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Transanity Update

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
August 30, 2023 4:40 pm

Transanity Update

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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August 30, 2023 4:40 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 08/30/23.


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network.

This is one of the most testimony. I never had a burden in particular to reach out to the gay community. I had folks I was close to that were ex-gays, but even there I didn't have a sense of a primary calling there. But I began to understand in 2004 that no one got to sit this one out.

2004, friends. I already saw in 2004 that gay activism was, even then, the principal threat to freedom of religion, speech, and conscience in America. And I began to see how pervasive these things were in the schools, in the courts, in places of business, in media, etc. I knew some, but my eyes were opened dramatically. At the same time, at the same time, I understood deeply, I understood deeply that unless I had God's heart for the people, I was missing something. In other words, it's one thing to be concerned about an issue, but God's also concerned about people.

It's people and issues. So early in 2005, while praying with, I don't know, 1,500, 2,000 people in front of the Supreme Court for the overturning of Roe v. Wade in frigid DC weather with life tape on our mouths, the red tape and the word life written on it, I heard the Spirit say to me, reach out and resist. This brought together what had been growing in my heart for months before that. Reach out and resist. Reach out to the people with compassion. Resist the agenda with courage.

Reach out and resist. And that's the policy that we followed all these many years. And I was just talking to some dear friends the other day, folks that had worked at our ministry 12, 13 years ago, and this brother said, Dr. Brown, all the things you were talking about back then that were gonna happen, we're seeing in front of our eyes.

Yes, it's true. We've said these things would happen. We said marriage nationwide would be redefined. We'd said that those who came out of the closet want to put us in the closet.

It would be a direct attack on our freedoms and our rights. We predicted many of the things that were coming. It was just self-evident to me. I think all of us as God's people should be prophetic in a sense, meaning we know God, we read the Word, we have his principles, we have his wisdom, and through that lens we look at the world, which gives us all, whether a Baptist, Pentecostal, it should give us all a sense of prophetic insight if you follow me here. 1 Chronicles 12, 32, the sons of Issachar, the children of Issachar, that these leaders understood the times and knew what Israel should do.

That should be us as God's people, whether we speak in tongues or not, whether we believe in the gift of prophecy or not, we should have that prophetic sense of understanding the times and the seasons based on the Word of God and the wisdom of God on our walks with God, and based on that understand how we should respond to the cultural crisis that we are in. Okay, so why did I start out with a shout out to parents and students? Why am I bringing this up again? I want to bring three specific cases to your attention, and then I want to tell you why in the midst of this I am still encouraged and full of hope and expectation and why you should be as well. Okay, number one, first story, a California school district settles with, this is a headline in the New York Post, settles with mom for $100,000 after school transitioned her daughter without her consent. Let me read that again, California school district settles with mom for $100,000 after school transitioned daughter without her consent. The school worked with the daughter at the age of 11, at the age of 11, to help her understand she was really a boy and to transition to being a boy. I mean this is government-sponsored child abuse because this was in a public school. This is a frontal assault on parental rights and on every level is wrong.

On every level, there's not one good positive thing about it no matter how well intended it may have been, on every level it is wrong and unjustifiable. So this woman took the school district to court, got a settlement for $100,000, I don't know what lasting damage was done or will be done in the life of the daughter and and in the heart of the mother because of what she had to live through, but this is absolutely horrific. And friends, this is happening in more schools than you know. You say, how do I know that?

Because you don't know it. In other words, there are plenty of schools that say it's our policy to not inform the parents. And that kid can sit with a teacher or a school counselor and they can say, yeah your problems are that you're really trapped in the wrong body, we're going to help you transition. And by law, here, let's get to another story from from California, all right? California sues school district over its transgender notification policy. This is Reuters reporting this.

California sues school district over its transgender notification policy. Okay, so please wrap your head around this with me. There's a reason we've been shouting for so many years.

There's a reason we've been bringing this to your attention for so many years. It's not because homosexual practice is the worst sin of all, there's all kinds of sin in the church. There's all kinds of heterosexual sin. There's all kinds of perversion in the heterosexual world.

There's sin everywhere. It's not the issue. It is an agenda. It is the agenda. And it is the agenda affecting our children with gay or bi or trans activism.

That's what we're shouting about. The agenda, especially as it affects kids. All right, so here's the deal. Here's the deal.

California has said, school policy, that if a kid is transitioning in school, the teachers, the school, do not have to notify the parents. I mean, this is madness. This is an absolute assault on parental rights and parental responsibilities. It is madness.

Again, it is unjustifiable on every front. So, what happens now? Well, one school district says, no, we are going to inform parents.

If one of the kids says they want to transition and they're hiding it for their parents, we are going to tell the parents. And the government of California, the Newsom administration, is suing the school. You don't have a right to do it. I mean, this is turning the world upside down.

This is calling good evil and evil good. Yes, I'm exercised about this. Yes, I'm grieved about this. Yes, I'm burdened about this. This is madness. Not only do we know the destruction that's coming to so many young lives.

And you talk about that one lawsuit settled for a hundred thousand dollars. Do you know what's going to happen as more and more young people, quote, detransition? More and more young people say, why did these doctors put me on hormone blockers to stop the onset of puberty and now I'm sterilized and I can't have children? I was just going through a stage of confusion. Why did these doctors remove my healthy breasts when I was 13 years old as a as a young teen girl thinking I was trapped in a wrong body?

I can't get that back. Why did they do that? It was lawsuits as of a year ago. There were a thousand lawsuits that were coming against Tavistock, which was the world's largest gender clinic. It was based in the UK.

It has since been shut down. There were a thousand that were going to be coming against them. Lawsuits for putting children on puberty blockers prematurely, for giving them hormone treatments prematurely that affect them for life. Like girls maybe they're gonna have facial hair for life or their voice deepened or there there are certain areas of their body won't develop properly. They won't be able to have children and it's barbaric. It's barbaric. And whatever money they were making is gonna pale in comparison to where these lawsuits will be going and we'll be seeing more and more and more of them in America. But here the state of California, please grasp the weight of this, the state of California has said that if your child is 12 years old decides that they're really a boy trapped in a girl's body and the school is going to help transition them and change their name and have the students refer to them a certain way etc.

You are not allowed to tell the parents and if you dare tell the parents we're gonna sue you. Friends this is cultural madness. This is cultural madness. Okay one more example. How about this?

This is from Maryland, Montgomery County where my wife Nancy and I and our daughters Jen and Megan lived for nine years from 87 to 96. So here's the story on let's see the free press the revolt of religious parents in Montgomery County a fight over school curriculum has made strange bedfellows of Muslims Christians and Latter-day Saints. What would bring all these groups together? They simply said to Montgomery County School District allow our kids to opt out of the sex ed classes. It violates our values as Muslims Christians Mormons etc. Allow our kids to opt out when you're gonna give your pro LGBT presentations and all of these other things that we don't agree with. Allow our kids to opt out and the school board said no and and and look at this this is last Thursday a Maryland District Court sent a clear message to parents at Montgomery County Public Schools you don't get a say in what your kids read at school. In other words the court sided with the school board saying parents cannot opt out their children. This is outrageous and there must be an uprising across America where we find out even more what our children are being taught and how they're being indoctrinated and when without screaming yelling or violence we confront the school boards and we tell them this must stop we take things to court and wherever possible we replace bad school boards with good school boards by running ourselves and getting involved.

Not to impose Christianity or Islam or Mormonism on the students but to push away an agenda of cultural madness. Are you hearing me? Are you tracking?

We'll be right back. This is Michael Ellison founder of TriVita Wellness. I'm always thrilled to offer a new product from TriVita that is science supported with equivalent doses per serving that follows the science and that is true of our KSM 66 Ashwagandha with this protective process from farm to manufacturing plant. The KSM 66 has 24 published gold standard clinical trials in reducing stress, enhancing sleep and increased vitality. In a recent Harris Poll 87% of Americans feel stressed. I know the effects of chronic stress.

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If you buy one at $19.99 you will get one free. Plus you'll receive your free new digital book A Healthy Church Starts with a Healthy You by Dr. Brown with your order. The message of Dr. Brown in this book it rings clear in spiritual clarity. Dr. Michael Brown shares his own story of his journey to wellness along with his wife Nancy and they reveal 10 most important steps to a lasting life transformation. Whole body wellness is not a pipe dream.

It is God's dream for you. To order call 1-800-771-5584 use promo code KSM 66 and receive one bottle at $19.99 and get one free along with your free digital copy of Healthy You or go to and use promo code KSM 66. Call 1-800-771-5584 800-771-5584. It's the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

Welcome back to the line of fire Michael Brown. You said Dr. Brown you promised you won't get our blood boiling without our faith rising while our blood is boiling. Okay your faith will rise as well. Your faith will rise as well. I've not opened the phone lines giving out our phone number because I'm not gonna be taking calls and I want to go straight to our guest at the bottom of the hour. I will say something about the importance of our voice today and how we can partner together to to see to see an increase of how we can minister to folks all over the nation. I'll tell you about that in a minute but let me first tell you why as painful as this is to see and as much as lives are being destroyed and kids are being hurt and parents are being pushed away as grievous as this is it doesn't surprise me because as I began to study these things almost 20 years ago I began to see how much was in the school curriculum even a few years before that I got a glimpse when I really dug in I was quite shocked to see how pervasive these things were and and many parents whose kids are in public schools either that's your choice or it's the only alternative there's no Christian school in your area or you can't afford it or you're unable a homeschool so either by choice or by necessity your kids are in public schools and many of you are involved you try to find what you can but life is busy and your kids don't always communicate about everything right well now with COVID happened a couple years ago and you you you're watching your kids studying online it's like what are you what class what did they tell what is this so a lot of parents began to find out and then the outrage biological males sharing bathrooms with biological females men in Loudoun County Virginia a boy raped a girl a boy raped a girl in the in in a in the girls room claiming to be a girl got into the girls bathroom and sexually assaulted sexually assaulted a girl there and when the father went confronted the school board and they denied that it had happened and there were actually records that sent to to the head of the school board about that very thing there were your emails sent about that very thing and he said it never happened and and the father got outraged I mean screaming I had to carry him out it's understandable it's understandable and then we hear as a result of you know some of the outbursts of parents at school board means that Attorney General Merrick Garland has been authorized to look into domestic terrorism come on this is madness friends this is madness this is what we're dealing with but but none of it is a surprise and if you read things I've written about this for years and years and years you know that we've been shouting at the top of our voices to wake people up to what's happening at the same time we've said that this is all going to backfire that people are gonna say enough is enough that Americans who want to be tolerant people who don't want to repeat the bigotry and hatred of the past and and and the the horrible sins we committed against african-americans and against Native Americans we don't want to repeat those things we're gonna be open-minded tolerant hey if this guy loves another guy and they're nice people they're not hurting anybody why shouldn't they be able to be married love is love you should be able to marry the one they love you love it so there's a sentiment of not wanting to be bigoted not wanting to be intolerant not wanted to be a homophobe or biphobe or transphobe I understand that but these same people who were open-minded tolerant didn't sign up for a school secretly transitioning their 11 year old kid no I didn't sign up for that they didn't sign up for their for their daughter holding in going to the bathroom the entire day not even drinking water the entire day at school because she's afraid there's gonna be a boy in her bathroom they didn't sign up for their their daughter getting injured in a game playing against a biological male who's much stronger they didn't sign up for that and they didn't sign up for some of the madness you say what do I mean by mad sorry my two most recent articles one was on stream stream dot org yesterday the newbie on s dr. Brown dot org probably tomorrow the first one surgical barbarism surgical barbarism according to the David plastic surgery site not all of the patients of dr. Peter K Davis quote desire a complete transition for these quote gender non-conforming patients dr. Davis also performs gender nullification also known as male to eunuch or smoothie procedures the procedure includes a complete panectomy or let's see a react to me a reduction of the scrotal sac and shortening of the urethra the goal is to leave the area as a smooth unbroken transition from the abdomen to the groin is that satire is that some finished experiment finished experiment from dr. Mengele in the Holocaust this is a sought-after surgery wait do you understand the picture of what's happening here gender nullification this this is legal this is legal along with performing surgeries on elective surgeries on children to help quote transition them this is legal why is this any different than someone suffering from BID or bi ID body identity disorder who's tormented because they have a left arm or right hand and their mind map their brain that tells them they shouldn't have this like this monstrous thing and if they can just cut it off they'll be at peace and some have actually found ways to do it I mean with saws or with freezing and ice and and all kinds of horrible things one woman even got herself blinded because she didn't feel right with seeing and they all say it's the best thing that ever happened they feel so much better surely the solution is to help them from the inside out how about this articles up on be on our website tomorrow when radical leftists support children identifying as minotaurs you know that sanity will prevail say hey dr. Brown I still won't get how this is gonna get my faith rise stay with me one more moment here so self-professed feminist professor Diane Aaron theft has spoken of a gender revolution she serves as the director of mental health and chief psychologist at the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Gender Development Center also professor at the UCSF School of Medicine so she wants to help quote gender conforming children and she introduced the concept of gender hybrids suggested that children can identify as a blend of genders introduced influenced by cultural environmental and personal factors so there's gender prius which is a boy in the front the girl in the back there's gender minotaur it's a body of a man with the head of a bull oh there's children identifying as let's see you have pan gender youth you have proto gay children you have proto transgender youth you have gender Tesla's gender ambidextrous children gender smoothies that's like blend everything on the smooth it's a different smoothie there and um kids who identify as cutsie roll pops I'm not making this up this is a respected professor so it's not that kids tells mom and dad hey mom and dad I I'd like a tootsie roll no mom and dad I am a tootsie roll and and we used to think when you were you you make believe you're a rhinoceros as a kid or you were a bird or you were Superman or are you wrong to something you maybe really were those things maybe you're a gender minotaur maybe we need to find you miniature hormones okay I'm exaggerating to make a point the point is people aren't gonna buy this the more extreme this becomes the more people are pushing back it's a fact it's a fact people are pushing back across America and the church must lead the way friends God has called me this has been almost 20 years now God has called me to be on the cutting edge of this to be the tip of the arrow well I need you to help pull this arrow back all right and and we're ready to take on the issues we've taken them on I've received the hatred I've been blacklisted there are things I can't do their places I can't go because of things that I've said all right we'll take that but it's time for us to partner together I want to encourage you to join this radio revolution yeah I'm just literally sitting here for those just listening with with one with hands like they're on a bow and and and pulling this thing back to shoot the arrow of the line of fire out partner with us we're about to share with you how you can join our support team a dollar a day it is making a difference all of our torchbearers around the American around the world who support us with a dollar a day or more we are making a difference the tide is turning we've got to seize the moment and turn the tide so give this a careful listen join our support team it's time friends this must be addressed we must raise up holy godly resistance or becoming evil with good or becoming hatred with love or becoming lives with truth or becoming the flesh with the spirit give this a careful listen please and we'll be right back with our guests hey friends dr. Michael Brown here do you remember when people thought I was crazy when I said it's not too late for America that God can still do something in our country that there is going to be a pushback a gospel-based moral and cultural revolution and you remember when people thought that you were crazy because you felt the same way because you believe what I was saying and already felt it in your heart well friends that pushback is here the the gospel-based moral and cultural revolution we've been talking about for 25 years is unfolding and we are right in the thick of it and the line of fire broadcast is divinely positioned for such a time as this friends you would be so gratified and blessed as as as I hear if you could hear what I hear testimony after testimony as leaders young people old people moms dads students people from all backgrounds come up to me and say dr. Brown you're providing a template for us you're providing a blueprint for us you're showing us how to do this head of hearts of compassion backbones of steel but friends it's a joint effort we do this together and with your support we can amplify this broadcast around the nation and amplify this voice to shake the nation join our support team today become a torchbearer with a dollar or more per day here's a number to call to sign up eight hundred five three eight fifty two seventy five that's eight hundred five three eight fifty two seventy five or go to ask dr. Brown org ask dr. Brown org and become a monthly support a click on donate monthly support I want to immediately give you two classic books compassionate father or consuming fire who is the god of the Old Testament and revolution which will really show you what it means to be a Jesus follower today plus you get free access to our online classes and so much more sign up today ask dr. Brown doc it's the line of fire with your host dr. Michael Brown get on the line of fire by calling eight six six three four truth here again is dr. Michael Brown thanks friends for joining us on the line of fire I'm about to go to my guest Greg Coco but I decided to just look on Amazon the book comes out September 12th so you are getting a preview here of the book it comes out on September 12th street smarts using questions to answer Christianity's toughest challenges it is already this is two weeks before it releases it is already the number one new release evangelism it is selling better than any of my books that are out and his is not even out yet so when he writes people listen and the great thing about what Greg does is he tackles the issues seriously but he does them in a practical way that can help everyone so without further ado Greg welcome back to the line of fire are you there hey Michael yeah well I was having a hard time hearing you but yeah by the way I didn't know that I was out selling you right now glad to hear it oh yeah yeah I think you regularly outsell me your books do really really well I just write more but yours yeah yours definitely get out there and I'm so thrilled because it's saying it's meeting a need it's saying that it's practical it's saying that that you're hitting the nail on the head so maybe your best-known recent book is tactics what what is street smarts about why did you write this now at this time well street smarts is actually a sequel to another book you might be familiar with called tactics and tactics the subtitle is a game plan for discussing your Christian convictions and that's been out for about 14 years now a 10-year mark we do a review of it and improve it but the whole idea there is how do you navigate in conversations with people and do it effectively and keep it calm and make headway in a meaningful way when you've got a very hostile environment and what I've learned over the years is one of the most well there's two things I make a distinction between gardening and harvesting and a lot of our techniques for evangelism are kind of harvesting techniques we're trying to close the deal okay and that really isn't the way it works in most cases I did a talk with an audience of about 700 people last night and fully one-third of people did not pray with anyone to receive Christ when they became Christians it was something the Lord did on their own because other people had spent time I'm just gonna call it gardening in their life instead of harvesting the harvesting kind of happened automatically so so but most people have been given gardening tools and so what street smarts is as a extension of the earlier book tactics is a way of giving the kind of gardening tools that will help them to have really productive conversations and Michael at the heart of that enterprise is using questions creatively because questions will keep you safe the more questions you ask the more information you're going to get from the other side which puts you at a better advantage and a better position to see the errors in somebody else's view and then use questions to try to expose those errors but their friendly way and that's really the the focus of street smarts it's the third step of a three-step game plan the that I described in tactics the first one you find out what a person believes with the question like what do you mean by that the second step is you want to know why they believe what they believe contrary to Christianity and how did you come to that conclusion but the third step is more complicated and that is this step where you're using questions to expose a weakness or a flaw and that is the focus of street smarts where I take topics like atheism and the problem of evil and abortion and problems that people see in the Bible or Bible in science or gender sex in marriage etc etc and show where the issues are how to resolve the issue what's wrong with the challenge and then give dialogues with leading questions for the Christian to ask so that they can move smoothly in that conversation and really make a difference with I'll get back into a fight with people that's what I mean by street smarts excellent and the it's so practical that that's the key thing it's for anybody that has an interest in sharing the gospel and cares about other people I was just doing an interview a few days back with with our mutual friend dr. Frank Turek and of course when someone tells them there's no absolute truth he asked them is that true it's just so there are there are ways you ask a question and you just turn things around and so I want to get into some specifics and maybe we can do a mock dialogue and I'll be the the unbeliever but let's let's talk about what may be the the first or the biggest most common error that we make in sharing our faith could you give us your opinion on that all right are you there okay yeah I'm still there I cannot I can barely hear you I don't feel like every third word you're all I am is the background sorry about that yeah I am so sorry you know we do interviews constantly so I don't I don't know what happened and I've been on the other end with severe frustration of not being able to hear let's try it again what would you say is the number one biggest error that we make in sharing our faith I tell you what we're gonna do truth I'd like you to try to reconnect with with Greg Coco don't know what's going on here but let's let's try to reconnect with him and Greg if you can hear me you can call back it otherwise we'll try to get you back on the phone I don't want this to be suspenseful for you and I've been in these situations like I can't hear what you're asking and I hope I'm answering correctly it's a live TV broadcast with a hostile audience that kind of thing so let's see if we can reconnect but now you just have to get the book because we didn't even get to tell you the rest that's in it Street smarts Greg Coco using questions to answer Christianity's toughest challenges so we'll see if we can reconnect but that is very very odd don't know what happened in any case do check out the book by all means and when Greg Coco's a new book out and says would you like to have a song it's like always of course automatically definitely because his work is such high quality and he's been doing solid apologetics with stand to reason for so many years so let's uh let's try to reconnect here Greg can you hear me this time yeah I can hear you just barely I heard they're recording better when the phone picked up but then when I went to Michael he was way in the distance it was really hard so okay lately I got the first question all right but then I couldn't follow what he was saying after that all right well it's you are on with me right now speaking to everyone so I see I didn't even understand what you just said all right so okay my friends truth if you could just get on with Greg and let him know that we'll have to just reschedule and not sure with our apologies but let him know truth please let him know that I am plugging his book actively and encouraging people to get it and they're going to talk about it more in his absence but so truth get on with Greg now and let him know what's going on and then Kai you can reach out to him privately sorry to be doing all this business here what else it's it's a live broadcast now and okay so we will we will continue will not try to reconnect today okay I don't want to frustrate Greg and frustrate our dear listeners but let's let's get back to this thing about asking questions oh by the way now that I have 23 minutes on the broadcast I have plenty of stuff to talk to you about I'll just go up in the phone lines you can call in and talk to me about anything any subject under the Sun feel free to give you a call let's see if it's the problem on our phone lines or if it was a problem with Greg Coco's line so if you want to call in talk to me on anything challenge me on anything tomorrow ooh I was gonna get really controversial it's gonna get intensely controversial but my goal my goal in tomorrow's subject on thirdly Jewish Thursday is not to stir up controversy but to help bring grace and sobriety into the midst of some volatile discussions so just a heads up another broadcast you don't want to miss so this idea of God asking questions in the Bible or in Greg Coco Street smarts book we yes truth we are not going to try to reconnect with Greg today so this this idea of us asking questions have you ever sat down with someone and you really take an interest in their lives in other words it's not just a tactic but you take an interest in their lives and you ask them questions I I know when people ask me questions it blesses me because they're taking interest in me and it when it's believers looking to me it honors me that they feel I can input in their life so I really take it seriously and I really think through the implications of this and how I can be a blessing to them in the maximum way I had a really interesting experience Oh last month early this month just few weeks back I was at an event that was held as a Billy Graham library their larger facility there in Charlotte North Carolina I was meeting with a bunch of leaders that were probably Millennials mainly Millennials but all of them ministering to Gen Z'ers and we had a discussion group so part of my role that day was to sit at the table as a mentor and have a discussion with the leaders that were there the younger leaders and then I spoke was part of a panel discussion so that's what I did that day and we sat down and there were we were supposed to have a discussion about the presentations in the morning and what they were about and their reactions to them but I said listen would it be okay if I asked you questions and what you're experiencing in your ministry to Gen Z young people and what what what's happening in in your own lives and what do you what do you sense that the keys are to reaching Gen Z etc etc so I laid that out and we we were discussing things that I was really listening giving my thoughts and interacting but really wanted to hear from their experience because this is where they are this how they live and probably they're all in their 30s the folks I was speaking to and most had followed by ministry so they're familiar with me so it was just a very natural thing for me to do right in other words let me find out from them they're interacting with young people that may not know the Lord or church kids that are maybe struggling or something and and hey let's uh let's find out so what happened is the next day one of the gentlemen actually a couple husband wife that had been at the table with me introduced me before I spoke briefly the next morning and they said something really interesting it got my attention they said instead of a civil they're asking dr. Brown questions he asked us questions and it made me feel honored it was from the heart it was from the heart hey right now I believe I should be fading out and the music should be fading are you stressed and searching for a natural way to restore balance in your life look no further introducing tri vita's ashwagandha ksm 66 nature's science supported secret to inner harmony and well-being I'm dr. Paul Burnett a board-certified doctor of holistic health and director of wellness services at tri vita I want you to know that tri vita's ashwagandha ksm 66 is not just ashwagandha ashwagandha ksm 66 undergoes a rigorous formulation process and has 22 gold standard clinical trials tri vita's ashwagandha ksm 66 adapt agenic properties assist your body in adapting to stress reducing fatigue and restoring your natural balance ashwagandhas ksm 66 is shown to support cognitive function mental clarity and focus and is shown to promote deep and restful sleep so you can wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day tri vita has a special offer for you the listeners of dr. Brown's line of fire broadcast buy one 30-day supply of tri vita's ashwagandha ksm 66 and you will receive an additional 30-day supply for free plus you will receive a free digital copy of dr. Brown's new book a healthy Church starts with a healthy you don't wait any longer join countless others who have discovered the benefits of tri vita's ashwagandha ksm 66 to order call 1-800-771-5584 use promo code ksm 66 and receive one bottle at $19.99 and get one free along with your free digital copy of healthy you or go to and use promo code ksm 66 call 1-800-771-5584 800-771-5584 it's the line of fire with your host dr. Michael Brown get on the line of fire by calling eight six six three four truth here again is dr. Michael Brown the joy the joy of live radio and live internet broadcast yeah things happen on the fly and as our guys are trying to so we're outside of Charlotte North Carolina for those who don't know this we're outside of Charlotte North Carolina we then connect via internet to studio the truth studio in Winston-Salem North Carolina about an hour and 15 minutes away and then from there by satellite we go to our other stations around the country or the truth station Salem stations around the country we go to those stations as well and then from our offices here we do a live feed on YouTube and Facebook and as we were trying to figure out what was what was going on and some of the some of the issues here we that our guys were adjusting volume settings etc and because of that I didn't hear the music so you're hearing music sing what each other's no music so this the joy but you just got to keep going you just got to keep moving and especially everybody tunes in I'm jealous over every second you have even when I talk about standing with us or getting behind us or or making investment in your body with these Tri-Vita supplements I try to do this briefly as I can because I want every minute of radio time to count have you mentioned Tri-Vita pick up the phone if you have an eight hundred seven seven one fifty five eighty four get your free online health consultation in terms of asking questions about the Tri-Vita folks about things you want to find and we need help in your body and then you get you get the free mini book from Nancy and me a healthy church starts with a healthy you to really encourage you to look at serious lifestyle changes so you can be healthy and thrive and then add these supplements in as well or start wherever you are and let's move forward together eight hundred seven seven one fifty five eighty four or go to Esther excuse me go to Tri-Vita calm to your IV it a Tri-Vita calm use the code Brown 25 for your discount and to be sure your funds are donated right back here to the line of fire okay so let's return to this question about asking questions so when when you sit with someone and they share something with you and you ask more questions not not in a way that's intrusive but to really understand better and to go deeper that generally tells someone that you're interested there's not a ploy it's something genuine and what's fascinating and this ties in with some of the concept in Craig's book street smarts what's fascinating is is that God asks questions in the Bible so why would God ask questions why does God need to ask questions well he's obviously not getting information Adam what where are you you're hiding does God not know where Adam was I was afraid I was hiding because I was naked who told you you were naked did God not know what happened before the world was created God foresaw all of this and then after Cain kills Abel where is your brother Abel did God not know when God asked job beginning job 38 where were you when I laid the foundation of it did God not have the answer to that of course he did it is to solicit to elicit a response from us and that response is often very very telling with Cain am I my brother's keeper oh oh we just found out something about you so again my friend Frank Turk when someone says something to him you know and and you shouldn't judge and you're just being a bigot he says why aren't you judging me aren't you judging me for being a bigot right so this is the kind of thing that's very very useful and that you get the book and find out okay let's let's go through a dialogue here let's let's discuss this I remember some years back someone attacks me on what was then Twitter is now X someone attacks me and I believe they were in a same-sex relationship and they were listening to me on the radio and this was on a Sunday so this is our repeat broadcast on Sunday that that air on American Family Radio I don't know maybe 200 stations a to two hours on Sunday and they were listening and who is this guy and somehow found me on Twitter and attacked me while they're driving and I asked him a question because love is love and love wins you have the right to matter the one you love I said well what if you love two people what what if if that's the case do you have the right to write to no no no I'm not saying that only is marriage is to us well why is it to why is seologamy wrong you say what's seologamy seologamy is marrying yourself say Mike Brown are you making up words no no no look it up look up seologamy and see what you come up with look at so I let's let's do a little experiment here as we're as we're talking I'm gonna type in let's see seologamy seologamy wedding services and let's see what comes up here what you seologamy what you what to know about self marriage what to expect at a self marriage or seologamy ceremony how to officiate a symbolic self marriage or a seologamy a guide to seologamy I married me what is seologamy when it what it means to marry yourself I honestly I did not know what I was gonna find when I typed that in but I had a good enough idea to though I was gonna find stuff like this well why not seologamy well because marriage is is two people why two why can't you marry yourself and and why not three or four or six or eight or ten or any number why is polyamory wrong multiple loving relationships what why why is that wrong and and and why is it that polyamorous folks years back said we're just 30 years behind gay rights this is we marched we marched to the gay pride events polyamory if love is love why not so interestingly enough it was a it was a young woman I was interacting with that day in this Twitter battle and as she moved from state to state it was it was over a few hours as she was driving she come back on found me at another station because American Family Radio was was all over the state she was in and now here you are again going after me but she could never answer my questions she was aggressive and what I found with many people is they have their talking points in order but when you raise a question about the talking point often that's all they have is the talking point and and now you can get them to think a little more deeply why is marriage about two people not one and not three because by definition it is the union of a man and a woman because only that Union through history has the possibility of bringing children into a world and raising those children together in a way that is a benefit to the society in other words the government conveys benefits on marriage because marriage conveys benefits on society does the government tell you who you can and can't date does government do that no the government you need to get governmental permission when you get engaged no let's say your 20 year old guy sleeping with your 19 year old girlfriend she moves in with you do you need governmental permission to do that no well then why Matt why does the government get involved in marriage and instead of money-making things like the government makes money return you get married you get tax benefits why because by definition is the union of one man and one woman and by definition that exception to the rule but by definition with the ability to have children and even if you say gay couple can have children through other means to raise those children with a mother and father because overall we know statistically endless studies that that is the best environment for a child to thrive so once you redefine marriage it's one thing to say well here's a gay couple and they live together okay they live together and here's a heterosexual couple they live together they're not married okay and they go to a gay couple goes to a gay church and the the gay pastor gives them a blessing that's between them and God of course I believe it's misguided no matter how lovingly intended but this I'm not stopping that I'm not burning the church down I'm not harassing my neighbors if they're a gay couple living together if if it was polyamorous it was one guy and two girls or two girls and one guy or whatever the thing was their neighbors I want to reach out to them love them share the gospel with them and that's that's not the issue to me that this was the agenda in the society and the issue is how when you redefine marriage then everything else becomes up for grabs as we've been seeing an increasing measure since 2015 when the Supreme Court outrageously did that the point is when we ask questions we often expose how little there is behind the objection and the attack I can't trust the Bible why not well the Bible is just a translation of translations of translations and no one really knows what the original said oh really can we look at that together I couldn't believe in a God like that well like what you know many a time someone describes the God they can't believe it and you say I wouldn't believe in that God either if that was the only God that existed I'd want to be an atheist too no no let's find out who the God of the Bible is I could never go to a church because oh well why why and many times people have been hurt they've been it they've been hurt by the church they've been hurt by hypocritical Christians they've been hurt by abusive Christians they've been hurt they've been disappointed now that I understand that I can try to be a bridge of healing and love to say that's terrible and it's deplorable and it's inexcusable but you know that's exact opposite of what Jesus taught and the exact opposite of the standards that he said for his leaders and you know I I can introduce you to a hundred people who would never do that you in a million years that's an aberration what can I do to help bring healing to those wounds because that's the big issue because God didn't hurt you the church as a whole didn't bad people did so go ahead ask questions try to get to the root of what is going on and then from there you can help get to the answers so again the book Street Sports comes out September 12 another program powered by the truth Network
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