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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
March 2, 2022 4:00 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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March 2, 2022 4:00 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Can you be both Christian and patriotic---2- Is socialism unbiblical---3- What your take on the -great reset- and -agenda 30----4- Why do people think that -separation of Church and state- is in the constitution---5- What is amillennialism---6- Can those who have passed on still see us here on Earth-

Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
Delight in Grace
Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier

The following program is recorded content created by The Truth We're gonna do a doctor's thing.

No big deal. Luke will be on and he'll be the one doing the show tomorrow, so you know You know get get the really hard questions the ones that are like Really tough, and you know just asking these questions, and then see what happens to be fun Okay, if you want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six and And we have let's see four open lines, so I just give me a call Whoo just a way of reminding you I do patreon videos. I'm going through a course on Apologetics what I'm actually doing is going through my notes I've been developing notes on apologetics for a year or two.

Maybe three. I don't know and I just put the everything in outline form so that's what I'm doing. I'm going through and teaching through it There's a lot there. It really is this is the kind of stuff that I develop You know in real time not Theoretical behind a book not that I'm not knocking that but with me. It's okay. That didn't work Let me let me do this all they went to this verse and it forces me to Learn about it this topic that way and that's how I learned my theology to begin with and so by time I got to college the professor the theology professor said that I knew more going into college than most of the pre-sem students did Coming out.

That's not a brag. It's just hey when you do this you learn stuff, and I put those that learned stuff in the notes and I don't know how big those notes are. I'm going to open it up and see let's see because You know let's get right to it. They're ready to go there it is come on here.

We go come on dirt is It's opening and so you know I just add to it, and I've got all kinds of Topics and it's 45 pages, and I ain't half by 11 so far 45 pages I'm teaching through it not every single line, but I'm going through the things that are useful and appropriate Appropriate whoa okay there you go having said all of that If you want to give me a call all you got to do is dial eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six Let's get to Buskman from Ohio Welcome you're on the air How are you Matt's good to talk to you again my friend nice talking to you, so what do you got? My question once again Matt, and I've brought this up in a previous conversation with you, but I had a conversation with a Christian that said you cannot be both Christian and Patriotic and initially Matt my head went to Paul Believe it was acts 16 and 22 sir Where he brought up his Roman citizenship to? To discuss when they were going to flog him and that was one of the first things that I thought of When it come to being patriotic was that a good reference, and do you have any references? That I could take fellow Christians to straighten the Word of God to say Here's what I can stand on when I when I want to stand up for the freedoms of Being blessed to be born by God into this country The United States of America and not some other country he could have willed me to be born in a in a different country Matt But this is a totally different Form of government, and I consider myself blessed and here is what I would say is why and then point to that scripture Do you have anything like that?

But I have additional stuff We I don't that was the conversation. We were in a couple of hours ago, or so when I was working out but Because someone said is one of the groups of things someone's going to call in so As Christians we are obligated to be involved in politics and this idea of separation of church And states is just not biblical Unfortunately too many Christians bow to the secular philosophy or the biblical one. They'll say separates our church to state so therefore Christians aren't supposed to do what Jesus said to do and hold all things in Subjection to his greatness his counsel to his wisdom his lordship No That's now excluded because the secular is say there's a separation between church and state and so the Christians don't realize that when they do that they are in sin because they're denying what the scripture says and so while Paul did appeal to Caesar in his citizenship and He did the death is no problem with that and so the biblical form of government Is very simple its representative, and that's Exodus 18 21 to 22 Deuteronomy 113 You know I'm looking at my notes my article that I wrote on calm right now. What is the biblical form of government? I'm gonna go through this a little bit and then talk about it self governance, and I won't give all the references It's just the right there I have this this title self governance and then the scriptures that support it private property rights the principle of liberty and freedom in the promotion of those things the principle of self-defense and defense of others capitalist principles witnesses and fair trial the right of taxation Limits of government, and we're not to follow the government contradicts God We're not to follow the government leads us into sinful things like homosexuality Same-sex marriage abortion socialism transgenderism etc the Christians obligation is to follow Christ Not the secularists who are anti-christs Anti-christs because they deny that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh don't need read something a lot of Christians need You know a little bit of a polite lesson Beloved do not believe this is virtue on for one do not believe every spirit But test the spirits to see whether they're from God because many false prophets have gone out into the world by this you know the Spirit of God every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God and Every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God This is the spirit of the Antichrist and I can go on from there But I won't well so the secularists are of the spirit of the Antichrist What too many Christians are doing in their ignorance in their laziness is saying let's let The unbelievers rule over us. Let's let the unbelievers pass laws on morality and righteousness let's let the unbelievers tell us what we can and can't do and because of this Sinful attitude that so many Christians have then God has let the judgment of the secularists come upon Us and we're now reaping what we have sown in our rebellion against Christ and that is in a while You mentioned Article that we can find that at

Yes. What is the biblical form of government? And in that discussion someone said socialism is the biblical way. No it is not and I have heard that sir Yeah, yeah, socialism is not biblical people say well, you know then help everybody that's not socialism socialism Look at a scale.

I tell people just look at a scale on the left is governmental freedom on the right is Personal freedom and they're balanced. Okay that now we're going to start off in a democracy America is not a democracy. It's a republic. It's a constitutional republic. It's another thing that Christians are Ignorant of and our stupid radio. Yeah, and our stupid media promotes something.

That's just not true. So in a Democracy will work with that Generally speaking its mob rule because wherever the majority says goes So then on the scale of on the scale, it's dipping towards Towards the freedom of the and the rights of the individuals and that's okay That's fine. As long as there are godly but when they're ungodly like the majority says yeah, let's kill babies in the womb Then that's a problem as an example Socialist and a republic is the same thing except a republic Let's just say a democracy you take that to scale a democracy can bottom out Where the the rights are the individual just bottom out in ism as as the major thing In a republic, it doesn't bottom out it goes so far down It can't go any further because there's a bill of rights that limits the power of the states as well as individuals In that you cannot lie cheat steal murder, etc And these these attributes cannot be or these rights cannot be violated. So there's a certain balance of freedom Now let's just take socialism socialism is the opposite of this because the more socialism you have The more governmental control you have in the means of production and the distribution of the production That means their laws they pass laws The oligarchy passes laws in order to tell us what to produce and where the production goes It has never ever been the case that an oligarchy can run efficiently a governmental system with hundreds of millions of people and thousands of thousands and thousands of Trickle down the facts that have to be managed that can be best managed by Individuals who have the best intention of the majority at heart But when you have God out of the equation and the best intention of the majority of the heart is selfishness Then what you get is an a necessity of the increase of laws Because the government has restricted our belief in God and has worked towards secularism It needs to pass even more laws for the ungodly and therefore it gains more and more power and control So in socialism in order to assure that control it has to confiscate the property rights more and more increased taxation as well as remove gun rights self-protection rights and the reason I want to do that is because they don't want the um, the populace to rise up against the the the oligarchy now just think of Canada when the people gathered for Protest because they don't want the oligarchy demanding a Dangerous vaccine be injected to them and into them and then what happens is if they don't Then they can't buy sell or eat. This is an oppressive system And that's an oligarchy rule and so then they declared martial law restricted the rights of the individuals Suspended certain powers and rights that the individuals had then forcibly confiscated their their their Assets froze assets. They've confiscated their trucks and stuff like that removed them and then They instituted basically what?

What did we call, you know? tyranny and so if we don't and they and though the people didn't have the right to To resist with weapons now, I'm not saying I'm not advocating violence. I'm not advocating that but understood Yeah, but the United States didn't have that they didn't have that recourse Okay, and they still don't not have all our Our blessed United States Constitution as well.

They had us they have a small Version, but it's not quite as robust as the United States Constitution now furthermore think of this that the Australian government Confiscated all weapons of the people like 20 30 years ago something like that and look what the Australia's now become It's become a police state and so this is the same thing that happened up north with Canada And I'm not saying that you know, I want to be violent I do not I don't want that but I'll tell you when everybody's armed The government's going to think twice about coming in and saying this is what you can and can't do and eat and buy and sell They'll know after a while the population is gonna say we've had enough of this and this is why yes amendment is there I've already spoken with my local authority to make sure that I am Discerning as our word teaches, you know what I can and can't do as an as they I live here in Ohio As an Ohio citizen because I know it changes Jurisdiction to jurisdiction even as small as your county and even your city and I have explored that and I would I would hold on We got a great all Yeah, great. Hold on. Yep.

Okay, we got a bracelet. Hold on. Sorry about that. It's heartbreak Hey folks three open lines if you want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six We'll be right back You you We want It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six here's Matt slick Everybody we had a slight tech problem there and that does happen.

So I think for being patient. We're still here I wonder how many people were taking the radio going what's going on? No big deal. So let's get back on the phones with Bush. Come in. I hope I get that right. Yeah Yeah, okay Yeah, all right.

So there you go. I was saying There Matt, I would highly suggest to all of your listeners do check with your local Jurisdictions when it comes to your Second Amendment to see just exactly what is allowed and what is not allowed All right. So that's what I've done and I'm confident in in knowing what would happen if Lord forbid Matt that was to ever be a day that came like that But at least you know what your rights are per your city your county your state, etc Well, I believe there's a very slow Organized movement on a global level to move us to a one world government Yeah Yep, I believe COVID was used and on that note Matt, what would you suggest? Christians to do That's a very watchman type phrase that she just made and I think that's wonderful that Christians do that What should the people inside the wall do?

They should prepare as Proverbs Proverbs talks about preparing not having all your eggs in one basket So I would recommend that Christians know their rights for one thing and know what they can and cannot do according to the laws and to be organized with other Christians about things to be active in voting support people who want to go into politics as Christians in order to stop this secularization of everything and also, I would suggest that Christians start preparing for an economic downturn because It's coming there are shortages more supply problems and With what's happening in Ukraine? There is a natural gas as one of the example that's not being talked about but there's a natural gas line That's being shut down from Russia to Germany and That's a problem. Whenever you have natural resources being shut down one nation tends to become aggressive with another to get those things back or to get new supplies and Putin what he did is he activated the squad? I don't know the right name of it is a group of people who are trained in very aggressive tactics of control as well as The C is the same group or another group as they've raised the level of nuke preparedness nuclear war preparedness up one level this is a problem and So obviously there's going to be problems over there with the oil supply. So what is our our the brand administration do? What it does when people say get our our internal pipelines for oil and for natural gas? Get them going again doesn't want to do it So the end and then he's opening up the borders to the illegals to flood us in to flood in with socialism this is a part of the great reset that the oligarchy is trying to do upon us and the people in America are just sheeple walking towards the abyss and get ready to just jump in and we can't let this happen and So there are things we can do and we need to be voting but then here's a question and now I'm just gonna ask this Yeah, how many people would trust the coming elections as being legitimate and right under correct? You know, I have my opinion about that But can we trust them? the fact that we even have to ask the question now and and worry about preparing and getting extra food and supplies and And and things like that because what's going on the fact we have to ask about it here in America Just tells you how bad things are What kind of day we are in now as opposed to even just you know, five years ago, maybe even sooner, right?

Yeah, five years ago. It was a different United States and now with social justice stuff You're not allowed to think out loud You're express your opinion. Otherwise, you're gonna be canceled. Are you gonna be doxed? You're gonna be punished and now the government is now using Private sectors to silence people so that they don't have the freedom of expression anymore. This is Really really bad The government is doing this as sake hockey that wench got up and said and hinted at the issue of how a Certain social media platforms need to stop certain people from saying misinformation in other words It's just a way of saying stop them from exercising their freedom of speech.

We don't like what they're saying so the private median sectors need to do this now the government is working or Asking them to do it. This is here in the Yeah, yeah and hear me me saying this the thing I'm concerned about is they're gonna come and take me away Five years ago, I could say this I wasn't worried about it now when I say it I actually worry are they gonna come take me away just for what I just said Here in America. Do we have that freedom anymore? Not so much now I say what I say, that's what and that's it So we'll see what happens and that's what can be concerning for the church is when will the gospel of Jesus Christ because of John 14 6 I am the way the truth in the life. No one comes unto the Father but by me So that exclusivity Matt, when will that become a hate speech and when will we?

Be threatened about losing our livelihood. It already is here in the United States The LGBT community has been made movement to try and get the Bible outlawed as hate speech and Wow, you know when I talk let me tell you I got to be careful here For time and how much deep we get into this is not a bad thing at all I don't want to take up a whole lot either. No, no, it's okay But I'm just saying that that I've learned a great deal over the years and I want to do more and more seminars of teaching people how to do apologetics and how to answer people how to do critical thinking because most Christians are Very ill-equipped to do the the necessary logistics of thought Dealing with issues and things like this, you know, here's a real simple example Oh, I get my route of time. There's a break. We'll just move along there.

I want to start teaching Christian how to do this Because we need to know how to think you're not doing it. Everybody better go. There's a break everybody Talk to you later. Thanks a lot for that man. All right makeup. God bless. Hey folks.

We right back after the break Ooh, let's go 30 after the break. We'll check this out. All right, folks. Thank you. You're right back It's Matt slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six, here's Matt slick All right, everybody, welcome back to the show. Let's get on the air with Jim from North Carolina. Jim.

Welcome. You're on the air Hey Matt, how you doing buddy doing? All right, hang on in there Making trouble ourselves with the technology issue.

I was concerned my question was the reason why you almost got kicked off, but Yeah, you never know No, he's the guy said that the computer just rebooted and that can happen for various reasons. Yeah So I'm gonna protect guys watch that stuff. Say hi to I'm say hi to Laura Richard and mg See Vicki's not on right now, but say hi Okay, so the guys that I've been discipling for goodness gracious five and a half years now for some reason they want to get into a A topic and you just talked about it interestingly enough about the great reset agenda 30 and I'm sure the topics going to come into a One world order type topic and an Antichrist topic. Yeah So, you know, I just recently talked on the Sunday School Daniel 7 Which may be helpful and we did get into Revelation 13 somewhat good But I'm not an expert on this. I don't know much about it I'm trying to bone up to get ready because I'm leading and I want to be prepared So prepare me For what and if you like, I don't really have another question I'll be happy to hang up and you just carry it on stay on. What do you want to talk about? What's your question though? Well, just that I mean, what would you tell me?

First off do you have any articles on this topic on the great reset, agenda 30 from the UN, topics like that? How would you handle the conversation Tuesday night at my house and by the way, if you want to you can call in and handle the conversation that way Sure, I'd be glad to seriously if you want you email me at info at and what time it is Eastern time and a Phone number. I'll call in and and Then that way when I'm done, you'll have so much work to do to clean up for months. So we did it. Trust me It'll be good Yeah, we'll never get off the subject We're supposed to be doing the second half of Matthew 5. We just did it with the attitude You know, this is what my belief is this My belief is God taught Bible studies for years and years and years and years and I've been at Bible studies where we're going through A topic and the Bible study leader says nope can't talk about that when excuse me when everybody's going like yeah Let's let's take a tangent for a while.

They go. Nope. We can't it's frustrating because that's what it that's the Vitality of what the Word of God leads to so I'm always welcoming Tangents and we call them tangents. In fact when I was teaching in San Diego We had so many of them that we would just all Simultaneous legal tangent because we loved it and we would stop the Bible study for a month sometimes get into a topic That's how we are Good, in fact, I've been involved in through church something we call grow groups, which are like the fellowship groups of the church it's very structured and I think what works at the house is the fact that we are not structured like that. Yes. We do have a central theme but You know we can find ourselves going down the rabbit hole and guys get amped up pumped up and excited We start okay, and it just kind of takes a life of its own I guess that's why they keep coming and also why it's regenerated out multiple times For other guys to go out and start their own groups as well Anyway for this bigger topic though on the great reset agenda 30. You know that type of conversation.

What do you suggest? Talk about it I don't have the research done But you could very easily get some agenda 30 research done on various websites And I'll tell what it is for various wondering what it is agenda 30 is the global movement to Move the economy of the globe under one socialistic controlled System by an oligarchy and they want to they do it under the guise of the proper use of resources Climate control and things like this in order to stop starvation and varying problems And so this is what they say and what it is is world domination and called the reset where we can get people under control and then they ultimately want to reduce the The population of the world from what we're at seven billion down to five hundred million Now how's that gonna happen? That's what's scary So are they gonna say hey, we'll just let people die out or are they going to Do stuff we don't know but this Let's put this way in the 1900s more people were killed in war than all of history combined And when secularists get in control of governments Stalin Hitler because Hitler was that people say the Christian he was not he was an occultist Mao Tse-tung Lenin, you know, they killed millions upon millions upon millions of people They were secularists who believed in the the superiority of the state and not in the rights of individuals so any rate If agenda 30 comes to full fruition, we should be very afraid We should be very afraid Yeah, your men need to talk about this The reason they need to talk about is they're responsible for their families and they want to take care of their families We are providers and protectors. This is part of what we are as God has made us and it's appropriate to talk about it And yes, we should. Yeah, I agree the I just haven't done much I just haven't done much study on it So I'm trying to bone up quickly and at least get you know, somewhat coherent on it. Just say them just say it Hey guys, I don't know too much about it.

Here's the information. Let's read through this and talk that that's good enough But always my concern is because some of these guys, you know, and by the way, they've taken off like crazy But some of the guys were came from a Catholic background It a lot of damage occurred They didn't even know how to pray. Some of them didn't even have Bibles. Since then we've had wives come in and say You don't know what has changed in our marriage as a result of my husband being here We've had men that asked what Bible do I buy?

We've had baptisms that have occurred Over the years we've replicated out probably four different times, but it all started with two guys I didn't even know each other and I just walked up to each of them one day goodness grace almost six years ago I guess now and said hey, this is something I'm going to do Are you interested in the common theme that brought everybody together was how the cultural the culture nowadays? diminishes the role of the man
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-05-28 08:27:41 / 2023-05-28 08:38:54 / 11

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