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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
June 23, 2023 5:46 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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June 23, 2023 5:46 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST---You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE---Topics include---- 06- Refuting anyone denying Christ's deity when they use Matthew 10-18---- 09- Answered Prayers.-- 13- Matthew 12- 22-32, What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit---- 15- Dealing with Mormon missionaries.-- 30- Trinity Apologetics, Unitarianism.-- 52- Are those who died as Mormons -lost- forever--

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The following program is recorded content is on YouTube. For the first quarter of the show, because YouTube has become a little bit difficult. You know, if I say stuff about COVID, or, you know, that the masks like, like, for real, you know, like the cloth masks that people would wear are only 3% effective.

That's, that's statistically the fact, you know, they say that you're allowed to say things like that, and they would penalize me. So we've moved over to rumble moving over there and forward slash, Matt slick live. And you can join in with the crew that is there we got a lot of people who join in at that sounds like fun. You know for chat and whatever it is there's good people.

We have a lot of good time there. All right, so there's that saying we're also on clubhouse so if you want you can join us at clubhouse just look for a massive live show and type it in, Matt slick just type it in you'll find me. All right.

Hey simple. All right. Okay, now we don't have any waiting right now so I think I'm going to do. I think what I'm going to do is just jump in to let me see we got a new, a new email stuff for looking at stuff like this just just looking, you know, to see we've got any more. Any, any new stuff, you know, get all this spam stuff now you got just think I know it's bad for everybody, but man, it's just ridiculous I've had. I you know I'll just tell you what I do.

And it works. I use Microsoft Outlook. And so I take all of my email accounts, and I can add them into this one program of Outlook Okay, not a big deal. But what I can do is do filters, and I can do rules, so that all things that come from any of all the accounts will come into this one folder, I can do stuff like that. And they can put a lot of, a lot of time when you go, you know, just say unsubscribe to something that they know that it's active, and they'll just keep sending you stuff. You know I unsubscribe but if it starts coming in again, then I do a filter or a forward, and it just goes into trash. And then, I'm just telling you this, I even have a folder inside of my trash where I have sub folders inside of trash, so I send things into their different areas, just in case, you know, I want to go review something but for the most part that's it. I get a lot of, I get a lot of mail, a lot of email. Anyway, this is a little bit of a wine I guess you could say.

I'm sure a lot of you are going that's right it's ridiculous. Alright, 8772072276. Let's see.

Here's an email for the radio show I guess. Hello, today I'm fairly new to learning what the scripture means. I've believed in Jesus as God, part of the three as a whole. Not the best way to say it but we'll go there for now since I was 10, but not, but have not been in my Bible as much as I should until the past six months I've been listening to his videos every day for two months now.

Wow. I respect and agree with most of all of his explanations about scripture. Alright, that's cool. I was reading the in Luke last night and came across Luke 18 18 to 19, where someone asked Jesus the question and they say, good teacher Jesus response by saying why do you call me good only God is good I feel like people could use that to deny his deity, and if Matt could explain those verses and help me to rebut anyone who uses them to deny Jesus deity.

Thank you for your time. Yeah, Tyler. That's extremely easy to deal with. So I've had people before, tell me that well, Jesus said only God is good. When someone said he was good. And why call me good only God's good. And I asked them, well, was Jesus good.

That's it done. If they say no, well they're in trouble if they say yes well they're in trouble. Either way, they just ask, was Jesus good well yes he was okay there you go. Thanks, because that's what's going on, good teacher you say well God God is good way calling me that. He isn't denying who he is as God in flesh. He's asking the question, and who do you say I am we call me good What are you saying, because that's a perennial question that people need to deal with. Who is Jesus, is he good. Of course he's good. So if anybody says well yes he's good.

Well then, they agree that he's gotten flesh falling God is good. Real simple, that's how that works. I like that. All right, let's get to on the phones here.

Herb, Herb, Herb from Raleigh, North Carolina. Sorry about that. I think I did that before. So, you do that every time. Well you only see, I only see half the, only see the top half of all the words because the resolution thing in the program I've got. So I have to discern stuff and sometimes I mess up so that'll be my excuse for today.

So what do you got buddy. No problem buddy. I just want to tell you real briefly, I have been praying and praying and so worried, which you shouldn't worry as a Christian but I had a close call about my eye conditions, and was so afraid I was gonna get bad news about my vision today. But after much prayer and much just patience I went to the doctor and got a clear bill of health and my eyes were fine and I just wanted to let people know so much if you just pray to the Lord it's just so wonderful how he can help you in so many situations that come up beyond your control.

Things just happen to you like that. A health scare and it's just, it's such a blessing to know that I just wish more people would turn to the Lord. But I don't really have a question, I just wanted to share that with you Mack. It means so much, your ministry and the Lord and just, I'm just so thankful and so blessed. Well, praise God man, you know, and what you're saying is absolutely true. We need to trust in God.

And, you know, I'm glad that you have a good report on your eyes, and, you know, to the God can continue to use you in different ways. You know, my wife has a lot of medical issues, a lot, and she's got some weird stuff going on. And so she, she's a true witness of strength in the Lord a lot of times of course she's not perfect you know she gets her days you know where stuff.

But, yeah, so, you know, you're right. We have the privilege of praying, and I pray for her every night. I pray for her healing every night, and I faith through it. And when God decides to heal or whatever way that'll be, you know, praise God, it'll happen. Well Matt I want you to know, I pray for you and your wife and your family, your daughters, everyone, every night.

I mean you're like a part of my personal family and I love you like a brother. And I'll continue to pray for your wife, for you, for your ministry, and for all of your daughters and I'll just, I'll never stop praying as long as I live for all of your family and especially your wife and I just pray so much that you'll get well very soon. Well we're, we're praying we had a, thank you for praying for my daughters.

They definitely need it. And we're at a doctor's appointment for my wife today, and just more stuff to deal with. Yeah.

Yeah, that's right. We're in the office and he asked how her pain was and I said, hey, I'm right here, you know, I can hear you. And try and make light of things, have fun, but it's a serious thing that she's having to go through. It really is. Yeah. But thank you for the promise. We really appreciate it.

Seriously. You're so welcome. I wish there was some way, something, because the Lord could heal her now.

It's just, it's his will and it's hard to understand, but it's his time and when his time is meant to be, I feel good about he'll heal her sin and I'll keep praying for that to happen. Amen. That's the word we want. So appreciate it. Yes, sir. God bless you, Matt. All right. Take care. God bless. Thanks. Yes, sir. All right. All right. I appreciate that. Three open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276.

Ron from Wake Forest, I guess that's North Carolina. Welcome. You're on the air.

Yes, sir. I've been reading through the Gospel of Matthew and I read the 12th chapter the other night. Now when Jesus is talking about the last thing of the Holy Spirit, what is exactly what he's talking about? In the context of Matthew 12, 22 through 32, if you went through and read that, you'll see the demon possessed person there and Jesus knowing their thoughts, started talking to them because he's casting out demonic forces and they're thinking he's doing it by the power of the devil.

And he says, if I, Beelzebul, cast out demons, by whom do you cast them out? How do your children, your sons do that? Because they're doing it too. So why am I, you know, he's saying, well, why am I false if they're doing it? You know, it's the hypocrisy. They're like leftists.

They're like the Democrats of their day. All right. Yes, sir. So, um, but if I cast out demons by the spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. And he goes on, how can you enter the strong man's house?

That's the devil and carry off his property unless he first binds the strong man. So Satan's bound right there because he's doing it. And then he goes on and says, uh, whoever, uh, you know, blaspheme against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this age or at the age to come. Okay. Now, so Jesus was most probably doing his miracles by the power of the, uh, the Holy Spirit.

So when they were attributing the work to the evil one, they were blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. And this seems to be the case. So what's going on? Okay. Okay. Yes, sir. Just simple.

And Christians basically cannot commit it. Okay. Yes, sir. Okay.

Oh, got a good yawn there. Sorry about that. Okay. That's okay.

Uh, I'm, I'm, I'm enrolled in your own law school too. Oh, you have, which one? Yeah. Uh, the, uh, theological one, theological.

Oh, the Christian theology or the Christian doctrine. Is it helping? Are you learning? Yes, sir. Good. That's what I wanted to hear.

That's so good for you. Oh, good. If you find any typos in here, just send them to me. Send me a little typo in the school under right here.

We've gone through them, but you know, it, it, we always miss a little something here and there. But if you find any letters, no. Okay. All right. All right.

Sure will. All right. Thank you, sir. All right, man. God bless. All right. Uh, if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276, Christina from Alaska.

Welcome. You are on the air. Hello. Can you hear me? Okay.

Yes, I can. So what do you got? So I'm calling, uh, because for a few weeks I've had a couple of female Mormon missionaries coming to my house. I think they kind of got scared off the last time we met because I haven't been back for at least, but I'm really just kind of stuck.

Um, I actually looked at the CARM website a bit. Hey folks, if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, we have two open lines, 877-207-2276.

All right. Let's get back on the air with Christina from Alaska. Hey, Christina. Welcome. Hello. Thanks.

Now Mormonism, you said Mormons and stuff. Cool. Okay. So go ahead.

Yes. A couple of young, probably maybe 20 at the oldest, female missionaries were coming to visit me. But anyways, it didn't go very well. You can probably anticipate. But if they come back, I'm just hoping to have more ways of trying to, not that I'm going to convince them, only God can do that, but ways to defend and teach the Word that may help to kind of break through their beliefs. They're just very firm about the Book of Mormon. They know it's true. At the heart, because they'll say, I know it's true because I prayed and I know in my heart it's true. And I'm like, craziness. Like, what else can I say? I go over, you know, the hardest to see both of all things and nowhere does it say in the Bible that we're supposed to pray and believe in our hearts that the Bible is true.

We're to search. And so it's just a challenge. I'm not sure what else to say to them if there is anything, but I thought I'd just see what you thought about that. Yeah, it's difficult to witness to Mormons when they don't trust God's Word and they trust themselves because that's what they're doing. They're trusting themselves. Then they say, no, it's retrusting the feeling that comes from God. And I'll tell them, I'll say, well, I prayed and I get the feeling that the Book of Mormon is false. In fact, when I read it, to me, it's just so obvious that it's invented by a guy that it was not true. So that's what I say.

I mean, what do you want me to do? You can do it that way. But it's true. You know, it's all about their testimony, what they feel. And that's the great deception. It's all about what you feel.

They judge truth based on themselves, not God's Word. So it's a very, very difficult thing. Now, one of the things I will do, however, with them, and there's a couple of things you can do. One is see if you can find Utah Lighthouse Ministry, Now, there's some changes going on at that ministry, so I don't know if you can still get it, but there's 3913 changes in the Book of Mormon. And I've had copies for a long time. And I also have the Greek New Testament.

And so together this probably costs you 80 bucks. But I used to carry them around in my car in Southern California when I would just travel because I'd see Mormon missionary to stop and I'd show them. I'd show them the New Testament. I'd say, look, here, this is Greek. There's no Greek, but look at the textual apparatus.

These are textual variants. And they'd say, yeah, see the Bible, you know, has some changes in it. It's a little worse.

Well, not really. Look at this. And I explain a couple of things. Then I show them the Book of Mormon and the 3913 changes. Their jaws drop because it is so altered. It has been changed so much that they are shocked. And many Mormon missionaries or testimonies are destroyed at that point when they see how much the Book of Mormon has been changed in just 200 years. And it has been exceedingly.

And I'll say, so your testimonies about this being true? What are they going to do? You could just get the 3913 changes to the Book of Mormon. Just get that.

Find that. And it's just a great thing. You know, the Book of Mormon this, the Book of Mormon that. And one of the things I've done is I've just said to the Mormon missionaries, I just fan into the book slowly and say, tell me when to stop. And they'll say stop. And I just turn and say, how many changes are there on this page?

You know, 12, 14. Let's go down. Let's do it again.

And I'll do it over and over and over again. And there's just changes all over the Book of Mormon. So I want to destroy their testimony in the Book of Mormon. Oh yeah, it's bad. It's been altered and they're still changing it. So if it's so perfect, why is it, why has it been corrupted?

What's going on here? So most Mormons don't understand with the issue of facts, logic, history. They just don't know. What they're fed is a continued polished presentation of things without both sides being presented. This is what happens to them. So what you got to do is present the other side and you can do stuff like that.

Another thing, there's lots of things you can do. Like, um, one of the things I'll sometimes do is I have this thing memorized, but I'm going to read it to you where Joseph Smith boasted. And it's this very quote that got me started in apologetics.

A friend of mine, Charlie Spine, he's listening, read it to me in a Bible study and I got so upset I couldn't believe who said this. This is what Joseph Smith said, the founder of Mormonism and History of the Church, volume 6, page 408, 409. And you can get this, you can go to a Christian, I mean you can go to a Mormon bookstore and you can get the history of the church. You can get the history of the church.

Secondhand stores are often there. There's like an 8 or 9 volume set. And you go to this page, 408 and 409. And it says this, God is in a still, small voice in all these affidavits, indictments. It is all of the devil, all corruption. Come on, you prosecutors, you false swears, all hell boil over, you burning mountain drill down your lava, for I will come out on the top at last. I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I'm the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it.

I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from him, but the Latter Day Saints ran away from me. So I've quoted this to Mormon missionaries, hundreds and hundreds of times over the years. And I'll leave out the last part.

I'll slightly alter it. The followers of Jesus ran away from him, but, and I'll say, you know, he says his followers never ran away from him yet. And I've asked Mormon missionaries, I said, without me telling them who it is who said it, I said, what do you think of that? I've had many missionaries say, well whoever said that wasn't a Christian.

He says, you're right. And then I show it to them and they are stunned by the arrogance and pride of Joseph Smith. So there's lots of ways. There's lots of ways.

I could spend an hour giving you tidbits, but those are two that can be quite powerful. Then you've got to point them to the real Jesus, not the God of Mormonism, which is an exalted man from another planet who has a goddess wife and produces offspring with, you know, relations in heaven. Yeah.

Yeah. And so, yeah, I spent hours with these ladies. I think a couple hours are just the deity of Christ and they just didn't want to, I had like pages of Bible verses and I got through maybe a handful and they're like, well, we still believe that, that what we believe is true. And they wouldn't even let me read all the verses and it's just mind boggling and I can only hope and pray that it will stick with them, that it will plant seeds, that if they won't even listen to the Bible, that maybe what they believe is not true. I see the links in the comments box, so I'll follow those and I think that would be really helpful.

I have a question for you though, since you've met with many missionaries, have you had any? We have two open lines, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, and welcome back to the show. Let's get back on here with Christina. Christina, welcome back.

Hey, thanks. So my question was, have you ever had Mormons or Mormon missionaries or whoever accept the true gospel and how that goes about? Yeah, it does happen. I've destroyed many, many testimonies of Mormons. I've been told by Mormons over the years, but here's the thing is I'll have an encounter. I know what to show them and so they're on their mission, their missions, for example, and they will, you know, they'll hear what I've said.

They'll see the evidence and I've been told many times it just destroys testimony. Once I was told by some Mormons, oh, you're the guy who caused all those guys to go home off their mission. Well, so I don't know if they received Christ or not because I do try and preach the gospel and tell them you need the real Jesus, not the Jesus of Mormonism. You know, they say, oh, you're the one of the Bible.

No, they don't. They just change all the stuff about the one of the Bible and say it's the same and it's not. So it's difficult to know, but we have had instances, myself and others, let's just say a group of people where Mormon missionaries have quit their mission. We know that for a fact and I think the implication of some of the instances is that they've received Christ as well, but it takes time because you have to understand something about Mormons. It's a brainwashing, heartwashing kind of a cult and they're taught to judge truth by their feelings. This is very self-satisfying because if you feel something is true, oh, then it's true. If you feel God is telling you this, then that's what it is. It's a very nice, comfortable way to feel as though you were in contact with the true God. How do you know? Because you feel it. And so when they find out that that's a lie, it destroys them and many of them become atheists because they can't trust anything because they've been so ingrained to trust feelings that they don't know what to do. It requires a huge paradigm shift for them to realize, no, you don't trust your feelings, you trust the word of God.

It's not been corrupted, even though they've been told it has been. So yeah, it's really hard. Yeah. All right. Well, I appreciate your time and I'll look at the links that were put in the comment box to you.

It looks like there's some stuff I haven't read yet, so I appreciate that. Thank you. Well, you're welcome. The Lord bless you and good for you for taking time with them and speaking the truth with them.

So just remember, God's word says in Isaiah 55 11 that his word will not come back empty without accomplishing what he desires. So you did well. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate that. God bless. God bless. All right. Hey, if you want to give me a call, we have three open lines 8772072276. Let's get to Elijah from Pennsylvania.

Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt.

My question is this. I believe it was the other day I was watching a debate between a Christian guy and Aaron Ra. I'm already laughing.

Aaron Ra, he doesn't know what he's doing, but at any rate, go ahead. It's funny. Yeah, yeah, I've called him and he says about Christianity, I just said to myself, he clearly doesn't understand theology. Like, for example, one thing he said, he said that this is a contradiction where where the Bible says that no man has ever seen God.

And then and then God reveals himself face to face with somebody in the Bible. But, you know, I said to myself, if he understood Trinitarian theology, that wouldn't be a problem for him. Right. But yeah, my question is this.

Okay. So so he tried to attack the Bible and he tried to blaspheme Jesus. He said he said that Jesus can't be trusted and he clearly didn't understand medicine. And he shouldn't take medical advice from Jesus because he's ignorant about stuff. And the reason why he said that is because of a passage in the New Testament where Jesus says it's not what goes inside the mouth that corrupts you, but it's what comes out of the mouth that corrupts you. And he, the way he explained it, I can't really remember because I think it's maybe going on a week now. But but but basically he was saying that that that Jesus was showing his ignorance and that and that that Jesus in his past is clearly showing that he doesn't understand how the medical world works and that we shouldn't take medical advice from Jesus. Have you ever heard an argument from atheists before?

Not that one. But I've had encounters with Aaron Ra and let's just say he couldn't argue his way out of a wet paper bag if it was greased. It was a chain pulling him down.

It was 45 degree angle down neon sign pointing the way with somebody outside going this way, this way. He still couldn't. That's how bad he is. And even the atheist community looks down their nose at him sometimes in some certain areas. So I've offered to debate him again. And he wants something to do with me because I know I know how to defeat the guy in his lame arguments. But often what happens with atheists, you know, not all of them are as bad as that guy.

They will often just look for whatever they can. And so one of the things I've said to atheists over the years is that I get tired of doing their homework for them. I say I'm supposed to know your atheism and variations of atheism and philosophical stuff.

I'm supposed to know about universals, abstract entities, empiricism, rationalism, all kinds of anti-realism, realism, all these things. I'm supposed to know them so that I can have a dialogue with you on the areas that you affirm and deny. And yet when it comes to Christianity, you don't even take the same time to examine what it is we actually teach. And sometimes I'll ask, do you just go to a website that has a list of a bunch of these things and you just read them without doing any research? Because obviously you've not done any research. I rebuke them and I tell them this is the case.

I say it's ridiculous. Now you're talking about the verses in Matthew 15 and 11. And it's not what enters the mouth that defiles the man but what proceeds out.

You're talking about the issue of the heart and sin and rebellion. And that's what's going on. And if he can't read the context to figure that out, then he's an evolutionist.

Just tell him. He's just equivalent to entropistasonae and see what he says. I'm sorry. I said it again. I didn't hear the last part.

He's no better than entropistasonae, that's hominid ancestor in the evolutionary line and pre-human. So, yeah, for me, I have fun with him and others like that. And I tell him, you need to study the context. And just like you said, he didn't understand what he's criticizing. And sometimes I'll tell them, I'll say, look, if you continue to do this and you continue to misrepresent the faith and you're just bearing false witness, you're just spreading gossip, you're doing it on purpose because I'm telling you, that's not what our position is. I'm telling you, I'm qualified to tell you, it's not what Christianity teaches. And they don't care. So they are children of the devil when they're like this, as is obviously the case.

Right, right. I've done a lot of work with atheists. I have a reputation in the atheist community, as a matter of fact.

Yeah, I love it. Yeah, I didn't start getting interested in the atheist versus Christian debate until recently. And that's when I found out about how far and far I've been in somebody's argument.

Yeah, he's very, very bad. There are much better atheists who can argue a lot more cogently. And some atheists actually do study the Christian perspective.

And then they'll argue from that. And I'm impressed by them. I tell them, I say, look, I just want to give you kudos. You've studied the issue and you've understood our position in whatever particular topic. And I say, I just want to say thank you that you've studied because it's so rare.

And I tell them, I tell them flat out. And usually those who are like that, they're really polite with each other. They'll have a good conversation. But I would recommend that you go find a debate between Greg Bonson and Gordon Stein. You ever heard of that debate, Greg Bonson and Gordon Stein?

No, I've never heard of those two guys. Okay, dude, you've got to listen to it, okay? I had to listen to it, I think it was 12 times before I got what was being said by the Christian guy.

Even though, I mean, down deep understood. So, Greg Bonson was a fantastic Christian defender. And he debated one of the top atheists and it's called The Great Debate. They were scheduled for three debates. And after the first one, the atheist withdrew.

He got his clock cleaned, destroyed, vacuum packed, sealed and mailed back to him. All right? So, and I would really recommend you listen to that thing and you get it for free online. So, Greg Bonson, Gordon Stein, debate.

It's called The Great Debate. I'd really recommend you study it, okay? And if you want to hold on, we've got a break coming up. It's up to you. So, tell you what, I'm going to put you on hold. If you hang up, then we'll skip to the next caller. If you want another question, just stay online. Hey, folks, three open lines, 877-207-2276.

And Ernie from CARM. Hey, man, thanks for the $5 rent on Mumble. We appreciate it, brother. Good guy. Hey, we'll be right back. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right. Hey, before we get back to Elijah, hey, just really fast. What we're trying to do is break 100 simultaneous viewers on Rumble. So, we were at 97 just a minute or two ago.

So, if you want to go to Rumble and you can sign up, whatever, and you can go to Matt Slick live and just come into the show, you know, watch it. We'll see if the count goes up. We're not giving it a shot. We'll just see what happens.

So, that's Rumble forward slash Matt Slick live, all in one word. Let's get back to Elijah. Okay. You still there, buddy? Yep, I'm still here. All right, man.

So, got anything else? Yeah, my second question is, first, I'd like to make a comment. Okay, so I saw your debate recently with Sean Griffin at the end, and I never really studied Arianism before. Like, I studied Trinitarianism. I studied oneness, and I noticed how oneness is very similar to Trinitarianism. And then, after, like, studying Arianism for a little bit, I noticed that Arianism has some similarities to, you know, oneness and Trinitarianism, too, more so with Trinitarianism, and the fact that Jesus pre-existed and that he's separate from the Father and, you know, all this stuff. In that sense.

So, I was shocked to learn that. Except they don't believe it's Jesus. You understand, in Unitarianism, there's varying forms of it. They'll say that Jesus is the first created thing. Like, whatever it is, the pre-incarnate Jesus thing is a creation.

And you can get that, or as Griffin said, and when you get to really get down and get into it, the emanation out of his essence. And there's logical problems with a lot of times that Unitarians, they can't think very critically. So there's that. But at least in the oneness, they affirm that Jesus is God in flesh with two natures. But their problem is that the simultaneous existence of the person of the Son before the Incarnation, along with the Father, they deny that.

So there's problems there. So both of them are non-Christian. Both of them are cults. Oneness and Unitarianism.

Right. So my question would be, are there certain sects of Unitarians who believe that the Holy Spirit is an angel or like a separate person? Because I remember hearing Sean in one of his debates with Kelly Powers saying that the Holy Spirit was speaking in one of the passages, I think it was in Acts, but he believed that the Holy Spirit is an angel and not a separate person in the Trinity.

Yeah, but he didn't mention that in his debate. Yeah, I don't know. There's different Unitarians and official groups. I don't think there are people who deny the Trinity and say, gee, this is some form of created something. And so you can have as many views as there are individual Unitarians.

So it's just hard to say. Like this Griffin guy. My goodness, some of the stuff he was saying was just ridiculous.

It was. Are you kidding me? And so I'm hoping to have another discussion with him. I just want to ask him questions. And the reason I want to is, as I told him in the debate, he said, why am I doing this?

To expose you. And then he said it was disingenuous. That's not disingenuous if I'm telling you the truth.

He doesn't even know how to criticize properly. So I want to expose him and other Unitarians for what they are false teachers. The part where he said that he believes that there's a physical aspect to heaven. Now I grew up, you know, just believing, you know, the same way that you used to believe. And they know how there's no physicality to heaven. I don't know if there was or isn't.

I don't know. See, Bible doesn't tell us where heaven is, what heaven is, as far as detail goes. Now, Jesus is in a physical form right now.

He's a man. And he's in heaven. So the logic implies there that there's a location that he's at in heaven. So does heaven have dementiaality?

Well, it would certainly seem as though. So, you know. Yeah. So the reason why I started believing that, you know, you know, heaven has some physical components to it is when I read, I think it's a revelation 22, which says, you know, physical city is going to come down from heaven called new Jerusalem. So that's, you know, you know, that's what, you know, changed my mind on that. So it's like, what are your thoughts on that physical city coming down from heaven?

Yeah. I don't know if it's a legitimate or I should say literal, because it's huge. It's like 1600 miles cube. But I don't have any problem with heaven being a physical place, not like land necessarily and a couple of clouds up there, because I just think it's something different and we can exist physically there because we're going to be able to do that in our resurrected forms. And we're going to be with the Lord and that's where he's at. So there's something there, but he's just not told us. And I think the reason is because it's going to be so different from what we're accustomed to that it's really not something to describe until we're there and our senses are activated completely and totally.

So I just think there's a great thing coming. And like I said, I don't have a problem with there being physical aspects to heaven. I don't because Jesus is physical and he's there.

There's got to be physical aspects there, how far that goes and to what extent I just can't tell you. Okay. All right. Okay. Okay. Well, good. All right.

Well, thanks a lot, buddy. All right, man. All right. Okay. Okay.

Okay. So just a couple, three minutes ago, I asked people to go to rumble and just go in and I just saw it. Oh, did I? I hung up on the wrong guy. Hey, just messed up. Whoever it was, I just hung up on.

Call back. My apologies. And so we went to 122 people. We broke, we broke a hundred. I mean, that's awesome. So thanks for checking out forward slash match slick live.

That's 122 again, 123 new record. We're having fun. So thanks for that. This radio thing works, doesn't it? Pretty cool. All right, let's get to Wendy from Utah. Wendy, welcome. You are on the air. Hi.

I just wanted to call and thank you for doing these shows. I've been Mormon all my life. And I went through kind of a faith transition the last couple of years. Well, before that, it's been two years since I left the church. And I heard the lady that was talking about the LDS missionaries and just wanted to say, keep being a friend to them because you never know when we decide to go. I was a temple going Mormon and, you know, did everything to the book.

And I had a lot of questions that weren't getting answered. And I started listening to Christian radio and I just started wondering about some of the doctrines that you were talking about. And I started looking into the Bible more and getting more answers, especially Hebrews. Hebrews and Romans were the two books that really helped me a lot because I learned that we don't need the priesthood anymore and that God is the only high priest.

And pretty much everything that I was taught was the opposite of those books. And so now the only major question that I have is what about all my ancestors, the people who have died Mormon? Are they going to be able to have a chance to hear the truth and go to heaven or how does that work?

No, they're not. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the Bible says in Hebrews 9.27, disappointed the man to die once, then judgment. So if they died in Mormonism, and I don't say this casually without care and feeling and empathy, but if they died in Mormonism, believing in Mormonism, then they have no hope. They're lost eternally. So it's not pleasant to say and it doesn't make me feel good, but I have to tell you the truth.

That's what it is. They're lost because they believed in a false God, a false Christ, and a false gospel. It doesn't matter about their sincerity because if sincerity was good enough to get us to heaven, then we could be Muslims.

Because in Islam, it's your sincere. They thought that they believed in Jesus. Even though they thought they believed in Jesus, they didn't.

That's right. Faith is only as good as who you put it in. The devil, all he's got to do is get you to believe in someone you think is the real Jesus, and it's really false. Because in Mormonism, Jesus is the brother of the devil and you and I, often the pre-existence, and that he came into existence through the relationship of God, the Father, Elohim, and his God, his wife, and the Trinity's three separate gods. It's not a hard thing to put my mind around, too, because they split them into three separate beings. Right. And if you've been to the temple and you know the ceremony, you know about the apron, it's the symbol of the priests and authority who says that, and who's wearing what, and what the Mormons are told to put on.

It's bad. Now, can I ask you, there's a couple things I want to tell you. One is I have a friend, Bill McKeever, he's awesome, and Eric Johnson. Eric Johnson, they're down there in Sandy.

I'm up here in Boise, Idaho area, and I come down there every now and then and hang out with them. But Eric has written a book, Introducing Christianity to Mormons, and he's good. And it's forwarded by Micah Wilder, and he's the author of The Passport to Heaven.

It's just good stuff. I'd recommend you get that, because Eric knows his Christian theology, and he knows how to introduce Christianity to Mormons. That's what it is, Introducing Christianity to Mormons by Eric Johnson.

So he's a good friend of mine, and he's a great guy. And have you heard of Mormonism Research Ministry down there in Sandy? I have not.

I met Sandra Tanner, and I've met Micah Wilder. Okay, good. So, yeah, I've tried to understand a little bit more. Sandra has a lot of information, so we always thought it was anti-Mormon literature, but now I find out it's truth. I don't know.

It's hard to switch in that paradigm. Yes, it is. I've known Sandra for a while, and I've met Micah a few times. He's a great guy. But I was going to say that MRM,, and they're right there in Sandy. Eric and Bill McKeever, they're experts, and they're great. They'd be glad to meet with you and talk with you.

If you have any questions, you can call them up. And they're great. They're great folks.

They are. They know stuff. And I know Mormonism pretty well, but when I want to know something, I call them up and ask them because they're the experts, and they're good guys, and they know how to help. So if you have questions, call me. Go to my website. But they're right there.

I don't know where you are in Utah, but they're right there, and they'd be glad to meet with you if you're interested. Yeah. Okay.

Sounds good. Well, thank you. You're welcome.

I'm sorry. I'm glad that I want to talk more because we're almost out of time. I want to know if you know who God really is, what the Trinity really is, and who Christ really is. Because if you want, come back to me. I think I'm getting to know him. I mean, I've been reading the Bible quite a bit more and understanding the stories and how they're put together.

I'm quite a researcher, and so I really enjoy researching things. I'm reading right now the Genesis 6 conspiracy. I don't know if you've heard of that. Yeah.

It's about the Nephilim. Tell you what, we're out of time. There's the music. I'd really like it if you'd call back tomorrow if you're able to, if you want to do that. Okay. We could talk some more. I'd love to talk to you some more. Okay, Wendy.

I hope you do. Thank you. We got to go. All right.

There's the music. God bless. All right.

Hey, folks. There you go. Pray for Wendy. I mean, the Lord bless you. Pray for me. Pray for me. Thank you.
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