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Dr. Brown Answers Your Best Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
March 10, 2023 5:20 pm

Dr. Brown Answers Your Best Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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March 10, 2023 5:20 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 03/10/23.

The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
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Zach Gelb
The Charlie Kirk Show
Charlie Kirk
The Charlie Kirk Show
Charlie Kirk

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network.

Let's do it. You've got questions. We've got answers. It's time for the Line of Fire with your host, biblical scholar and cultural commentator, Dr. Michael Brown, your voice for moral sanity and spiritual clarity. Call 866-34-TRUTH to get on the Line of Fire. And now here's your host, Dr. Michael Brown.

Thank you so much for joining us on our end of the week broadcast. You've got questions. We've got answers. Any question of any kind that relates in any way to any topic that ever comes up here on the Line of Fire, anything I write about, talk about, anything associated with our ministry, anything a guest has talked about.

That wide range of issues. Give us a call. 866-348-7884. I want to answer a question that came in at the end of the show yesterday. I promised I'd do it, if possible, that we had three problems with answering the question. One, we ran out of time.

Two, I had a hard time hearing the caller. Three, when I did look up the verse that I thought he was asking me about, I looked it up in Hebrew and the Hebrew versification in Ezekiel 21 is different than the English versification, because of which I was staring at the verse and couldn't make anything out of the question, which I had a hard time hearing. However, afterwards, we're able to sort it out. The question was sent to me by our team. I looked up the verse in our English Bible.

So it's Ezekiel 21, 27. And hopefully the brother who asked yesterday is still listening today. A ruin, a ruin, I will make it a ruin. The crown will not be restored until he to whom it rightfully belongs shall come. To him, I will give it. Does this refer to and the question was, who is the him to whom the crown would be given?

It's actually a great question and one on which commentators are divided. It seems to be hearkening back to Genesis 49 10, which is a promise of the Messianic ruler coming through the line of Judah. It seems to hearken back to that and saying Jerusalem is going to be ruined. It's going to be absolutely ruined now. However, in the future, I will restore the glory and give the crown to the one to whom it belongs, namely the Messiah.

That's one way the text is read. And at first glance, when you just look at it by itself, you think that in the larger context, other commentators would point out it is such a section of judgment that it's actually taking the sound of the promise and turning it upside down. No, the one that's going to get the ruling authority is not the Messiah, but Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, who's going to destroy the city. So is it the Messiah in the end who will bring back a crown of glory or Nebuchadnezzar in the short term who will bring destruction? There is a scholarly debate. And because I have not really plumbed the depths of the debate on this verse, I'm not sure that there. There's something in me that still jumps when I see it, that it is a long term messianic prophecy.

But that's the debate and that's why the question was asked. All right, with that, we go to the phones. Let's go over to Carrie in South Carolina.

Welcome to the line of fire. Hello, Carrie, are you there? Hello. Yeah, you're here. Yes. Sorry, sorry.

I'm sorry about that. Yes, the first question I want to be very quick about it is I wanted to know why there would be sacrifices in the millennial kingdom. If you find the ultimate sacrifices, that's the first question. Yes, so it is a standard question that I and many others have asked for decades.

In other words, it's a right question to ask. If there is a thousand year kingdom on the earth, as many of us believe, so we are premillennial, Jesus comes before the millennial kingdom. He returns and sets up a thousand year kingdom of peace and justice on the earth, where the knowledge of the glory of the Lord covers the earth as the waters cover the seas, etc. And if there will be a physical temple there, which the Bible does seem to speak about the house of the Lord in Isaiah two, the vision of the temple in Ezekiel forty through forty eight and other passages, if there's going to be a physical temple there and if they're going to be physical sacrifices, doesn't that completely undermine the whole message of the cross? Doesn't that undermine the idea that Jesus fulfilled the sacrificial system and there are no more sacrifices to offer? Doesn't that even confirm traditional Jewish interpretation that denies our view of messianic prophecy and denies the cross? They would say, look, that's why they're going to be sacrifices in the future. So, number one, we have to be careful not to try to figure out too many things that are in the future.

In other words, many times as you get closer to the thing or once you're in the thing, it makes more sense than from our vantage point. But if there will be a literal temple, which I do expect, and if there will be literal sacrifices, which the text seems to indicate, the answer would be either there are further memorials that point back to the cross, just like our taken communion does. So the Old Testament sacrifices pointed to the cross and the sacrifices of the Millennial Kingdom will point back to the cross. So the first pointed ahead, the latter will point backwards.

That's one possible answer. The other is that the sacrifices are primarily for ritual cleansing and not for forgiveness of sins like the cross would bring. One of my colleagues, Dr. Richard Averbeck, a longtime professor of Old Testament Semitic languages, a Trinity evangelical school and one of the leading evangelical authorities on sacrifices in the Book of Leviticus, he believes that the Old Testament sacrifices, as Hebrews tells us, never could really take away sin, that their primary purpose was ritual cleansing and that the ultimate forgiveness always came through the cross so that you'll have sacrifices in the Millennial Kingdom, but they're not in competition with the cross.

They're a separate category. And that's why Hebrews 9 says the blood of bulls and goats could never actually take away sin. So either the sacrifices will be looking back to the cross or the sacrifices are for ritual cleansing and outward atonement as to as opposed to reconciliation with God, which only comes through the cross. Okay, my second question is about the Trinity. And I want to be very careful is, you know, I have some issues where, you know, where Nicodemus didn't have some questions. And Peter and everybody had some problems to whether, like, I need clarification. How can one be born again?

How is that possible? But I didn't see Jesus ever saying, well, you're not safe. You don't know anything. But again, if someone doesn't believe in the Trinity or at least let's put it this way, have a harsh time understanding the Trinity. For example, one can be in another place and he can also be in another place, different people. But my problem is having a hard time understanding rather than saying, well, it's not that I don't believe in it, I have a hard time.

How can this possibly be? Does this mean that my salvation, I'm not safe, according to God, because I really believe in Jesus and I believe he died for me. And I also believe in God. But I have a hard time understanding the Trinity to you.

Yeah, I'm glad you asked the question because you're not alone and wondering about this as well. Be assured that God is not expecting perfect doctrinal understanding from us on every single point in order for us to be saved. You know, the last time I prayed for greater insight in terms of the relationship between Father, Son and Spirit, that God would even deepen my understanding of his triune nature.

You know, the last time I prayed about that this past weekend. In other words, I can teach clearly God's triunity, his complex unity and how there's one God and he is Father, Son and Spirit. And I can explain the relationship of the Father being the source of all things and the Creator and the Son being the one who makes him known and the Spirit carrying out the work on the earth.

And I understand those things. But there's so much profound mystery to who God is, to his eternal nature, that I was asking God for even more insight than I've had in the past. So you're not the first one to say, I believe, but I don't understand. If you denied the Lordship of Jesus, if you said there are many gods and not one God, if you said, I believe Jesus was just a good man who said an example, but he wasn't the Son of God, those would be heretical views.

Those would be views that would have you outside the kingdom. If you say there's only the Son and there's no Father, there's no Spirit, then you're denying the very existence of the fullness of God. But if you say, yeah, I see clearly Father, Son, Spirit in the Bible. I see that the Father is God, the Son is God, the Spirit is God. But God is why I don't get how that works.

That's perfectly fine. God is above and beyond our understanding. And we all have limited revelation in terms of how God's eternal nature works itself out and how we relate to him. So I would just continue to ask God for insight and understanding.

That's one. And two, I would lean into what I do know. In other words, can you affirm? Yeah, according to the Bible, I see that the Son is eternal, that he was not created.

I believe that. I see that the Father is the source of all things. I see the Spirit is called the eternal Spirit also. So I affirm these things.

I just don't know how they work together. Know what you affirm, lean into that and ask God for further insight. And I believe over time we continue to get more insight until we see them face to face. But be at peace.

Your salvation is not at risk under a lack of full understanding of God's full nature. So thank you for the call. All right, no problem, talk to you soon.

All right. It's six, six, three, four truth every so often on a Friday. I get to make this fun announcement that we have some phone lines open because a lot of times the phone lines are filled from beginning to end. And it's hard to get through. So we've got some phone lines open today for whatever reason.

And we'll be glad to take your calls. Eight, six, six, three, four, eight, seven, eight, eight, four. Let us go to is it oh, I'm not sure the pronunciation name may call in Fayetteville. Oh, okay, okay, got it. Yeah, there's an eye there.

I just didn't see it. Makai, welcome to the line of fire. Hey, how are you doing? Doing great.

Thanks. I had a couple of questions, I might have forgot the second one, but the first one was, does God hate people? And if he does, is it a hate love relationship or is it that he just takes them in the act or just the act because, for example, in Psalms 11, it says, the Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence. So I was just confused because there's one extreme where God loves everyone.

And then there's another extreme where some people are like, no, God hates the sinners. So I don't know where I should land here. All right.

Perfect. Perfect question to ask and a very valid one. And I so appreciate these questions.

They're so relevant and they're natural questions to ask studying scripture. So stay right there. I've got a break coming up in a minute and I will tell you what, I'm going to start answering the question.

I'm gonna have to finish on the other side of the break. There's no question that in the Old Testament, there are verses that talk about God hating people, God hating the wicked, God hating sinners, not just hating what they do. Right. We hate the sin. We love the sinner, but verses actually speaking about God hating sinners. Then there are other verses, even in the Old Testament, that speak of God's compassion being over all his works. And I'm quite sure that the most natural reading of John three sixteen is that God loves the whole world. Every human being on the planet, not just the elect, which is why he sends his son. So does he love and hate at the same time? Is it hate in a different way? How should we understand it?

How should we live it out? Great question. And we'll take it up on the other side of the break. Let's hear what TriVita customers are saying. Dr. Brono, can't wait to tell you that those supplements are absolutely amazing. And my strength has gone up at least 15 pounds in everything I do. I mean, I can curl like I'll usually do curls with arms.

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Get 25% off nitric oxide. Plus call 800-811-9628. 800-811-9628. It's the Line of Fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the Line of Fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. Thanks for joining us, friends. 866-34-TRUTH, the number to call. Yeah, I do have another wellness update, but I'll save it for a little later so I can go straight back to the phones. So, Mihai, the answer to your question, as I understand it, is that and tell you what, you'll be able to hear me, but you won't be able to talk.

We've got a lot of static in the background, so you'll be able to hear me, but you won't be able to respond right now. So I do believe that there are wicked people on the earth, sinners, and many of us, that's who we were before we knew the Lord. And God hates that person in the sense of what they are doing, what they have become, who they are, that is ultimately hateful to God. So in the same way, we could look at Adolf Hitler and say, I hate that man. Meaning, I hate who he is.

I hate what he's done. I hate the destruction that he's brought, the pain that he's caused, etc. At the same time, God can look at that sinner and say, I care for you enough.

I love you enough that I'm going to send my son to die for you. While we were yet powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans five, he died for ungodly sinners. Ephesians two and Colossians one say that we were alienated. We were wicked, wicked in our minds and alienated from God. And by nature, according to Ephesians two, objects of wrath, deserving God's wrath. So there is a sense of God fundamentally hating that human being in the sense of absolutely abhorring who they are and what they do.

And what they do is a reflection of who they are. On the flip side, he has a deep and intense love for them to know him, to honor him, to be forgiven of their sins and to be part of his family forever. There is a street preacher, a fearless street preacher who will get right on the street.

And a street preacher obviously says right on the street. And he'll tell somebody, God hates you. God hates you.

You're openly flawed in this and openly flawed in this. God hates you. But he sent Jesus to die for you so you can be saved. And he said, I've seen people radically born again hearing that message.

And I understand the verses he's using to back it up. I would not preach it that same way. Although you could say, hey, some of the greatest preachers in church history have preached it that way. I would speak about how our deeds are ugly in his sight, who we are is ugly in his sight, how the things that we are celebrating are so abhorrent to him and we will face certain judgment for that if we do not repent and it will be horrible. But he loves us so much.

He sent his son. So there is, on the one hand, a message about God's love that is way too soft, that does not give an indication of the depth to which he hates sin and of the destructive nature of sin and of the fact that we cannot choose sin and the savior at the same time, we must turn to him and ask for forgiveness from sins and freedom from sin. On the other hand, there is a message that sometimes can emphasize God's utter abhorrence with sinners to the point that there is no love.

There is no brokenness in our message. There's there's very little message of grace. So I would not overtly say God hates you. I would say God hates what you're doing. God hates the lifestyle you're living. God God hates the choices that you're making. And they are destructive to you and they are ugly in his sight. And you'll face him as judge and be condemned for it. But his love for you was so intense that he didn't leave you there.

He sent his son to die. That's how I would preach it and put those things together. Thank you very much for the call. 866-34-TRUTH. Let's go to Benjamin in Washington. Welcome to the line of fire.

Hi, Dr. Brown. I'm a Christian and a fan of yours, and I know you have studied a lot about Jewish history and defended penal substitution. And I wanted to get your thoughts on how Jesus's death on the cross can save us and atone for our sins, if the Bible says he who justifies the wicked, who condemns the righteous, both are an abomination to the Lord.

OK, so I'm not I'm not following your question. Are you saying that let's see if I am following it, that because God condemned Jesus for what we did, that therefore God is is condemning the righteous and justifying the wicked, right? Because by Jesus being condemned, we sing songs about Jesus being condemned as being justified, and we know that to be true.

But I'm just wondering how that works. So Proverbs Proverbs is talking about legally, in other words, in a court, if someone is is righteous and you sentence them to death or you put them in prison, or if someone is wicked and guilty and you acquit them, that's that's detestable in God's sight. So God doesn't do that.

He doesn't acquit the guilty and punish the guiltless. In fact, when he reveals himself to Moses, he says quite the opposite. He's merciful and long suffering, but will visit the sins of those who oppose him and those who hate him to their face. So what happens here is Jesus willingly says to the father, I will take the place of these wicked people.

I will lay down my life willfully. And Jewish thought it's the atoning power of the death of the righteous, that because he is perfect and let's say his credit score is ten trillion, then he can cover all of our bad credit. He can pay the debt that we couldn't pay. And if we will turn to God asking for mercy, confessing our guilt, recognizing our wickedness and turn to God asking for mercy, he will have mercy. He will forgive. He will cleanse. And the price has been paid.

So it's not like God saying, OK, I'm just going to take a righteous person and smite them for what a wicked person does and then look the other way at that person's wickedness. No, here's someone saying, I will lay down my life. I will be the ransom. I will pay out of the infinite goodness in my life. I will pay for all of their badness.

And those who say, God, I don't want to live a bad life. I don't want to be wicked. I don't want to sin against you. I receive your mercy and grace.

Forgive me. Then God has now every right to justify. So it's really very unrelated. I appreciate the question for sure.

But it's unrelated to a legal procedure of a corrupt judge who would acquit the guilty and condemn the wicked. It's really very different. So it's an interesting question.

But we're really kind of comparing apples with oranges. Thank you for answering my question. Great, you are you are very welcome and I appreciate the question. Let's look at the clock. OK, tell you what, I've got a minute and a half before the next break. So I'll get back to your questions right on the other side of the break.

Let's see where we're going. We're going to Joe in Ohio. We're going to Jonathan and Charlotte. Jennifer in Fort Worth, where I am right now and someone else somewhere.

Don't know where they are yet. OK, so one thing I've noticed and you'll hear an ad for this later in the show with our sponsor Trivita, one thing I've noticed consistently now is my recovery time after workouts is amazing. I don't mean immediately after. I mean, you know, only if you do a heavy workout lifting and things, you're you're sore the next day, I'm not getting sore. It's it's really, really interesting.

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We'll be right back. Hey, friends, Michael Brown here, you know, it seems the whole country now is talking about revival. Could it be that a fresh wave of revival is here? Friends, I've said for decades without a fresh wave of revival in the church and awakening in society, it's over for America as we know it. And that's why I wrote the book Revival or We Die.

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This is how we rise up. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. If you download my app, Ask Dr. Brown Ministries, if you download the app on Android, Apple, Google, River, your platform you're on, you will find tons of answers to questions there. There's a search button on there. You just scroll down and search and you'll get immediate access to many videos that we have, line of fire broadcasts that we have, articles that we've written. So be sure to take advantage of that. You can also listen to the show wherever you are, just on your cell phone with the app. And then you can scroll through, check out our video.

Consider this, our Real Messiah Jewish Outreach website, all of the app. So folks ask me questions all the time, I go, here's the answer right there. So by all means, call with your questions. Absolutely. We get to talk them through here.

But use the resource. I can be with you 24-7 answering your questions. Ask Dr. Brown Ministries app.

OK, with that, we go to, let's see, Joe in Ohio. Welcome to the line of fire. Oh, thank you, Dr. Brown. It's quite obvious that you have paid the price in your studies and especially in your Jewish studies and Messianic answers. It's very refreshing to hear from an individual like yourself that has such knowledge and has applied yourself as you have in your life.

That's it. God bless you. Well, thank you. That's very kind.

I appreciate that. Now, my concern is the, well, I would call it tradition where it seems that the Messianic leaders in particular, which I hate to see, don't quite recognize the simplicity of the Godhead. In the most simplistic form, the definition of a person is a human being. But in the dictionary, everyone knows that. Yet, not only the Gentile nations, of course, forever, ever since the Nicene Council, but also the Messianic leaders try to insist that there's three people within the Godhead. And that is just preposterous. The only human being that ever represented Godhead is Jesus.

Am I right or wrong? Yes. So to jump in, Joe, the issue is the definition of person. When Christian theologians will speak of one God and three persons, it's person in a philosophical sense, in a Greek philosophical sense, which is the background for some of the creeds, not in a human being sense. So when you look up person, you're going to see a person in a philosophical sense. A person in terms of the way we normally use the term.

You're absolutely right. Human being. When people speak of three persons, one God, they don't mean person in that sense. And that's why I personally don't use those terms because of potential misunderstanding. You say, well, how do you refer to Father, Son and Spirit? It's not three gods and one God. I just speak of there's one God complex in His unity, and He is Father, Son and Spirit. And Father, Son, Spirit, each distinct and yet absolutely one in every respect. So using the term persons, especially just in our contemporary English, can be misleading and confusing. So the only member of the Godhead, if you refer in that sense, who took on human flesh is the Son. The Son took on human flesh and became a human being, fully God and fully man. Whereas the Father and the Spirit never did that. So in that respect, what you're saying is correct, of course.

But when the creeds and others will speak of three persons, they're speaking of three members, three divine members of the one Godhead. But Joe, thank you. Thank you for the question and the kind words.

I do appreciate it. Let us go over to Jennifer in Fort Worth, Texas. Welcome to the line of fire. Hello. Hi, Dr. Brown. Hey. Thank you so much for having me on the air.

I, through a mutual friend at Christ for the Nation, sent you a copy of my gender identity Bible study. Okay. I was wondering if you were that Jennifer. All right. Yes. I just happened to see you on today, and I was wondering if I could ask you.

Yes. I have a passion for the topic of gender identity. And I know you do, too, because I'm seeing so many young women turn against their gender and choose to be non-binary and all of the other things. And I have a calling to remind women who they are created to be and call the daughters of God back to their identity in Christ. And so through a deeply personal journey, I went on a deep dive into studying the word women and male and female in the Word of God and Elohim and Yahweh and Yeshua and all of these words. And I knew that with God's Word, it is endlessly deep.

And you can keep digging and keep digging. So when I discovered the meaning of the Hebrew alphabet, I saw who I was as a woman and as a female and even in just a more profound sense. I saw the womb in my name. I saw the letter that shows that is twice in the name Yahweh, that means the hold. And I saw that women had an incredible place even inside of his name, Yahweh, the male and the female represented in unity. However, your message that you sent me from YouTube that says how ridiculous it all is, didn't line up with what the Holy Spirit showed me. And I don't know what to do about that.

How could it be that God's name means, Yahweh spells, the hold, the hand that drove the nail, the hold, the hand. So, Jennifer, right. So I appreciate you calling and having this discussion in this setting. OK, so I want to be as candid as I can, but as respectful as I can. Fair enough? Yes, sir.

Yes. Who said that that's what the name Yahweh means? People read it in other words, if there's no way under the sun that anyone would come up with those things unless it was read in. Who said that it means that the one letter means behold?

Where did we get that from? These are people who don't know Hebrew reading things in, so what they've read in is beautiful. So God can often get us somewhere and give us revelation in a beautiful way, even though there are some mistakes along the way. You can read a mistranslation of a verse, but it really conveys the truth from elsewhere in the Bible.

So you get something good, but the way you got it was read in. Because I could give people say these alleged pictographic meanings of the Hebrew letters, right? I could say right here, here are the alleged meanings. And in many cases, we don't know what the letter originally stood for. It's speculation.

I'm talking about the top Hebrew and Semitic scholars in the world. We don't know what every letter originally stood for. But let's just say, OK, we agree on certain terms.

If I just threw those out to you and we took a thousand random words in the Bible and sat a thousand different people down in different rooms, everyone would come up with something different. So this is something that people popularized and read in. But it's not actually there. We found something that we liked and now we put something on it.

But just setting the pictographs, you would not get the idea. You know, behold nail in the hands. You wouldn't you wouldn't come up with that. It's and then what if I show you like 300 words where it has no meaning whatsoever or other divine names or attributes where it has no meaning. So what we've done, look, I've had people show me that the first word in Genesis, Bereshit, has the entire gospel preached in it.

It's just reading things in that aren't there. So I would say that that the Holy Spirit can bring us on a journey and teach us and reveal things to us that are beautiful and wonderful, even if some of the sources and methods along the way are not that accurate. Now, you may differ. You may say, hey, look, I know you've got your scholarship and all this, but I know what the Lord told me. And I'm not going to disrespect you for that. You know, I'm thrilled you're doing what you're doing. When I heard about your ministry, my heart leapt because I thought this is so necessary. And you've got an audience, especially with these young ladies, and you can convey things to them I could never convey. So I'm thrilled with that.

And whatever good you can bring, I'm cheering you on. It's just the the methodology of leaning into the alleged original pictographic meanings as if they still adhere in the text, that's that's the problem. So are you saying, like, the letter a left is, um. It doesn't mean strength. I mean, it's the first letter of so many of God's.

No, it just it just. OK, first, realize that these were the same. El was the name of the chief Canaanite deity, right? It just meant goddess, this generic word that just means God. And Elohim is an intensive plural for Eloah.

This was Yahweh is a distinct name. OK, but Olaf is the first letter of the alphabet that is simply the first letter of the alphabet. The English the English letter a that we have today that comes in our Roman alphabet, that goes back to Greek alpha, which goes back to Hebrew olive.

So our letter A goes back to the same source. What does A mean? A is just the first letter of the alphabet. So Olaf was originally a word that just meant ox. Didn't mean strength. It was just a picture of an ox head.

Right. So ox could be any of a thousand different potential meanings. And originally it just stood for an ox, a particular animal. And then once it became an actual letter in the alphabet, then it's just it's the opening letter.

It's a so-called glottal stop. So it doesn't have a sound to it, but it's just the opening letter of the alphabet. Bait originally was a stood for a picture of a house, but in the alphabet it just stands for B for B. That's why you can reduce thousands of pictographs to twenty two letters, because with those letters, you could spell words. But those letters no longer have the pictographic meaning. That's why the shape of the letter changes over the years. So you can't even recognize what the original letter. Wait, just in case I know the shape of the letters changes. But if it originally had meaning, Dr. Brown, if it originally had meaning, then if you look at the letters and the word female, it shows that that we would continue the cycle of life through the shedding of the water and the blood.

And if you look at the original letters of the word male. But who told you that? OK, so let me try to back this up again.

Because I said he'd each letter by a Hebrew scholar, a messianic scholar. All right. Hang on.

Let's let's find out who the messianic scholar was. This is an important conversation. So let's let's stay with this.

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All right, let's let's get back to our discussion here. So, Jennifer, before you mention the Hebrew scholar, the Messianic scholar, you learn this from what I want to point out is if you're using pictographs, right, you need thousands and thousands of pictures to convey things. So let's say I've got hand. That means one thing or finger.

That means another thing or I that means one. And so if I'm going to write something out in the sentence, I need thousands of different pictures to convey the meaning. And even then, it's a little hard to understand.

Once I reduce the thousands down to twenty two, it's impossible to communicate with twenty two symbols. So when anyone in the ancient Hebrew world saw the letter Beit, they didn't think of a house. They thought of Be, because it was now part of an alphabet. And that's why the the way it was written could change so dramatically, because everyone that saw it knew it meant Be, not not house or the what house means or what house symbolizes when they'd see an olive. They knew it didn't mean ox.

They may not have even heard of it. It's just the first letter of the alphabet. So once you reduce things to twenty two, I guarantee you we take twenty two symbols. OK, so we take an eye, a nose, a car, a dog, a cow, whatever, an airplane. You try to communicate using twenty two symbols.

It's completely impossible. That's the whole genius of reducing things to an alphabet. Where now the something that, let's say, used to stand for fist now just means the letter F or something that used to stand for nose just means the letter N. And that's the only meaning that it has. And that's what God's conveying in scripture. But in any case, how do we serve?

Yeah, go ahead. OK, man, man, when you look at the difference between the name man and the name woman, they have three letters each, right? Two of the letters when put together means fire. And one letter in the man is hand and one letter in the word woman is breath. Now, what woman do you know does not use her breath or her voice to be a fire breathing dragon or to bring revelation? And what what man do you know that OK, but here's the thing.

You cannot use his hands to destroy it. It's so beautiful. It's a beautiful picture. And then many of the Hebrew scholars have taught this. Tell me one of the centuries that tell me one relationship. OK, I understand you have to understand rabbinic midrash that the rabbis get homiletical meanings out of everything. OK, they're not trying to say this is what the text actually says. I mean, I know rabbinic literature. They get homiletical meanings, preaching meanings out of all kinds of obscure things, and it's not meant to be taken a literal way.

It's homiletic. But please tell me the name of of I've yet to meet a Hebrew scholar on the planet. And this is my field who teaches the paleo meanings of the Hebrew. That is the one fellow I knew who did it apologized, said that he was in error some years ago and didn't want to be associated with with me even talking about.

So I wouldn't mention his name. But who is the Hebrew scholar that told you the meanings of these these Hebrew letters? So the best that I have read about it, about the Hebrew alphabet, and it's beautiful, is, I mean, truly beautiful.

I must say, and it's called In His Word by L. Grant Lupin, and it's messianic insights into the Hebrew alphabet. He goes into the numerology or the numbers behind each letter as well. Right. So, OK, so here's what you have to understand. It's all whatever you want to read into it. That's the whole thing.

We don't know the original meaning of all the letters. That's a fact. OK. And I know this field just like I can't tell you where you spoke last month because I'm not you and I wasn't there. Right. And if you say you were there and I said, no, no, I have a feeling you weren't. You just kind of smile at me.

It's like, hey, I was there. So I'm telling you, we do not know the original meaning of every Hebrew letter when it was a pictograph. That's that's the first thing is speculation on a number of them. The second thing is, OK, if, OK, olive does not mean strength, it's an ox. All right. So unless you're saying that God is part ox, then you can't start reading these meanings and to say, well, it means strength. Couldn't it could mean anything that an ox is strong. OK, well, and an ox and an ox leaves a lot of refuse when it go when it when it defecates, it leaves a lot of refuse and an ox has a yoke on it.

Does God have a yoke? In other words, you it doesn't mean strength. This is something someone read into it to come up with a nice homiletical meaning.

And when it comes to numerology and gematria. So you find that each letter has a numerical value. You can make anything mean anything you want. You want me to show you all the studies by by people who oppose Jesus that use numerology to prove that he's a false prophet, according to the Hebrew Bible. You could make it read whatever you want.

I'm saying this is literally done. I know rabbis who've done this to say that based on numerology in the Hebrew Bible, we can we have sentences that prove that Jesus was a false prophet and he wasn't the Messiah because you can make anything mean anything. So that's that's the problem with it. And we just if so, if we say, OK, the first word, the first letter in Genesis is is is is house, then you have house, then the next is head, then the next is is ox. So you have house, head, ox.

What's that got to do with anything? Nothing, unless you're going to try to spiritualize everything and put different meanings on it. And then it's whatever you find you can put in there. So I'm I'm just being candid. The book in his words, the messianic insights into the Hebrew also that doesn't use a pictograph, he uses the modern Hebrew. And and when you break down the names of God, it shows you a deeper understanding of who he is. But I'm sad to hear that because the truth is when I studied our gender and looked at the Hebrew, the original look deeper under the name man and woman and male and female, I learned it actually transformed my my marriage. It transformed my view of what women are and what men are and who God created us to be in our gender. So I don't know. I guess I'll just have to take it back to the Lord and understand whether or not I have to.

Like I want to respect and completely trust your scholarship at the same time. When I studied the name Yahweh, the Holy Spirit filled my house in a way that I had never experienced in my life. And I've been studying the Bible for twenty five years on my own, writing Bible study and and I he moved it.

Couldn't it be right? So I also know people that insist that his name is to be pronounced a certain and when they began pronouncing it a certain way, that God worked miracles in their life or ministry or business, they were able to give money to the gospel and all this. And they said, since I started using that particular name and then I've heard other people with the exact opposite story.

When they started using a different name that they they had all these miraculous things happen. All I can say is God's amazingly gracious and God understands that none of us have perfect knowledge. None of us have perfect information. And like I said, you can read a bad translation.

Translators got something wrong or now we have better manuscript evidence. But it's a glorious truth that is taught elsewhere in the Bible and a wrong translation can get us there. So I would never for a split second think to deny that God did these things.

I would not for a split second question your relationship with him or all the good things that you're sharing. But God in his graciousness could still lead us on a journey to learn certain things about ourselves or about him, even if all the sources are not the best. If the end result of what we believe is ultimately biblically true and edifying. Well, praise God, even if the journey to get there was a little different. So in other words, if you say, hey, I've got tremendous insight about being female and being male more than I ever had before, wonderful, let those insights remain, even if some of the journey getting there was a little suspect. So I'm please hear me.

I don't mean that condescending way, because for all of us, it happens in one way or another in life that we end up in a good place, but the way we got there may have been a little circuitous. And don't feel beholden that you have to believe me just because I have scholarship here, I mean, weigh that in, please, by all means, weigh it in. And if you want to study it more, let us know and we'll give you further sources that will confirm what I'm saying. But I don't want to rob anything that God's given you. And I want to support and amen you in your ministry and tell you to keep going for it. It's so vital and important. But just seriously think these things through in terms of the specifics of how you got there.

Is that fair enough? Yeah, I think it would be great if you could send me some further sources, because, you know, I I launched this podcast. I am a woman and I'm writing a book. I am a woman and I'm speaking to, you know, thousands and thousands of young girls and I'm drawing upon in my mind, maybe this beautiful picture of the womb that is in our name, I'm drawing upon this idea that the first word, according to John, when Jesus rose, he said the word woman. And when I studied the word woman, I discovered that inside of her name was one who was created to announce, created to breathe life. And so I want to explain to the girls you are created to breathe life. And you're right, I don't have to quote the pictographic or any that of the Hebrews to believe that and to know that, because that's what the Lord showed me is you were created to bring life. Yeah, so I'm just going to jump in.

I don't mean to be rude, but I'm about to go off the air. So let me just get this last statement in. What I would do now is if I were you, I would look at every insight I believe that the Lord gave me and see if I can find support for it elsewhere in scripture.

Right. And by the way, when Jesus said woman, the first word, he was more likely speaking Aramaic than Hebrew. So now you have to go into the Aramaic and the Aramaic say that, et cetera. But, you know, Psalm 68 doesn't talk about that the word goes forth and great is the company of women who proclaim it. I would look now through scripture and ask God for insight.

Everything you believe you learn through the pictographs or you're sure that God showed you. Now, see if you can find chapter and verse of the scripture for it. And now now you've got it fully weaponized with the truth of the word. All right. So we'll continue our dialog. Thank you very much for the call. You can't resist. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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