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This Messianic Jewish Leader Has Viewed Footage of the October 7 Massacre

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
November 30, 2023 4:50 pm

This Messianic Jewish Leader Has Viewed Footage of the October 7 Massacre

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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November 30, 2023 4:50 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 11/30/23.


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network.

My friend Ron Cantor, living in Israel, actually got to see some of the footage from the October 7 massacre. We'll talk about it today. It's time for The Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown. Your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on The Line of Fire. And now, here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome, welcome, friends, to our 30 Jewish Thursday broadcast here on The Line of Fire. I'm about to bring on the phone with us my almost lifelong friend.

Since I was 28, he was 18, so the better part of our lives, we've been friends, colleagues, Ron Cantor, American, now an Israeli citizen with an Israeli wife, living there many years. And we've got so much to talk about. But I do want to open the phones, 866-34-TRUTH. If you differ with Ron and me and our views about Israel today, if you don't believe that Israel today is fulfillment of prophecy, if you believe that the term replacement theology is an unfair term to describe your beliefs, if you believe we're on the wrong side of justice now when it comes to our views of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, by all means, give us a call. We'd both be happy to talk to you.

866-34-TRUTH. Without further ado, Ron, welcome back to The Line of Fire. Hey, Mike, it's great to be here.

So Ron, I want to just dive right in with you. There is the traumatizing of the whole nation in that so many people were slaughtered, so many were wounded, so many were raped, abused, so many taken hostage, that it affects the whole nation. It's not like just a little pocket here, a little pocket there.

It's a small country to start. You're joined together by suffering. And now a case like this is just so massively widespread. The funerals, the fact that so many friends are now serving in the military, called up on reserve.

So everyone's heavily affected already. But Ron, how was it that you got to see actual footage that's been shown to select people, journalists, political leaders, et cetera? How did you get to see the footage and how did that affect you beyond everything we've known so far? Yeah, well, I just want to comment first on what you said at the beginning, how the massacre has affected us as a nation. Just imagine, you know, 9-11 times 15, that's what President Biden said when he was in Israel. But it's really more than that, because 9-11, they flew planes into towers.

They didn't actually see people face to face. The terrorists were dead before they actually even killed anybody. Whereas on October 7th or 10-7, they looked Jews in the eyes and they murdered them. They raped them and they killed them while they were raping them. It was the most brutal, sadistic event, I don't know, since Nazism. So regarding the footage, you can imagine how that affects the people. You wake up every day and you wonder, did this really happen? And it is an entire nation. So yeah, we're in shock, we're mourning.

And yet at the same time, like 9-11, there's a sense of unity and we're together in this. But I was able to see this footage because being, I'm kind of in this weird position as a Messianic Jew. I'm also the, so as a Messianic Jew, I would not have been invited. But because I'm the regional director for God TV, I kind of muscled my way in there.

And I heard about the event for faith-based journalists. I applied to go see it. They turned me down. I appealed to them and said, no, I won't go into it, but they let me in. They gave me an invitation.

And once I got the invitation, honestly, I was under quite a bit of stress. Do I really want to see this? I watched a horror movie. You can't unsee it.

Right. And the last horror movie I saw when I was 15 years old and I couldn't sleep for a month, and now as a believer, do I really want to expose my soul to such horrible images? But on the other hand, as a communicator, as a journalist, as a voice, I felt like I have to. And what I saw was beyond belief.

I'll just give you a few descriptions. I'm not sure how much time we have on this segment, but you just stop me if you need to. But one of the first images we saw was at 6.30 in the morning. You can see it on the clock on the video.

Let me just jump in. So folks, this imagery is 43 minutes of footage put together by the IDF. So some of it is from the body cams of the Hamas murderers. They wanted to film this. They wanted to memorialize it.

They wanted to use it to terrorize even more. Some of it was from cell phones of victims that were then recovered afterwards, from other cameras that were active. So it's a compilation.

But a lot of it is actually the body cams of the Hamas terrorists themselves. So that's how this was put together. And that's why you actually see what happened in front of people's eyes there. Okay. So back to you, Ron.

Yeah. Well, you know, I'm not even sure they planned for it to be so gruesome, because I don't know why anybody would want to take that and give the evidence over, because now they're denying it. You know, there were no babies killed. There were, you know, we didn't do this. We didn't rape anybody. But there's there's eyewitnesses.

There's evidence. What I think happened, Mike, is that they came over. First of all, they were on drugs.

They took some sort of cheap man's cocaine. And, you know, it's demonic when you kill somebody. You know, there is a demonic delight.

It's an addiction. And it's almost, it reminds me of when Titus conquered Jerusalem. He didn't expect them to destroy the temple. I mean, it's a beautiful structure.

Why would you tear it down? But the historians say that once the soldiers got in, they just went nuts as they begin to murder people and kill and then they destroy the temple. As these guys came over, you know, and once they started killing, they could not get enough of it.

And that was probably the biggest thing on the videos that we saw was the pure joy. There is a recording I played on Arabic, but it's of a son calling his parents with the cell phone of a woman that he just killed. And he said, I just killed her and her husband. And he's rejoicing. I'm saying it monotone, but he is so excited. I killed 10 Jews with my bare hands. And his parents are saying, God bless you.

We wish we were there with you. It's unheard of. But one of the first images I saw was a father and his two sons. I don't know where the mother was at the time, but it's six 30 in the morning. They run outside and they go into what's called the Megumi, which is a outside stay for, for, for people who live in farming communities or whatever. So they run out and they go through the backyard into the Megumi. And next thing you know, you see three terrorists jump over the fence and they throw a grenade in to the Megumi. It explodes.

The father comes stumbling out. He's still alive. He's on his feet and they just shoot him. And he's dead. They take the two kids.

And again, I'm not making as I saw this with my own eyes. They take the two kids and they have to step over their dead father. They take them into the kitchen in the two kids, two young boys, probably eight and 10. They're in shock. You know, Abba's dead.

Abba's dead. One says to the other, the other one says, I'm blind. I can't see in my eye. And he says, tell me the truth.

Can you really? I mean, they're just in shock. Meanwhile, the terrorist goes to the refrigerator. I mean, for him, it's just like normal. He opens up the refrigerator and then he says something to the boys in Arabic, almost like, is there anything good to eat?

And then he reaches in the refrigerator, starts to drink a Coca-Cola. I mean, it's just beyond which he's just murdered somebody. I don't know what happened to the two boys, but the video scans to later in the day when the mother does come home and she's with security forces and she finds her husband dead and she's just, she just collapses in agony. And you know, just re just reliving it.

But I thought it was just unreal. You know, I saw a young boy, a boy, maybe, I don't know, 20 years old, pull up to the gate of his kibbutz. And we have gated communities, but it's not because they're expensive. It's for protection. And so you wait for the little orange gate.

You see them all over Israel. You wait for the orange yellow gate to open. And as he's waiting, two terrorists jump out and they just unload on him. And at first they miss and you see him like, put his hands up to try and like, you can block a bullet.

It's just instinct. And then he's just riddled with bullets until he thumps over dead. You know, I saw a dog and you know, there's just something about a pet, you know, that they're just so innocent and they just want to protect you. And this dog, rather large dog comes around the corner of a house and he doesn't realize that the terrorists are terrorists and he almost seems friendly until they shoot him. And then he gets angry and he starts coming after them and they shoot him again and again until he just thumps over dead. You know, we saw people hiding and then the terrorists find them and they shoot them. One of the most gruesome things I saw, if anybody's still listening, was they took a dead body and they tried to, they took a garden hoe and tried to chop off the corpses head. I don't know who the corpse was, but they tried to chop his head off to bring it back as a trophy.

One of them calls up, I guess the commander in Gaza and says, we've got this corpse. What do we do? Should we want to cut the head off?

He said, no, no, no. Bring it back. Bring it back to Gaza.

And now I'm quoting, that was a paraphrase, but now I'm quoting, bring it back so that people can play with it. Now, if you're listening and you're wondering, you know, hey, Hamas, they're freedom fighters. They've been oppressed. That is not fighting for your freedom. That is, that is sick demonic activity, barbaric savagery.

Yeah. And you know, Ron, and thanks for sharing this and, and I'm forcing you to relive it, but thanks for doing it. It's a responsibility we have as witnesses. So when I've been seeing the faces of the people being released, the hostages being released and all these little children, I mean, how mind boggling that you're taken hostage. And then you realize that some are being released, but they have no mother and father because the mother and father was slaughtered, slaughtered in cold blood.

And then you wonder the young women that are there starting to get released, what horror stories they're going to have to tell, how they were mistreated and abused and on and on it goes, the forensic evidence, just the sickening, overwhelming nature of it. And that's what we have to keep shouting out. When we come back, we're going to talk very candidly about things in Israel today.

In other words, why certain things happen. I want Ron to talk freely about his views of Prime Minister Netanyahu. And we'll talk honestly about what our attitude should be towards the Palestinians.

Are there viable solutions moving forward and how all this plays in even with the gospel, with the good news of the Messiah bringing comfort in the midst of the suffering and pain. A lot more to come with my friend Ron Cantor. Don't go anywhere. And we may get to some details, especially those of you who differ with Ron and me and our positions politically and theologically. That's who I'd like to talk to. That's who Ron would like to talk to.

We'll be right back. This is Michael Ellison, founder of Tributa Wellness. I want you to hear an amazing testimony from my friend James Robison, and most all of you will know of him. He and his wife Betty host the Life Today television program. Now here is James. Let me tell you about a miracle I experienced. My friend Michael Ellison, he and his wife are our 40 year plus best friends.

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Call 800-771-5584 or go online to It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Welcome back to thoroughly Jewish Thursday. Michael Brown, delighted to be with you. Thanks to our co-sponsor TriVita. If you want to check out their amazing wellness products, which we highly recommend, which in turn they donated 100% of your first order back to the line of fire and a substantial portion of all subsequent orders, check them out at 800-771-5584. You don't have to say Dr. Brown sent you because they'll know when you call in on that number. If you call after hours, they'll get back to you or you can go to

If you go there, use the code BROWN25. That gets you the maximum discount and gets your funds donated back to the line of fire. All right, again, if you differ theologically, politically with my messianic Jewish colleague and friend Ron Cantor, then we'd love to dialogue. One of the frustrations we have is that many times we'll talk passages like ships in the night and there's no real dialogue with those with whom we differ, so we welcome that.

866-34-TRUTH. So Ron, I want you to explain to our listeners and viewers, especially in America, that while there is overwhelming evangelical Christian support for Prime Minister Netanyahu, and while we all agree there are many good things he has done as a leader, that there is hardly that kind of support for Prime Minister Netanyahu within Israel, and even among messianic Jews, there's not universal support. And then from there you could even air some of your own concerns. Yeah, well, you know, a month before this happened, things were so bad in Israel, and it hurts me to say this, but I shared it publicly in early September in several different messages I shared when I was traveling in the U.S., because the Lord shared it with me, and I don't say that lightly, I don't run around saying, God told me this, God told me that, but I was, early September, I just felt very strongly that I heard the Lord say, Israel is under judgment. And it was for two reasons primarily.

The division in the country was the worst it has ever been since I've lived there, and I'll share in a minute why we were divided, and then tolerating racism. So regarding Prime Minister Netanyahu, and, you know, just think of any politician who's been in power for, you know, four years in the 90s, and then since I think 2009, you know, almost 14 more years, it's hard to be empowered that long and not eventually become corrupt. Right now, according to all reports, his biggest concern is staying in office after the war, as opposed to executing the war, meeting with different ministers, explaining why he's the only one that can lead us going forward. Of course, the big question is that, you know, you led us during the most horrible moment of the history of the country. There's never been a day like October 7th, and anybody who's prime minister should say, should maybe not immediately, but eventually hand in their resignation. Right now, his approval ratings are lower than any other sitting prime minister in the history of the country since they've done that specific poll. But the issue that divided Israelis, and it's just so complicated, I'll try and make it really short, is he's under indictment, three charges of corruption that could land him in jail.

He knows that. So he had to build, in the last elections, nobody wins elections in Israel. You just maybe win the most, the largest chunk. So the Likud had that with, I think, a little bit over 30 seats out of 120. So 25 percent or so. You can't govern with 25 percent.

So what do you do? You build a coalition. It's not like in the US where you vote for a president and that guy wins. In Israel, whoever gets the largest chunk goes around, does a little horse trading, and puts together a government. Now, in our last election, there are two smaller religious parties that the prime minister helped connect to each other so that they would have seats in the Knesset.

If you don't get four seats, you don't get any seats. So there's no party with one seat, two seats. So he combined two far-right, what we would call racist parties.

I hate to say it. They're just like in every country in America, you have far-right extremists, white supremacists. In Israel, we have some bad apples as well. But he propped them up, not because he agrees with them, not because he likes them, but because he knew he would need them to form a coalition. And he was right. Without their seats in his government, he would not have had the 61 seats.

He ended up with 64 seats. And then once they formed this coalition, and God does not tolerate racism in any country. He hates it.

He hates injustice. And you know, one of the issues I have with some of my Palestinian pastor friends, and I tell them this, I said, you are so anti-Israel, but you'll never criticize Hamas. You'll never criticize the Palestinian Authority, which is corrupt. Hamas.

I said, I, as an Israeli citizen, when my country is wrong, when my government's wrong, I'm going to use my freedom of speech, something they don't have, to be critical, to speak truth. That's the beauty of democracy. But in this government, the first thing they tried to do was dismantle the Supreme Court. Now, I'm simplifying the issue.

I understand that for time's sake. But basically, like in America, the Supreme Court can overturn a law that is unconstitutional. We don't have a constitution. We have what's called the basic law, which is based on international human rights laws. So if the Knesset passed a law that said, you know, you can shoot a messianic Jew, the Supreme Court hopefully would say that it goes against basic human rights.

So we're going to throw that out. That's why you have a Supreme Court. Well, they wanted to take that authority to so that the Knesset, by a simple majority of 51 percent, could override the Supreme Court. Now, that's ridiculous, because that would defeat the whole purpose of having a Supreme Court. And there were concerns as well as the makeup the Supreme Court. There were there is a broad agreement that there needs to be some reform on the makeup, how Supreme Court justices are chosen.

But this issue would have basically given any coalition dictatorial powers, whether they wanted it or not. They would be able to if you once you don't have a Supreme Court, you say, well, you got Congress and no, this is not America. This is Israel. We only have really two branches of government. Since the prime minister, the executive lead the Knesset, the legislative, they're one entity. So once you take away the Supreme Court, then the Knesset, the parliament can do whatever it wants to do. And rightly, 66 percent of Israelis were outraged and against this.

And there were massive marches all over the country. And the accusation would be I don't know this, but I can't judge a man's heart. Was that one of the because Netanyahu has admitted it was bad policy. It was a mistake. He said when it was first given to him, he knew it was a mistake. But he went along with it. One, because he couldn't afford, number one, to lose his coalition partners that would bring down the government.

And number two, those same coalition partners could keep him out of jail by passing an unconstitutional law that a sitting prime minister can't go to jail. And then just overturning the Supreme Court. So with that backdrop, we were a nation completely divided. People were we're talking about civil war.

There were, you know, thousands of reservists that were not reporting for duty as protest. And again, at the end of the day, Prime Minister Netanyahu said when Elon Musk interviewed him about three months ago that the legislation was a mistake and then and then took credit for passing it. So inside the country, no, he's not very popular.

And he probably and shouldn't survive this. I don't care who's prime minister. We were. You can look at George Bush during 9-11. Nobody saw 9-11 coming. We live in the Middle East.

We live in the wild, wild east, if you will. We know Hamas is on our border. One at one day, someone's going to have to give an account or someone's are going to have to give an account as to why our southern border was unguarded. And by the way, there's some great interviews out there of this, of these all female tank crews that took out 50 terrorists that defended it. So there was heroic action. And there were many people were there and there were warnings that came to the IDF and reached Netanyahu. And, you know, why those weren't heated.

Many, many, many, many answers that need to come still. But here's the point I want to make. You just heard my friend Ron speak very strongly against the current government and prime minister as unless you have a key. We're not sitting here blindly defending everything. When we come down on sides clearly, it's not just out of blind allegiance. We have plenty of differences, but we're still going to stand in a certain way and we'll clarify that when we come back.

Hey, friends, Dr. Michael Brown here. Do you remember when people thought I was crazy when I said it's not too late for America, that God can still do something in our country, that there is going to be a pushback, a gospel based moral and cultural revolution. And you remember when people thought that you were crazy because you felt the same way because you believe what I was saying and already felt it in your heart? Well, friends, that pushback is here. The gospel based moral and cultural revolution we've been talking about for twenty five years is unfolding and we are right in the thick of it.

And the line of fire broadcast is divinely positioned for such a time as this. Friends, you would be so gratified and blessed as I hear, if you could hear what I hear, testimony after testimony as leaders, young people, old people, moms, dads, students, people from all backgrounds come up to me and say, Dr. Brown, you're providing a template for us. You're providing a blueprint for us. You're showing us how to do this, how to have hearts of compassion, backbones of steel. But friends, it's a joint effort.

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Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Welcome back to Early Jewish Thursday with Michael Brown here on the line of fire. Friends, the reality is these days, every single one of us, every single one of us who knows the Lord and stands for the Lord, you are, we are in the line of fire. We're here to help infuse you with faith and truth and courage so you can stand strong on the front lines. If you're not getting our emails, we are going to be sending out a brand new front line newsletter.

Front line to equip you on the front lines. It's going to be inspirational, informational, and something you'll look forward to every month when it comes. It'll be coming your way free. If you're getting our emails, you get it automatically. If not, sign up today. Back to my friend and guest, Ron Cantor.

And Ron, we'll give contact info for those that want to follow you and be in touch with you. So you and I are quite dogmatic in our stance against what would be called replacement theology. People who hold to it don't like to use that term. We feel it's accurate.

And we'll explain that in a moment. We're quite adamant about Israel's right to defend itself. We're quite adamant that Israel has had no other choice, moral choice, but to go on to Gaza and do its best to eradicate Hamas. We're quite dogmatic in terms of Israel doing its best to minimize civilian casualties, whereas Hamas does its best in many ways to maximize civilian casualties, even among its own people. So we have these very strong views, but it's not blind support for everything Israel does. It's not blind sanctioning or just cheering on the prime minister or the government, or we can't speak out against it. And that's why I wanted to let you just share your heart as you've been very vocal and very clear and very strong on these points.

And it is very different. You know, when I was at Christ at the checkpoint in 2018 and spoke, I wanted to ask all the Palestinian Christians there, will you stand together with me and denounce Hamas? And I realized I can't do that because I'm going to put it in a situation where if they stand, they may pay for it severely. So you're telling two different governments, two different worlds, two different settings. But Ron, why is it despite your criticism of the prime minister, despite your uneasiness with the direction of aspects of the current government and people, you know, some of the ones that we'd say are very bad apples in the midst of it. Why are you so dogmatically standing with Israel and saying Israel is doing the right thing and trying to conduct war the right way? Why are you still so dogmatic about it?

That's a great question. And it's because Israel is bigger than one person. Israel is bigger than one government. The concept of Israel, first of all, there's the biblical restoration of Israel. You know, anybody who says that Israel is not a fulfillment of prophecy, it must be a huge believer in miracles, because there is no such thing as a people being separated from their physical geographical homeland for more than two or three generations. And even being an identifiable people group much less coming back. The fact that Jewish people stayed and identifiable people group for 2000 years, and then came back in their weakest position after the Holocaust and rebirth the nation could only have been the hand of God.

So that's number one, is it is the greatest modern fulfillment of prophecy that we have. Number two is Israel is a democracy, despite the fact, you know, that I may disagree with Netanyahu, the very fact that I can disagree with him publicly and vocally shows how different it is than just about any other of our neighbors. Probably doing that in Saudi Arabia or Syria or Iran, you know, you would be arrested if not killed. So the values of Israel. And again, if you just look at the video of the terrorists versus the people that they attacked, you know, many of them, by the way, would be the very peak, the ones in the south of the typically kibbutz nekim, left wing peace activists, people that would be much more for a Palestinian state than others. Those are the ones that they killed.

Yeah. And I got to be honest, I'm not against Palestinians. I'm not against Arabs. I'm not even 100% opposed to a Palestinian state. If there could be a leadership within the Palestinian entity that actually cared for them, that wanted to govern, that wanted to build economy. I mentioned when we left Gaza, we wanted to help them build their farming, their agriculture. And instead they burned down the greenhouses and burned down the farms that we gave them.

So in until we can find a partner, that's going to be impossible. But I want to ask one last thing to your listeners. Imagine here in America, just let's just imagine that Canada invaded America and then they took 3,360 hostages.

That would be the equivalent, you know, 15 times 242. So they took over 3,000 hostages. Let me just ask our viewers, our listeners, what would be too much for America to do to get them out? Let's just suppose the Canadian government, not Canadian governments quite let's wait, but let's suppose they were just terrorists. They were crazy and they kidnapped over 3,000, your children. One of them was your child. One of them was your mother.

What would be too much to get them back? That's what we're facing in Israel. So when people look at the TV and they see the bombing, nobody, I don't know any Israeli who wants Palestinian children to die. I certainly don't, but I want those hostages back and I'm not a military commander and I'm not privy to all the plans about why they did what they did.

But here's what I do know. Without the bombing that took place after October 7th, not one hostage would have been returned. Not one. The only reason Hamas has been really, and they're dealing like, like, like we've never seen it. You know, the going rate used to be, you know, one live Israeli soldier for a thousand plus terrorists. Now it's three to one. So why, again, they think of humanity in terms of currency.

We don't. But why is their price come down? Because they were near destruction. They had lost control of Gaza. They had lost control of the people. They had fled south and they were basically, you know, probably another week or two and we would have killed them. The problem is, is they would have killed the hostages. So we ended up doing, by negotiating, we did something that's probably going to get more of our soldiers killed.

That's going to hurt us. But we do that because we're humane. That's the difference between Hamas and Israel. We actually care about our people. The leader of Hamas in Qatar, he says that the Palestinian blood, the blood of the Palestinian people belongs to Hamas and they'll use it for the revolution.

That's how they look at their own people as currency that they can use for a revolution where we look at our, our sisters, our daughters, our, our, our grandmothers, grandfathers, and their people that are dearly beloved and will even risk more soldiers dying to bring them back. That's why I support Israel. It's the values, you know, even, even though I may disagree with Netanyahu, I love him. You know, he's a fellow Israeli. He's part of my country.

He is, there's a much I respect about him. Uh, but I disagree with him, but I definitely don't disagree with the concept of the state of Israel. It's the only free nation in the Middle East. It's the only nation in the Middle East where you can speak your mind, where you have freedom of, and again, I'm a minority as a messianic Jew and I feel protected. My wife and I have since October 7th, we have been all throughout the South ministering to soldiers, providing, uh, you know, finances for, for survivors. And I don't ever worry about myself as a messianic Jew.

I'm going to hurt. We have freedom. Do people agree with me all the time? Of course not. But the concept of the state of Israel, the democracy within Israel, it's different than anything in the Middle East and certainly different than the Palestinian authority or Hamas in Gaza. And you think of groups like queers for Palestine and the, I mean, everybody looks at that and it's what, that's like Jews for Hitler. I mean, honestly, you queers for Palestine.

I just, I don't, I don't wish this upon them, but if those same people actually went into Gaza, uh, they wouldn't last a week before they'd be killed. Yeah. Yeah. You're going to have a gay pride protest marching down the streets, or you're just going to be a radical feminist and you're going to be who you are and lady, you do you and you dress how you want to dress. That's the last thing you do as a free person or as a living person.

Right. And, and ironically, ironically, we're not proud of it, but Israel, there's plenty of radical feminist all. I mean, there, there's a strong positive feminist spirit within Israel and you know, leaders like Golda Meir over the years. And then there's the radical feminist ideology we wouldn't agree with, but it's quite welcome in Israel along with gay prides and all the rest, gay pride parades, et cetera. So what it is, the common element is hatred of the Jews. The common element is siding with the demonic spirit. And that's what we're trying to get people to understand.

So, so Ron, I want to go back to this point. You live in Israel, you're a communicator, so you're dealing with lots of different people. You're you're a leader, so you're hearing from lots of different people. You're saying that the, the Israeli populace, they're not celebrating, they're not handing out candy. They're not dancing in the streets with reports of, of Palestinian children, babies, women being killed. This does not excite and animate the Israelis like, yes, the only good Arab is a dead Arab.

Yes. You're not hearing those sentiments. Let me be very clear. No, obviously I am sure I could find certain Israelis who are like that. Just like in every culture, you have people who are just undesirables who, who have views that we don't like. But I have been traveling all over Israel since October 7th. I have not met one person that has had any sense of joy or glee about the bombing of Gaza. They may see that necessary. There's no joy there. That's not going to bring their mother back or their sister back. What has brought joy is the hostages coming home that has brought a sense of relief. We're not out to kill. We're out to get our, our living people back. So no, there, there is no widespread sentiment that we need to kill the Arabs.

Yeah. And again, you're going to find extremists in all societies and all sides. But sadly the Palestinians, because of radical Islamic ideology, because of the leadership they've been under, because of decades of indoctrination from state TV and in schools and from government pressure, and then from being bombed and when there's retaliation has come us, the large numbers of the Palestinians have been radicalized. And in a recent poll, 75% actually supported the actions of Hamas on October 7th.

They, of course, they don't believe that they did commit all the atrocities that they did. But what's interesting, Ron, was that the percentage was higher in the so-called West Bank than it was within Gaza. Obviously people within Gaza are going to be even less able to speak freely. But the reality is that they suffer under Hamas. They realize that something is wrong.

And if the money that the international community had poured into Hamas, into Gaza over the years, the same as Palestinian authority, if it had actually reached the people, they'd be living wonderfully and the whole world that they live in would be totally different. All right. We've got one more segment with Ron Kanch.

I want to talk about the advance of the good news of Yeshua in the midst of this and why we're so dogmatic theologically when it comes to Israel. We'll be right back. This is Michael Ellison, founder of Tributa Wellness. I want you to hear an amazing testimony from my friend James Robison, and most all of you will know of him. He and his wife Betty host the Life Today television program. Now here is James. Let me tell you about a miracle I experienced. My friend Michael Ellison, he and his wife are our 40 year plus best friends.

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Call 800-771-5584 or go online to It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

All right. We've got one more segment on Thursday with my dear friend of decades, Ron Cantor. Ron, if folks want to connect with you and your ministry work, where do they go?

It's real simple. It's my name, Our ministry is Messiah's Mandate, but the easiest way to find Messiah's Mandate is just go to You can sign up there for our newsletter.

We'll send you a free book, and we've been sending out email updates since October 7th, almost on a daily basis. All right. That's Cantor, spelled C-A-N-T-O-R, Okay. Ron, how are things going in the midst of this as far as open doors to declare the good news of Yeshua and give hope in this world and eternally in the midst of the pain and the upheaval? Well, you know, let's just talk a little bit about history.

Of course, you wrote a powerful book, Our Hands are the Same with Blood. There's just a horrible history between the church and the Jewish people. Credible persecution, bad theology led to bad actions. Jewish people were told that they could not be Jewish and believe in Jesus, that there's no such thing. Jewish people were persecuted, some even killed for the sin of faking becoming a Christian and then going back to Judaism. The church would arrest them. We could go in through the Crusades and the Inquisition and all that, all that leading into the Holocaust, which was built on the theology of Martin Luther and others, not that Hitler was a Christian.

So that's always what we're fighting against, you know, this history. That's the first thing a Jewish person is going to say is, how can you believe what those people believe? And they have a hard time understanding that those people weren't true believers.

It was in name only. Nevertheless, as we go out, you know, we are doing everything we can right now to be a blessing to Israel, following Matthew 5 16, which says, Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven. So there's the preaching of the good news with action, which is what we are doing. And I'm also hearing incredible reports of people being open to the message of the gospel. I got a newsletter yesterday from one for Israel, an excellent media outreach ministry in Israel, dear friends of ours. And they wrote that the son of a family that's close to them wrote to them and said, quote, Our son continues to have opportunities to share his faith with fellow soldiers. He's in the IDF. He reports that the atmosphere amongst them is unlike anything he has ever experienced. They're actively seeking and sharing questions about his faith in Yeshua. After his last home leave, he took back a stack of New Testaments to give away. So certainly in times like these, people have a lot of questions. Where's God?

Why do you let this happen? Our ministry, Shalano TV, which is the only 24 seven Hebrew speaking gospel station in Israel, really, in the world, Israel is the only Hebrew speaking nation. We're right now putting together a video called Shalom Amiti, which means true peace, and different Israelis from all walks of life, addressing what happened on October 7, but then saying, you know, whatever trauma you're going through whatever different whatever you're going through, the true peace can be found in the Messiah. So I do think there's a window right now and we have something that really no other nation has a promise of end time revival. The Bible says, Romans 11 26, all Israel will be saved.

Zechariah prophesied that they will look upon the Jewish people of Jerusalem will look upon the one whom they have pierced and mourn for him like one mourns for an only son. So we are getting ready for that revival. And I do believe we're going to see more and more come to faith.

Yeah, absolutely. And some say, how dare you do this at a time like this? Well, first, first this is the message of God's love and God's hope. And at a time when people are hurting, do we withhold the best news from them? And second, it's hand in hand with all types of humanitarian work, which Messianic ministries are on the front lines of doing. But of course, what else would you expect us to do to honor the Lord and to care for for our own people?

So, Ron, you've you've been in university studies in recent years getting a master's and now going beyond that. And you've read about different theologies. People today, Christians today, reject and resent the term replacement theology when we use it. And they say it doesn't describe their beliefs accurately. No one's replacing Israel. Israel's always represented the people of God, mainly Jews, but Gentiles as well.

Let's just expand it. Or it's the same theology, but the promises just come through Jesus. It's fulfillment theology or expansion theology, but it's not replacement theology because they know what's happened through church history.

The horrible history of church persecution of Jews because of replacement theology, one major factor. What would you say to those who who do not believe Israel today is fulfillment of prophecy, who do not believe that national promises remain for the Jewish people, but who would say, hey, I don't hold to replacement theology? How would you respond to that? I would ask him, who is their God? What God do you believe in? Do you believe in a God who keeps his promises or a God who breaks his promises?

Do you believe in a God who tricks people into thinking he's going to be faithful to them only to turn against them? Or do you believe in a God who's faithful to all of his covenant promises? Because the God of the Hebrew Bible made incredible promises to Abraham. And he used the word the Olam, the Olam Va'ed, which means forever and ever. So if God comes to somebody and says, I'm going to be faithful to your physical children, this land is going to be their land. And it's a covenant that will last forever and ever. And then he says at the death of Yeshua, tricks you! You thought when I said forever and ever, I meant forever and ever, but I really meant just until Jesus died. And now I'm rejecting you in favor of this new entity called the ethnicity of the church.

So that's my question. What God do you believe in? Because if God could break all of those promises in the Hebrew Bible to the Jewish people that he affirms over, he affirms it to Isaac, to Jacob, Jeremiah affirms it, David affirms it, the promises of God to Israel, to the physical children of Abraham are affirmed over and over and over in the Hebrew and in the New Testament. So much through the words of Simeon, he's come as a light to the nations and the hope of Israel. When Paul goes to meet with the Jews in Rome when he's under house arrest, he talks about Jesus being the hope of Israel, the long awaited Messiah. So if you're suddenly going to say that this God has broken those promises, then I would have to say, you don't believe in the God of the Bible. And you know, maybe God would have a lot more mercy than me, I'm hoping that he does. But that's theologically, as a theologian, that's how I see it. The God of the Bible, either he's faithful to his promises, or he breaks his promises. And then, like I said earlier, you look at the nation of Israel, it's an actual nation.

How is that even possible? That a people could wander for 2000 years, and then their nation is restored their language, Hebrew was a dead language 150 years, years ago, their language is restored. And then everybody's tried to kill us. You know, there's been 50, we used to say 52, attempted genocide against the Jews people now it's 53 after October the seventh.

And yet we still survive. That could only be the hand of God, the faithfulness of God. So if someone was a replacement or fulfillment theologian, before 1948, they might be able to convince me look, the Jews, I mean, it's clear their curse, they've wandered, nobody likes them. And yet, after 1948, we become a nation again, we become one of those powerful nations of the world, we have some of the technology that is in the phone that I'm using to speak with you some of that comes out of Israel, Intel chips are made in Israel, you know, the farming and agricultural inventions that come out of Israel, this tiny little nation of less than roughly 9 million people is changing the world so much so that those who are our sworn enemies are making peace with us, because they want our technology and our security.

So it's very hard for me to understand how anybody but let me say this one last thing. I was gonna say how anybody could be a replacement theologian. I asked somebody the other day, I said, how many people do you know, who once believed replacement theology, and now they believe that Israel is still God's covenant? Well, they believe that Israel, hundreds, thousands, right? You know that Don Finto comes to mind, so many people. And then I asked, how many people do you know who were once Zionists, once believed that God's covenant with Israel was forever, and they became replacement?

Now, I'm sure there's somebody out there, I don't know anybody. Well, you know what's interesting, Ron, I have seen it happen, and I've heard people tell their story, but it normally is when they became, quote, theologically more sophisticated. In other words, and these are my words, not theirs, when they didn't just take the word at face value in that regard, or where they had some issue with Israel. And I just wanna read this passage, Jeremiah 33, beginning verse 23, the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah. Have you not noticed that these people are saying, the Lord has rejected the two kingdoms he chose, so they despise my people, and no longer regard them as a nation. This is what the Lord says, if I have not made my covenant with day and night, and established the laws of heaven and earth, then I will reject the descendants of Jacob, and David my servant, and will not choose one of his sons to rule over the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, for I will restore their fortunes and have compassion on them. Has God kept his promises to the line of David through Jesus, Yeshua?

Absolutely. Is God keeping his promises to the descendants of Jacob, and no one calls the church the new Jacob, we are the new Jacob, no no, promises to Jacob, Israel, the descendants, it is God's hand, it is God's mercy, it is God's promise. Hey, connect with my friend Ron Cantor at, and let us pray for God's hand in the Middle East, for his protection of the innocent, and for the salvation of Jews and Muslims in this urgent hour. Ron, thanks for joining us today, love you man, we're standing with you. Great to be with you guys.
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