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To Be A Star You Must Give Light

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
March 9, 2024 12:20 pm

To Be A Star You Must Give Light

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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March 9, 2024 12:20 pm

Robby and Scott listen to testimonies from listeners 

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This is the Truth Network. I shall be telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence. Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference. If you can hold the stars in place, you can hold my heart the same.

Whenever I fall away, whenever I start to break. So here I am, lifting up my heart, to the one who holds the stars. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy Radio Show. I say this calls for action and now. Give light and people will find the way. Give light and people will find the way. Give light and people will find the way.

People will find the way I do believe. To be a star, you must give light. Indeed. I love that.

Today's show, God gave me that. To be a star, you must give light. And we are getting more light this weekend. If you're not aware, this is Daylight Savings Night, so you're going to have to spring back. Lose a little sleep. Lose a little sleep, but boy, you gain a whole lot of light in the process. And that's, that's in order to gain light, you have to lose it. So you heard, I don't know if you knew that, it's actually Robert Frost himself, the one who wrote the poem, right, The Road Less Traveled. And that idea, I've had this rolling around in my mind all week, Scott. It says, G. K. Chesterton said, the Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting.

It has been found difficult and left untried. Hmm. Yeah. So that thought, it's a challenging thought, and it's been rolling around in my heart all week. And so as I heard Robert Frost, I thought, you know, that's kind of the same thing is, you know, what are you going to do? And then this morning as I was studying actually the idea of multiplication, I was looking for the first place in the Bible that the word light, I mean, give is used. And the first place that it's used, interestingly, is in Genesis.

And we'll get to that in a second. But Give Light, that song is by Atzner, Greg Atzner. And it's a rendition of a saying by Ella Baker, who was in the civil rights movement that, give light and people will find a way. Similar to, to be a star you must give light.

And then obviously, maybe not obviously, that was Skillet, one of the movie stars made popular for the movie The Shack. So to be a star you must give light. And so as I was praying this morning, I was considering really all these ideas on multiplication and the word and the saying that brings it all together for me is the deep Hebrew meaning of the word give. So in Genesis 1.15 it says, And let them be for lights in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth. And then again in Genesis 1.17 we hear it again.

It says, And God set them in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth. So interestingly, that word give, it just kind of all revolves around that. Well, the deep Hebrew of that idea of giving really blew me away as I really looked at it this morning because, and this show is brought to you by the Hebrew letter nun because the Hebrew letter nun has everything to do with faith. And there are, if you count it just right, three nuns in that word give. So you think how much faith it takes to give.

You know, if you're going to give actually all this money to God or you're going to give all your time to God or you're going to give this or that to God, you're only doing that out of faith, right? He's going to multiply that, right? That little boy that gave those two loaves of bread, like, oh my goodness.

I mean, and those fish. You know, God took it and multiplied it, right? Increased his faith, I imagine, tremendously. But maybe you've given something and it was multiplied. But the whole idea behind the Jesus labor love, God gave me the idea he did really.

And then God has used it to multiply what people have given time and time and time again, right? Darrell Bock Absolutely. Darrell Bock And this week we were given two cars. Darrell Bock Oh, yeah.

Darrell Bock And so, you know, it's all that's rolling around in my mind as we're talking about this. And so we would love to hear when did you have a chance to give light? And God multiplied it, like, really made you a star. Because even if you're giving light in whatever way you're doing that, you are in his eyes shining. Especially if you give the light of the world.

If you give true light, right, doesn't matter what anybody else thinks, you're a star in God's eyes, just saying. Darrell Bock Absolutely. Darrell Bock 866-348-7884, 866-34, truth.

And we already have Jean Jordan on the line with us. Darrell Bock Good morning, Jean. Darrell Bock Good morning, Jean. How are you? Jean Jordan Good morning, good morning.

My middle name is Mary. Darrell Bock Really? Jean Jordan And I am a giver. Darrell Bock You sure are.

Jean Jordan Without a doubt. I enjoy giving. I get tons of rewards. And just knowing the three of you is a big reward in itself. But I'd like to read just a little short few lines here. It says, God indeed is my savior.

I am confident and unafraid. My strength and my energy, my courage is the Lord, and he has been my savior. And I truly believe in that. And if anyone out there is hurting or in a bad way, just have patience, please, because God is working for you.

He has a lot of people he has to work for, so I know you're on his list, so hang in there. Darrell Bock That is beautiful, Jean. And his timing's perfect, right? Jean Jordan Yes.

I love it. Darrell Bock So I can't tell you the times you do. Jean Jordan I love it. Darrell Bock His timing was not what I thought it should be, but it turned out to be, you know, perfect. In just exactly the right time Jesus came and in just exactly the right time, he is coming again.

And so I appreciate the light that you have shared. And you know what's also interesting to me, Jean, is, you know, I've had a chance to teach in all sorts of different ways, but I taught Sunday school. But you know who ends up being the biggest student in Sunday school? Jean Jordan Who's that, yourself? Darrell Bock The teacher. Darrell Bock Yeah, the teacher, right?

Because the students, they taught me so much. Darrell Bock Oh, yeah. Darrell Bock And as the Christian car guy, I have to share this one little story. I had this student, and every Sunday, he would pray for Dale Earnhardt, you know, the race car driver. And being a Christian car guy, he assumed that was a big thing to me. It wasn't, but you know, nonetheless, we would pray for him a lot. But you know, sometimes we'd kind of laugh him off.

Because come on, now, I mean, you know, it's not that like can we, you know, we'd list all these prayer requests. Well, the week that Dale Earnhardt was killed— Darrell Bock Oh, yeah. Darrell Bock He said, let's pray for Dale Earnhardt. And you know, we didn't. It's a true story. And I've never forgotten the look on that young man's face the following Sunday. And he looked at me when he came in the class, you know, it was like, Robbie, we didn't pray. And I said, I know.

I just, I have, that was a learning experience, right? And God's timing is perfect. And obviously, it was Dale Earnhardt's time.

But it was also a time for me to respect and honor people's prayer requests, right? Robbie Barnes Right. Absolutely. Jean Right. Right. Darrell Bock And so, you know, well, I am grateful for your call today, Jean.

And where are you? Jean Well, let me just say this one little verse, and then I'll let you talk to the people. And it says, Jesus said to him, if you can, everything is possible to one who has faith. Darrell Bock Oh. Jean Amen.

Darrell Bock Oh. Thank you, Jean. You are exactly right. That is absolutely the verse. Jean I truly believe it. I mean, he put you, put Robbie, Terry, and Scott into my life.

And I've been so happy ever since. Darrell Bock Jean, this is Scott. And if you don't mind, would you tell our callers some of the volunteer activities that you're involved in right now and how old you are?

Jean Oh, yes. I volunteer with the church. I volunteer with the church, and I make sure everybody's warm, because I make hats.

I do a lot of sewing, crocheting, knitting, and I just want to make sure everybody's warm through the wintertime. And I'm a giving person, and it's been paid back to me tenfold. I mean, it's just wonderful. I just can't thank the three of you enough and what you've done for me.

And that's why I tell the people, just hang in there. Your day will come, and it'll be a good day. Darrell Bock Thank you, Jean. Scott Thank you, Jean.

Darrell Bock God bless. That's wonderful. You have a great week. Scott Thank you for all you do.

Jean Yes, you too. Thank you for asking me to call in, and I appreciate it so much to be able to share what I've gone through. And the bottom line is, you know, it's going to be okay. It's going to be okay.

It takes time, and don't give up. Because you sometimes think that, you know, it's the end of the world, and God is not looking out for you, but he is at all times, 24-7. So hang in there, people. Darrell Bock Thank you, Jean. God bless. You have a great week. Scott God bless you. Darrell Bock So how about your call? When did you shine?

866-348-7884, 866-34-TRUTH. To be a star, you must give light. Just saying. We'll be right back with much more. Darrell Bock To be a star, you must give light.

And I mean give it. That's what we're talking about today on the Christian Car Guy Show. And again, we want to remind you that it is Daylight Savings Week, so hey, you got to spring back. Church is going to come early tomorrow morning.

Just saying. Well, we're hoping you found a church, and if you haven't found a church and you live in the Asheboro area, let me just invite you to our church. It's West Asheboro Baptist Church, where I am currently sort of the interim pastor and loving the opportunity to speak every week, and I'm certainly coming through Easter.

It's a great time, and we're talking about all these things. So West Asheboro Baptist Church, just a shameless plug there. I'm just saying, Scott.

Anyway. Scott God bless you. Darrell Bock Oh, I wish you would.

I wish you would. So you know, again, I've just been on this whole idea of actually multiplication is what I've been talking about at church. And this last week, I've been looking at Jesus feeding. He fed the 4,000.

He fed the 5,000. And actually, there are six different stories in the New Testament about those two incidences, right? There's two in Matthew, two in Mark, and Luke and John both have it once. So that gives you six times you get the story. But did you know there's a seventh story in the Bible about feeding a number of people?

And you might not be too surprised to know who did that. It was Alicia, because Alicia did a number of the miracles that Jesus would do. And so I just thought I would share this story with you, because it's kind of the predecessor to Jesus feeding the 4,000 and the 5,000. But the point I want to make, in all these cases, there's always leftovers.

So here's the story. It says, Then a man came from Baal, and by the way, this is right after Alicia took the death out of the pot and used the widow's oil. Same, you know, in 2 Kings Chapter 4. Then a man came from Baal, Shelisha, and bought the man of God bread of first fruits, 20 loaves of barley, and new ripened grain in his knapsack. And he said, Give it to the people that they may eat.

But the servant said, What? Shall I set this before one hundred men? Now, again, that's a hundred men and their children, all that stuff.

So it was a lot more than a hundred people. And he said, again, Give it to the people that they may eat, for thus says the Lord, They shall eat and have some left over. So he set it before the people, and he ate. And guess what? They had some left over according to the word of the Lord. So again, the man gave, and God multiplied it. He fed everybody, and there were leftovers.

And of course, there's a lot to those left over stories. But we got Wendy is in Cary, North Carolina. Wendy, you're on the Christian Car Guys show. Great to hear from you again, Wendy. Good morning, guys. How are you doing? We are great. Wonderful. What have you got for us this morning?

Wendy? Yeah, I am calling to tell a story. Um, yesterday I was in the middle of nowhere, taking my son fishing at a at a pond out in the sticks. I'm jealous immediately. Bobby and I are avid fishermen. We love taking your son's fishing. How old are your sons? That's awesome. I just have one, and he's 14. He's oh, man, that's so cool. He's a single mom. Okay. Yeah, yeah, a single mom trying to help him do guy stuff, which is a little challenging sometimes for a single mom, you know?

Right, I'm sure. Yeah, but I was all proud of myself that I figured out a place to take him fishing, and we went, and he had fun, but the car started making this funny noise. Uh oh. And I was worried because, you know, we were kind of out in the middle of nowhere, and I called up Scott. I had found a place kind of nearby, you know, that that maybe could could handle it, but I didn't know the people. I didn't know anything about the the car place, and unfortunately they said my car was gonna need quite a bit of work, like a full brake job.

Um, wow. And so I called and and two things really. I wanted to say thank you because you guys helped me financially take care of the brake job, but also Scott was looking out for me. Um, just, you know, like, hey, let's make sure this place is legit. Are you safe? Um, you know, want to make sure they're not overcharging you, and he asked me some questions, which helped me talk to, you know, the guy at the car place helped me figure out if my car needed what was going to be done and and just how to talk to them about it, because I'm a single mom.

I don't know about our stuff, you know? Um, and so I was just so grateful, and ultimately they did the work, and and it was really cool because on my way out the door I saw a little table in the lobby, um, and it said, Bible free, take one, and it was just like God sort of winked at me, you know, on the way out, and I even messaged Scott back, and I'm like, you're not going to believe this. That's awesome. This place had, you know, free Bibles for people to take, and so I just, I wanted to tell the story to say thank you.

First of all, I've, you know, as a single parent, I, there's a lot of stuff that I feel like God has to fill in the gaps with, and, um, and you guys are are standing in the gap for especially single moms who don't, not only don't have the money, but don't have the knowledge and the know-how. You know, it's, it's so neat that, but I gotta ask the first and most important question, did he catch any fish? No, he didn't catch any fish. Oh no, we got, Scott, we gotta, we gotta go to Verrale, and we gotta take somebody fishing, man. We gotta take him to my house. What was Trey using for bait?

But no, let me. Trey's here, what were you using for bait, Trey? Hot dog. He says warms and hot dogs.

Oh, that's a good, that's called bluegill on a hot dog. I have two. One more question.

So we gotta get him. Wendy, the noise it was making, was it a scrape? The car? Yes, really loud scraping. So it wasn't a kapow, kapow, kapow.

Yeah, it was, it was the brakes. Well, I, I gotta tell you that, you know, it's just, it's beyond cool that what happens is there's all these listeners out there that gave, like they gave the money, right? Or, or different, now there's, there's certain churches that give to the Jesus labor love and there's all different, you know, God, originally he gave me, he gave me the idea and then he gave a lot of people the opportunity to give into it and then he gave me Scott.

I prayed, oh man, for years, you know, I had a Scott before and then he passed away, Vic Hill, and I didn't have anybody for a long time and then God gave me Scott. And so it's all, Wendy, it's all a picture of giving. It's been a total blessing for me. And just so awesome and thankful for your call and for a chance to help, right?

Because if people don't ask for help, we don't get a chance to help. Thanks for the call, Wendy. Thank you. Tell Trey we'll take him fishing. There you go.

Well, I do. Get up with her. Let's get her to my house and we'll all go home. Oh yeah, that'd be great.

866-348-788-4866. You're listening to the Truth Network and And I, I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference. To be a star, you must give light. To be a star, you must give light. Today on the Christian Car Guy Show, and I was thinking about like, man, how much has God given us, Scott? Because if you think about it, I knew Stu Epperson who founded the Truth Network when we were in the CBMC meetings together in Winston-Salem like 1996, 7, 8, somewhere in there. Yeah. And he came to me and he said, Robbie, I got this idea for a radio station.

I was the Chrysler dealer in Mocksville at the time. And you know, we're going to just, we're just going to do Christian teaching and talk, no music, just Christian teaching and talk. If I did something like that, would you consider sponsoring? And I was like, oh yeah, yeah, by all means. Of course, but you know, he didn't have any listeners at that point.

It was a brand new idea. And so 25 years ago or more, right, that we shined on the air with the Truth Network. God gave, gave me that opportunity actually to help sponsor the network before, long before Christian Car Guy in 2006.

He gave me the show and Stu put it on, right? So I mean, he gave us that. Then other stations, like if you're listening in Seattle this morning or you're listening, you know, wherever in New York City, you know, God gave us all those stations, you know, based on, and then he gave us the Jesus Labor Love and then he gave us you and he gave us Vic, you know, and his service over the years.

And so many different things. And all the listeners that have prayed and all the listeners that have given, and you just see what God took and he multiplied it, and there's leftovers, right? There are leftovers. In other words, there's still, right this very moment, a little bit of leftovers in our account of the Jesus Labor Love so that we can help the next person.

Then we got some leftovers. We got a couple of cards we're working on that were given to us that we hopefully will be able to give to somebody. So, you know, it just blows me away. God gives and gives and gives. And one of the other things he gives me is all these wonderful listeners with all these amazing stories and friends like Mrs. J, who's with us right now. So Mrs. J, you're on the Christian Car Guys show. Good morning. Mrs. J Good morning.

Can you hear me? Dr. Darrell Bock I hear you great. Mrs. J Oh, I'm in recovery.

You know, I had my surgery Friday. Dr. Darrell Bock Oh, yes. Mrs. J And so I'm in recovery, and it's a little weak. Dr. Darrell Bock You're literally in the hospital right now? Mrs. J No, no.

I came out. Dr. Darrell Bock Okay, okay. Mrs. J I had it on, I had my surgery on Friday. Dr. Darrell Bock Yesterday was – Mrs. J Oh, I'm sorry. Dr. Darrell Bock A week ago Friday. Mrs. J It's a week ago Friday, I'm sorry. Dr. Darrell Bock Okay, yeah.

It's all right, it's all right. Mrs. J I wanted to – I'm still recovering, you know, so it's something. Dr. Darrell Bock I know the feeling.

And my wife just had two of those done, yeah. Mrs. J I want to say shout out to Scott, too. How you doing, Scott?

Dr. Darrell Bock Thank you. I'm doing great, Jacqueline. Mrs. J You know I know the labor that you do because you guys have helped me. And it's just a blessing. But I wanted to say that my shining light was – you guys know I wanted – I actually prayed for my mother that I wanted to go see her.

Dr. Darrell Bock Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Mrs. J And I got that chance to go see her. And we had a ball. I had a ball. My mother and I relationship was mending and it was beautiful.

We laughed so hard. I taught her how to play trash, this game called Trash that my grandchildren taught me. And she was just – you used to see her a little – she was just lightened up, putting her hands over her mouth, laughing all over the place. I went there as a giver. I went there as a giver and shining my light just said I want to let my mother know I loved her just for being mom. It was so beautiful.

It was a wonderful, wonderful time. And when I got back home, you know, I went there because they told me her cancer had to spread and it was used at stage four. We got a second opinion about it.

The doctor told her that she was doing well and they didn't see anything. I was – I couldn't believe it. And so I just wanted to let you know how God turned that thing around. They said, whatever you do on this, Ms. Keel, keep doing it.

They said keep doing that, you know. And I just knew it was the love of God and the prayers and it was just wow. So my shining light was me seeing my mom and then her shining her light back on me. And we just enjoyed one another.

It was such a beautiful, beautiful time. And while I was in the hospital, God had told me, he said, I came to serve, not to be served. And he said, what did you – he said, are you in the ministry for somebody to serve you?

And I was like, no, Lord, I'm not. He said, then that's why I'm blessing people to let them know they can pick themselves up and pick up their beds and walk so they can be a servant. He said, so be strong and be encouraged. I left those words for you so you can be strong and be encouraged. So at my weakest times, I thought I was my weakest.

God will tell me, take my bed up and walk and believe his word. So I came to serve. And that's what you came to do too, Brother Rogers. Darrell Bock I just – again, it's just like teaching or serving, whatever. You're the one that ends up getting served, you know, like in so many different ways.

In so many different ways just, you know, often to hear your poetry and your songs. But let me encourage you that my wife had both – she had one knee surgery in September. She had the other one in November. And yesterday, we were out on my sailboat, which she could never get on because she couldn't – it's a little sailboat.

It's only 16 feet. And she couldn't bend down to get into the boat. And she was just like, oh, man, this was – these surgeries to her, she said, these were worth a million dollars to what they had done for her quality of life. Jay Smith Right. So now if you talked to her the week after, it didn't seem – right, right, right.

Then she was like, what was I thinking? I'm in all this pain, you know. But, you know, healing requires pain. It just – God's – but he doesn't waste pain.

You know, he uses it to teach and restructure our thinking in so many different things. And it's always, we're so grateful for you, Miss Jay, and so grateful for your calling in today. And it's right if we pray that your knee heals real quick. That'd be all right? Jay Smith Yes.

Jay Smith All right. Well, Jesus, thank you for my friend. And thank you for, you know, her faithful service in shedding light in so many different ways, through her songs, through her poetry, through her voice. She has been a light to us many, many times.

And I just pray that you would touch the cells of her body, that they would be healed, and that you would make this as painless as possible, that you'd help her to work with a therapist and get all the mobility back in that knee so that once again, she can pick up her mat and walk and be of service to you in so many ways. Maybe even drive those buses again, whatever that looks like. Lord, you know the picture. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Dr. Darrell Bock Amen. Dr. Jay Smith Amen. Dr. Darrell Bock You need to be that bright light.

Dr. Jay Smith That's another thing, Brother Rob. That's another thing, too, that I was so afraid that I don't know if I'm going to be able to drive the bus again. I don't know yet.

But that's one of the things. Please keep me in prayer about that. And I don't know what God hasn't spoke for me. I do know he wants me to do the ministry more. So maybe he's changing, you know, changing the way in for me to go in another direction. I don't know yet. But, you know, Dr. Darrell Bock I'm in this, you know, it's a day-by-day thing.

You know, I have noticed. He gives us our daily bread. He doesn't give it to you in weeks. Dr. Jay Smith Exactly. Dr. Darrell Bock You know, okay, this is what I'm supposed to do today. You know, because actually, the way that my life works on Saturday, I do my radio show, right? Well, on Sunday nowadays, since I'm preaching in Ashboro, I preach a sermon.

But quite often, you know, they are so different. He gives me my show on Saturday morning, but I just have to have faith. He's going to give me my sermon tomorrow morning. So it'll be.

It's so much fun, though, when I sit back and go, he did it again. You know, and tear me off and look at me. Do you know what you're going to talk about tomorrow?

I have no idea. But you're having a marvelous weekend, and you'll be healing up, okay? Dr. Jay Smith Okay. Thank you guys so much for all y'all do.

Dr. Darrell Bock God bless you. Bye-bye. All right. So how about you, right?

In order to be a star, you got to give light. That's part of the deal. And, you know, it's really, really neat to me. And, again, for your story, I would love to hear it.

It makes my day to hear these stories, actually. The Bible on the table as she was leaving the car repair place, 866-348-7884 is the number to call in and share, 866-304-TRUTH. And it's very interesting if you just study the word give.

Just do a little word search, and you go, especially with the word that I'm talking about, the one where the lights give off light. And the word give, God gave Adam all the herbs to eat. Look at you. That's what he did. And then he gave him Eve.

Big deal. Now, unfortunately, Eve gave Adam some really bad choices. The next time you find the word, right after God gave Adam Eve, then it says Eve gave her husband this fruit to eat. And then the next time you find the word, it's Adam blaming Eve for the whole deal.

That woman that you gave me. It's just an interesting little study to go, there's a lot of shenanigans happened after we started giving. God gave us this incredible stuff, food, and he gave us Eve.

And then next thing you know, man, he had to make a way to give us Jesus, right? That's our only way out. And so we got one more segment, time for you to call.

We need it. Man, these stories, they blow my mind. And they're blowing people's minds all over the country. 866-348-7884. 866-348-7884.

You're listening to the Truth Network and To be a star, you must give light today on the Christian Car Guys show. How does that play out in your life? We'd love to hear the story. 866-348-7884. 866-344-TRUTH. And of course, this is the second Saturday of the month, which is the Jesus Labor Love Saturday, which means I have my good friend Scott here with me.

He's the chief volunteer. And if you've never heard of the Jesus Labor Love, I should say that it was an idea God gave me I think in 2012 to have car repair for single moms and widows and families in crisis. And how he gave that to me was that almost all the email as I started to do the Christian Car Guys show, the calls and the people that would ask me questions, you know, off the air would be single moms and widows because, you know, their husband had passed away or whatever. And I thought, well, God, are you telling me something here that there's a really need for single moms, widows, and that kind of thing? And so when I was coming back actually from the National Religious Broadcasters Convention one year, I was just praying to God, what is it you want?

What is it you want? And as I was listening, I heard a ministry that was in actually Knoxville, Tennessee, talk about how they would go out to single moms and widows' houses on the first Saturday of every month in teams and do repairs. And I said, man, I bet we could do that. And that was how the idea was given to me.

And then God put it in place with several people, all kinds of volunteers, but most of all with your listeners and all the people that have given along the way. Darrell Bock So at that time, Robbie, were you already the Christian Car Guide? Did you already have that moniker and that de-show? Darrell Bock Oh, the show started in 2007. Actually in 2006, excuse me. Yeah, in 2006.

So it had been on the air about six years. Darrell Bock So it was a logical transition since you were already the Christian Car Guide and you know all about cars and you've been in the car industry for so long that that's what God put on your heart. Darrell Bock Right.

Although I don't know all about cars. I know something. Darrell Bock You know how to sell them. Darrell Bock Yeah. Darrell Bock But I know my way around them pretty good because I've spent my life around them, but I think that that was given to me and then there was stuff left over.

And so when you look at those stories about multiplication, that's what God has been teaching me about all week and that's where the idea of giving light came out that we were talking about today was I was just studying the numbers because I like numbers and numbers mean a lot in the Bible. And so when you think about it, Jesus fed how many the first time? Five thousand, right? Darrell Bock Well, probably a lot more.

That was just the man. Darrell Bock Right. But that number five is a hugely significant number because if you think about it, how many fingers you got on your hand, including your thumb? Ah, five, right? How many toes? Yeah, you got it.

How many books in the Torah slash the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible are considered the Torah by many, right? Darrell Bock That's right. Darrell Bock And so that idea of five is it's a multiplication factor. I bet you know your fives tables.

Most people do. They can just count on five, 10, 15, 20, right? Darrell Bock Yeah. Darrell Bock Isn't that interesting? Darrell Bock It is. Darrell Bock And so the idea that this multiplication thing was going to happen and it would happen by fives, but do you remember how many basket fulls were left over on that first trip out to... Darrell Bock What is it, five? Darrell Bock Twelve. Darrell Bock Twelve. Darrell Bock Right. Now when he fed the five thousand, there were twelve baskets left over.

And so when you think about that, a lot of people put it in context that when Jesus fed the five thousand, it was an area that was primarily Jews in Israel. And so to them, twelve means he's got a basket left over for all twelve tribes. Darrell Bock That's right.

Darrell Bock Right? But twelve is also a multiplication number, that two times two, you know, that type of thing, and you end up at twelve pretty quickly, right? And it also has to do with governing. So that number twelve, it means something, okay? And then he fed four thousand. And that was in a different area of Israel. And in that feeding of the four thousand, this time he had seven baskets left over.

But that was in the Decropolis area, or the Decapolis, I may not be saying it properly, Decapolis I think. Anyway, in that area, it's mostly Gentiles. And so there were how many tribes that came into Canaan of Ham's boys, the Canaanites, there were seven. And actually, you know, when they think of the seven Noahide laws, the number seven is always almost associated with Gentiles. And so when he fed the Gentile group out there, how many baskets were left over? Well, seven, kind of to show you that there's something for all seven of the Gentile tribes as well.

Isn't that cool? Darrell Bock Yeah. You are a numbers guy.

Darrell Bock Yeah, there's lots of things. And again, that idea of seven is, that we're seven times what we're going to get told about Jesus feeding people with bread. But the fact that it's bread is hugely gigantic, because Jesus is the bread, okay?

And Jesus is also the word, and he's also the truth, and he's also the life. So as you go about being a star, and you give some light, guess what you're also giving? Bread. You got it. If you're giving them the Bible, guess what? It's your daily bread. It's the whole thing. And it will multiply just like that, and there will always be leftovers. There will always be leftovers. Darrell Bock Isn't that interesting?

Darrell Bock Yeah, yeah. And that's very much the picture of, now where was Jesus born? In Bethlehem.

What does that mean? House of bread. L'hem is bread in Hebrew. And when you look in Jesus' life, you're going to find bread is kind of all over it. And so when you take communion the next time, you're going to notice the first element that you break is going to be the what, Scott? Scott Horrell Bread. Darrell Bock You got it.

You got it. And so as you're crunching on that, you know, I used, actually when we take communion, which we're going to do this on Easter Sunday, I like to make the matzah. My wife grinds the rye and stuff in order to make this matzah. So when you bite into this matzah that we're going to use to take communion, which is unleavened bread, it will crunch. Because it's a picture of communing with God, which when you are chewing on the Word, right, in a sense, as you're breaking it up and being able to ingest it, it's becoming part of you. And so Jesus said you would eat my flesh and drink my blood, and that kind of freaked out a few people.

But actually, as you're taking in the Word of God or you're sharing the Word of God, wherever you go about doing that, you're truly communing with God. And so if as you're being a star out there this week, if you can entice somebody their need for carbs to eat some bread, and I mean the bread of God, I mean by eating some Word, eating some of the Bible, if they'll ingest that, it's just like any good carb. It makes you want to eat more and more and more and more. I've seen it in my family. I've seen it in numbers of people that came to Christ and next thing you know, they developed this unbelievable hunger, and that was the Word, for the Word of God.

So if you can begin to help people get a taste for that Word, it will multiply and multiply, because guess what? As it multiplies in their life, they'll begin to share it, and guess what you'll have? Leftovers. Tons and tons and tons of leftovers. I do too. Tammy knows me as the human garbage machine.

Whatever is leftover, that's high on my list. And so whatever it is that you give to God, he multiplies. He loves that multiplication factor. And I am so grateful for those who called in today. Darrell Bock This is quite timely with Easter coming up and everything.

Darrell Bock It is. It is so beautiful. And Passover, similar idea. There's some bread involved in that, as you may recall.

Anyway, we are so grateful for you all listening today. Don't forget the Jesus Labor Love. All that is at,, and there you're going to find all sorts of information, but most of all the Jesus Labor Love, both if you need help or you want to give help. It's the Jesus Labor Love. Now I'm going to remind you, slow down, Jesus walked you.
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