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Exposing Pro-Abortion Doublespeak

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
January 17, 2023 4:50 pm

Exposing Pro-Abortion Doublespeak

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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January 17, 2023 4:50 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 01/17/23.

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the infant, you would be pro-life, and not pro-abortion. We'll be right back. It's the line of fire with your host, Dr. Michael Brown. Get on the line of fire by calling 866-34-TRUTH.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown. That is the number to call, 866-34-87884. I'll be getting to the phones in a little while. So again, good time to call now and look at some of the questions on my board here.

Yeah, eager to get to your calls. Okay, so just back to this issue of, at the very least, at the very least, a baby survives an abortion. And it has the possibility of living. And there are people who, strong pro-life leaders, that's their story. They survived abortions. And some with some disability as a result of it. But it's miraculous.

God's grace, they survived. And now you're not going to provide adequate care or have the law mandated? Well, no, it's not really there already.

Not fully, not as fully as it needs to be. And let's remember this, okay? It's 2019. Then-Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, himself with medical background, he's asked a question. It's on a talk radio show. Well, here, let's actually go to the clip.

Listen to what happens. There's no exception. There was a very contentious committee hearing yesterday when Fairfax County Delect, Kathy Tran, made her case for lifting restrictions on third trimester abortions, as well as other restrictions now in place. And she was pressed by a Republican delegate about whether her bill would permit an abortion, even as a woman is essentially dilating, ready to give birth. And she answered that it would permit an abortion at that stage of labor. Do you support her measure?

And explain her answer. Yeah, you know, I wasn't there, Julie, and I certainly can't speak for Delegate Tran. But I will tell you, one, first thing I would say, this is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved. There are, you know, when we talk about third trimester abortions, they're done with the consent of, obviously, the mother, with the consent of the physicians, more than one physician, by the way. And it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that's non-viable. So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother. So I think this was really blown out of proportion.

Did you hear that? Talk about blown out of proportion, he just exploded the whole thing. So baby's born, it's late-term abortion, right, late-term birth, okay, baby's born, and severe deformities, or some other major problems, again, this is devastating to parents, to mothers, giving birth, it's obviously devastating.

I'm not minimizing the devastation at all. But here's what he says. So the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physician's mother.

Do we let it live or do we let it die? That's the discussion., which is a left-leaning fact-checking website, so just remember there's often bias in the fact-checking, they found the claim that Governor Northam said he would, quote, execute a baby after birth to be mostly false.

They couldn't even say it's totally false. So this discussion, this stuff about infanticide, is on the table. Let me just reference a Maryland bill, Pregnant Persons Freedom Act, that was defeated, but that would have allowed for infanticide. You press in and look at some of the things, not just taking a healthy baby and saying you're just going to kill it, but finding reasons to allow certain babies to die. And then ACLJ reported September 27th of last year, Governor Newsom, California Governor Newsom, signed what amounts to a perinatal infanticide bill, AB 2223.

Look it up for yourself. So you better believe there is a need for this Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. And to me, if you have a beating heart, you vote for this bill. Please, please don't cloak it as, well, it could be dangerous to debate. No, that can, with all respect, especially Representative Nadler who said this, concern for that baby is obviously not at the top of your list because you would have had no problem if that same baby was successfully aborted.

All right. So let's put the cards on the table. The issue is, and many other Democrat leaders have said this for the years, that they believe these bills are going to make abortion more difficult. And that's the, or make them illegal in certain places. And that's why they oppose this. Don't hide it. Don't be pro-abortion and say, but if the baby is surprised, we're very concerned about the health of the baby.

Please, please don't insult us by saying that. All right. Before I go to the phones, so I was asked, I wasn't asked, our team was asked on YouTube about Nopalea, which we introduced to you yesterday, from Trivita. All right.

And here. So we referenced on the show yesterday a double-blind study published in a peer-reviewed journal. Trivita sponsored this and said, hey, we want to get the medical data. All right.

So I posted a link to yesterday's show on YouTube. I did it myself to get this out for you. It was published in the journal. The study was published in the journal Clinical Interventions in Aging.

All right. And the conclusion stated that consumption of this this cactus and Nopalea specifically for eight weeks was associated with statistically significant improvements in joint mobility and physical functioning. Compared to the placebo group, those that took this were more physically active.

Daily activities were easier, including walking, sitting, lying. This was associated with reduced use of pain medication, possibly associated with anti-inflammatory properties of NFJ, as suggested by it goes on with technical details. Then I read a health Web site that did a critical review of this study and other studies that have been done on this Nopal cactus and the key ingredient in Nopalea.

And this is what they stated. This is, again, just an impartial Web site that is critically reviewing everything. What is Nopalea good for? Research suggests the Nopal cactus juice and Nopal may be an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, antibiotic, nerve cell protector, cholesterol reducer, cancer fighter and blood sugar regulated. It may also help relieve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. I'm hoping our director of operations can call in with her own story since she started taking this because, again, we're partnering with Triveda to spread the line of fire across the nation to help blanket the nation with the message and and to help you find greater wellness. In fact, let's make sure you hear this. Take advantage of it.

You go right to the to the Internet or get right online or you can call in. Here's the info about Nopal. Take this in. Chronic inflammation is the greatest health threat to humanity. Infections, injuries, toxins, poor diet and chronic stress can attack your immune system and lead to chronic inflammation.

But now there's a solution. You can fight this dangerous silent killer with Nopal a made from the super fruit of the Nepal cactus containing a unique group of bio flavonoids clinically shown to reduce chronic inflammation in a random double blind placebo controlled study. It showed a reduction of elevated at risk C reactive protein levels resulting in an improvement in range of motion in the back, neck and joints and an overall improvement in the quality of life. No playa has helped thousands of people by lowering levels of chronic inflammation. Learn how to get a free bottle of no playa by calling eight hundred five six eight nine five three five. That's eight hundred five six eight ninety five thirty five.

No playa is shown to help reduce inflammation, improve your mobility on range of motion, greater flexibility and less dependency on pain medications and Trivita will give a substantial portion of your order to help support the line of fire radio broadcast. Go to Trivita dot com and use promo code brown thirty in the shopping cart or call eight hundred five six eight nine five three five. That's eight hundred five six eight ninety five thirty five. Yes. So go ahead and do that now. We've got a break coming up in a couple of minutes immediately after the break. I'm going straight to your calls.

Eight six six three four eight seven eight eight four. Be going straight to your calls, but go to the website Trivita dot com. Make sure you use the code brown thirty. By the way, if you didn't order nitric oxide last week that we talked about, go ahead and do it. Our thrust this month is let's get healthy. That's why we're playing these health related ads during the show the month of January. You know, someone said, well, why why have a sponsor at all?

You know, why have someone that you work with? Well, if everyone that listened to radio gave money to support radio for all different Christian ministries, then you wouldn't even have any advertising time at all. You just but the sponsors help get the message out to you.

So you should really be thankful for them. And remember, with every order to Trivita, they're giving a substantial portion back to get the line of fire on national radio. Far bigger audience than we've ever had, by God's grace, because the time is now. The time is now. Friends, when we talk to you about these pro-life issues, we want to.

Yeah, we want to get your blood boiling, but we want to get your face rising. So we can bring about change. Come on in our lifetimes. We've seen Roe v. Wade overturned. Oh, it's only part of a larger battle.

But if you were around in the 70s and the pro-life movement after Roe v. Wade in 73, you would have thought it's over. I mean, there's no way this is done. It's done. It's like the nail in the coffin. And now it's been undone. And there are many states.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-01-22 12:35:08 / 2023-01-22 12:41:29 / 6

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