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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
November 16, 2022 3:00 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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November 16, 2022 3:00 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Can Hebrews 6 be describing a truly regenerate person---2- What, then, is Hebrews 6 talking about---3- A caller discusses the -gospel of the kingdom- and how it relates to reaching the nations.--4- 1 Peter 3-6, what does it mean by -if you do not fear anything that is frightening----5- Matt discusses some wider matters on a biblical view of women and men.--6- If salvation is only by sovereign election -Ephesians 1-4-, why would Jesus need to hide the truth in parables to keep people from believing -Mark 4-12--


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. Today is November 7th, 2022, and I hope that you're going to have a good time listening today.

We have no callers waiting. If you want to be the first one to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877-207-2276, and I want to hear from you. All right, let's see. So tomorrow night I'm going to debate, and I think I did.

I put the information up on the current calendar. I'll be debating on is a trinity necessary for a reality with a Muslim, and that'll be interesting. And let's see, what else? I went to a different church yesterday, and because of my wife's health, I haven't really gone to church much.

I'm kind of, you know, just staying with her and stuff. I said, I need to go. So, coincidentally, I got an email from just, you know, a new Reformed church is starting, you know, on this place, and the address, I looked it up.

Oh, I know where that is. So yesterday, a friend of mine and I went, and nice people, great people, and everything was nice. But they did the hymns thing. They sang the hymns, and man, I just can't.

I can't take it. Now, I know, I know there's a lot of people who love hymns, and that's great. You know, praise God, you love hymns. I'm all for you loving hymns. But for me, you know, it just doesn't work for me.

And so, you know, it was fine. I didn't sing because I didn't have a hymn. I don't like to sing because I have a very bad singing voice. People tell my voice is nice to talk, but when I sing, people hear me sing, they say, stick to talking. So it's pretty bad, and I don't mind that, you know. The Bible says, make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

So I certainly qualify for that one. It's more of a noise than anything, a cacophony. My family knows I can't sing, and I get a kick out of it when I do sing, and they just say, Dad, stop. So it's like a singing form of a dad joke, you know. Dad, no, please don't. I get a big kick out of it because it's torturing them. Is this torture you?

Let me try it again. No! So, at any rate, a lot of fun for dads, particularly if you have my inability to utter a tune. But at any rate, so hey, look, if you want to give me a call, all you've got to do is dial 877-207-2276. If you're new to the show, my real name is Matt Slick, S-L-I-C-K, and it worked great for radio, Matt Slick Live. So if you want to continue to listen and wonder what this is about, I'm a Christian apologist, which means I defend the Christian faith. And I answer all kinds of difficult questions and talk about stuff. We talk about politics, abortion, homosexuality, UFOs, the occult, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Unity, Baha'i, Islam, Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and a bunch of other isms and istics. And if you're interested in finding out about some of them and calling me up and asking about some of them and or other topics, well, 877-207-2276. All right.

Oh, yeah, I just want to let you know that we stay on the air, ladies and gentlemen, by your support. Now, I don't like doing this. I don't like asking, and people have routinely said that.

I just, I need to ask. I need to let people know, and I just don't like doing it. But we do need, because of these trying times, what we're asking for is for $5 a month donations. It's not very much, and we ask that people go and sign up at forward slash donate. That's C-A-R-M dot O-R-G forward slash donate.

Or you go to the navigation menu on any page on the left-hand side, you'll see the red word donate, and you can just sign up. And $5 a month is what we ask if we can get 1,000 people doing that. That's not very much, considering we get, let's see, what was it? So we got, how many visitors did we get yesterday?

I'm going to actually look this up. But we get a lot of visitors on a daily basis. And so yesterday we had, let's see, new visitors, 21,000. We had 21,000 visitors. So we get that many, and we have, let's see, just a look at the stats, 15,000 a day returning. And the average so far for this month is 14,406 returning visitors on a daily basis.

So anyway, there's a lot of people who visit the site. And if you're interested in supporting us, if you like the radio show, you like what I say, even if you don't, and I irritate you, and you want to keep hearing it, well, then all you've got to do is go to forward slash donate, and you can donate. And if you do, if you do it for the radio, if you want the radio to be on, you can just donate. And then add a little note, or I don't know if there's a note addition thing in the setup, but you can just e-mail us and say, hey, you know, my name's so-and-so, just signed up to support you for this much month, want to go for radio.

See how easy it is? All right, let's get on the air with Jason from Arizona. Jason, welcome. You are on the air.

Hi, Matt. I'm a reformed believer, and I was talking to someone about Hebrews 6-6, the sin of apostasy, and I was telling them that that cannot be a regenerated person, because Jesus said in John 10-28 that I give them everlasting life and they shall never perish. If that was a regenerated person and they perished, then Jesus lied. Correct. Is my logic correct?

Yes, it is correct. It's good logic. See, a syllogism is a premises with a conclusion. So you can make two premises out of this.

Jesus said he will never lose any. That's premise one. Premise two, Hebrews 6-6 says blah, blah, blah, and you can say, therefore, Hebrews 6-6 cannot mean that you lose your salvation.

This kind of a thing. And when you have a syllogism, it can be valid if the premises are true. But we get a valid and sound logic. But nevertheless, you're on the right track, and so absolutely you are correct.

I'm glad that my logic was right there. I wanted to share with you that I've talked to some people that were like followers of Word of Faith, and they followed Ken Hagen. I know he passed away. But Ken Hagen, he wrote a book where he said Jesus appeared to him and showed him that Hebrews 6 can be a regenerate person who rejects him. And I was just saying to this person, but how can that be when Jesus negated the possibility of perishing? So, you know, people say, well, Ken Hagen, Jesus appeared to him, he wrote a book and said Jesus appeared to him and told him Hebrews 6 can pertain to a believer. And so I'm just trying to use logic to say, look, you know, if Billy Graham said that, I can't accept what Billy Graham said because if it defies the scripture, it defies the scripture.

Right. Well, here's one of the things you can ask about this issue of Hebrews 6-6. And what I'll do is I'll say, well, do you believe Hebrews 6-6?

And they'll say, well, of course I do. So then you're saying that the regenerate have fallen away, right? And it's impossible to renew them again to repentance. Can they become Christians again?

Is it possible? Because if you're going to believe the text, then it's never possible for anyone who's a Christian to stop being a Christian to become a Christian again. Would you agree? Now, that's something they're going to have to deal with because if they say, yes, that is the case, then at least they're consistent with the scripture. But most people have not thought this through. And most people will say that, no, they can become Christian again.

All you've got to do is just believe again. And what you could do is preamble the question with that. Well, if they lose their salvation, can they become Christian again? Well, of course they can. Then you ask them that. Well, it says it's impossible to renew them again to repentance if you think that means salvation. Then they can't be Christians.

So what do you do with that? Okay. So, Mel, what do you say to someone who defers to, like, to someone who, like a famous Christian like Ken Hagen who passed away, and they say, well, Jesus appeared to him and told him otherwise. What is the best response to say, well, I've got to go by the written word? Or what is the best response to that? How do you know Kenneth Hagen was telling you the truth and it really happened?

Just ask him because he said so. And I say the issue here is what does the scripture say? They even check what Paul the apostle said against scripture. And that was in Acts 17, 11.

I said, should you do the same thing? If they say, no, we have to trust what he says, then I just tell them, then you are not following scriptural admonition. And you are open to deception. And you don't know if you're being deceived by this guy because you're not using scripture as your authority. And this is one of the dangers that the Bible talks about. In the last days, they'll gather teachers to themselves to tickle their ears.

Okay. Yeah, there was a lot of teachings that I was just telling this person that some of the quotations from him I don't believe lined up with the Bible. And sometimes people view famous preachers like they're infallible in what they say. And it's like I've heard famous preachers and teachers say the wrong thing. We can't go by that, you know. And that's why I respect your ministry because it's logic based upon the written word period.

And I can't get involved sometimes trying to debate someone who, well, this person said this. Well, how can I prove that this person's experience or their vision was true? I can't prove it. You can't prove it's true, but you have the possibility of proving it false. Because truth is falsifiable for the most part. And you want to have something that can be demonstrated to be true or false, generally speaking. It's a principle. I don't know if you know this, but if you were to go to Karm and look up just the word HAGIN, H-A-G-G-I-N, you'll see an article that comes up, Positive Confession Preachers and Teachers List of Heresies.

And I have some from HAGIN. One of the things I will do is have a discussion with someone, say they are following HAGIN. I don't want them to really know necessarily I'm reading what he said until I have them comment on it. For example, that God made us the same class of being that God himself is. Do you agree that we're the same class of being as God?

Well, of course not. Because HAGIN said that. He actually said that. This means that God made us much more like himself as possible. He made us in his image. He made us in his likeness.

He made us the same class of being that he is himself. And that is foolish and illogical and unscriptural. He said the believer is as much an incarnation as was Jesus of Nazareth. That's a damnable heresy. It's a denial of the true incarnation of Christ by saying that we're on the equal level. And we are obviously, we don't exist with two natures. He said Jesus went to hell.

Why did he need to be begotten or born? Because he became like we were separated from God because he tasted spiritual death for every man and his spirit and inner men went to hell in my place. That's not what it says.

Can't you see that? Physical death wouldn't remove your sins. He's tasted death for every man.

Notice that. Physical death wouldn't remove your sins. The atonement of the death of Christ doesn't remove your sins. He denied the physical atoning Christ. It was a sacrifice. He says he's tasted death for every man.

He's talking about tasting spiritual death. He is the first person that was ever born again. Why did his spirit need to be born again?

Because it was estranged from God. These are all heresies. And how about this? He said this. Oh, I already read that one. Physical death wouldn't remove sin. He said Adam became satanic when he sinned. He said Satan became the god of this world due to Adam's sin.

Adam, look at this, I'll just read this. Originally God made the earth and the fullness thereof, giving Adam dominion over all the works of his hands. In other words, Adam was the god of this world. And what he's doing is by saying Adam was a god of this world, he's playing with the phraseology. And then we're in Adam. We are like little gods of this world. These are the kinds of things that come up.

He's got heresies. Okay? All right, thank you.

Give that to your friend and see what he says. I will. God bless. Bye-bye.

Bye. Hey folks, we have two open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276, we will be right back. We have one open line, if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. All right, let's get on the phone with, let's see, that would be Mike from Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

Welcome. You're on the air. Hello.

I hit the button. Mike. I'm calling.

Mike, are you there? We'll give him a little bit longer here. He doesn't show up. We'll put him on hold and then we'll try the next caller. What if he's panicking? What if he's trying to get his phone? He's panicking.

We'll see. All right, let's get over with Russell from North Carolina. Russ, welcome buddy. You're on the air. Uh-oh. Okay.

And while I listen on the radio. Okay. So the question was about. Okay, go ahead.

It had a connection problem and I don't know what it was. Okay, I'm sorry. Okay, go ahead. So, first time listener and had a thought about the question about Hebrew 6 and I was going to share a thought I had and then you can comment and I can get off the phone and I can just listen on the radio. Finished kind of a long study on the book of Hebrews to, with an attitude of, God, I want to understand what you are saying in your word.

And, uh, chapter six is obviously a contentious kind of passage. People have different ideas and I had a realization that in the book of Hebrews, it becomes evident he's not just speaking to Jewish Christians. He's also speaking to Jewish people mingled in with those Jewish Christians. And what's interesting about a Jewish Christian versus me, I'm just a Christian, but a Jewish Christian also retains this kind of identity along with the nation of Israel as well. And we want to look at Hebrew 6 and say, well, look, they, they, they, you know, tasted of, you know, the good word and these things like a Christian does, but it became evident to me, I had this realization he's speaking to the nation of Israel.

You look at Romans, to what advantage has the Jew chief every, in every way, because they had received the Oracle. The nation of Israel saw the word of God. They saw the prophet. They saw the miracle. They had the opportunity to accept their Messiah who was sent and then they rejected him in that state. It is impossible to renew them again to repentance, seeing that they've fallen away from their old system of repentance of sacrifices and now reject the one final, uh, offer of repentance in Jesus Christ. Amen, brother.

You nailed it. And we can make an application as Christians and say, well, what is this? And I would say these are people who have had literally every opportunity to see and understand who Jesus Christ is. You hear about people who grew up in fundamentalist homes and now they're living godless lifestyles. They have every opportunity to see Jesus Christ as savior and rejected it.

As I like to say to people when I explain this, because I believe it also echoes this same thought in Hebrews chapter 10 in like around 24 in that passage. He sent a Messiah. You reject him. He's not going to send another one. There's nothing left for you. You rejected the Messiah he sent.

There's nothing left. Exactly. Hebrews 10 26. If we go on sitting willfully, you have to receive the knowledge of the two. You're no longer made to sacrifice for sin.

That's what you said is exactly the position I hold. Exactly. And we could interpret 10 26 as, well, I'm a Christian and I chose to sin. That's sinning willfully. If you look before it, you're talking about one final sacrifice. We can't interpret it as I'm a Christian. I sinned. That's not what he's talking about.

It's choosing to walk away from the opportunity to have redemption in Jesus Christ after that we come to the knowledge that Jesus Christ is our available Messiah. Brother, you nailed it. You are absolutely correct. Okay.

I'm speaking to the Jews. Glad I could nail it. I hope that's an encouragement. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And I often talk about that.

I use Judas as an example. He tasted the gift. He tasted this. Right. Exactly. And I use that as an example.

But it's also, yeah, the Jewish nation because Jesus was covenantally sent to Israel, Matthew 15 24. They saw this stuff. And they're rejecting it. Right. Hey, you got nothing left. And that's what Paul's doing.

Right. Paul wrote Hebrews. I like to look at Pharaoh as well. Pharaoh had every opportunity. He hardened his heart. And then after so many times, God said, okay, I'm done.

I will now harden your heart. It was literally impossible at that point for Pharaoh to be redeemed because he had passed that point of redemption. He had rejected God and his plan of redemption. He would not turn. Right.

And we can do that today. So what about passage in Isaiah, right? Seek the Lord while he may be found. Well, not to Christians. I'm saying in our day, seek the Lord while he may be found. Well, what if I don't want to?

Then you might find yourself in a day where you can't seek him anymore. Yeah. And blend that in with Romans 1 18 through 32 where the judgment of God is upon people, giving them over to the depravity of their hearts, minds, et cetera, because they're denying the truth. And God judges them and says, okay, then you're given over to it. And we see this in our culture today all over the place.

Right. And like the philosopher Bertram Russell said, you know, what are you going to say when you stand before God? God, you didn't give me enough evidence.

That's not what Romans 1 20 says. You are without excuse. You had every opportunity. And the problem is you rejected it.

Exactly, I think, as my understanding of scripture is the meaning of Hebrews chapter 6. You had an opportunity to receive Christ. You rejected it. And now there's nothing left. Amen, brother. I have to go, but I'm going to keep listening on the radio. Thank you so much. You're welcome so much. Keep listening. Good stuff. You got it right. Totally agree with you. God bless.

All right. Hey, that was encouraging. He nailed it.

I really think it was a good articulation of the position. Let's get to Mike from Winston-Salem. Mike, are you there? Yes, I'm here. I was here before.

It was only on my phone, but I guess I couldn't get through. But anyway, I called you about a week ago about the gospel of the kingdom and the difference between that and the gospel. Well, I did some research, and I think I've got it.

So you need to let me know if I'm right or wrong. Throughout the Old Testament, like Genesis 26, 4, he tells Abraham, I will multiply your descendants as the stars, as the sand on the seashore. Genesis 22 is, again, sand of the seashore. All nations will be blessed. Genesis 49, 10, Psalm 2, 7 through 9, nations for your inheritance, earth for your possession. Psalm 22, 27, all will worship before you, all nations. Psalm 110, the footstool, which I love.

I love that one. And then, you know, there's more. There's Isaiah 2, Isaiah 9, Isaiah 42, Isaiah 65, 66. Anyway, the theme is the same, that eventually all nations will come to you, like in Daniel, and he goes up to the Ancient of Days, and he draws the nations going up the mountain to God, and water doesn't flow uphill, they flow downhill, but these nations are turning finally to God. And then, of course, you have the Great Commission in Matthew, where he says, all authority is given to me, go therefore and make disciples of all nations. So, to me, the Gospel of the Kingdom, which actually Matthew kind of opens with that, when he speaks of... Well, hold on. We've got a break.

So, when we get back from the break, what I want you to do is say, the Gospel of the Kingdom is, and then just define it out. Okay. All right?

Because there's a lot of background, and I'm with you. So, hold on. Hey, folks, we have two open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody, welcome back to the show. Let's get back on here with Mike from Winston-Salem. All right, Mike. You still there? Yeah.

Yes, I'm here. Okay, so what is the Gospel of the Kingdom? The Gospel of the Kingdom is that the eventual reign of Christ on earth, that all nations will be drawn to God. Now, I know the dispensation would say, well, that will occur, you know, after the churches of rapture, et cetera, et cetera, and the millennial reign, that kind of stuff.

But nowhere in the stuff that I read said that. I'm reading – Okay. I'm taking it kind of word for word, because it's very clear that this is what's going to happen. And if we as Christians do our – you're doing it by the missionaries that you send out, that gentleman that you had from South America, you know, that's a sign of what we're supposed to be doing. We're supposed to be reaching out, not just to people, but to the nations. Right. Well, good. So the Gospel of the Kingdom is – say it again, then.

The Gospel of the Kingdom is that eventually the nations will turn to Christ, will turn to God, and He will rule. I tell you what – It's almost – I look at it and I say, you know, it's like we've already won the fight. If you would, if you could write that up and send it to me, email it to me, info at and I'll shoot you out. Okay.

So it looks like it presupposes a premillennial view and, you know, and maybe that's a good argument against my position. So, you know, I'm willing to check it out. Okay. Okay. I'll go ahead and email that to you. All right. Sounds good, buddy.

Appreciate it. And we as Christians really need to do our job. We need to get out there. And not just witness, but we need to get involved in the culture and in the nation.

I heard – what's his name – that runs the Truth Talk Network. Anyway, saying that 40 percent of Christians didn't vote in the last election. Don't need to vote. That to me is appalling. Yeah. That's basically sinful depending on your situation. If you can't, you can't.

But if you know and you should support godly people and you refuse to do that by your abstinence, that's a problem. So good stuff, buddy. Appreciate it. Okay. All right. All right. Thanks, Matt.

God bless. Okay. All right. Let's get to Monique from Greensboro, wherever that is.

Yes. Okay. Greensboro, North Carolina.

North Carolina. Hi. I'm sorry? I said hi. Yes. Okay.

Good evening. Yes. Yes. So my question – but I think I kind of answered it while waiting. First Peter, I believe, chapter three, verse six. I've always wondered, and I'm very King James, just because I grew up on that. I don't really read so much others. But when he says, you are her daughters as long as you are not afraid with any amazement, I saw an Amplified that says, as long as you're not afraid of what your husband might do.

I've never thought it to be that. But I just wanted to ask you that part of it. Just specifically, as long as you're not afraid with any amazement, I've always wondered what that meant. I think what he's going at is that in the context of calling your husband Lord, because as Sarah called Abraham Lord, which I have an interesting theological perspective on that.

I think it's interesting. And you become her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear, as the NASB says. And let's just go through different translations. The ESV says, and do not fear anything that is frightening. You're not afraid with any amazement, King James. Afraid with any terror, New King James. L-E-B, with any respect to any terror. Let nothing terrify you. In other words, I think what he's saying here is you do this and don't worry about it.

Don't be afraid. Because I think some women, particularly in the culture, were not very well respected and they were often seen as a form of property, though they were not. Not in the Jewish culture, absolutely not. But they, you know, I'll just leave it at that. And so with the issue of their freedom and Peter dealing with the issue of the lordship of Abraham, where Sarah called him Lord.

And what does that mean? That's an interesting topic we can get into if you want. But the thing here is, without that, don't be afraid. Don't worry about it.

Trust God through this, I think is what's going on. Because a lot of times, what I understood is that in the culture of the time, the women, though they were not considered as, I don't want to say valuable, because it's just not the right word. They were very valuable, but they just weren't in that high pedestal of equality as men were. That a lot of times the women then would become uppity in the ways that they could in their resistance and rebellion. And when they found freedom in Christ, they carried a lot of that with them into the church. And so I think what Paul's doing is saying, look, you know, you can do that.

1 Timothy 2 and 2 to 11 and things like this about women learning and submission, is that they're not to be in that place. Trust God. Don't worry about it. It'll work out. That's a very low way of saying it, but that's why that's going on.

I appreciate that. And there's so many that spun off of what you were saying, I don't want to get on a rabbit hole. But, oh gosh, now I'm going to forget what I was going to say. So if I understand correctly, you're leaning more towards it being without, don't feel fearful of taking the position of calling your husband Lord, because of what it might mean, like you lose your respectability. You know, is that what you're...

It has to do with that. So now we need to look at what the context is about calling Abraham Lord, because Sarah called him Lord. And if you notice before that, it says in this way, former times, holy women also who hoped in God used to adorn themselves being submissive to their own husbands, just as Sarah obeyed Abraham calling him Lord. When I do marriage counseling and when I teach on the issue of marriage, this verse, I always bring this verse up, because I ask the wives, would you call your husband Lord? And they all say, no.

And I ask them why. And it's because he's not worth being called Lord. He's not like Jesus is Lord. Well, that's not what he's saying here. It's not what he's saying is Jesus is Lord. It's like that.

That's not it. But you're saying your husband's not worth it, right? Not worth being called Lord? That's what they could say.

I say, okay, are you worth being loved? And if they say yes, they're arrogant and prideful, because they have to say, well, you know, made the image of God. Okay, now we're talking, because the obligation of women to their husbands is to recognize the authority that they have in the home and in the marriage. Adam was first created.

He had authority, and he named the animals he named Eve, designating his authority. He had that position, and the women are to recognize that position of men in the family. When they do that, women don't recognize. They don't know.

They'll say, well, no, I can't call him Lord, because he'll become arrogant. No. Oh, no, no, no. I've taught this. I talk a lot about this.

Imagine this. I taught where, say, 20 people were in the class, men and women. And one particular evening, the men kind of gravitated towards the left side, in front of me, the left, and the women were on the right side.

It just kind of happened one night like that, and I noticed it and made a joke out of it. And then we got talking about this verse, and I said to the ladies first, I said, would you call your husband Lord? And they said, no. They all said, no, he would not. And I said, why? Because, well, he's not like Jesus.

He's not worth it like that. And I said, okay. To the men, I said, look, if you came home one day from work, say your wife's home, whatever, and she said, look, I've been thinking about what Matt Slick said, and I want to call you Lord, not as in Jesus is Lord, but the Lord as in the king of the house, the one who's responsible in the house and who has that final authority.

I'm going to start calling you Lord periodically in that sense, in a private sense. I say to the guys, what would you say about that? And they all do the same thing. They all go, no, no, no, we don't want that. I turn to the women and I say, why do you think they don't want that?

And here's the reason, here's the secret. Men become what you expect of them. If you treat them like children, they'll become children. You treat them like kings, they'll become kings. Now, not every man's going to do that, but if you start treating your man with respect and you honor him as the head of the family without ridicule, without that nasty side expression look of putting him down for your displeasure, because by doing that, you're doing the opposite of what this is and you're trying to control him. Men pick up on it and they will lower down to the level because they don't want to have any problem because you're going to try and be the one who's in control. But if you submit to the lordship of God by submitting to the lordship of your husband, what will happen is he's going to say, what?

Now I've got to up my game. That's what will happen. And you have to recognize, I say to the women, you have to recognize that when a man does this, he's going to screw up. The reason is because there's no playbook on how he's to do every decision in every day of every month in his life. He's going to lead forward, and what you should be doing is supporting him. He's trying this before the Lord. He's trying that before the Lord. If he fails, praise God. But he's trying before the Lord, and if you honor him that way, you're going to have a man who's going to be proud of you. You're going to have a man who's going to be ready to serve you. You're going to have a man who's not going to be afraid to take risks in a godly way and try and do what's right before God and his wife. But on the opposite hand, I'm not going to call you Lord. You're not worth it.

Then he'll pick up on that, even though his position is of necessity the head of the house, and then he'll pick up on that, and he will lower himself to that position so there's not any problems in the house. Happy life stuff comes into play. I know I went through that quickly. Hey, Monique, we've got a break. Hold on. We'll be right after the break.

Right after the break. Okay. Hey, folks, there you go. That was quick and slick, but it's true. We'll be right back after these messages. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, well, welcome back to the show, Monique. Are you still there? Yes. Yes, yes. All right.

I am, yes. Okay, so did you have something you were going to add to the last thing you said? I could add a lot more. I could add a lot more, but that's good. That's good right there. I know a lot of women are probably going, what?

No, but I appreciate that, and that's why I don't want to get too excited, but these are all these. In my view, I would have thought just like everything you said, even in psychology, the secular people agree with that when it's in that language. It just shows all the more.

They're just determined to hate it if it's God, if it's got God's name on it, because there's a whole lot, but I also, so it's kind of a spin off of that. I'm not a woman being a pastor. We spoke about some of this before, but in a position where even say your husband, and maybe you're the more knowledgeable, or I should say you wash with the Lord more season maybe, and then him. Now I would think that of course you wouldn't take an arrogant position with that. Even then.

But if you do no more, yes. How would you, my question then would be, of course, and my answer would be just use wisdom, but how would you go about, if you know he's wrong, obviously, but you want to still be innocent. You certainly don't want to make him feel stupid or like you're rebuking him. That's very, very, very critical. And that certainly happens. The one I gave was a normative thing.

Now we've got derivations. So what do you do if you're married to an unbeliever? If the unbeliever wants to buy a new car that you know you can't afford, for example, and you say, look, I don't agree with this, but if this is what you want to do, then I'll trust you, and I'll know that you'll take care of what needs to be taken care of.

And you don't say it with a threatening tone. And here's something else that women don't realize. I'm going to say this very carefully in a roundabout way because children might be listening, but oftentimes women will withhold themselves if it doesn't go their way, and that is a form of punishment and manipulation, passive aggressive, in order to get control.

Now I always thought that was like a witchcraft thing simply because it would be controlling and... No. It's just a manipulation thing, and women shouldn't do that, and men shouldn't do it either. But just use the example of buying a car, and let's just say that after a few months, he realizes it was a really bad decision. You don't say, see, I told you so in a snotty tone. He's not going to want to talk to you. But if you say, that's okay, we'll work it out together, and he looks at you, he's going to go, wow. It turns out I made a bad decision, and she's still kind to me.

Wow, I've got a good wife. Then what's going to happen is next time... Hold on, listen to this. People need to know this. Next time what will happen, he will listen to you because he's not afraid of you anymore about your ridicule.

This is why it works, okay? Well, and I wish I could remember the address, but this is what I, you know, you win him with your lifestyle. 1 Peter 3, 1.

1 Peter 3, 1. He's going to be won over with the lifestyle, and I don't relate to that. My relation, and be a woman that has to bear everything. You'll have a different perspective. You think God is your husband to lead something. What I'm doing... What I'd like to do is teach a two-hour seminar on this. Here's this normative situation, biblically based.

Now, here are variations of it. What do we do, and how do we apply this? And that needs to be done. What Peter's doing is giving us the basics. And if Christian women would understand this, they don't realize, a lot of Christian women don't realize, women in general don't realize, if you treat your man like a king, he'll become a king.

And if you treat him like blood, he's going to become a king. I don't relate to that. I feel exactly the opposite. I would think that's an obvious thing, but I guess... I'm just telling you how men are. I'm a man. I'm telling you how men are. I talk to men, this is what we believe, this is what it is. I have to tell women.

Here's another thing. I'm talking to people, women, about this. I'll say, women, what does it mean? I say, men, what does it mean for you to love your wife?

And I have a chalkboard, right? I'll list out one. And we get seven, eight, nine things.

And I'll say to the ladies, is this good? And they go, yeah, that's good. Be patient. Listen to them. Help them out.

All these things. Don't yell at them. Don't make them feel bad. Help do dishes. Varying ways. Tell them you love them. Just stuff.

Do a hug without any other intentions. That kind of stuff. I'll say, okay, women, tell us what it means now for you to respect your husband. And they don't write down anything that we believe. See, I don't relate to that at all. Exactly.

I think that's a weird way of looking at it. Let me explain why. I really do. Let me explain why.

This is important. Because the society is moving against men. And even in the churches, it's men are bad, women are good kind of a thing. Men, you've got to love your wife as Jesus loves the church. Well, you're supposed to respect your husband as you respect Christ.

So show us what that respect looks like. And they don't know. And so the marriages are very imbalanced in the roles of understanding from a biblical perspective. And because of it, there's conflict and problems. And what happens is women don't know what to do. They don't know their boundaries and responsibilities, just like men often don't. And so there's miscommunication, divorce, resentment, and things like that. And resentment leads to anger, and anger leads to murder. Not that they'll physically kill, but in their heart where you're wishing harm and anger towards your spouse. And this kind of stuff goes.

This is why I need to teach on this. I've been saying this for a long time. Well, I'm amazed that you're saying most of the women have that view. Because I very happily believe, you know, if you honor him and then he loves you as Jesus loves the church, that's high honor. But what does it mean?

I'm amazed that you're saying most of the women didn't know. What does it mean? What does it mean for a woman to respect her husband? A wife to respect her husband. You know what that means? Right, to honor. What is it?

To honor and allow that man to lead as God has put him. Now, here's the thing. Here's the thing. Hold on. Wait a second. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. You said something very significant.

No, no, no, no, no. You said something very significant. You said, allow him to. Now you allow your husband to lead. Is that the right attitude to have, to allow it? Which means you're in control. See the problem?

Because we're so used to saying this. You allow your husband to lead. That means you give him permission to do what's already his responsibility. Okay, so can I go in there?

Let me come in there because it's very important because you're going to miss the whole, because I don't know if you actually have something agreeing with you. No, when I say allow, I think you don't realize it. Yeah, when I say allow, I would say that the same way as, you know, you're standing in the rain and you don't run for cover. You're allowing it to rain on your head. I'm not talking about, I shall permit you, but maybe next week I won't permit you. That's not what I mean.

It just gives way to it. Yeah, see that a lot of times I'm sure you're used to people thinking something else and that's, I'm actually saying what you're saying. I'm like, I don't think he's quite getting that.

So yeah, I just, you know, I think that's shocking that you said most of the women didn't know because to me that's a given kind of a thing if you're actually walking in the street, it just seems very black and white to me. So I just wanted to make that clear in case someone else listening thought that was the exact opposite of what I was saying. So, but yeah. So yeah. Okay. So that clears as long as you're not afraid with any amazement. I just wanted to know what was any amazement.

I never quite understood what that meant. Well, there you go. We got good conversation too. All right. Yeah.

Yep. Well, I appreciate you. I appreciate you calling, but it's a great topic. All right. So keep, keep listening.

Call again. Okay. Appreciate you. God bless you. You too. God bless. All right.

I know, boy, a lot of stuff that I say is like, what? But I back it up with scripture. I show people. And here's a question for the, for the wives.

Do you know what it means to respect your husband? Hmm. Let's get to Matt from California. Matt.

Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, how you doing? I'm doing okay. Just really irritating people and digging a hole for myself and the, from the family universe.

Go ahead. Oh no. I don't know what to do about that. I'm used to it. Then you can read off some hate mail and have some chuckles.

Maybe Friday. All right. So I just like to say, well, first I'd like to say like your last caller and how you responded. That was a treasure trove. That was like mining gold. I was like, well, everything you said, I was like, Oh my gosh. If, if Christian women would listen to that, if they would humble themselves and hear those words and take it to heart. Oh my gosh. So many problems would be alleviated. So many problems.

And men got their, their, they have their responsibility too, but this is the one verse, but yes, I totally agree. I want to teach on this. I want to have a seminar on this.

I want to do one, a three day seminar. The first night is for the men. The second night's for the women.

And then the third night is for men and women together. You made a lot of noise there, man. You got a lot of noise in the background.

Very, very needed. So what's your question? Hey, don't, you're making too much noise.

No, you can't do that. No, no, no. I just had to finish up.

Take, take me on a shoot. Yeah, but yeah. So a follow up on last week or something, I had called in and I had a question trying to understand how to reconcile Mark 4-12 and Ephesians 1-4. Well, that's easy. Ephesians 1-4, he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we'd be holy and blameless before him. So God chose certain people to be saved. In Mark 4, 10 through 12, Jesus speaks in parables so people will not be saved because the ones that are not elected to be saved, he speaks to parables so they won't get the information. Yeah, we touched upon this and I said, well, if we've already been chosen before the foundations of the earth, then there'd be no need for Jesus to speak in parables because nobody other than those that have already been chosen will be saved. Sure.

No, no, no. Because if Jesus, who is God in flesh, is speaking with authority, commanding people to believe, then they've got to believe. But if they're not elect, he speaks in parables so he can speak the truth which only the elect will understand and the non-elect won't because that's what his decree is. How could they be saved, how could they be brought into salvation if they hadn't already been chosen before the foundations of the earth? Exactly, they can't.

They can't. They have to be chosen by God. That's what the Bible says. But it sounds like it had to, it sounds like it had to, that it already took place in a previous period of time. The election was before the universe was created. That's what it says. Right. He chose us in him before the foundation of the world.

Okay. Yeah, so they're already known. Those who will be saved, they're already known.

They're already the ones in the class or the group or the category of the elect. How the manifestation of the redemptive work of the elect occurs is the subject of discussion. And so God will grant to them faith, Philippians 1-29, that faith in Christ, John 6-29. The others get in parables so they will not believe. Because the power of the word, Jesus, who speaks the power of the word, which is his nature, is such that things need to be hidden from the non-elect so they don't get saved because it's not what God chose for them anyway. Then people say, wait a minute, 2 Peter 3-9 says he wants all to be saved. Who's the all? And that's the question. And I can do a study on that and show you how God uses the word all in relationship to the atoning work and relationship to the people of God in a different way than we do.

Right out of scripture I show it to them on a regular basis. It's there. But we're out of time. Sorry for going so fast. Call back tomorrow, buddy. Okay.

All right. Hey, Sean from Utah on LDS and pre-existence. Won't that be good?

And Frank from Utah explained John 19-27. Sure. Tomorrow if you call in. May the Lord bless you all by his grace. We'll be back on here tomorrow. We'll talk to you then. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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