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Useless Gas Wasters

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
February 26, 2022 2:01 pm

Useless Gas Wasters

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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February 26, 2022 2:01 pm

The Christian Car Guy himself tells us what the biggest contributors to gas waste are in a car. One of them Spoiler, is going the wrong way. Listeners Call in to tell us the stories of when they went the wrong way in life and how they turned it around.  

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This is Hans Schile from the Finishing Well Podcast.

On Finishing Well, we help you make godly choices about Medicare, long-term care, and your money. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just seconds. Enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. You're going the wrong way!

What? You're going the wrong way! He said we're going the wrong way. Oh, he's drunk. How would he know where we're going?

Yeah, how would he know? Welcome to the Christian Car Guy Radio Show. I say this calls for action and now nip it in the bud. Nip it in the bud.

You got to nip it in the bud. I know that something has changed never felt this way and right here tonight this could be the start of something new. It feels so right to be here with you. Oh, and now I'm looking in your eyes.

I feel in my heart. The start of something new. Useless gas wasters today on the Christian Car Guy Show. Oh, I bet you're wondering how all that comes together, but useless gas wasters today as it seems based on, oh my goodness, if you've filled up recently you've noticed that gas is just not what it once was. And so, you know, it's part of what we get to do here on the Christian Car Guy Show, even in troubled times.

Certainly my heart's somewhat heavy in even mentioning this, but it is something that's practical like, man, it's a good time to be a good steward. So we want to talk about useless gas wasting. And so you heard one useless gas waster right from planes, trains, and automobiles, you're going the wrong way.

And certainly anybody who's ever seen that movie has got to get a laugh out of that particular clip. So you're going the wrong way. And we're going to talk a lot about that particular idea.

It has so many really ramifications. And then you heard Jackson Brown with Running On Empty, which, you know, honestly, I never knew the lyrics in that song until today. Carmen, did you ever—I always thought he said running low, but he doesn't say running low. It doesn't say running low. The first line is running on. And so when you really understand what he was saying as I read through the lyrics, I went, oh, he's going the wrong way.

He's like, running on, running on empty. And then it says running blind, right? That's going the wrong way. Wouldn't you agree, Carmen?

Yeah, I would. I didn't know it said that either. Yeah, that's what he says. And then he says running into the sun.

Well, I want to make you blind. But not if you're running to the sun, different sun, but it's okay. But, you know, it sounded to me like he's running behind is what it said.

So when we're going the wrong way, it causes time and gas, right? So we're going to talk a lot about a lot about that today. And then the start of something new from Disney's High School Musical.

And so, wow, we do get to hear what that's about. Starting off in the right direction has a lot to do with not wasting gas. So today's show, as you might imagine, is brought to you by a Hebrew letter like Sesame Street, right? And so today's show is brought to you by the Hebrew letter Resh or some people might say Rosh because it has to do with beginnings.

It has to do with a headship. So beginnings from a standpoint of like the headwaters of a river, like if you head in the right direction, that'd be good. If you head off in the wrong direction, you're going the wrong way. We get the idea. So the useless gas wasters, I actually have done several shows, as you might imagine, over the years.

I have 20 tips and I have 10 tips. I'm boiling it down to just four I want to talk about today. Going the wrong way, which we just talked about. Junk in the trunk, okay?

Speeding and low air pressure. Now, if you really consider those for a minute, they are also life wasters, okay? You want to waste your life? Go the wrong way.

It has to do with that, right? You want to waste your life? Junk in the trunk, right? You're carrying around too much baggage. Emotionally, you're carrying around too much baggage in your house.

Wherever you got it, believe me, too much junk in the trunk is definitely something that is a life waster. And then speeding, wow, I mean, we just head off running on into the sun blind. And the faster you go in the wrong direction, right, the further behind you get. So speeding is certainly also a life waster. And then low on air pressure.

Or if you're thinking spiritually, low on the spirit, right? Because it is air pressure. And we don't have that in our tires.

We're wasting our lives. So a writer once said this, and I think it's a really neat thing to consider, that a plane that's headed towards Hawaii is off course 99% of the time. It's not on course. And of course, he got a lot of people just screaming yell at him over that because there's different ways to look at it based on how far off course you are if it's a millimeter, a meter.

But if you really take it very technically, I believe he's right. And if you've ever tried to steer a boat, right? Every little wave, you got to turn the steering wheel. Every little thing because you just continually get off course. So by constantly adjusting, right, you're trying to get on course. So if you think about here's an airplane or a boat and you're just simply making one trip, well, if you think about your life is a whole lot more complex than that idea of air pressure or water pressure or currents or all that stuff. So how often are we off course?

And unfortunately, most worldly maps that we would might check on are a lot less reliable than those maps that the airplanes are using or the boats are using. So going the wrong way has been one of the wasters really in my life. And I wonder about yours.

Like, is it—it takes a huge toll, right? So, you know, as I was considering all this, to me, you might not be terribly shocked, that I started to ponder like beyond cool is this Hebrew letter Resh. As we said, it has to do with beginnings.

It has to do with headwaters and roots. And so in the 119 Psalms, you might imagine, because you got eight verses that are all talking about this idea of Resh, of starting off in the right direction, you might find it beautiful, and I really do, just beyond beautiful, that the psalmist mentions born again, not once, not twice, but three different times and in three different ways in the eight verses on the letter Resh. Because beginning—heading off in the right direction to begin with, you know, is one way that you might find your way. In fact, if you look at the 160th verse, it tells you what the whole thing's about. It says, Thy word is true from the beginning, and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever. In fact, that is the verse that the Jews quote right before they blow the chauffeur on Rosh Hashanah.

Why? Because at the head of the year, at the beginning of the year, you want to get off going in the right direction. And so the idea is God's word is very true from the beginning, so it's exactly—it's like, you don't have to wonder if it's a millimeter off course or a half a cent, you know. That thing is right dead on, and because of that, every one of his righteous judgments are true. And so along those lines of the righteous judgments—I want to just speak to that a minute—is the idea of God's judgment is that of purification. So what's happening in all the world, all the time, is God is getting rid of the dross, right?

He's purifying, you know, keeping what's good and getting rid of what's bad. And so his judgments, as the truth keeps marching on, as we heard in the Hallelujah, you know, in the Balla Hymn of the Republic, right? As truth keeps marching on, as that truth marches on, it does the act of this purification, which is the idea if you start well, you know, your chances are you can finish well. So I really think as we process this and talk about saving gas and all that, it's a good idea to take a hard look and really take a study of what are these three born-again statements, right? Because it's almost within this letter, he's going to give us eight different facets of God's face through this idea of beginning in the right place and starting off the right place.

And so when we look at these three, I mean, it's just beyond cool to me, like, oh my goodness. So I'll just read the first couple verses. It says, consider mine affliction, right, which has to do with God start thinking about—he wants God to begin to look at his situation and deliver me for I do forget not thy law. In other words, I'm trying to be on course here, God. He said, please plead my cause and deliver me, and then he comes his first of the three opportunities to ask to be quickened. So that word quicken is really a cool word, because it really means born-again. Put me back at the beginning innocent and pure, right?

So get me back there. And so he said, please my cause, deliver me quicker me according to thy word. In other words, and this happens to be the understanding verse, like if we could go back to the beginning to where we could understand purely what the word of God says, we would now have a pretty good map. Like if I want understanding, I can tell you a great way to get it is to spend time right here in his word. And so we come back, we take a look at these other two.

We're going to talk a lot about gas wasters, but when were you? Head in the wrong direction. Call us 866-34-TRUTH. You're listening to the truth network and You're going the wrong way.

What? You're going the wrong way. He said we're going the wrong way. Oh, he's drunk. How would he know where we're going?

Yeah, how would he know? Useless gas wasters today on The Christian Car Guy Show. So, you know, when were you wasting your life going the wrong way? And you got a new beginning, a new headwater. We would love for you to call and share those stories. We really would.

I really would. 866-34-878-84, 866-34-TRUTH. And I want to mention that, you know, again, we're going to be talking about these useless gas wasters, but I've got a show from 2014 I did that is going to be on the podcast tomorrow if you want to hear more on not wasting gas.

So that was a classic show. And then as always, our podcast every day during the week is on the 119 Psalms. So if you like this study about these individual verses, I do a verse every day and have for some time. In fact, for clear up, I think the verse 132 or something like that in the podcast that you can hear every day. So, you know, right before I went to break, we got to the very first of the quickening ideas.

In other words, start me again, start me fresh, start me pure in your Word. What a neat thing to ask. I mean, like, I could use that every single day. Lord, quicken me in your Word because if I can get that, man, then I can see such amazing things about you and understand some amazing things about you. I'll understand some things about me. So we got Jacqueline Ward.

She has a story for us. Jacqueline, you're on the Christian Car Guys show. Good morning. Good morning, Robbie.

How are you? I'm excited to hear your story, no doubt. Oh my God. I feel like I'm on the spotlight. She keeps me from the back shelf somewhere, because just about everything you've been talking about recently has been like a trigger point for me.

Wow. One of the stories is marrying the wrong husband. And the minister kept asking us, we did a premarital thing, and it was very short. And he still kept asking, like, I'm sure you're supposed to be getting married.

And we kept saying, yes, yes, I was saying yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. And I got a moment, like three weeks after that marriage, because he tried to take my life. He tried to take your life? Yes, my husband tried to take my life.

Oh, my word. He looked up in the sky one day, and he said, if this is your child, then you're going to save her today. And I didn't really understand what that meant. And so he started coming after me with a knife, and I had to struggle him down. And, you know, he beat me up pretty bad. And he ended up going to jail for it. And he did some time for it. And I did time in life about making wrong mistakes. So there's a poem I wrote about it called SOS. Probably I put it into the collection, but I had to kind of, like, get through passes. So I had all of it. Yeah, and for those of you who listened last week, Jacqueline sent me several of her poems, and so they're there at

If you'd like to see them. And then, you know, you had a big week, didn't you, Jacqueline? Oh, my God.

Yes, oh, my Lord. I said, thank you for your prayers for my mom. She's home. She starts chemo Tuesday. Isn't that wonderful? Continue to pray for her. Yes, that's wonderful.

I'm so excited for that. I asked God, please give me a little bit more time with her, you know, because I had been going the wrong way for many years and had hatred for my mom, and he turned that hatred into love. That's the poem. And so now my life has been still continuing on, and he's been making me over and over and over again. So that's a little song that goes to Debbie. I want me to sing it all year. I just put it in a poem.

Doesn't matter. But my life has been like a open book, especially for women. I find myself always talking to women, because I always—I got to be—I may hear a conversation somewhere, and you'd be like, just go ahead on and share your testimony. And it opens me up so much. I feel not really embarrassed, but I just think I don't want to see what God is doing a whole lot of time. But I know it has turned into a definite ministry, because I'm always sharing with women, especially.

Right, right. So I wonder, Jacqueline, since we had such a wonderful blessing last week for your mom in our prayer, that we might not—you and I and whoever is listening—pray with us for what's going on in the Ukraine, right? It's because God's really put this on my heart, and I would love to pray with you. Lord, thank you for Jacqueline, and wow, we are so thankful for the relationship that's been born again, that started new with her mother.

We're so thankful for her health and a chance to get into this chemotherapy and all that you've given her strength for. But Lord, along the idea of, you know, going the wrong way, Lord, we pray that you would help the Russians to see they're going the wrong way. I pray that you would help them to turn back and get going in a direction that makes some kind of sense. I pray for the safety of those who are being attacked, Lord, innocent people. Lord, protect them, guard them, and we know that all these things are in your hands, Lord.

We trust you, and we know that this is all going to be for your purification. We just pray that you would help us to do our part in praying or helping in any way that we can, and we ask this in Jesus' name. Thank you for praying with me, Jacqueline, and for calling in today and sharing your story. Again, her poems are there at God bless you.

Have a great day, Jacqueline, and a great another week. I will also ask you, I'm praying for a RV. It's material, but I know God could do it to be able to just go there and be there a week with my mom. Oh, wow. You know, take her back and forth to chemotherapy, you know, in style.

It's just a desire I have, and I know he does give this desire, but I didn't know if anybody out there might have one. I said, borrow, rent, or whatever, donate, but it's just, and I also needed to pour it for the women. I used to do a program with a woman called Still a Rose, where they would take the prostitutes off the street and you put a warm blanket around them and give them a rose and a hot cup of chocolate, and that's actually how I got started with Sister Seed Restoration. So, and that was a lot. Wow. She was such a brave woman in LA. I don't know if she was going to a business or not, but that was wonderful. Oh, we got to go to a break. Thank you, Jacqueline. Again, we would love to hear your story. 866-348-7884. When were you going the wrong way? And God helped you get a new beginning.

866-348-7884. A useless gas wasters today on the Christian Archive show. And of course, if you start in the right direction, if you're born again, like, man, how fun is that? And I had never really examined the idea of being born again in different ways, but the psalmist does that in the 119 Psalm in the verses on the raised section, because he asked for three different—and you can't help but find it fascinating to me, I do—that Peter was restored three times, and here we have three different ways that this psalmist is asking to be quickened. As we talked about in the last segment, that he was asked to be quick in thy word.

In other words, have this crown of the Word of God, like, oh my goodness, how wonderful would that be? And then his next one is in verse 156. He says, Great are thy tender mercies, O Lord.

That's a great way to start, just saying. Quicken me according to thy judgments. And so, wow, I mean, that's just laying it out there. Like, God, you know me, and you know what is in my life that needs purification. You know where the dross is, and you know where the gold is, and Lord, you do what you need to do to get me back to where I'm pure, right? That purification process. What a courageous thing to do, and, you know, along those lines, if you're trying to save gas, just saying.

You know, it's really a cool thing. I've said for years, if you want to save gas, pray. Ask God. Like, God, what am I doing where I'm going the wrong way? You know, sometimes going the wrong way may be that you didn't need to make that trip at all, or maybe you're taken to the wrong time of day.

Like, if you leave 15 minutes earlier, you might just escape tons of traffic and get there, you know, 20 minutes earlier and not use near the gas. And so, you know, if the idea of purification when it comes to your driving, there's so many different ways that that works, and what a phenomenal thing to ask God to do is to get in there and make me, put me on the right, let me start fresh, get me exactly where I need to be when it comes to this idea of judgment. So, the third that I want to get to, and just blows my mind, that he asks is in verse 159, he says, consider how I love thy precepts, quicken me according to thy loving kindness. So that third time, he asked to be quickened in his relationship with God. So, in other words, he's wanting to be quickened in loving kindness. So not only do we get God's love, but what a cool thing to be able to have God's love for other people, like to start fresh in how many relationships would you like to just go back to the point where you would both be, you know, at that place of the new beginning, like what you just heard from the people in high school musical, right? Like, man, they are so excited because they started off in this new relationship, and I can remember when I first started dating Tammy, my wife, oh my gosh, I couldn't ever, ever get her off my—I was just constantly thinking like that! Like, and this is, what a great place to start with God, and to start with other people, and even with your car, okay?

Right? To some extent, you loved your car, you wouldn't have bought it to begin with, and so, man, God take me back there, because if you love your car, you're going to take care of it, and guess what? It will get better gas mileage. If you quit annoying, you know, that check engine light or that other thing that's been flashing, telling you you got something to do, all those things, you know, as you fall more in love with your car, name it, et cetera, et cetera, you tend to take better care of it.

It all comes together in lovingkindness, as that is the delight and the fear of the Lord. So I have Clay, he's my good friend in Durham, I'm so glad he called in today. Clay, you're on the Christian Car Guys show, going by your own name today, like you are the positive. Well, you know, I figured I would not call in and use any different names than I've used before, you know, I figured it's better to be straight up and forward with everything, or straightforward, you know, and just call in and talk to you and say, hey, I'm very thankful for you. And, you know, we're coming up on five or six years ago that you and I first started talking. That's true.

That's true. And so, my cute little thing, you know, you're talking about going the long way, actually, all I can do is think about certain things in the Bible. And what I've been sharing with people is, we just got to remember from the day that we were born, that we came out of, you know, our mothers, God the Father has had a planned path for our life. And I think, you know, also shared that, you know, when you get to a certain age, and people just say, well, I don't need to be on that path. But, you know, God the Father is up there just, you know, saying, Okay, I'll let you go do what you need to do.

But at some point, I need you to come back to me. So just think, going on that premise, you know, going the long way, I feel that it's sometimes people don't have the faith that they really need. And this is something that in this man's Bible study that I've been able to go back to on Thursday, this was talked about, you then have no faith, you have little faith, or you have a lot of faith. And, you know, several times in the New Testament, that Jesus says to his, one of his disciples, Oh, ye of little faith, or, you know, you don't have that much faith. So, you know, in the book of, you know, Hebrews, it says, it talks about faith.

And just think about this, that's a five letter word. And, you know, I looked out well, while we were talking about this, I looked it up. And the word faith has a lot to do with confidence and strength and what you know, in your heart and all this other stuff. And so that got used for me bringing in that confidence, because you've got to have the confidence. And I mean, you know, you got to have the belief in your heart. Darrell Bock And the way, you know, as I listen to you, Clay, I can't help but note, and because I know you, it's how you get that faith is, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, right? So you went to a Bible study, it's a perfect opportunity, right? To increase that in so many different ways, because in my case, you know, I know completely, I was saved by actually reading the Bible.

That's my story. But it came from hearing. And hearing, the only reason I got it was able to hear it all, right, is because I was using the map that was heading me in the right direction, which was to God, right? Well, I tell you, brother, it's interesting, because it's not only about hearing. I just tell people that, you know, I'm so honestly, I am so thankful to the Lord for truth radio, because that's all I listen to.

I don't listen to the idiocracy out there. And I heard, you know, praying for what's going on with this situation. And we do need to pray for that situation. Because, you know, just to hear within the last week, I've heard three different people talk about, you know, Ezekiel chapter 38. And, you know, that seems to be a thing that it seems to be falling in line with what the Bible says. But, you know, it's more than hearing to me, it's being digestively fed, like when you can hear Pastor John MacArthur preach on something, or, you know, you can hear you talk about something on the 7th Saturday morning, or Pastor David Jeremiah. I know that when we can have the faith that the Lord provides for us, it's not losing hope.

But it's being digestively fed. And we don't have to ever doubt or question what is going on. We just can ask the Lord what we can learn from what is going on. So I'm just thankful, brother. One thing I'll share with you, just for anybody that's listening, just stay prepared for me.

Within the next 34 days, I'm going to have to figure out where I'm going to be going. And I was trying to get a little extra time on that, but my sister would not allow it, and she made it known. And so— Right.

So for the listeners that don't know, I can clarify a little bit of that. Unfortunately, Clay's aunt died, and his mother died, within the last three or four months. And so the house he was living in was his aunt's. And housing is a little bit tough right now.

And fortunately, he has some financial resources, but finding housing right now is tough. So we'll be praying for you, Clay. I thank you so much for calling in today and for your friendship and for your words of encouragement. Brother, love you. Well, I love you too, brother. And I'm just thankful because I get to hear what everybody or you know, no matter who it is, in the early in the morning, day in the week, or in the afternoon, or evening— Yeah, I'm with you, man.

I mean, how lucky are we that we get to hear truth in so many different ways that God provides it? Thank you, my friend. We will talk to you soon. God bless. All right, brother. God bless you, man. Love you, and thank you for doing the job you're doing. And I'm very thankful to the Lord. Have a great day, brother.

You too. Bye-bye. So we would love your story of when were you headed in the wrong direction?

Maybe you saved a whole lot of gas by coming the right way. 866-348-788486634-TRUTH. We would love your story or your comments. Again, I just love to talk to you. You call us. We'll be right back.

Hey! He says we're going the wrong way! Oh, he's drunk! How would he know where we're going?

Yeah, how would he know? Useless gas wasters today on The Christian Archives Show. You know, one of those being going the wrong way in so many different ways, and so we are so grateful for your calls today and your stories.

And so we're going to get right to them, because we've got some calls. We've got Sarah Linda is in Portland. No, I'm sorry.

I always say this wrong. Snow Mahomish, maybe? No, Port Orchard.

Port Orchard. Washington. Okay, I get my organs mixed up with my Washington. So anyway. That's okay. I got a poem. Good. Oh, and you know, I'm a little bit ancient, you know, and anyway, I've got to be careful how I am traveling. I'm sure, I'm sure.

Yeah. So, uh, this morning I woke up, anyways, and you got me, anyway, I'm here with a poem. I'm wonderful. And I'll just give it to you, okay?

Please! Get me back in the beginning, when creation began your course. Bring me to the purity where your river had its source.

Quicken me, O Father, O let me hear your word, so I may guide my wheel of life only with what from you I've heard, casting far away all the things that causes strife, that I may take my journey with no heavy weight, no weight of life, following the map that you've provided for that state, that state of life that shows the best of ways to travel in the manner that only gives you praise. Oh wow, I have to clap like the whole world should be clapping. Sarah Linda, did you just write that? Yeah, oh my. The beauty of that, for those who may have never heard Sarah Linda before, not that familiar with Sarah Linda's struggles with speaking, but God gave her the ability to write these poems that allows her to express herself, and oh my goodness, that's just unbelievable that you put that, but it, I mean, that was just touching my heart because it was right on, right on target for how I feel this morning. Oh my, and me too. That is so wonderful. Well, I got to get to another call, but I am so glad to hear from my friend this morning.

I wake up there early and what a poem, actually a song. I'm telling you. God is good, amen. Amen, amen. Thank you so much, Sarah Linda. God bless you. Oh, I'm gonna think about that all day.

I'm gonna have to go back and listen to it again on the podcast. Thank you, Sarah Linda. God bless. Bye-bye.

Wow, that's unbelievable. So we have Anonymous calling in in Raleigh. Anonymous, hi, you're on The Christian Kargai Show.

What you got for us? Actually, Nate, they actually made me that when I was born. Oh. Anyway, good morning, my friends. And you know, when I listen to all the stuff in the world going on right now, or an increase of things that have already been going on, it's a delight to hear you this morning. You always, no matter what mood I've ever been in, you know, it's good to hear y'all. You're uplifting. I just, I wasn't gonna call, but I thought, okay, I will.

May help somebody else. I was heavily involved with substances for, since I was, I don't know, really about 18, that and mixing with alcohol. And I, you know, I just, it caused a lot of, at 64 now, I was in time of sobriety, and it only came.

I went to many treatment centers, all that. It only, it was towards the small, a little while. But the only thing that has taken it from me has been the Lord. It's the only thing. No, not thing, but that's the only way. Oh, I know, but isn't it, I mean, and the neat thing is that not only do you get sober, you get Him. Oh, yeah.

Right? It's kind of interesting, because my eyes are not only open, but I can see clear from getting off from getting off that mess. It's also opened up more with the Holy Spirit in my life now, inside, you know, really. The discernment is, He's given me discernment. Yeah, and I can hear the joy that's in there, that He's put, and you know, that's the thing, man.

It's like, I don't know how He did it. Like, He took all my stuff that I did so horrible, and all these horrible choices, and He put me right there, fresh and pure and clean, right to that place of that new beginning, like I could fall as totally in love as I ever could, as a result of Him making me clean. I was saying to him something, remembering something last night, and it was like this came to me, something not good that I had done in the past, and it's like it came to me, you know, He doesn't remember that, so why should He? Yeah, the Lord hasn't remembered that, so why should He? You know, that's one of my favorite, I love that you brought that up, because it's one of my favorite things to do when the accuser likes to bring up stuff to me, is I always remember what Jesus told the lady that was caught in adultery, you know, where are your accusers, right? If I can get in His presence, man, Satan's gotta get gone, right? And so how, like Jesus, I know that I just need to get closer to you, because as I get closer to you, you know, where are your accusers?

Because, you know, exactly like you just said, Jesus doesn't have any of that, that's all gone. That's as clean as the day you were born anonymous. Yeah, it's hard to say, it's hard to say, it's like, all right, well, let me let you go, but thank you so much for what you're doing, and you know, just I was the same anonymous that called last week about losing somebody. I understand, I understand. Anyway, but thank you so much. Oh, thank you, God bless you. Yes, thank you. If you're going through the same or similar to that, you can do it through Christ, you can do all things through Christ, it's great with you. That's so true, so true. All right, God bless.

Thanks, bye-bye. All right, 866-348-7884, if you want to get in something real quick, but, you know, those gas savers, they're life savers, man, and God wants us to get, if we could get totally clean, right? He gets rid of our junk in the trunk, he gets rid of the need to speed, right? We don't need the speed when we want to stay, well, I don't want to go anywhere, I'm with you right now.

We get tire pressure, all the same stuff, all happens if we can get back, right, to that place of quickening. And how fun, you might look at those verses in 119 Solomon, asked to be made new in his word, made new in his judgment, in his purification, made new in his loving kindness, like hesed, like, man, I would love that. So thank you so much for listening today, and like, as I always say, slow down, right? If you're hanging around Jesus, no reason to speed, slow down. Jesus walked everywhere he went, got it all done in 33 years, and I'm so, so, so grateful for you listening and taking part with the show today. God bless. You're listening to the Truth Network and This is the Truth Network.
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