wife and I have been to preaching the gospel and training biblical pastors, indigenous pastors and teachers and church leaders. And we're all about evangelizing and equipping in Christ's church so that others will be equipped to do the work of ministry. We work directly with local New Testament churches. We are part of the church, but we are here to equip the church going forward around the world. You go to church to get built up, but then to go outside the walls to build others into Christ, to leave people to Jesus, to make disciples.

That's right. I mean, the analogy is, you know, when you go to a lake, you go to a lake and you want to fish, you want to catch some fish. You want to try to find out what part of the pond or lake you're going to find the fish. And that's as important as the type of bait to use. Now we don't bait and switch anyone in fishing for souls.

Let me say that. But we want to get the gospel to those who have not heard before or to those who have heard but have rejected it in unbelief because we believe the Holy Spirit is still a breathing spiritual life into sinners and granting repentance and faith to those who need to be reconciled to Holy God. And so they only hear through us as witnesses for Christ.

And that's every day in the marketplace within our lifestyle. Well, I'm driving through Memphis with Dr. Richard Hamlet, but we're pulling into a really neat campus here. Tell me what we're about to see, Brother Richard, as we pull up here right now to a legendary place. A man of God who mentored you, grew up with missionaries in Angola, was pastor to such people as Billy Graham. Tell us about Dr. Stephen Alford and where we're going.

Well, Stephen Alford was my mentor in the ministry. And he established a conference center in Memphis called the Stephen Alford Center, the Institute for Biblical Preaching. And six years ago, our ministry, our foundation, Global Ministries Foundation, was blessed to be able to purchase this conference center. And it's 19 acres secluded within East Memphis in an urban area. But we have a chapel and accommodations for 40 to come for overnights.

We have a radio station studio here, our Buenos Nuevas network station. We have programming going on here in training Christians and ministers from all around the world in how to preach the gospel, the word of God, how to share Christ. We take the Great Commission seriously. So we're just stepping into the shoes of Dr. Stephen's vision to preach the word and reach the world for Jesus Christ.

I love that. A combination of preaching and reaching. And that's why we preach to reach. That's why you listen hopefully to this program because you're motivated to go out and lead someone to Christ.

That's why we go to church to be built up, to be sent out, to point others to Jesus. And that's where this is beautiful. Look at this.

Just to paint the picture for someone. I want anyone who ever comes to Memphis to come visit here. Can they?

Oh, they can. You can check it out on our website, slash SOC for Stephen Alford Center. Look at the pictures, the virtuals. We'd love to have you come visit us.

The building's got to be sprawling campus with buildings. Now, Buenos Nuevas, I see a sign for that. Tell everyone what this Christian Spanish, the fastest growing population cell in America are Hispanics. And God's broken your heart for these folks. Yeah, we've established the first Christian radio station in Memphis, Tennessee.

Well, there were some before, but in a long time, the first one. And this is the headquarters. The studio is here on the Stephen Alford Center campus. And so now we're about to go in and see the studio, but we broadcast biblical preaching and teaching, the gospel 24 seven, K love quality, Hispanic, Spanish music. It is in our, in our second year now in our third, actually just finished two years. And so now we're expanding as the Lord opens opportunities into other markets where there are Hispanic and, you know, Spanish bilingual speaking people in the United States. You can download their free app and listen to incredible Spanish language, Bible teaching and music. And right now we're going to go on the tour.

He just drove by the library. We're on the Alford campus. Okay. Accommodation. So people can come stay retreats, marriage retreats, even during, you know, during the kind of the virus time, you're being very careful sterilizing everything, but groups are coming for all kinds of things, right?

And hear the word, learn the word Hispanic leaders are coming to be taught for a year. Now we've had with COVID we were shut down a while, but we are having COVID policies in place, social distancing and hygiene and mask. And, and we're starting to have groups coming back on campus for training and for conferences. And so we're thankful for all that God is doing here on the campus. Global Ministries Foundation, so much going on in the marketplace.

You're a businessman who you see your business as mission. It's all going toward the kingdom. If a donation comes in, it goes toward the kingdom.

If you sell a house or you lease a property, it goes toward the Lord's work. Absolutely. Remember when Jesus was 12 in the temple and his parents, earthly parents, Mary and Joseph were looking for him and they found him. They were concerned. He had been away for a few days and they said, well, where have you been? We were concerned.

He says, why are you looking for him? I'm here doing the father's business. And that was Jesus saying his his whole mission was to be here to do the father's redemptive work emissions.

And here we are, we're about to be about the father's business. And that includes even commercial business. How are our livelihoods, our training, our investments, everything that we do in the marketplace? Employers, employees, business owners. We need to bring in our intellectual capital, financial capital, educational capital, social capital, bring it all together in order to multiply the gospel so that lives can be transformed through the Lord Jesus Christ.

So Dr. Hamlin, as someone says, I hate my dadgum job. If they're a Christian, they should see that job as an opportunity, right? Yeah. I mean, God's, listen, the employers paying them not only for their, their services within that organization that they do a value for the company, but they are, they have a platform to reach out to others on their own time outside of company time and be able to share the hope that we have in Jesus Christ. It is the good news of Jesus Christ, the free grace of Jesus Christ.

Wow. And the website, one more time for the global ministry Give donations to this ministry. It's all going to go right back to the kingdom and God bless you.

What are you doing? And with your Christian Spanish network, we're learning, we're looking at maybe partnering on that and we're doing some things already in Jacksonville, Florida. God's using you brother. Thanks for inspiring me and everyone out there to see the marketplace as a mission field church outside the walls. Amen. Let's take the gospel to the streets and to the stadiums all around the world. God bless you. Have you ever felt like you're standing on sacred ground and I'm not, I'm not trying to overdo anything friends, but I'm in a really, really cool place in Memphis, Tennessee with a man of God who literally spent hours in here with another man of God who's in heaven. Now we were in Charlotte because you came to Christ at a Billy Graham crusade, Dr. Richard Hammond. That's correct.

Yes. And that was just something that happened at your age 10. And you just shared a little bit about that in our last segment. You were there, just happened to be visiting a relative and then the Graham crusade came through town and you came to Christ. But after that, a man who served is one of Billy Graham's many pastors and mentors. Yes. Helped bring you up.

That's right. To be the preacher you are today. And we're standing right now in some pretty cool places. Anything that's positive about my biblical proclamation, I owe it to Stephen Alford. Dr. Stephen Alford in my mind was really the prince of preachers in the 20th century. I mean, there's a lot of others that could be on that list, but he was an incredible man of God who had an anointing on his own life and his devotional life and then his ethos, just who he was.

It just overflowed. But seriously, his commitment to expository preaching, letting the text speak, letting God's word speak, unpacking the word of God through study, rightly dividing the word of God. He trained pastors and ministers here in Memphis for many years. And I was fortunate when I was being called from the business world as an Amos, as a financier to the pastorate, I was fortunate to be here to study with him and his son, David, as they taught many institutes here on the campus that I was able to participate in. So he was my mentor. And he was also, he served on my ordination council at Southern Memphis Church in Memphis, where I was ordained and trained for the gospel ministry.

Okay, now we're gonna have to snap a photo here. And my friend, good friend Phil Calhoun is with me here in Memphis. We're learning all about this amazing BNN, Buenos Nuevas Network, Christian Spanish Network that you're a part of. We're going to partner with you to reach our friends, Spanish speaking friends with the gospel.

It's amazing. We want to reach Latinos all around the world. Most of them are in the Western hemisphere. Some in Spain and other places in pockets, but there's almost a billion Spanish speaking constituents on the globe today.

Some are bilingual, some only know Spanish. So we want to reach them with the gospel of Jesus Christ through the radio waves, through digital marketing, through the social media. We want to reach them and we want to train Hispanic pastors in exegesis that they can have expository preaching and teaching within their whole model of biblical proclamation.

Because I believe Jesus was the greatest expositor ever. And we want every preacher or teacher, Latino, Anglo, Asian, European, whatever, wherever they are African, we want them to follow in those same steps. So BNN is the Buenos Nuevas Network.

Good news in Spanish. And only the gospel of Jesus Christ is good news for sinners. Well, and that's what brought me from Charlotte into Memphis to talk to you. And I find myself standing in the very library, the study of the man of God. And you're going to connect that passion for reaching everyone in the world.

And in particular, as you just mentioned, Hispanics, because somebody taught you the word. Somebody opened the book of God and didn't give a bunch of sizzling, cute little fairy tale, you know, things to kind of conjunction it up and, you know, goofing around. And, you know, they just offered was relevant.

He was winsome. But he preached the word, you know, 2 Timothy 4, verse 3, a verse that's posted in the center, in the chapel in there. Yes. Well, someone said, what is expository, or some call it expositional preaching or teaching? Well, thank you for asking.

I'll answer now. It is the proper explanation, illustration, and application of God's Word, interpreted verse by verse within the context of Scripture. And that also includes the historical context, the cultural climate studied, as well as the doctrinal truths that should be flowing out of that text and which should be part of the proper communication. Preaching is not lecturing. You know, lecturing is one way flow.

It's teaching. It's just a dissemination of information. Preaching is not a transmitting of information, but it is actually proclaiming the inspired Word of God. And anointed expository preaching is when the Holy Spirit of God fills the teacher or preacher first in his very heart, mind, and will, but then anoints the proclamation of that message from God's Word. And yet God's Word is always relevant.

We don't have to make it relevant. It is already, but yet how we connect with our audience and those listeners must be in a way that is practical in unveiling and unimpacking the truth of God's Word. A lot of it starts in the war room, the study room. This is where Dr. Alford would get on his knees with the Word of God, the Book of God opened before him. This is where he would study.

This is where he would have his Greek New Testament, his English, you know, interlinear there as his son, David now. David Alford is here, our resident lecturer. He leads the expository preaching institutes that we have here in English and in Hispanic bilingual. And he and Dr. Ted Kendall lead those sessions that we have throughout the year for groups that come here for training, intensive training.

If you're looking for a vacation of your mind, you probably don't want to come to the Institute. It's for those who are serious about God's Word, about studying it, learn it, but then improperly proclaiming it as it is written and expressed in the Scripture. So Paul said to Timothy, study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. Get in the Word, study the Word, spend more than a couple hours.

Of course, use illustrations from culture. Of course, use funny things, but let the dominant theme of your message be God's Word, bring in God's Word. Now, I had one, a pastor of a denomination say to me, oh Stu, if I teach expositionally, if I just stay in a few verses a week and go through books of the Bible or do what you're doing, just stay in the text, my congregation, they'll shoot me, they'll get rid of me. What do you say to that guy? What do you say to all the pastors?

What would Alford say? Alford said that we're called not to fill the auditorium, but we are called to fill the pulpit. Now, that's a word that's needed today in evangelicalism and Christendom when we have performers that try to be preachers. We have ministers that try to be magicians. And we have this pop gospel, seeker-friendly message that can do nothing to transform a sinner who is in hostility with the Holy God. He must be reconciled by the Word of God, by the gospel. And faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God. So if you thought Memphis, where we are right now in the Alford Center for Biblical Exposition, Bible training, this is Stephen Alford's library.

I mean, I want to sit down and spend hours in here. I'm with Dr. Richard Hamlet, who sat at the feet of this man who's now in heaven. But if you think Memphis was just about meat, like ribs, let me tell you something, it's about the meat of the Word of God. And this place right here... Come to Memphis, you'll have your body fed with ribs, but you can have your soul fed with training in biblical proclamation.

You may hit Corky's or the Rendezvous or one of these fine places, which we got to get some, we got to get some lips back and ribs, brother. But you're talking about the meat of God's Word. Bottom line, pastors—and I don't want to beat up on pastors, okay?

I love these guys. They're faithfully shepherding. Pastors are a wonderful gift of the church. But I want to encourage them. But encourage them right now about how hungry, desperately hungry, the people in their congregations are.

So pastors and teachers, here's the bottom line. The audience that is before you, the assembly that you're directing, you have a finite period of time. It is like oxygen.

It is diminishing as it breathes. In that finite period of time, what the assembly needs to hear is the Word of God, which alone can transform their lives. They don't need a human commentary. They don't need just telling of stories and having even current day information dispersed to them, unless it's within the context of the exposition of the Word of God. In other words, you bring practical illustrations, and you bring amplification of certain truths, and you explain certain word etymologies. But all of it has to be the thrust of God's Word, like God is speaking to the audience through you. You are a voice of God. You are not there to talk about God.

You are there to talk for God to the people. In a second person, it is not we, it is you. The prophets and the apostolic preaching in Jesus was always you. It's not we, not me. You, you must be born again. You must repent and believe the Gospel. You, you, you, but you includes me. It includes I as the preacher.

And that's what Dr. Stephen would say. Be God-centered, but man-directed as you expound the Scripture and you unpack the truths that are found through your study and your diligent preparation within exegesis. Well, thanks for what you're doing here to just continue the legacy of a great man of God, Dr. Alford.

I'll tell you, I about dropped the mic here on a bunch of those things you said. Dr. Richard Hamel, give the website for the ministry. If people want to find out more about this Alford Center, they can come here with their groups.

G as in God, M as in F, free, F as in faithful, Very good. Go there. And if you hit a slash SOC, you will go right to the page that shows virtual pictures and talks more about what's happening on a day-to-day basis on this campus programming. Stephen Alford, and if you, hey, if you haven't heard Stephen Alford preach, I'm sure there's audio archives out there you can find in the website there, and you can hear this man of God preach. Listen to his program. You have a program, Ministry in the Marketplace, every week. Yes, well,, and we have him on one place, Salem, and then Ministry in the Marketplace is my radio, radio outreach where I have helpful homilies, and my audios are also, my podcasts are also on one place with Dr. Stevens in the same folder. So we started the show in Memphis in your car driving, hearing a little bit about you and what God's doing here on our way into here. We took a little detour through Charlotte to the Billy Graham Library to talk there, hear your testimony, and then we came back to Memphis to close from an awesome place inside the Stephen Alford Center. The GMF Stephen Alford Center in Memphis, Tennessee. Your bottom line, preach the Word. Preach the Word and reach the world. This is the Truth Network.
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