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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
November 30, 2022 3:00 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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November 30, 2022 3:00 am

A phoneline issue prevented live calls, but Matt dedicated the show to an in depth discussion and biblical critique of the theology, vocabulary, and history of Mormonism.


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. If you want to give me a call, dial 877-207-2276. Today is my wife and I's 35th wedding anniversary. We've been married 35 years today, so yay!

How about that? Congratulations, she's lucky to have me. That's what I tell her. In fact, yesterday when we went to the doctor, she had to have a procedure done. So, she introduced me and I said, yeah, I'm her favorite husband.

So, you know, they get a chuckle out of that. All right, whew! Okay, hey, look, five open lines. I want somebody to give me a call.

You can at least test them out. 877, test the phones out that is. 877-207-2276 and congrats to the producer there. All right, so I'm just going to let you know that I spent the past few days getting one of my websites going, It's up and running.

You can check it out. And I'm presently working on getting working. It used to work and then we had a problem, a shift of servers or something like that.

And I never kind of caught up to it, but I am working on it and hopefully get it done today or tomorrow or next day and get it actually released. I've got a holding page there. And I just had to, it won't be working right now, I just had to redo the DNS, the Dynamic Name Server. And I did it like five minutes ago.

It takes a few hours usually to propagate. So, if you were to go to the site right now, you shouldn't see anything there. All right, so if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Don't make me come out there. All right, so what I used to do sometime in the issue of Mormonism is I would have done this, I've done it many times and I'm thinking about doing it again because I care about the Mormons.

I really do. I don't want the Mormons to go to eternal damnation. And they say that they believe in the same God that I do. They say they believe in the God of Scripture, of the Bible, but they don't. Because the God they teach is from another planet and has a goddess wife and the Trinity is three separate gods. And none of that is Christian. None of that is biblical. And what they've done is they've changed the meanings of the words that are found in Scripture.

They've changed the meanings. So Jesus to them is the brother of the devil and all of us from the pre-existence. But that's not the Jesus of the Bible. The Trinity is three separate gods, but that's not the Trinity of the Bible.

Salvation is universal resurrection, but that's not salvation in the Bible. So what Mormonism has done is changed the meanings of the words. And this is clever because what happens is someone might go to a Mormon and say, well, hey, do you believe in the Trinity? And they'll say, of course we do.

Oh, okay, well, good. And what I tell people is you have to talk to Mormons in terms of definitions, not in terms of the word. So instead of saying, do you believe in the Trinity? You say, do you believe that there's only one God in all existence and all places and all time?

Now, they can't say yes to that, but they can say sometimes what they might say is, well, of this world, there's only one God of this world. And so they're trained to think in terms of Mormonism as though Mormonism is true. And I know there's a lot of Mormons listening right now because this show gets there in Salt Lake City. And, you know, no Mormon beat me up, no Mormon. Well, I've been threatened by Mormons, though. I was threatened by one, I could say this. Most Mormons are really nice.

They'll stop and help you. They're great folks, seriously. One Mormon missionary, though, he threatened me.

And he threatened me with death. And that does not represent all of Mormonism. I'm just saying that that's what this guy did, you know, so I don't hold it against all Mormons.

But I remember I was in Southern California. I was talking to these two Mormons, and I was talking with the Danites. The Danites were the hit men from Brigham Young. They would go out and execute people. Sorry, folks, that's what he would have them do, the Danites. And he'd say, use them up, boys. And the people that he would, you know, he'd say to this one guy, use them up, boys, the Danites.

Well, the guy would disappear, and the people would come back with gold teeth and things like that. So, sorry, but this is Mormonism. This is Mormon history. A lot of Mormons don't know this. A lot of Mormons think everything's great and all it is that they've been persecuted. You know, the Hahn Mills Massacre, you know, they were persecuted there. But they don't tell you, or they don't tell you, not that this is what makes it okay, but they don't tell you that the people of Hahn's Mill, the reason they were massacred, and they should not have been and it was wrong, was because some Mormons had used a sword from a, I think it was a lieutenant in the Army, and hacked him to try to hack him to death, and he survived, hacked his face up really badly. And people didn't like that, and they went and retaliated against the Mormons. Now, I'm not saying that's okay.

Not at all. But that's the context, not that it makes it okay. You don't hear about the Mountain Meadows Massacre, where the Mormons murdered 120 to 125.

There's different numbers and counts that they've given. They murdered 120 or so men, women, and children on 9-11, September 11, 1857, I think it was. There's that. Mormons can persecute. So anyway, so I was talking to this one Mormon about the Danites, and how they were a hit squad for Joseph Smith, I mean, for Brigham Young, excuse me. And I still remember him. He's a big guy, and black hair, and he's bigger than me. I'm six feet tall, and I remember his bottom lip was quivering, because he didn't like that I could answer him on everything. And I told him about the Danites, and he stopped talking, and body language just changed. And he leaned forward just a few inches, and he looked at me and said, You better be careful, because they're still around.

We know who you are. And I was, like, shocked that he said that. I was shocked.

And I never forgot that. Most Mormons, though, really nice, and if I would have talked to two Mormon missionaries, and told them that I thought their religion was false, and then we went our separate ways, and then I bonked my head or something and fell down, they'd come over and help. I mean, the Mormons are nice guys. They're nice folks. I don't have any problem with that. But does Mormonism really teach Christianity?

Well, no, it doesn't. Because no one's waiting right now, because I talked about this, I'm trying to get the website going again. I put an index file there. It's a filler file, and I'm going to change the look of it and everything.

Hopefully, if it works. Anyway, so this is what Mormonism says in the Book of Abraham 4.3. And they, the gods, said, Let there be light, and it was light.

The gods. Or how about teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith, page 345. He set himself as once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens.

We have imagined that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea and take away the veil so that you may see. That's teachings of the prophet Joseph Smith, page 345.

How about this? Mormonism says, this is Doctrine and Covenants, chapter 130, verse 22. The father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's.

You can compare that with Alma, 18, 26 to 27. But Mormonism also says this. Therefore we know that both the father and the son are in form and stature perfect men.

Neither of them possesses a tangible body of flesh and bones. Now that's Articles of Faith by James Talmadge, page 38. Now come on.

Is that what the Bible teaches? So I just got a challenge. Let me see what this is. Someone just, a pop-up just came up. I want someone to debate me.

Let's see if it will come up and pop up. No, I guess not. People want to debate me. They want a piece of me. He wants to debate on the Trinity.

I don't know who this guy is. So here's something else. The Trinity, according to them, this is Articles of Faith by James Talmadge. The Trinity is three separate gods. They quote that these three are separate individuals physically distinct from each other as demonstrated by the accepted records of divine dealings with man.

So that's what he says, that they're individual, physical, distinct beings. Now what this is is the idea that in Mormonism God is an exalted man. And think about what heaven is to them, becoming a god, living with your family.

Now those are noble things. You want to live with your family, I should say. But the reason they say those things is because they don't know who the true God is. The true God, he is the best to be with, not your family. You're not negating having love for your family. And I've heard Mormons say, if I can't be with my family in eternity, I don't want to go there. In heaven, I don't want to go there.

Wow. As if that's the standard of what goodness is, instead of the very incredible holy presence of God. Now, be with your family. Well, they're going to get what they want. They'll be with their family because their family are Mormons too, unfortunately. And they'll join them in hell. And I don't say that with glee. I don't say it with joy. I say it with sorrow because they're believing in things that are not true. Mormonism is not the restoration of the gospel. Now, here's the thing.

I'm going to just offer this right now. I offer to debate any top Mormon on Mormonism. Is Mormonism biblical?

Or is it Trinity, three separate gods? Or whatever you want to do. We have to agree on the topic. But I just offer this polite challenge to debate anybody on this. Now, it can't be just Bob, some guy who just became a Mormon three weeks ago and challenges me.

No. Someone who is a bishop or someone who is qualified to be able to represent Mormonism, not that they would be the official representation of Mormon representing the church, but this is their view, and just debate a Mormon. Because they don't have officials do that.

They don't have an official Mormon's debate for the church or represent the church. And I get that. So here's something else. This is what Brigham Young said. The birth of our savior was as natural as are the births of our children. It was the result of natural action. He partook of flesh and blood, was begotten of his father, as we were of ours.

What? Or how about, that's Journal of Discourses, volume H, page 115. Now, this is from Bruce McConkie's book, Mormon Doctrine, page 547.

I'll read that when I get back and talk more about Mormonism. I'll just do this and see until people give me a call, 877-207-227. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276, here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome back to the show.

Five open lines, 877-207-2276. I'm just going to continue explaining about Mormonism, quoting from their sources. Maybe there's people out there who are thinking about joining the Mormon church because I'm warning you, you shouldn't.

Okay, it's not Christian. Let's go through some more of what Mormonism says. This is about salvation. Now, salvation in the Bible is being saved from the righteous judgment of God, having your sins forgiven. Now, salvation has a double meaning in Mormonism, universal resurrection and forgiveness of sins. So, this is Articles of Faith by James Talmadge, page 78-79. Now, these are from Mormon sources. James Talmadge was one of the 70. Okay, so he's official. And this book, Articles of Faith, is still sold in Mormon bookstores. Last time I was in one and checked, there it was.

They've been selling it for decades. Anyway, quote, The first effect of the atonement is to secure to all mankind alike exemption from the penalty of the fall, thus providing a plan of general salvation. The second effect is to open a way for individual salvation, whereby mankind may secure remission of personal sins.

Now, what we can say is that in Mormonism, 2 Nephi 25-23, you're saved by grace through faith after all you can do. Today, I was working out at the gym, and sometimes what I'll do is I'll put in a chat room and I'll listen to my headset while I'm working out. And I was listening to Muslims talk about how great Islam was.

And so I really couldn't talk because of noise in the gym, and so I just texted in the chat area of their voice. And they said, Are your sins forgiven right now? And the answer was, Well, no. If we repent and are faithful, then our sins are forgiven. And I said, So then you obtain salvation in part through your goodness.

And they did not like me saying that, but it's true. Mormonism teaches that. The Muslims teach that. The Jehovah's Witnesses teach that. They teach that you have to obey commandments in order to be saved. And I said to these guys in the chat, I said, Well, how's that not prideful?

Please tell me, how is it not prideful? And they started attacking Christianity. And I said, Look, stay on topic. I just was texting. I didn't text much more than this. I said, Please tell me how it's not prideful to say that you achieve your salvation, your forgiveness of sins, in part by your goodness and your ability before the infinitely holy God. How's that not pride?

And they didn't respond to that. And I asked the Mormons, Do you really believe that your good works and your sincerity are going to merit something before the infinitely holy God? If Galatians 2 21 says, If righteousness comes by the law, then Christ died needlessly.

If you could get to heaven by doing something right, then why did Christ need to die? See, the summation of the law, according to Jesus in Matthew 22, 37 through 39, is summed up in two commandments. Love God and love your neighbor. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. And these are the two commandments, the greatest of all the prophets and all that. So, you know, my question is, if you say you love God, you keep these commandments, are you loving God with all your heart? No. Are you loving your neighbor as yourself?

Well, no, you're not. See, the standard is God. In fact, the standard is what Jesus did and how he was. Jesus was perfect. He never sinned, 1 Peter 2 22. So he kept the Old Testament law perfectly.

So here's the thing. You know, Paul says in Galatians 3 10, if you stumble at one point, you're guilty of all. Or no, that's James 2 10. If you stumble at one part of the law, you're guilty of all.

And James, he said, boy, I'm messing up here. Paul said in Galatians 3 10 that you, you know, as many as are the works of the law, are there a curse? A curse is everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law to perform them. If you're going to say that you have to do good works in order to have your sins forgiven, then you're obligated to keep all the law.

If you break one, you're guilty. And how is there any hope for the forgiveness of sins in that? How is there any hope? I just don't see it. And, you know, when we go to, when we go to, let's see, where is it, is it 80, I'm trying to find it, remember, 80 Psalm, 80, no, not Psalm, I think it is D&C 82, 82? I'm trying to remember. It's been a while. Top of my head here.

Oh yeah, 82.7. And now verily I say unto you, I, the Lord, will not lay any sin to your charge, go your ways and sin no more, but unto the soul who sinneth shall the former sins return, saith the Lord your God. Whoa. So wait a minute. So in Mormonism, you're supposed to not sin. And if you, you know, don't sin, then you're okay. But if you do sin, then all of your former sins come back to you, come back upon you. How is that hope?

How is that, that, that, I don't understand how anybody could put any hope in that. Because what it's saying is that you have to be perfect. And if you sin again, then you're just lost. This is what the Book of Mormon, Moroni 10-32 says, Yea, come unto Christ and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness. And if you shall deny yourself of all ungodliness and love God with all your might, your mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace you may be perfect in Christ. And if by the grace of God you are perfect in Christ, ye can in no lies deny the power of God. Now this is going to tell you that when I read this kind of stuff, it reminds me of the book of the Quran. If you're a Mormon and you think the Book of Mormon is all that great, read the Quran and see if they sound similar to you.

Okay, but about the same size. Anyway, so Moroni 10-32 says, If you deny yourself of all ungodliness, then his grace is sufficient for you. Well, have you done that?

How many Mormons would say, Yeah, I've denied myself of all ungodliness. Really? Wow.

Man. So, in other words, you've done it on the level of Jesus? Because that's what the standard is, is Jesus. You know, Jesus says, Pick up your cross and follow after me. Nothing in the Bible says, If you're sincere, if thou'est art sincereth, then shalt the Lord your God forgiveth thee, if thou shalt remain sincere. Nothing like that is in Scripture.

Ever. Because the Bible negates the idea of the quality of our heart being sufficient by which we can obtain in any way, shape, or form any forgiveness of sins. But in Mormonism, that's the case. This is what it comes down to. You see, you've got to understand, this is bad. In fact, when we get back from the break, I'll read you what Articles of Faith page 79 says about forgiveness. It should be interesting. Please stay tuned. We'll be right back after these messages.

We can talk about that, some other things. Alright. I assume we're on.

Is that correct? Are we live? Let's see.

Oh, PC just restarted. Okay, so I guess we're live. Alright. So, well, we had a call and then we don't, so what I'm going to do is continue on my discussion of what Mormonism says, what it teaches.

I don't know, I wasn't planning this, but I think it'll be interesting. So, in Salvation, this is Articles of Faith by James Talmadge, page 79. Quote, as these sins are the result of individual acts, it is just that forgiveness for them shall be conditioned on individual compliance with prescribed requirements, obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel. Now, close quote. Now, here's the thing.

That's just hopelessness. See, what Mormons are taught to do is to trust a feeling. Now, think about this.

I'm going to back up, I'm going to say something here, and I want you to pay attention where I'm going to go with this logic. When we see people in seances or in varying forms of the occult, what they'll do is they will do something and say something. And they want to say certain words because by saying the certain words, they expect a certain spiritual result. All right, now, it's called sorcery.

Now, God forbids us to practice any form of sorcery. What we're to do is to pray to the true and living God and only the true and living God. We don't pray and ask God if what he says is true. Because to do that is to insult him and to doubt that what he says is true because Satan is the one who said, well, did God really say? Satan's the one who cast doubt upon God's word. The reason I bring this up is because in Mormonism, they want you to pray about, read the Book of Mormon, and then pray about it to see if it's true.

Now, here's the problem with that. If the Book of Mormon is from God, why do you have to pray to see if it's true? Do you have to pray to see if the Bible's true?

Of course not. God never says pray to see if the Bible's true because it's his word. You don't pray for him to verify his own word to you to see if it's true. Of course it's true.

I'm telling you it's true. God is true by definition. That's why you don't find anything in Scripture that says, oh, pray about truth. But in the Book of Mormon, you read this book. You have to understand a psychological phenomenon occurs. You read something for a long time, and you get this pattern in your brain, and it came to pass, it came to pass. And all this stuff, and you've devoted all this time to reading it, then you praise it true. You can have a psychological effect. Well, yeah, I've spent all this time reading it.

It's got to be true. It has all this stuff about God in it. And so what you're doing, what the Mormons are doing, is actually a form of sorcery because they're asking a spirit of some sort to convey to them truth about a book. And nothing in Scripture says to do that.

So what they're doing automatically without recognizing it, without realizing it, is participating in a form of sorcery. Therefore, they won't get the truth from the living God because they're not praying to the true and living God. They're praying to whatever God they think is the God of Mormonism, which they've been told is the restored gospel, and that God gave them another planet. And they're praying to whoever the God of the Bible, excuse me, the God of the Book of Mormon is. Well, it's not the God of the Bible. And so they're opening themselves up to the occult and a demonic influence.

Now, Mormons who are listening to this might be very angry at what I'm saying. Well, and refute it from Scripture. Now, if you go to James 1-5, if any of you will ask wisdom but a mask of God.

Yeah, wisdom. Wisdom is a proper use of knowledge, and it's already spoken of to those who are already believers because James is writing to the Jews, the 12 tribes scattered abroad. He's not writing to Christians later on 2,000 years ago to say pray about a book. This is what the Mormons do when they take things out of context, misapply them. And so when they do that, in addition, they're twisting the word of God, another reason that they'll be deceived. This is incredibly clever in the demonic realm to get people to pray about something that sounds true, but you're not praying to the true and living God. But to someone they think is a true and living God, and they get a burning in their bosom. They're looking for truth based on a feeling, not what God has already said. So a third problem is what they're doing is looking for truth based on experience, not the word of God, the Bible. But wait a minute. Oh, the Bible's been corrupted, they say.

Now they have to have something new. There you go. Satan is the first one to cast doubt on God's word, and that's when deception comes in. Do you think that God isn't capable of keeping his word, which represents him, and he gets capable of keeping it secure and truthful?

Of course he is. When the Mormons say in Article 8 that the Bible is correct insofar as it is correctly translated, well, translated means from one language to another language. To interpret, for example, yotengo hambre in Spanish is I, I have hunger. We interpret that. One spoken language interpreted to another spoken language.

That's what that means to interpret. So spoken to spoken, yotengo hambre is I have hunger or I'm hungry. But a translation is when you write yotengo hambre, then you write the equivalent out.

I am hungry. That's a translation, because translations deal with written, and interpretation deals with spoken. This is how the language has been used. This is what it means. But when they say insofar as the Bible is correctly translated, they take the word translate and think it means interpret.

Or it doesn't, because there's confusion in Mormonism. So I've had four and a half years of biblical Greek, of ancient Greek and biblical Greek, and in college and seminary. So I can look at the Greek New Testament.

I'm very rusty, but I have lots of tools, and I know what to do. And I can tell you, yes, it's accurately translated from the original Greek to now. It is. So that would mean if it's accurately translated, then it's accurate. Well, it is accurate, because it's accurately translated. Greek scholars routinely will tell you, yeah, the New Testament.

Go to the NASB, for example, it's accurate. So what are the Mormons being taught? They're being taught a way to doubt God's word, just like Satan said to Eve in Genesis 3.1. Did God really say? When you doubt God's word, then you pray about the truth of something else that's not God's word. Then you're in sorcery, and you are mixing up yourself with the demonic realm, opening yourself up to deception. And this is why millions of Mormons have a feeling about truth. But the problem with feelings is you can't trust them.

People say, well, no, no, no, Matt, you don't understand. I prayed to God, and he's not going to deceive me. Well, the Bible does say God will send a deluding influence upon people. That's 2 Thessalonians 2.11. And he sends it because of their sin. He lets you believe the lie. In fact, God gives people over to the depravity of their heart and their mind to believe lies.

That's Romans 1, verses 18 through 32. You've got to understand that the word of God is truth. You judge truth by the word of God, the Bible, not by the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants.

They are not capable of giving you what you need for eternal life. Joseph Smith is not a true prophet, and we know that because when we go to John 6.46, Jesus says, not that any man has seen the Father except the One who is from God. He has seen the Father.

He's talking about himself. No man's ever seen the Father. In fact, Paul echoes that in 1 Timothy 6.16 when he says that, speaking of the Father, he dwells in an unapproachable light who no man has seen nor can see. Some Mormon tell me, well, Stephen saw God the Father. No, he didn't. They say, yes, he did.

No, he did not. Go read Acts 7.55 through 60. He had a vision and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand. It doesn't say he saw the Father, it doesn't say he saw God, but the glory of God, the light emanation out of God's presence is what he saw.

So you see, why is this important? Well, Joseph Smith said he saw God the Father when the Bible says he can't. Therefore, Mormonism is false right there.

If you believe the Word of God, if you believe God, if you don't, you have to believe Mormonism, you've got to deny the Word of God, and you're open to deception again. Hey, we'll be right back after these messages. I hope you're enjoying this. Please stay tuned. I'll read some stuff what Joseph Smith said.

It should be interesting. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the show.

If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. All right, I'm going to read you a quote from Joseph Smith. And this is a special quote for me. This is what Joseph Smith said, History of the Church, volume 6, page 408-409. Now, my friend Charlie, he read me this quote back in, we don't know exactly.

We think it was 1980, 1979 or 1980. I just met him at a Bible study. He read me this quote, and the quote enraged me. It made me mad. And I started studying Mormonism because of it, and then Jehovah's Witnesses, then Christian Science, Theology, and the whole bit. It changed the direction of my life, literally. This is no joke.

I'm not exaggerating. The quote I'm going to read you actually served as the fire, the match that lit the fire, that burned the forest. In my life, it lit everything up, and I became a Christian apologist because of this. God used this quote to ordain for me what he wanted.

This is the quote. This is what Joseph Smith said, God is in a still, small voice in all these affidavits, indictments, all of the devil, all corruption. Come on, ye prosecutors, you false swears, all hell boil over.

Ye burning mountains roll down your lava, for I will come out on the top at last. I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I'm the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam.

A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I.

The followers of Jesus ran away from him, but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet. When my friend Charlie read me this quote, and he's my friend now, at that point he was, I just met this guy one week earlier, and he read me this quote, and I still remember it. I remember him, where he was standing, my position, the paper in his hand, and I ripped the paper out of his hand, and I crumbled it up, and I said, Who said this? Who would say this? This is the arrogant pride of boasting he did more than even Jesus.

Give me a break. Who said this? And he said, Joseph Smith. And I said, Well, who's that? He said, Joseph Smith.

That's the founder of Mormonism. And my reply to him was, Well, Mormonism is Christian, but this guy is not. And he said, No, they're not Christian. I said, Yes, they are. And he said, No, they're not. I said, Well, what do you mean, they're not? And he started telling me, Well, they teach that God gave them another planet. What?

Yeah, that the Trinity's three gods. What? Are you kidding me?

What? He says he went to this one class, and he was learning about this. Jerry Bodine, he was working with Walter Martin. I don't remember all this stuff.

He was with Christian Research Institute with Walter Martin. Okay. And so we went to the class, and I couldn't believe it. That they were documenting all this stuff for Mormonism, and this got me studying. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, I remember the Bodine's.

Jerry and Marian, that's what it was. Anyway, so this started me studying, and that's what changed my life, literally. So get this. This is what Joseph Smith said in Journal of Discourses, volume 6, page 10. A question may be asked. Will mothers have their children in eternity? Yes. Yes. Mothers, you shall have your children. That was in, yeah, okay. Same documentation. Eternity is full of thrones, upon which dwell thousands of children, reigning on thrones of glory, with not one cubit added to their stature.

And let's see. Joseph Smith said, yes, this is what he says. Teaching of the Prophet, Joseph Smith, page 370. I have always declared God to be a distinct personage. Jesus Christ, a separate and distinct personage from God the Father and the Holy Ghost, as a distinct personage and a spirit. And these three constitute three distinct personages and three gods. And the Bible says there's only one God.

And God doesn't even know the other God. All you've got to do is go to Isaiah chapters 43, 44, and 45. Just read those three chapters.

43, 44, 45. Just read them. And you'll see God says there aren't any. And what the Mormons do, they'll say, that means just of this planet. They change the word of God just a little to make it agree with what they want. The twist scripture. Here's something that Joseph Smith said.

This is in, let's see. Since he was wrong, okay. That's, I don't have the direct quote, but Joseph Smith said that there were men living on the moon who dressed like Quakers and lived to be nearly 1,000 years old. You get a documentation from that in Mormonism, Shadow, Reality by Gerald and Sandra Tanner, page 4. Here's something Brigham Young said. Here's something Brigham Young said. And that, and he that confesseth not that Jesus has come in the flesh and sent Joseph Smith with the fullness of the Gospel to this generation is not of God but is anti-Christ.

Journal of Discourses, volume 9, page 312. I don't believe that Joseph Smith was sent by God that I'm an anti-Christ. Well, I don't believe Joseph Smith was sent by God.

He lied. He said he saw God the Father and the Bible says he can't. 1 Timothy 6, 16. Here's one of my favorite quotes from Joseph Smith, from Brigham Young.

Journal of Discourses, volume 13, page 264, also page 95. I say now when they, his discourses, his preachings, his teachings, are copied and approved by me, they are as good as Scripture as is couched in this Bible. That's what Brigham Young said.

Wow. And he said he's never given any counsel. That's wrong. And this is, he said, I know just as well what to teach this people and just what to say to them and what to do in order to bring them into the celestial kingdom. I have never yet preached a sermon and sent it out to the children of men that they may not call Scripture. Let me have the privilege of correcting a sermon and it is as good as Scripture as they deserve. The people have the oracles of God continually.

Wow. That's what Brigham Young said. Do you guys believe, do Mormons believe what Brigham Young said?

Because he said Adam was God. He said that, he said this, if you deny polygamy you're damned. Now, if any of you will deny the plurality of wives and continue to do so, I promise that you will be damned. Journal of Discourses, volume 3, page 266. He also said the only men who are gods, even the sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy. Journal of Discourses, volume 11, page 269. Now, wait a minute. Brigham Young said you have to believe what he says.

You've got to do that. It's as good as Scripture. He doesn't give anything out that's not true. And now he's saying that you're damned if you don't practice polygamy. Whoa.

That's a problem, isn't it? He also said no man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith. Wow. Or how about, that's Journal of Discourses, volume 7, page 289.

How about this one? God himself is increasing and progressing in knowledge, power, and dominion, and will do so world without end. Journal of Discourses, volume 6, page 120. He's growing in wisdom and understanding and knowledge and all that kind of stuff.

Really? Then how can you trust him? How do you know he's not going to grow to some new level of understanding where he says, uh-oh, there'll be some mistakes here. How do you know that's not the case?

If he's growing in his wisdom, growing in his knowledge, progressing, increasing and progressing in knowledge, power, and dominion, that means God's more powerful than him. And can they fight each other? I mean, I don't know. I've just never asked a Mormon that. But can one god from a planet want to take over another planet, a god, because maybe that god is not teaching something that's right? I don't know.

Let's see. What Man or Woman? The previous one was Journal of Discourses, volume 6, page 120, where God's increasing in knowledge. This, quote, what man or woman on earth, what spirit in the spirit world can say truthfully that I have ever, that I ever gave a wrong word of counsel or a word of advice that could not be sanctioned by the heavens?

The success which has attended me in my presidency is owing to the blessings and mercy of the Almighty. Journal of Discourses, volume 12, page 127. Wow.

Brigham Young taught that you're obligated to keep all the laws and ordinances of God. That's Journal of Discourses, volume 8, page 339. Let's see. Let's see.

Let's see. Oh, yeah, this is a good quote. When the time came, this is what Brigham Young taught. Remember, Brigham Young says whatever he says is equivalent to scripture. He's corrected the sermon.

That's it. As good as counsel as you need, it's approved from heaven. When the time came that his firstborn, the Savior, should come into the world and take a tabernacle, the Father came himself and favored that spirit with a tabernacle instead of letting any other man do it. Journal of Discourses, volume 4, page 218. He goes on to say the birth of the Savior was as natural as are the births of our children. It was the result of natural action. He partook of flesh and blood, was begotten of his Father as we are of our fathers. Journal of Discourses, volume 8, page 115. Now note, the late Bruce McConkie, who was a member of the First Council of the Presidency, stated, quote, there is nothing figurative about his paternity.

He was begotten, conceived, and born in the normal and natural course of events. Mormon doctrine by Bruce McConkie, page 742. He's just going off with Brigham Young and said, it looks like God, who has a body of flesh and bones, came down and had relations with Mary to make the body of Jesus. That's what he's saying.

Wow. When the time came for his firstborn, the Savior should come into the world and take a tabernacle. The Father came himself and favored that spirit with a tabernacle instead of letting any other man do it. The birth of our Savior was as natural as are the births of our children. It was the result of natural action. Ooh, wow. How about this one?

That's good. Brigham Young and black people. You see some classes of human family that are black, uncouth, uncumbly, disagreeable, and low in their habits, wild, and seemingly deprived of nearly all the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind. Cain slew his brother.

Cain might have killed, and that would have put up a termination of that line of human beings. This was not to be, and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is his flat nose and black skin. Journal and Discourses, volume 7, page 290. Remember what Brigham Young said.

It's as good as scripture. In our first settlement in Missouri, it was said by our enemies that we intended to tamper with the slaves, not that we had any idea or kind, for such a thing never entered our minds. We knew that the children of Ham were to be the servants of servants, and no power under heaven could hinder it so long as the Lord would permit them to welter under the curse and those who were known to be religious views concerning the Journal of Discourses, volume 2, page 172. And one more quote. Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the scene of Cain, the penalty under the law of God is death on the spot. This will always be so.

Journal of Discourses, volume 10, page 110. Yeah, obviously. That's racist and very sinful. Yet this is what Brigham Young taught. I haven't even gotten into the substantial changes of the Book of Mormon. Oh, there's so much to talk about. I hope you've enjoyed the show. I hope it was interesting and informative.

If you have any comments, you can always email me at info at C-A-R-M dot O-R-G. We can talk. May the Lord bless you. Like His Grace, we'll be back down here tomorrow. Talk to you then. See you. Bye.
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