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Great Roofs for Great Gas Mileage

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 11, 2022 12:53 pm

Great Roofs for Great Gas Mileage

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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June 11, 2022 12:53 pm

Today Robby and Scott share with us some ways to not only save money but our souls from the "flood of lies" the enemy washes us with daily. Listen and let "The Son" keep us dry and hopeful.


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This is Chris Hughes with the Christian Perspective Podcast with Chris Hughes, where we encourage our listeners to engage the culture with Jesus Christ. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds, so enjoy it, share it.

But most of all, thank you for listening to the Truth Podcast Network. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy Radio Show. I say this calls for action and now Nip It in the Bud. Nip it in the bud. You got to nip it in the bud. Slow down, you move too fast. You got to make the morning last. Just kicking down the cobblestones.

Looking for fun and feeling groovy. I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining because I'm free. Nothing's worrying me. If raindrops are falling on your head, then great roofs make for great gas mileage today on the Christian Car Guy. Yes, I'll say it again because it's a bit confusing, I know.

But I think it'll all come to light for you shortly. If rain drops are falling on your head, then great roofs make for great gas mileage. And as I was listening to that song, Scott, I remember about the time that came out, I grew to be 6'5 when I was in sixth grade. And I went from being about 5'3 to 6'5 in one summer. And I outgrew my bed. I bet. And your sleeping bag.

Nothing seemed to fit. I forgot how much I resembled that remark. Anyway, so you heard B.J. Thomas, you might remember from Baccarat's classic Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head.

Yeah, and it was even in the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kids. Yeah, then Simon and Garfunkel with the same wisdom that I've been trying to share at the end of my show for 17 years. I say, slow down. You're moving too fast. You got to make the morning last. I mean, if you're going to feel groovy, you know, you got to slow down.

Or Jesus walked everywhere he went and got it all done in 33 years. So, you know, speaking of raindrops falling on our heads, we have Scott, good morning, with us because unfortunately, you know, especially with the price of gas, the price of groceries, the price of all that's going on, the pressure on our poor single moms and widows is like never before, right? They're working two, three jobs and the price of gas to just keep coming at them. And so, and so, you know, we got a couple of great stories. I heard one just a moment ago, we got a couple of callers hopefully coming in, some ladies that have had a chance to experience what the Jesus labor love is that if you haven't heard about it is car repaired labor for single moms, widows and families in crisis across the country. And one of the great blessings, really great blessings of this show, you know, for me, I, you know, it's the gift that keeps on giving Scott because, you know, I'll just get a call because I put my number out there years ago and I'll just get a call at any time of the day or night from a single mom or widow or whatever, and they're in a bad way and I get to pray.

It's just amazing. So, and refer them to you, and, you know, all the ways that God handles that. So, today's show, as you might wonder, you may not wonder, but it's brought to you by the Hebrew letter race, race, race. And the idea of race is like the head of something, but it's a head of something like a river, okay? And the miracle verse, the eighth verse in 119 Psalm on the letter race, which gives us a real good understanding of the letter, says, Thy word is true from the beginning, and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever.

And so, with the idea of that being, if something is true and straight and all that stuff from the beginning, it just keeps going and going and going, and that's the idea of the letter race is it's the head of something. So, getting on to the subject at hand, if raindrops are falling on your head, then great roofs make for great gas mileage. And I would add, by the way, they will also make for a great marriage and a great life. I mean, all we need in order to have a great roof are the right materials. And fortunately for us, in the Song of Solomon, we have God's wisdom about those materials as you're provided. The bride describes those materials for us in chapter 1 verse 17, and it seems really simple, but honestly, as God pointed out to me this morning that this is what He wanted to do with the show, I was at first quite perplexed. Like, you want me to do a show about the beams of our house or cedar and the roof is Cyprus.

Now, that's an interesting challenge when you take that on first thing Saturday morning. And the more I stuck into that, the more I realized that God had given me such a beautiful piece of wisdom in so many different ways. And so, it really is the idea of the Song of Solomon, obviously, is the marriage between us and Christ. And here we're given these building materials that were the same building materials that they used to make the temple, but I did not understand all the wisdom that goes into those materials and all the wisdom that we are going to unpack here for you now and pretty quickly, because I've got some other stuff I want to get to.

So a careful study of those and why that would lead to better gas mileage, you're probably wondering. But let me just say at the onset, I'm hoping this would give some of you hope. I've been married for 34 years and like it says in the Song of Solomon, marriage gets better like wine. It just keeps getting better and better. And I'll bet you your marriage to Christ is getting better and better. And so, if you're where you are in 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, can you imagine where you're gonna be in 80 years?

Whatever that may be for you, whether it's your marriage to Christ or your marriage to another person. Similarly, this is what this is talking about and these building materials become critical to the adventure. So, in the case of both cedar and cypress, I don't know if you've ever considered this, but they're both anointed with oil. The reason that cedar smells the way it does and the reason cypress smells the way it does is they have oil in them. And it's very precious oil because it has got tremendous ability to keep insects away. And that's gonna come in real handy.

That's gonna make sense with gas mileage. There's a cedar chest. Yeah, like a cedar chest. But like in the case of cypress, it makes it water repellent. So, that's why the roof was made out of cypress. Cypress is the most water repellent of the wood.

I didn't know that. In fact, the American Indians used to do dugout canoes out of cypress trees. They're cypress trees you may know are in the swamps.

And the idea of being waterproof, it lines up... I don't know if you've ever studied Psalm 69 much, but just for extra research, if you wanna go try something, that's the Psalm where Jesus was offered vinegar and gall, right? But it starts out with the psalmist's soul being swallowed up by water. And so, in so many different ways, it connects back to this idea of cypress and the idea of this being anointed and why so many cypress shingles are out there because this stuff is amazing and it lasts forever. Now, both trees...

Here's the other part that just is gonna be is gonna make sense of the rest of... Slow down, you're moving too fast. Both trees, in reality, seem to be in super slow motion. In other words, both a cypress and a cedar tree takes centuries to mature. A cedar tree, it takes it three years just to make a pine cone, okay?

They grow super, super, super slow. In fact, there are some cypress... I mean, cedar trees, the cedar-lemonium trees that they say are over 3,000 years old. Now, why that becomes important to building a house or building a roof is because trees have rings. And every year they grow, it builds a ring. Well, in a fir tree or other trees that grow fast, there's a lot of space between those rings. But in the case of either a cypress tree or a cedar tree, because they grow so awfully slow, there's no space between the rings which makes the wood where it won't warp or it won't crack.

Well, think about the whole idea of being true from the beginning. In other words, when you have a straight board, if you're gonna have your beams of your house, you want them to be cedar because, again, you get the idea of how this wood is formed because it takes it forever to grow. It's slowing down, it's not moving, it's gotta make the morning last.

Three years to make one pine cone. I mean, this is not... And so the idea of this, when you think about just the idea of it, now how do we take this and apply it to saving gas? We're gonna get to all that, we're gonna get to some calls, we hope, and we're gonna get to your calls. Here's the question I have for you today.

I would love you to call in and share. How do you slow down and how do you feel anointed? Either one of those two things. We're gonna get to all the why that saves gas, but how do you slow down? How do you feel anointed when we come back?

866-348-7884. You're listening to the Truth Network and If raindrops are falling on your head, then great roofs make for great gas mileage. You always wonder, did he mean he talked to the sun or did he talk to the sun? You know, I'm just saying, you could go either way with that.

But I'm pretty sure it was S-U-N, but he should have been talking to the S-O-N because, you know, that would have given him some answers. And so we're getting the answers from these two trees, cypress trees and cedar trees. And how would this lead to better gas mileage if our roofs were in fact cypress, okay? And so as we, you know, think about our lives, actually what Solomon was doing here, and it was pure genius and the Holy Spirit showing him how to do it, he was making actually a letter of het. And that letter of het is a picture of marriage.

There's a female energy, a male energy that comes down, that's the vav, and a female energy that comes up. And across the top is the roof. And that roof is called a hetrateric, and it is God. And it is the hoopah in a marriage that you see that people, Jews would stand under, that's God. And so that's the idea of the roof.

And so it's not a shocker that this roof would be anointed with oil like cypress would be, because cypress trees have that to make them more waterproof. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see why, you know, God is not in a big hurry. And so both trees, as we talked about, are in super slow motion.

And so just to get to how did that affect gas mileage, it also affects your marriage, by the way, and your life. But if you slow down both in your speed, but in your speed of life, right? If you're going to take every thought captive to God, that, you just don't do that without, you know, taking that extra second to pause to think, am I going to just jump in to do this?

Am I going to go make this trip? How fast do I, what am I going to do about that person that just cut in front of me? In other words, you got all these thoughts that are racing around. And if you're going to be able to take all those thoughts captive, it takes time. And so if we want our rings in our not to bend and break, you know, and warp and all that stuff that we think about in our lives, well, you know, we got to take our time.

It's just part of it. And there's a lot of planning that would go into if we had more time, right? So we need more margin in our life, period. Right? And one of the things in today's, even before the pandemic, everybody was fighting for margin, but now we're even fighting more for margin.

Why? Satan would love to take away the margin that you have in your life. And so how do you build that in?

And where do you find things that are wasting your time versus the things that are productive and all that? So the idea is if we get hurried, what happens is you get these bigger rings. You got more space between you and God. And the further the space is between you and God, let me just tell you, the easier that you warp, the easier that you crack.

Absolutely. And it's the same thing with every, because what I've discovered recently, actually in the last four or five months, is how close God is to time. In other words, the closer you get to God, the closer you get to eternity. And so time and God are very much connected. And that's why slowing down and getting connected with God gives you a glimpse of eternity where you move fast. You see, you're going to actually be running on low, running on empty.

So there's all that on that. And so the question is in your life, how do you slow down? 866-348-7884. It's a very important question.

How do you actually slow down? That would be really helpful to all of our listeners for you to share your wisdom on that. 866-348-7884. The next thing that has to do with the anointing that clearly Cyprus and Cedar both have is anointing keeps insects away. And insects rot away so much that we need anointing oil. We just need anointing oil, and only God provides anointing oil.

I mean, he's the one that does that. Like those trees have it. And so I don't know if you've thought about it this way, but insects, they eat away at wood and they make it rot.

Well, in the case of your car, they eat away at tires, they eat at transmission seals, they eat at wiring, they eat at circuits, they eat at hoses, and all those little things that lead to big things. And I had this piece of wisdom given to me that I'm going to give you that was given to me years and years and years ago. I had this man and he always could seem to get four or 500,000 miles out of his car, maybe 300,000, I don't remember.

And he was driving at the time Chrysler minivans, which the transmissions didn't last, you know, at that point, 60,000, 70,000 miles, but this man could put 200,000 miles on one of those transmissions. And I asked him what his secret was. His name was Jim, and I'm trying to remember his last name, a very godly, wonderful man. And he said to me, Robbie, you know, I pray that he won't let my shoes wear out in the desert.

Well, if you think about it, you know, what would cause those shoes to wear out in the desert? In other words, God has whatever control. And I know that he was completely sincere in what he was telling me. And I think that obviously these trees don't rot away because God protects them with his anointing oil. Well, I think that is very true for people with their cars. I've seen it time and time and time again, where really godly people who don't rush around and their cars last longer, they take, you know, it all kind of fits together into this anointing. Creating those margins.

Creating those margins. But it also has everything to do with God will provide it, but we've got to know we can ask for that. And I've got to tell you that, you know, whether it's your house or your car or your marriage, right, you might remember the Song of Solomon, it says, you know, catch for us little foxes.

Same idea. It's the little thing, the little irritants where you need that anointing, right? We, you know, that we got to keep the little bugs out.

How do we do that? You might remember the 23rd Psalm, David said, you anoint my head with oil. If you ever read the book A Shepherd's Guide to the 23rd Psalm, that was the thing that a shepherd would anoint their sheep's head with oil to keep the insects off, right? And again, if it was cedar oil, you could imagine why it would do that and smell good all at the same time.

However, that worked out. The point of it is is that that's the thing of having a good shepherd is we can ask him to anoint our tires or whatever with oil so we don't have stuff we're out in the desert. So we do have Clay calling in from Durham. I'm looking forward to that call. And I need your call. 866-348-7884. How do you feel anointed or how do you slow down?

866-348-7884. Plus Jesus, labor, love coming up. You're listening to the Truth Network and If rain drops are falling on your head, then great roofs make for great gas mileage today on The Christian Car Guy. And the question as we've been studying this idea of cypress and cedarwood is how do you, because those trees grow really, really, really, really slow. And so how do we slow down? Make sure we get God enough involved. And that's one of the questions.

The other question is since they're anointed with oil that keeps out insects and that kind of stuff, how about your anointing or insights you may have there? 866-348-7884. So my friend Clay is calling in from Durham. Good morning, Clay. How are you? Morning, Clay. Well, hey, brother. Hey, brothers. How are y'all this morning?

It's a great day to be alive. Yeah, slightly warming up. And I'll tell you, you know, the one thing that, you know, you shared, I like the fact that you're using the cedar and the cypress because they start with the letter C and that's the third letter of the alphabet. And we know that there's the Holy Trinity, God the Father, God, you know, the Son and the Holy Spirit. That's right, yeah. And so, but, you know, also Christ starts with the letter C. So I'm like, you know, how could you not get a good fragrance out of being a follower of Christ? You sound like a theologian, Clay.

And he is the roof that keeps the rain off, just saying. That's how you end up being free, like, you know. Well, you know, I'm, you know, Memorial Day weekend was two weekends ago. And usually when we get closer to that time, I go to Walmart and look for these shirts. And I got this one, it's a red one, and it's got Let Freedom Ring, R-E-I-G-N. And I'll tell you what's so interesting.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to take a picture of it, send it to you. But, you know, you're talking about, you know, slowing down. I know that several times, you know, on Truth Radio. And I'm really sharing with people about listening to Truth Radio about what the pastors are preaching on and what certain people were talking about in regard, you know, I was listening to Pastor Greg last night, and he had this guy on last night, what he's talking about. And, you know, y'all, we really need to, you know, there's, I don't know if you remember the song by Orland's Love Takes Time. Yeah. If you listen to every single word of that song, how it gets introduced, how the chorus goes, all that other stuff, that song has a lot to do with God's timing, how he does things.

It's not for us, it's for him. So, you know, there are other songs that have, you know, have the word timing. Love does take time. And that's the whole point of the Song of Solomon, right?

I mean, that's the point. It does take time. Sure it does. And also, if you know that the Bible talks about time and patience. Now, I will tell people that I'm like a hospital, I have plenty of patience. Sometimes. You have to.

I knew you'd get a kick out of that. But anyway, you know, it talks about that. And I know that you talk about, you know, remember to slow down, everywhere Jesus walked, you know, he went, he walked.

And it's just so important. People, I don't want to take up a lot of time, but Wednesday, I went to this Freedom Rally in downtown Raleigh. And of course, your wonderful brother and mine, Steve Noble, was down there and seeing it. And I got to listen to these gentlemen who have been appointed, but also have been anointed by God the Father, and then the positions at the end.

There were three men who were like representatives and two senators, especially listen to what they're all saying, that we all as Christians need to unite and be together with all the stuff that's going on. So while I'm sharing this, on my way back, I had this car with three individuals in it. And they got up right behind me. And I, you know, I'm like, how close did it get?

I said, they're getting any closer, something might happen. So they tried it again. And I slammed on my brakes. Well, they threw something at the vehicle, they threw something at the vehicle.

And so they tried to get away. So I didn't slow down. Because what I did, and I said, Lord, just gather me with this, because I said, I don't need to lose my cool, I need to keep my, you know, cool where it needs to be. And so I got the license plate number. And but, you know, when I thought about it, I said, it could have been me that could have called something. So I said, I need to slow down, because of what was going on. And all I could do was, was I the reason why I brought that song up is because later on, I heard that song by Orleans Love Takes Time.

And, you know, whenever you grow a cedar tree, a cypress tree or a magnolia tree, no matter what tree it is, it takes time for it to grow and sprout the roots because that root is also talked about, you know, being in grafted in and the book of Romans. So I just I just get a kick out of that because I'm, again, I would like to thank you, and everybody else, and everybody out there, I would like to give thanks to the Lord for truth radio, because I'm so thankful. And maybe, maybe at some point, Clay, yeah, maybe it's maybe at some point, brother Robbie, you can share with people. I don't know if it's today or tomorrow, you know, whenever, whatever, on how you and I got to meet, and how I got to, you know, listen to truth radio, because it's very important to me, because that's all I listen to. It was actually through the Jesus labor love that I met Clay, but I would also point out to you, Clay, I am on Father's Day, as sort of an annual thing for years, it seems like I get to preach at Peace Church in Durham on Father's Day, and so I will be there Father's Day, and I'll get to see you. I look forward to that. I'm gonna run. Thank you, Clay. Thank you for your call. I love to think about there.

Love does take time. I love it. God bless, man. I am thankful to both of you for doing what you're doing today. God bless you both. Care about y'all, love y'all, and thanks for everything, because it's so meaningful.

It's important for our hearts, not our heads, but our hearts, because that's where you're getting it. That's just defeating. God bless. Bye-bye. That's awesome. So we got somebody else calling in. I'm looking forward to that, but we want to hear from you.

How do you slow down? How do you feel anointed? 866-348-7884. But speaking of anointed, you know, Jesus gave us this ministry. It's Jesus labor love, car repair labor for single moms, widows, and families in crisis, and we've been really busy. And I love the story that you talked about, because sometimes families in crisis are guys, right? And so you had an opportunity to talk with a young man that was struggling. And when he first called him, because we always offered to pray with people, he didn't want to pray with you, right? Yeah, yeah, which is very unusual. Most people absolutely have so many things they want to pray about.

So we pray about their children, their jobs, financial situation, and of course their car. And I spoke with a guy early this week, and he said, nah, man, I'm good. I'm like, all right. Well, Wednesday morning, real early, I was getting ready to go Wednesday into our weekly Bible study. And I was in a major hurry, and I'm in the bathroom getting, and I hear the phone ring. It rang four times, and it rang again four times, and it rang again altogether.

I think five or six times. So after I got ready to leave, I picked up the phone, and this must be important. I didn't, so then I recognized the number. It was somebody that, the guy that I asked to pray for. So I quickly called him back, and I said, are you all right, brother?

And usually we help more women than men, but we're willing to help anybody that needs, that has a need. And this young man, he was just really distraught, and he said, man, I really need some prayer. And he had some health issues that we wanted to pray about in his car, and he just had a lot of anxiety. I was just really touched.

And since then, we've talked several times. That's one of the things of this ministry that is just, God has just really blessed and blessed and blessed us with that. But that story is so spectacular to me, because he knew you wanted to pray with him that day.

He needed to slow down. But now, all of a sudden, God had his attention, and I think it's beautiful that he came in, allowed you to—you had to slow down, because you were late, you thought, but you were like, okay, God's got a different mission for me, so that's pretty spectacular. So we got, Gary is in Greenville, South Carolina. Gary, you're on the Christian Car Guys show. I'm excited to hear. What have you got for us? Gary, hey there. Wonderful for you to call.

What you got for us? Thank you. Yeah, I've got a practical encouragement, but I'm going to start with a confession.

Okay. My confession is that I go way too fast, and it's really, really hard for me to slow down. And what I find myself doing is, I've got something to do, and on my way to do it, something else catches my eye. So I go to do that other thing, but on the way to do that other thing, a third thing catches my eye. I resemble that remark, Gary.

Yeah, so now I'm doing the thing that I meant to do when I was doing the thing that I meant to do. I hate we got to go to a break. Can you stay on with us during the break, Gary? Sure, sure. Because we got to hear this. I mean, everybody, you have our complete attention at this point in time. So we'll be right back with Gary and your calls.

866-34-TRUTH. I'm never going to stop the rain by complaining because I'm free. Nothing's worrying me. If raindrops are falling on your head, then great roofs make for great gas mileage today on the Christian Car Guys show, and we left our hero, Gary.

Boy, we're all excited to hear what happened. We're resembling that remark of, we went to do this, then we got doing that, and then we did this. Sounds like me. Yeah. Yeah, and so I call the offer with that confession a good way to fight it, and that is to take the concept of fast growth makes weakness, but slow growth makes you strong.

But we all want to go faster and get more done. So I find that if I make specific appointment times to spend time just alone with the Lord and my thoughts, turn off the radio. I know that's a bad thing to say right now, but turn off the phone.

I love it very personally. Turn off the TV. Turn off everything. But you know, like, when you want to get together with a friend and you say, hey, let's get together sometime, it never happens. Right. But if I put an appointment and I say, okay, we're going to have lunch on Thursday, I'll see at 1130 at such-and-such appointments, do the same thing with the Lord Jesus Christ and the quiet time in your heart.

Now when you sit down with your to-do list, instead of making 10 things and getting three of them done, you make a list of five things and they all get done. You find out that I actually grew more and got farther by slowing down and doing it thoughtfully and prayerfully, empowered by the Holy Spirit who filled me when I took time out and rested. That's so beautiful, Gary. And I love the line, a couple of lines before the one we're talking about, the Song of Solomon. Jesus told the bride she had dove eyes, which, you know, those Holy Spirit eyes to see Jesus, right?

And when we look with our dove eyes, like we're looking for Jesus, then we're looking in the right direction. I think you got those, man. God bless. Thank you, Gary.

That was awesome. Thanks, Gary. Thank you. Keep up the good work. You too.

Bye-bye. All right, we got John is in Abbeville, South Carolina. John, you're on the Christian Car Guys show. Good morning. Good morning, brothers. Wonderful to have you, John.

What do you got for us? Well, last week, I was in a moment of crisis. One of you gentlemen, I don't know which one, prayed with me. And I'm here to tell you right now, I got off the phone with you. I could barely catch my breath, and I felt the Holy Spirit return to me.

Wow. And I'm trying, I've got a sign right here on the mantle that says, Be still and know that I'm God. I have to pay attention to that, because this week seems like it has gone so quickly.

It has been a week where I don't have a TV, I don't have cable, got rid of it. I was drawn to this radio station. God sent me to it. And all that I've filled my week with is learning, praying, and giving that Spirit some time to grow with me. But like everything else, you do want it to happen fast. And it seems like it has happened quickly, but I know I do need to pump the brakes. We all do. I love, I love, I love that. And I love the idea what Clay said, that love takes time, but I can see you spent the time, right, in investing in stuff that makes for slower growth.

But oh, my goodness, it's a lot stronger. So that's absolutely beautiful. I can totally relate, brother. I quit TV about nine years ago, and I'm a radio guy. But anyway, that's spectacular. John, you called last week, didn't you? I did. I remember it very well. And so how was that situation going? Wonderfully well blessed. I live in the middle of beautiful woods here in Alva County. My significant other here has a hummingbird aviary on the front porch.

Oh, wow. Every morning, I go on the porch with my dogs. I do my devotions. I take that still time to pray.

So cool. And it's, it's been tremendous. Something I don't deserve.

But Jesus gives it to me anyway, freely, for the asking. That is, that is so wonderful. And I just really wanted to thank you guys for having your show and for praying for me, because I'm, I've been listening to a series on this station about 1 Samuel and what David went through, and how he lost everything all the way up in the dwelling in the caves. And I feel much like I've gone through a similar type process.

And I've felt myself going to the light out of that cave. Wow. It is real. My God is real.

Oh, well, he definitely is. And one thing I want to mention is the neat thing about this ministry is that when we pray on the air like we did last week, John, who knows how many hundreds or thousands of listeners out there are praying with us. And, you know, we're two or more gathered, and we're gathered on the radio, you know. And it's really neat that we all can come in agreement on these kind of things. And I am just so grateful that God has given you that. And I'm so grateful for your call and the courage that you had to do that. So God bless. Thanks, John. Thanks for the call. Thank you, gentlemen.

Thank you so much. Bye-bye. Well, we got Sarah and Abraham are in Washington. So Sarah and Abraham, you're on a Christian carcass. Well, Abraham is not with me. Abraham has left the building. But he's close by in my heart.

And because the Lord is right there, and that's where he is, and the Lord is also with me. But I was thinking about, I mean, as usual, I'm getting a poem. And if I could... Please, please, please. I'm hoping, man. I'm excited about it.

Well, I mean, it's all over this page. And so, okay, so I'll try to read. When I was young, I grew too fast, and so did all my family. But although my body grew too fast, my inner life grew strongly. For anointing oil did grace my heart before I entered second grade. And it lasted from others who had a part to shelter me from troubles. They were my shade.

Now, let's see. Well, here's the other part. I had no headship to give me shade, for God didn't head my family.

My back was injured in sixth grade, and other troubles did surround me. So my joy, well, anyway, then, okay, now if I can find what I'm reading. Then, in the third year, third of my college years, a man of cypress quality, he helped to stay my rain of tears, to stop my rain of tears.

And for 70 years, he helped me grow to slow my pace, so I could return to that childlike place where I could walk real slow and smell the roses and delight in the great aroma of the cedars that, in western rainy Washington, How timely. So spectacular. I love the part under the shade, because, you know, interesting, the first time that word roof is mentioned in the Bible is when Lot was taking the angels under his shade of his roof.

And so that's really a significant line there, Sarah. I hate that we're on a show, but that was such an amazing part. Poem, as always, you are such a blessing. I love to play these shows back with my wife during the weekend and listen to all the amazing stuff that God brings us on this show. I just am so grateful for you guys listening and so grateful for the calls. And so grateful for this ministry. Scott, the Jesus labor love. You can find it all at, as well as my daily podcast on the Song of Solomon. And thank you all for listening. Remember, slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went. God had it all done in 33 years. God bless this is the Truth Network.
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