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Why Do We Need A Topic

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main
The Truth Network Radio
August 13, 2022 12:30 pm

Why Do We Need A Topic

The Masculine Journey / Sam Main

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August 13, 2022 12:30 pm

Welcome fellow adventurers! The guys share what God put on their hearts when it came to not having a topic to discuss this week. The clips are from "National Lampoon's European Vacation," and "The Patriot." The journey continues, so grab your gear and be blessed, right here on the Masculine Journey Radio Show.

Be sure to check out our other podcasts, Masculine Journey After Hours and Masculine Journey Joyride.

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Simply go to or contact your local agent today. This is the Truth Network. The heart of every man craves a great adventure, but life doesn't usually feel that way. Jesus speaks of narrow gates and wide roads, but the masculine journey is filled with many twists and turns.

So how do we keep from losing heart while trying to find the good way when life feels more like a losing battle than something worth dying for? Grab your gear and come on a quest with your band of brothers who will serve as the guides in what we call the masculine journey. The masculine journey starts here now.

Well, well, well, if it is an old angle puke, sorry folks, I just had to get that in because ever since I did that bad news bears clip a few weeks ago, I just haven't got that off my mind. And here we are. Samless in the studio. So I guess you guys can definitely tell that this isn't Sam hosting. Is it off your mind now we hope? Somebody had this great idea that we're going to let Rodney and Danny host the next two weeks while Sam's out.

So you guys are going to have to live with the carnage that happens after that. So we had a little discussion as to then what the topic would be. So the first mistake was to let Rodney host.

I can tell you that for sure. And then it was like, well, let Rodney choose a topic. And I'm like, well, first thing God hit me with, I was like, well, what would I have for a topic? And I'm like, well, why do we need a topic? I'm like, is that really a topic?

So I had to wait about 24 hours to see if I could really think through that. And that's, that's kind of where we're at folks is why do we need a topic? So what we're going to do is just kind of let the guys kind of talk about what came into their heart, where God led them, because they have some very interesting takes on what topic meant to them and where they wanted to go with this show this week. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with Mr. European vacation over here. So Andy, where are you at today? Yeah.

Coventry, England, been all over England, Scotland last few days and heading to London end of the week. But yeah, getting used to the culture and obviously the driving. I think that's kind of what my clip alludes to. It's from your European vacation and it's Clark's attempt to get around and around and around and I'll come back and talk about it after we play the clip.

We are citizens of an American nation, and our rights are being that is England, but it was one that was selected. I guess what we do is just drive around the circle here. Should be the second left exit. Look kids, there's Big Ben and there's Parliament. There it is, there it is, there it is. I know, I can't seem to get over the left, honey. I'll try next time.

Sorry. We'll get out of this jam in a minute. Kids, Big Ben, Parliament again. Kids, we know, Big Ben, Parliament.

Look kids, forget it. It's amazing, I cannot get left. There's Big Ben, Parliament. So, if you can't tell what's happening there, I mean, they take the European vacation to London and he is caught in a traffic, I mean a roundabout. Which, when I got off the plane here and I got on the roundabout, I kind of wanted to, I didn't stay on the roundabout, but I found that's a more effective way of actually getting off to where you want if you miss a turn. But, in the movie, he's there like all day trying to get off the roundabout.

It actually turns in the night and stuff. But, what does that have to do with the show? And I was struggling with this lack of topic, I guess is what I should say. Really, it was like, what's Rodney meaning here?

What's God saying here? And so I thought through it more. I began to think, you know, the roundabout can be kind of our lives. We can get stuck in our place in life to where we're not really engaging in any topic or any really direction.

From God, I was there for a long time in my life. At times, you were just kind of going through the motions of life and trying to get some life, but not really experiencing it. And then, you know, I guess the thing is to get out of that, you know, God pulls you into a larger story and you start really becoming more intentional in your life. And really the pursuit, the topic, the real topic is to really finding God and finding that deeper relationship with Him. And I think we all need a topic, but I think we break down and do our topics each week because, you know, life is broken up into portions of our life.

I mean, there's nine fruit of the Spirit. There's different things that are broken down into smaller. But ultimately, essentially, what we're trying to do is find life in God, and that is a topic. And then to relate back to last week, these topics come along in our life to where they become predominant.

And I think they're broken down into seasons. What's God doing in your life at a particular time? That's kind of what it meant to me of, no, we don't necessarily have to have a topic to talk about each week, but it gives us an opportunity to say, in this aspect of my life, God is doing this, but that we're not limited to those things of just an individual topic. So that's what I got out of it. Hopefully that's the intent of what you're thought of on the topic, Rodney. Well, that's one of the reasons why I decided to go with you, because when we did our clips beforehand, and of course it's the laugh track, but it's also very much the quintessential answer that, you know, Jesus, that's the topic. That's where we always need to be going.

That's the overarching topic. So whatever other topic we have must be always tethered around Jesus, what Jesus did on the cross, what Jesus is doing for me now, and what he's going to do for me in the future. So that's where we always kind of need to land when we're talking about our topics. And with these men sitting around me, that's usually where we end up landing, is back on Jesus. Just let the conversation go for a little while and you're right back on topic.

And that's what we, like you said, Andy, we get on the roundabout, we get in the lane and we don't get out of it sometimes. And we get stuck in our topic. And I know that's where we were with our pillar series. You know, some of us like that. Some of us enjoy the pillar series. Some of us don't enjoy them as much.

We like different topics. Jump around. Did you mean to use the word tether there and put this image of playing tetherball and whacking it, or is that just me being strange? There's a setup for you. Sam doesn't need one, but you might. Well, I always need one because, you know, I'm not as quick as Sam with the one-liners. But yeah, but that's, again, if we're tethered to something that we're at a length, right? You only have so far you can go.
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