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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
October 17, 2023 5:24 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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October 17, 2023 5:24 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE---Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.-Topics include--04- Is 1 Corinthians 9-7 dealing with salvation---09- Why is the news media silent on the destruction of America---11- What is Matts favorite version of the Bible---13- Does God allow trials or cause them---19- Are Quakers Christians or a cult---25- Do animals go to heaven--


It's Matt Slick Live! Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at

When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live! Francis, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick.

Matt Slick Live! Francis, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-207-2276. Francis, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick Live! Francis, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877- presto! Francis, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-007-2276.

Here's Matt Slick Live! Francis, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877- dispensaries. He doesn't say so that I could be disqualified if I don't do enough. That's not what's going on So I think that was but in the light of all the other scripture that says you know God says he won't leave us or forsake us Jesus will never lose any that we would have to take the principle or hermeneutical principle of Taking a verse that can be understood in different ways and then interpreting it in Harmony with the clear verses when it deals with the same topic So if we're gonna look at this and say that it deals with the issue of eternal security then You know if they could lose their salvation well, then okay if that's the case then why does Jesus say that will the father's that he lose none and You know Jesus says they have everlasting life.

They'll never perish. You know things like this which seem to be quite clear So I think That one of the possibilities Exegetically is that you could lose your salvation and what I mean, I don't believe it's true, but I mean Exegetically you could derive that from the text But you could also derive exegetically from the text that this stuff that he does Demonstrates that he will not be disqualified So we don't want to say that the things that he does keeps him right with God Because if someone were to say well, this means that you can lose your salvation Well, then does it also teach you keep it by how good you are How much work you do because that would be a false teaching so it's a difficult Scripture to get through and I don't believe that Jesus that Paul the Apostle is teaching we can lose our salvation I think he's just drawing an analogy and that he's bringing it to the people who Don't understand the requirement necessity of walking the Christian life, and they'll be disqualified Not that they lose their salvation, but the evidence of their lack of salvation become manifest. That's how I look at it, okay? Because I hear some people say that that referred to he don't be disqualified as a history as a minister Yeah, I mean like you know his ministry So he wanted to do so so he wants it that's what that's what some people teach that that that is ministry So he wants you want to be disqualified as a minister doing his ministry to be preaching the gospel to others Yeah, yeah, I think yeah, I think it's viable as well But he does talk about this issue running the race the Christian race this visit But he just says verse 22 Jews it became a Jew you know and to win those And I mean to those who under the law under the law so he's talking about the witnesses. I think it's a good possibility possibility that he's talking about the issue of Being disqualified from his ministerial role because that you can lose Like for example a pastor who committed adultery well.

Sorry you're gone. That's it no more pastoring for you Yeah Yeah, you know like he's a mother person. He mentioned you know Apostle Paul said not that I've reached The high calling breath that's our calling God, but I press forward you know like a horse running a full gallop You know to whisper Basically the reward not salvation, but the reward the high calling Christ uses. You know the truth Yeah, I think the ministry one is a good one Yeah, I think it's Yeah, I think the ministry opportunity thing is a good one But yeah, it will just leave it at that.

You know we had a lot of comments There's a lot of conditions. Oh, yeah, so I think it's so you know it's an interesting verse. It really is an interesting verse Okay, all right. Okay. Thank you. God bless Amen God bless you too. We'll see you All right So that's Alberto as I said I'll be gone in 20 minutes Go do a half-hour show today, and if you want to give me a call before then all you have to do is dial eight seven seven two zero seven two two Seven six and if you don't want to give me a call you can you can email me info at Oh, I forgot to say what day this is this is for the podcasters October 16th 2023 It's been watching the Hamas Israel stuff and what really surprises me it shouldn't surprise me is how bad our schools are they're less leftist organizations, but one thing that bothers me a great deal is How come the pundits don't talk about The more important issue of our country and the concerted effort there is to undermine Everything about it and that there must be people behind this who are working this why is it that the?

The news beat isn't talked about this These are exactly the kinds of things that you would expect if someone was inside the country trying to destroy it You know open borders, which no country does that just America's stupid and destroying the family the perversion of sexuality You know abortion a government turning against its citizens Things like that so these are the kinds of thing we'll get in the schools under control of leftist With regimes making pornography of easily available a drug addictions There's more socialistic pressures, so these are kind of things how can the news media isn't talking about them. That's just a comment That I like to make let's get to Billy from Charlotte, North Carolina Billy welcome you are on the air Yes, sir. What is your favorite or preferred version of the Bible? Bible yeah, I use the NASB New American Standard Bible Okay, I Appreciate it What's which one do you use? the NIV Yeah, it's not bad It's not bad, but what I do is I judge Bibles by by Romans 5 18 Romans 5 18 which it tells me how the translators are going because Romans 5 18 is very particular in the Greek and Because of what it says people are the translators are allowing their prejudices to govern how it's translated And the NIV does that the King James does it and so I don't trust those as well Or as much as I trust the NASB which sticks to the Greek as much as possible, so that's why I do that okay? I appreciate it Okay Have a good one Sure, no problem Have you two all right? Hey if you want to give me a call folks all I got to do is dial eight seven seven two zero seven two two Seven six I want to hear friend to give me a call.

They have nobody waiting right now So what I think it'll do is go over to a little bit of hate mail Or just saying a couple questions that come in from the listeners, so let's see radio questions. We've got a few I Know James says that God doesn't tempt. I'm wondering if God only allows trials, but causes sense trials to believers Yes, a temptation is different than allowing or sending a trial Temptation is to tempt us to do something wrong It was specifically by your hand, but a trial is something that is allowed to come upon you and how you deal with it is Your own and so God absolutely does allow trials to come upon us Because no trial can get to us unless God has ordained it some people think that when we talk about ordination It means direct causation in every sense.

No it does not to ordain means that God has either directly decreed it or Indirectly permitted it, but it's within his will and he says I want this to happen I'm gonna let it occur the way it is just like I might say to my child is riding a bike I'm gonna let you fall. Okay. I'm gonna let you do it.

He's gonna learn how to do this. It's that kind of a thing So yes, that is certainly The case okay, all right, let's see who I can't get to that Okay about this Let's See, let's see Recently listened to your podcast what you discussed what it meant when Jesus came up out of the water after baptism This brought to mind Joshua. Oh, that's right. Yeah. I actually took notes on that. That's a good one.

Thank you very much appreciated that and Lynn hello, mr. Slick open pray all is well with y'all. I like that I know that Jesus is coming back, but I hear it is the second coming correct wouldn't this be considered his third coming? Because he was born a baby then rose from the dead and ascended to his father No, so the first arrival of Christ was his incarnation the second is when he comes back in the clouds That's what it is and his rising from the dead going ascending into heaven is not his return the second coming That's not what it is. So Jesus will Return once From heaven. He's not gonna return halfway into the clouds Nothing in Scripture says he descends into the clouds and then returns back into heaven. There's only one instance of Him descending in the clouds and it's prophesied in Acts 1 9 through 11 and it says this is how he's going to return And it's there's always one return of Christ and it's described that way now some people might want to respond and say well What he's gonna do is he's going to return Partially, but it's not really the return is to rapture so he descends in the cloud meets people in the air And it goes back up in heaven, but nothing in Scripture says that there's a dual arrival of Christ in the clouds in two different Situations, so that's that's an issue. All right, let's see This is from somebody in Norway What's up with some Christians being so obsessed with celebrating the Feast of Booths and traveling to Israel for that?

They mix in that it's to bless Israel and teach that Israel is God's chosen people Well, you know when people keep feasts of various kinds and they want to do that that that's fine They could do that it just as long as you're not doing it in order to be declared righteous before God or contribute or maintain their righteousness before God But that it's just something that they want to do and if they want to that's okay But since there's so many Christians who might be doing this I think then at that point you might want to ask Individuals about that see what they say. Hey, there's the break. We'll be right back after these messages if you want to give me a call 8 7 7 2 0 7 2 2 7 6 be right back It's Matt slick live taking your calls at 8 7 7 2 0 7 2 2 7 6. Here's Matt slick All right, everybody if you want to give me a call 8 7 7 2 0 7 2 2 7 6 We'll be done at the bottom of the hour. I gotta do my homework online I gotta be an online class halfway through the show. So that's on Monday.

So let's get to valiant from Indiana valiant Welcome you're on the air Hey Matt This weekend. I was talking to a friend and he was invited by a friend of his to a church And we got talking about it and I looked the place up online. I'm just curious and it turns out. It's a Quaker Church Uh-huh, and I was just wondering We looked it up kind of what that denomination believes and some of it was pretty nutty But I was just wondering what you thought about that Okay, now I got to ask you so tell me what was nutty about the Quakers Just one of the I'm not sure even what church it was but it said that they believe that all All truth or something was found from looking within yourself yeah, um, and I thought that's that sounded pretty heretical to me, but Yeah, what they do is they tend to Like at a preaching service at a church they believe in the inner light of the Holy Spirit that will then bear witness of truth And in first John 2 27, you don't need it anyone teach you but the anointing which you received abides in you We'll teach you of all things. So they take that and they go way too far with it And so I've heard of Quakers not preparing any sermon anything I'll get up to preach and they just trust that God will fill their hearts and their minds at the moment so They do believe when I understand the Trinity and that Jesus is the Son of God, but You know, I would like to do a little bit more research on them So, but yeah, it's a it's an odd group in that sense Okay, yeah, we were through the like the doctrinal statement of this one and Everything was kind of vague it seemed like and On there's there was nothing that really spit out to me. It's crazy. But yeah, I just I don't know if that was If it was basically a call or if they were just a little a little bit off for what they're they're off and Yeah, a lot of good Quakers but Yeah, I would just you know They're not very organized and they're into the inner witness, but they have to have a guide by which They can then determine what is true and false so if we understand like I said, they leave the Trinity and And Jesus has the Son of God, which would be God the Son So I think they're within the Christian camp, but they do not like I said They don't really believe in much of an organizational structure Even though they have churches and they do that kind of a thing as her people get up and preach and teach So it's a little bit odd Okay Okay, all right, well yeah, yeah anybody else on or could I ask you another well They got one more person waiting really fast.

What do you got? There was a Listen, this guy talked about the Eastern Orthodox Church and there I guess they kind of hold Church tradition over their doctrine of Scripture and I don't know. I just didn't know if any of that it's How valid that was? The East Orthodox Church is not a Christian Church and The reason it is not is because it teaches a false gospel So they'd like to say basically that we participate in the energies of God The kind of gracious energies that God produces and that through the membership of the church the sacraments various things that these energies are moved into you and upon you and Over a long period of time in your life you become Justified and it's called theosis and along with theosis is the idea of Becoming godlike But they don't say that you can become a god But that you become godlike and it's not it's called. It's a deification without being deity That you become more like God, and this is how you obtain Righteousness, it's really bad Yeah, it's and then they teach that this I teach salvation is it's a process that you have to go through. That's bad Okay, interesting.

Yeah, yeah So I would just stay away from it because it's a it's a basically It's like it says it is as apostate as the Roman Catholic Church is Okay All right. Well, hey, thanks, Matt. All right, man. God bless Yep. All right.

Yeah, let's see. Let's get to Debbie from North Carolina Debbie. Welcome. You are on the air Thank you, Matt.

Thank you for taking the call. I have two questions. My first question is do our animals go to heaven? And I don't know First I'm sorry, just let's do one at a time So, um, I don't know if animals go to heaven the Bible doesn't say that like my cat Well, you know when it dies just go to heaven. I don't know and the Bible doesn't say yes The Bible doesn't say no, but I tend to say no because They're not made in the image of God and it won't be said in the presence of God But it does look like the animals will be on Paradise Earth on earth as it's remade So is there a chance there that God might make you know, our old pet Fido come back. I don't know I don't want to say yes, but I just don't know what the new condition is going to be like there.

Okay? Okay, because that kind of leads to my next question like in Revelation we read of Christ returning on a white horse And is that literal or symbolic? well The Bible says that he returns from the clouds But when he talks about the right horse the horse white is purity and the horse is strength So the issue is he'll be coming back with a judgment and power So is it literally on a horse? No, I don't believe that Because Rome revelation is a very highly symbolic book.

So it's just talking there about the Imagery of him returning a great power with great strength. Okay? Okay, thank you you're welcome, all right, well god bless Debbie All right Let's get to Darius from California.

Welcome. You're on the air Hi, I Wanted to call about a certain issue that I've been dealing with recently in my mind It's about a the topic of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and it's a sin that I keep Struggling with in my head it it drives me crazy. I lose sleep over it. I have In the past I feel like I have I have committed it I feel like I have attributed the works of evil to what is undeniably good and I I Did it out of anger out of something that had nothing to even do with with God it had to do with my own Real ignorance really and I all I really want to do is practice my love for Jesus But I I keep getting haunted by these thoughts that I can't be forgiven and it says in the Bible That I can't be forgiven. So I just want to call if If blasphemy the Holy Spirit is committed Which is Matthew 12 22 32 saying that Jesus himself did the miracles by the power of the devil.

There is a debate on whether anybody is even capable of committing that sin today because Some say you had to be alive there watching Jesus and then attribute it then for it to be a true It's blessed with the Holy Spirit if However, let's just say it's possible to commit it today any such person who has committed It would not have the Holy Spirit working on them The Holy Spirit bears witness of Jesus and the desire to serve Christ is from the Holy Spirit because he bears witness of Christ John 14 26 so the fact that you want to serve Jesus means you never committed it. Don't worry about it You're secure in Christ rest in him. Okay now we're out of time I got to go cuz I got to do my class now call back tomorrow and we'll talk about this some more because I want you To be secure and at peace about it. You go back tomorrow. Okay, gotta go buddy. All right. Thank you so much All right, call back. All right.

God bless everybody It's max like live taking your calls at 8 7 7 2 0 7 2 2 7 6 here's Matt slick All right, welcome back to the show. Let's get back to Jacob Jacob are you there? So with what you were saying Would you say that's one of the best arguments to use against the Roman Catholics when they say that? Jesus is omnipresent in the Eucharist No, because what they're saying is that the presence and the nature of Christ are distinct and distinguished from the essence of the Eucharistic presence or wafer so they'll say that the the wafer Here's what becomes inconsistent I'm trying to think you might have a better point in that I'm thinking They say it's in with and under transubstantiation and the the confusion rests in the issue of of the blending of the the natures of the bread and The the body and I've heard and read where they say it is only retaining The appearance of bread and is no longer bread, but has been Transformed into that so its nature has changed. So then they would say That this and this would not violate the laws of logic here But what they're saying is that the nature of the bread changes it retains the physical appearance But its nature is different and it's the nature of the body of Christ And so therefore when you take it you're taking the body of Christ, so they wouldn't be violating Logical category mistakes or stuff like that in that case Wouldn't they be saying that the body is omnipresent Because they're observing it all over the world That's a problem And I've asked Catholics.

Is it not the case that a human body is by definition in one place at a time? yes, then how can Jesus body be ubiquitous and they say well, it's just a mystery and What I'm doing is showing them just from what you're getting at is that there's a problem when they say That the body of Christ is in multiple places I've had them say well, we don't know what God does in heaven so therefore it can happen and these are all arguments just from flat-out ignorance and so It there's that and plus I'll say well look Did he actually drink did they actually drink the blood of Christ? Yes before the crucifixion. Yes But you say that the sacrifice is the sack the Eucharist is the sacrifice body and blood of Christ, right? Yes, then how did it happen before the institution before the sacrifice? That's a bit of a problem for them to work out and the other thing is well Leviticus 17 14 says that The Jews are not to drink the blood of any flesh so it was Jesus breaking Levitical law by telling him to drink blood and They have a problem with that too.

They have their ways of Trying to get out of it, but their ways aren't very good. They're not very sound logically Anyway, okay 2220 when Jesus says the Up is the New Covenant if they were consistent. They would have to say that cup was literally the New Covenant, right?

Now that's a good point. I never thought of that before that's a good point The cup now what they mean by it is the containing of the container of the cup the blood now What they do they take the wafer they dip it into the the wine and it's called Intinction so that the wine is an infused into the wafer and when the priest lifts it up It's changed into the body of blood of Christ is no longer just A bread and wine, but yeah, it's the cup is what symbolizes. I there's a word for that It's a simile or something like that and that's what's going on And so when Jesus says I'm the door He's not literally a door just as this is the cup is not literally the cup or this specific cup that he's talking about Okay And when they do that, is it correct that they actually venerate the host It's correct that they do it. It's sinful that they do it. So Like they'll parade around the elements and stuff like that and they'll face them and venerate them Yes, and it's called a monstrance monstron CE a monstrance if they once the wafer has been Transformed into the body of Christ is actually Jesus now So they put it in a monstrance and you can look up the word you can see pictures of varying kinds And it's like a sunburst of rays of gold coming out They'll put the round away from the middle and then they will lift it up and they'll bow before it And so this is idolatry and they'll say well, it's it's a body of Christ. Well, it's not the body of Christ and Then they'll parade it.

Like you said do various things. It's just another form of idolatry that they're doing And they like to say that it's not a recess device but it's officiator It is a re-sacrifice. They say it isn't but it is and it's a propitiatory sacrifice It cleanses from sin and a propitiatory sacrifice is a sacrifice to say is propitiatory you have to redefine propitiation and because propitiation in the Bible is a sacrifice that turns away wrath and So that's what it means. It doesn't mean it's potentially removed It means it actually is which is really interesting to go to first John 2 to propitiation for the whole world.

Whoo. What does that mean? Then everybody's gonna go to heaven another side note. So when they say it's propitiatory And then they have a problem and so let me see Catholic or I mean Eucharist because I've got the quotes Eucharist sacrifice, let's see if I've got quite a really quickly mass sacrifice of Christ and so Yeah, they call it a sacrifice the holy sacrifice of the Eucharist a paragraph 1055 the Eucharist is also a sacrifice paragraph 1365.

There you go. It's a sacrifice Okay So they're basically saying that Jesus sacrifice was not perfect the best we've done over again That's what you're saying, but they don't realize it. If you tell them they're saying that they're gonna say that's not what we're saying But it is Because Jesus is a self-refuting Yes, right, but this is what happened There you go. You just took the words out of my mouth.

This is what happens with false religions they don't make sense and then they it's called cognitive dissonance and Yeah, where it is Okay, okay. Thank you. Good for you buddy. Keep up the good work, man All right Hey, okay. Let's see.

We've got William from Dayton, Ohio waiting a long time. Okay. Well you are on the air if you're there Hey, man, what's going on? Oh Good radio. This is this is a very very important question.

Okay? I'm dwelling within me here lately and everything that's going on with worldly events, but So it says in the Bible for us to pray for our enemies, right? Yes Let me just pray for buying into love orange Probably Biden's an enemy of the people I believe I do that's my opinion, okay So what if they're just using that at the control mechanism to further their agenda you know in to enslave the human race, you know to If they're you they can use the Bible as a control mechanism We see where I'm trying to get at sure.

He was misused to justify slavery. It's been misused to justify Destruction of people's rights and it can be misused in many different ways. Just you know, that's that's true Okay, so but think about that but they're using the words in the Bible control mechanism to further an agenda which could And it's not even a question of it could Eventually, you know, the human race is going to be totally enslaved at what point do we draw the line in and fight I I Can't repeat what I think on the air about that Okay, well, can you kind of sum it up to me that um that I could That we could you know use That's why I tell people read the Declaration of Independence in my opinion The our government is no longer Has not been for quite a while Working for the best interests of the people.

That's not to say every person in power is corrupt, but The corruption is obvious We have hypocrisy in the highest levels we have Insider trading we have the people raiding the Treasury. They've opened up our borders. They have broken laws they Go like January 6 committee You're going after people trying to destroy people's lives for basically just what amounts to trespassing They're going after everybody looking for people they want to denounce. They want to destroy anybody It's it's it's just the same kind of technique but with limits as Stalinist Russia And that they destroy their enemies and so Good men it actually it makes me feel bad to even to question the Bible because you know I I want to pray for my enemies. I want to love my neighbor. You should but there you think about this, but they're using But they're using that aspect To control us to further an agenda.

Yes, Satan did the same thing He would misuse scripture in order to get his agenda going but look We are to pray for the enemies of the gospel and we that means we pray for Biden and Pelosi And in the Pope and things like that we pray for them. Okay, hold on Yes, I know not just that look at the world atomic hold on we gotta break we gotta break hold on Okay. Hey folks three open lines want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six be right back It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six. Here's Matt Slick And we welcome back to the show Just want to let you know that we stay on the air by your support And if you want to help out all you got to do is go to forward slash donate If you like what you hear Please support us because that's what we need in order to stay on the air And if you don't like what you hear then pray for me, okay All right. Let's get back on with will from Dayton. Are you still there?

I'm still here, brother. Okay, so in life. Oh basically when is enough when is enough enough? You know, I've Drawing my line in the sand So to speak it's objective, you know We we use violence when there's no other recourse. There are recourses the idea of Taking back what needs to be taken back is it dangerous and a very serious issue The The government is working against the people and against the Constitution and it's doing things that are wrong the recourse is for us to vote and to protest and to raise our Eir so that they can be heard and do this consistently. We need to do this. That's what needs to happen And that's as Christians we should be praying and then we should be getting people in office on the local level and the great level and then we should be Demanding the legitimacy of our elections because personally I don't trust it them anymore I'm a I don't know.

I don't return them. I've lost my faith in the elections. I just have And I believe COVID was used as a control marker. I mean at first I think was legit.

It was had some problems I mean, I was wearing masks. We didn't know what's going on. I get that and I grant that that's not a problem, but After a while, I agree with that After all became obvious, this is a now they're just using for control.

In fact, I'm getting some stuff I've written like 30 articles on COVID masks research and things like that and I Will never take that COVID vaccine personally You and me both? Yeah, it's a matter of self-defense. But you see what you see where this is heading Like if they start ushering the digital currency in You know right now, we're we're sheep. We're sheep in the pasture If they start ushering in the digital currency and whatever comes with that we're getting further and further closer to the slaughterhouse Absolutely.

See what's going to happen is that they'll the goal would be to be in control. They don't destroy everybody You know the powers-that-be they don't want to have anarchy in their hands and people dying in the streets they want to have control and so they're gonna be gradually moving things and if they can get control of the digital currency and As we already know now the government the banks are supposed to report transaction of $600 or more to the federal government now the federal government's telling us Watching watching over our shoulder what we spend our money on These little things like this and then you get used to it and then they'll just move it down to 500 or 400 or any Transactions now are to be judged by what the government allows and doesn't allow. Are you allowed to buy bullets? You're allowed to buy guns. You're allowed to buy extra food. Oh, you're storing up extra food We've noticed that your grocery bill has been increased it's at You know an unnecessary level. Why are you doing this? Are you a white supremacist because you're storing up food getting ready to to raid or fight back? Is that what you're doing? They can accuse you of all kinds of stuff and This is one of the issues.

I got a look dude. Let me tell you I know Indirectly, I'll just leave it that way that there are trucks that are being developed that they can drive down the street and just aim a A heat kind of a sensor gun at your home. They can tell everybody is what weapons you have in the house That's wonderful, oh, yeah, they can tap into your wireless they can tap into your Your internet they can do all this kind of stuff They can tell you exactly where where people are in your house by looking at it and this has been around for a long time So, I'm just I'm to the point to where you know, I I hate to question the word But they're using that against they're using that as a control mechanism to advance their agenda lot of mark and You know when when you hear a politician say Jesus would would support pro-choice movement, you know That's blasphemy and they will use God's Word because they are liars deceivers cheats and they serve their Their father the devil and so was Christian we need to be it's true as Christians We need to stand against this and the primary way is by prayer people think prayer doesn't do anything Well, no, it does you've got to be praying if all the Christian Church is praying for this country It God's gonna raise up people. That's what he does and he works things to change we want Conversions of people in government. I don't want them to go to hell. I don't want Biden to go to hell I don't want Pelosi to go to hell.

I don't trust either one of them Period I think they're hypocrites. I don't want to go to hell. I want to be saved Think about what you were saying though these Disequipment that they have that can monitor they get a lot more see where they eat isn't within the home That's that's our own brothers and sisters Yep They could take a laser that you can't see put it on your window and they can hear what you're saying They can watch the vibrations of the voice That hits a light source like you have light bulb in a lampshade whatever in your your office And there's a window what they can do is Aim a beam of some sort upon the window and look at the light and your voice Causes air pressure to hit the the light bulb which causes a slight super light flicker You can't see it, but they can pick it up, and they can help it helps discern what you're saying take a distance Why would they have something like that why would our government have something like that against its own people does that make any sense well, they would initially want to do this in order to root out the enemy you know across you know you could Turn it on at an embassy across the street. You know different embassy, and you can do it Well, it never supposed to be used on the people we've heard that my mom and dad says something very interesting They told me to my face income tax was Specifically developed for World War two to help fund the war effort, and they were specifically told It's only for the duration of the war they both told me this my dad served in World War two my mom it helped rebuild B-17 wings as a woman in in the in the Factories they told me what was going on. They said it was supposed to only be for the war they never repealed it The government gives it they will say one thing and then very frequently do another This is why it's important to have godly men and women Christian men and women in office Oh, no churches separate the church the state no what that means is that the state is not to tell you what religion to practice it doesn't mean you can't have Christians in office who believe in the sufficiency of scripture and The authority of God to whom they have to answer and so they won't take bribes This is what we have that we deserve in this country because let me look at it LGBTQ is now indoctrinated and passed as law as being acceptable if you don't agree with it.

You can be fine The pronoun crap with the issue you don't use someone's pronouns according what they want you can be fined or jailed or lose your job or canceled whatever different levels of this that's going out there or Abortion the killing of the unborn these are all instantiated as laws or becoming more laws The stuff about the pronoun thing I've heard more about recently these things are becoming laws and some are laws Which means our government is? officiating in the practice of sin and rebellion against God What's the battle the battles of spiritual battle Ephesians 6 12 we as Christians we have the Lord God on our side? The gates of hell will not prevail against the church Matthew 16 18 that means when we go kick the gates down They're not going to stand eventually they're gonna fall, but what Christians now do is say there's a gate of hell Let's run take cover gates.

Don't do anything. We are the ones who are on the offense of God says Jesus Says go out into the world to make disciples of all nations. He sent them out He's even said by a sword with 24 36. It's not for the purpose of being aggressive It's for defense we have the right of defense We can use the laws and a defensive means and we should be the same to the politicians get these people out of of jails who've been in there without trial without due process who January 6 stuff who just Trespassed get him out and yet these guys like that one guy I forgot his name Whatever his name is who instigates it the breaking of the laws He there's nothing happening to him why because he's with the left so when the people in control are the ones who can raid The Treasury set the laws and they're the ones who can say who gets punished not gets punished That's where you get corruption And the only way to prevent that is to have godly men and women in place, and we don't have them our country's lost Okay, well it sounds like to me is in essence. We're creating our own prison state humanity Yes, we are is allowing this to happen.

We at some point you see what I'm saying at some point. We have to We can't let that control our faith We have to interview or God have to interview. That's right you pray for pray for the salvation of the enemies of this country and of the Christian faith like Biden and Pelosi and others you pray for them Kamala Harris You pray for them you pray for their salvation. I have prayed for them, and we need to continue to pray for them Okay, I'm pretty much nice. You're in our own Which is a global thing absolutely See the United States is practicing censorship through its pressuring of private corporations Criminals are getting out under the name of equity we tried equity or not we equity has been tried as car was called Marxism Everybody's equal the equal outcome, and it led to the death of millions upon millions and millions and millions of people The United States is in really bad debt, and it's getting worse that there's a the funding of the of the police which increases the rise of criminal activity There's that was called democide the intentional killing of the R&M people that's happened a lot The elections the people more and more people don't trust the elections the FBI is weaponized I don't know the IRS is being weaponized the leaders apparently are hypocrites. You know it's pretty obvious They say wear masks, and then they don't wear masks.

They say get rid of your guns, and they hire police protection They say don't drive Carbon-emitting vehicles, and they take private jets there's money laundering going through Ukraine open borders against the laws That means that they don't care about the people this country Oppressive practices like I said dollars in transactions schools or indoctrination areas by dial for idolatry Ideology activism and protests against the status quo in our Constitution. This is what's going on Christians should wake up. What can we do? I'll tell you what we can do All the pastors real pastors not the women pastors because they're false pastors Women shouldn't be in office of in a past pulpit, but they can certainly be prayer warriors That's for sure and the men need to start teaching in the pulpit what needs to be done Not every day you know every Sunday But this needs to be on the forefront and all pastors across America and across you know the world You start praying number one you start praying and you ask God to take care of this and you ask him to use you and pray For the conversion of the people in office pray that God would raise up Godly people to replace the evil ones you ask God to do this We don't raise a hand to hurt anybody we vote we do whatever we can the best way we can and that's how it's supposed To be done and the Christians seem to start voting and it's doing other stuff in fact I've got almost out of time. Let me just throw this out really fast. Would it be great if Let's say pick a day like September 1st through the entire month that what happened is everybody with the letter Last name starts with a showed up at a Capitol with signs Protesting one or a constitution back one or state back and then next day letter with B Letter was see everyone did it all over the United States at the same time guarantee you'll get the news We need to start doing this stuff like this and be organized That's what we need to do as Christians and we're out of time call back tomorrow. We're gonna talk more about this stuff Sorry, we're out of time and Curtis from South Carolina. I want to hear what you had to say about this I want you to call back tomorrow to please Curtis. We're out of time the Lord bless you all By his grace we're back on the air tomorrow and he's a Bible study tonight. So hey, God bless another program powered by the truth network
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