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Masterclass on Deception - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 - Waiting Well

Breaking Barriers / Andrew Hopper | Mercy Hill Church
The Truth Network Radio
November 18, 2023 7:00 am

Masterclass on Deception - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 - Waiting Well

Breaking Barriers / Andrew Hopper | Mercy Hill Church

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November 18, 2023 7:00 am

Knowing and loving the truth helps you navigate a deceptive world.

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Our Daily Bread Ministries
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Core Christianity
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Grace Bible Church / Rich Powell

All right. Hey, let me just welcome you if you are at one of our campuses this weekend. Hey, before we jump into our sermon today, we're going to be in 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2. But before we do that, I want to tell you about something we have coming up in a couple weeks. So you guys know, because we've been going through this process, we are halfway through our deeper initiative. And in a couple weeks, first weekend of December, we are doing something called Big Give Weekend.

And if you are newer to Mercy Hill, I just want to let you know what that is. In many ways, it's really us giving our first fruits, our first and our best for the upcoming year. So however much we've committed taking that weekend and identifying it and saying, hey, we want this to be the biggest giving weekend of the year for Mercy Hill and really just laying a deposit for the upcoming year.

Also, a very practical reason I want to tell you all about. You know that we are in a two year initiative and that's going to go all the way till the end of next year. But what's actually happening with our new home and hub, if any of you have driven by there, that is going to get finished hopefully much quicker than the end of next year. I mean, pretty soon you're going to start seeing walls go around the building.

All the steel is up. So I'm telling you that because basically that means it's going to be a lot better for us as a church for more of that money to come in before that thing actually gets finished. OK, so it's just going to be better that way. I mean, we're going to figure it out no matter what.

But that's one of the big reasons for Big Give Weekend. It's really going to help with that process because God has been blessing it and it's probably going to be done next summer, which is really, really awesome. So, all right, let's go ahead and turn to Second Thessalonians Chapter two.

Pastor Andrew mentioned in the intro video talking about the day of the Lord. And yes, that is some of what we're going to talk about. But really, the angle that we are going to take on this passage is all of the deception that is going to happen as we are leading up to the day of the Lord when Jesus returns. You see, we live in a world right now and it's going to continue to be this way, that there is so much deception coming at us at all times from all different angles.

And that is only going to increase as time goes on. How many of you have ever played the game? We love playing this over dinner sometimes. Have ever played the game Two Truths and a Lie? How many of you ever played that game? OK. OK, so the point of the game is we like playing this with our kids.

We feel like it enables us to tell them stuff about us and our childhood and stuff. And so if you've never played the game, we're going to play it together here in a moment. OK, so how the game works is, you know, if there's three or four people around a table, one person goes and they basically they say three things about themselves. And one of those things is a lie. And you don't know which one is a lie, hopefully. And you have to try to guess and figure out which one is a lie.

So to help you to try to be able to see deception, because that's what we're talking about today, we're going to play that together. OK, so I will do it and you will see we will see if you could guess which one of these is a lie. OK, so number one, I have a tattoo right here on my shoulder. It's not as cool as the tattoos that seem to be growing on Andrew, Pastor Andrew's arm week after week.

But I have a tattoo right here on my shoulder. The second one is I've hiked every 14000 foot peak in Colorado. I actually was able to talk about that a number of weeks ago because I was able to take my wife Allison up to the top of one of those peaks about four weeks ago. The third one is when I was a senior in high school. I think this was no, no, no. I was a senior in college.

I think this was 2004, 2005. I went on a mission trip to Afghanistan all the way over to the other side of the world. OK, which one of those is a lie? Is number one a lie that I have a tattoo?

Let's let's have a show of hands here. OK, is number one a lie? OK, some of you think number one is number two a lie about the mountains. All right. Is number three a lie?

All right, so it's about even among everybody. Number two is actually the one that is the lie. So we're practicing being able to spot deception. No, in all serious, though, when we think about that game, this is how the Bible is going to talk about the world we live in. The world we live in is about 10 lies and a truth coming to us at all times within the church, outside the church, in your workplace, outside of your workplace.

Doesn't care how old you are, doesn't care how well you know the Bible, doesn't care how long you've been in church. There is so much deception that's coming at us at all times. And so what we're going to see, the Bible is actually it's going to do us a great, great service today, because Paul is really going to lift the lid on what it looks like for all of this deception to be coming at us, because so much of this is in the unseen realm and so much of this is in the spiritual realm. And us just having awareness of what's going on is going to truly, truly benefit us today. Let me share a funny story before we get into this, because none of the rest of this is going to be funny at all. It's going to be very, very serious. How many of you have ever been just like totally deceived about something?

I remember about three years ago, I think one of the times I was deceived more than any other time. So this was during COVID. And you guys know, I like to run and do these races. And of course, when COVID happens, all the races shut down.

So there was no races to do. And my buddy, Eric, who I run with, he reached out to me and he said, Hey, there's this, it's not a race at all. It's a tradition of a run people do out west of Asheville on the third weekend of October. And they call it Mitchell. And if you've ever been out in that area, especially north of Asheville, and you look back towards Asheville, you'll see on your right, the tallest mountain you can see is Mount Pisgah. And on your left, the tallest mountain you could see is Mount Mitchell.

And so on the third weekend of October, a small group of people will get together. They'll hike up to the top of Mount Pisgah. And then at midnight, they will start running and they'll run all the way to Mount Mitchell.

It's like 60 miles. But it's only like 10 peoples. You're not running together.

Everybody spreads out. So my buddy, Eric and I were doing this and, you know, within a couple minutes, the whole thing's on the mountains of sea trail. Within a couple minutes, everybody, you're just running by yourself, you know?

And so I kind of expected that, you know, I've done a lot of stuff like this before and running. I mean, you're just on a trail in the woods. You're just running.

You're just running forward. There's, there's really nothing to see. It's nighttime. And at one point, a couple hours in, I saw a bear and the bear was, the bear was kind of running. And it's, it's not crazy to see a bear when you're out in the mountains like that. And most of the time they see you, you see them.

They don't want anything to do with you. So, but after you see something like that, if you've ever been hiking and you see a snake or you see a bear, you're, you're, you're alertness, right? You're alertness for the rest of the time you're out there is just like, it just like heightened, right? So now, cause it started at midnight, I've been running for about five hours and the way this thing works, it descends down into Asheville basically. And then you ascend back up towards Mount Mitchell.

So it's like half the time you're going down, half the time you're going up. Well, you get to Asheville and there's a couple spots where the trail will end up going through some fields and actually going through a couple streets. And there's only a couple spots on this whole thing that does that. So there's one point we get into Asheville where it pops into a field and I'm pretty delirious cause I've been running all night. And all of a sudden I look up in this field, it's dark, but I have a headlamp. I could kind of see what's going on. There's all these black bears standing in this field.

And I just stopped. I was like, man, this don't, I've seen a lot of bears out running, you know, and typically it's not a scary situation, but we're talking like 15 of them. And I'm like, I don't think they like hang out in a pack like this, you know, and normally when you see a bear, the bear will always typically see you, you know, so the bear will like react to you.

But these bears were not reacting at all. And there was a bunch of them. And it took me, I stopped. I mean, it took me a couple of minutes and I was freaking out. I was like, am I dreaming? I don't understand what's happening.

I've never seen anything like this. And then all of a sudden it just dawned on me. I'm standing in a pasture. They are cows. They're all black cows.

I just was like, something in my mind was like, cause I had seen that bear. I was like, they're, they're just cows, totally 100% deceived. So the cows were very deceiving. What we're going to see today in this passage is much, much, much more sinister than that, because we're going to see that as believers, there's a lot of stuff coming at us in the world that's trying to deceive us.

Here's the big idea for today. Knowing and loving the truth helps you to navigate a deceptive world. Knowing and loving the truth helps you navigate a deceptive world. We're basically what we're going to do in this sermon. We're just going to walk through all these verses, all 12 verses, and we're just going to draw out all the different ways as the day of the Lord approaches, all the different ways that people can be deceived and the deceptions that happen in the world.

And then at the very end, we're going to talk about how do we deal with it? How do we deal with all the things that are coming at us that are trying to deceive us? So before we jump into these verses, you're going to realize very quick, it's a very, very dense text, one of the harder texts to interpret in all of the New Testament. Let me just kind of talk up front of all the things that it draws out that deceive us. It's going to talk about how deception will make its way into the church. It's going to talk about how deception will actually draw people out of the church.

You'll see people who claim to be believers that are being drawn out of the church. We're going to see this character pop on the scene, the man of lawlessness, which is sort of like an ultimate deception. We're going to see the mystery of lawlessness, this spirit of deception in the world. We're going to see that all of this is ultimately fueled by Satan. We're going to see that deception is actually allowed by God.

And we're also going to see that people ultimately are led to just believe what is false, to believe what is totally false. So let's jump into second Thessalonians chapter two, verse one and two. It says this, now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you brothers not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed either by a spirit or a spoken word or a letter seeming to be from us to the effect that the day of the Lord has not come. So I warned you this text all the way through is very, very deep.

I'm going to do my very best job to try to explain it to you. What is happening in these first two verses is basically that Paul had been with them at some point and taught them about the day of the Lord when Jesus comes back and now people have come into the church and they have now tricked them into believing maybe it's already happened and maybe we missed the boat. This deception has made its way into the church and what has happened, he talks about their minds being shaken. If you could just imagine like a snow globe that you just shake up and it's all mixed up, that's how they are in the church now.

Their minds are just all mixed up because they're thinking, wait a minute, we thought the day of the Lord was going to be in the future and we thought we were going to be with Jesus when he comes and now we're being tricked into thinking it's already happened and they're really just freaking out is what is happening. And so one of the things we see here right away about deception is that deception will make its way into the church. You cannot hide from deception. You cannot avoid deception. This is why it's so important as parents.

Sometimes we want to think, well, I just want to keep my kids from all the bad stuff. You are not going to be able to keep your kids from deception coming at them because it will come right square in to the church. I mean you think about 2 Peter 2 on what it says, but false prophets arose among the people just as there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies even denying the master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.

So deception will come within the church, but we cannot be shaken by it. Look at verse three, let no one deceive you in any way for that day will not come. He's talking about the day of the Lord. That day will not come unless the rebellion comes first.

So the point he's making, and we'll see in the rest of verse three here, he's basically saying, Hey, the day of the Lord has not come. Don't worry because a couple really key things are going to happen before the day of the Lord. And one of the things that are going to happen, there's going to be this rebellion that's going to happen.

And then we're going to see here in a minute, there's going to be this man of lawlessness that's going to come onto the scene. This rebellion, there's a lot of debate about what it actually is, but I think it's most likely people that are within the church that claim to be Christians that end up leaving the faith, that end up walking away from the faith, people that you would not expect to walk away from the faith. And so one of the things I think we're able to see as Paul is sort of giving us this master class on deception is that deception will lead people out of the church. It's very tragic.

It's very sad. Matthew 24, 10 affirms this exact same thing. Many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.

There's almost nothing, because I've seen it happen and you probably have seen it happen, there's almost nothing as disorienting as when you see people that you know and you love and you trust. And now all of a sudden they're being led astray to the point where they're not even in the church anymore. You know, we're talking about people that got baptized, people that lead community groups. We're talking about elders.

We're talking about your favorite artists. We're talking about your favorite musicians that are believers. We're talking about seminary professors.

I've seen every single one of those groups of people be led astray to the point where they're not even in the church now. And there's gonna be more and more people as the day of the Lord approaches that that ends up happening to. Look at the second part of verse three. So these two things have to happen before the day of the Lord comes. This rebellion has to happen, but then secondly, the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction.

He opposes and he exalts himself over every so-called God or object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. Now, there's a lot of debate. Who is this? Like, how is this gonna happen? I'll just tell you this. Nobody knows. What we know is what we're able to read right here, okay?

So you go Google this, you will find writing as long as the Bible, every U.S. president, every Russian leader, every Chinese leader, every great philosopher, every big scientist. I mean, nobody knows. Nobody knows who this person is gonna be. But we do know some stuff from this verse that's really just pretty clear, right? I mean, we don't know, like, are they gonna be a world leader?

Are they gonna be a politician? We don't know any of that stuff. But we do know that the goal of this person is to deceive every single person on the face of the earth, because that's what's very clear in this passage. So we see that this man of lawlessness in many ways is really just gonna be the embodiment of false worship. And he don't want just Christians to worship. I mean, he wants, he don't want someone worshiping a false god, because he wants every single person on the face of the earth to worship him. And even now, we see in other places of Scripture that there are actually many other small antichrists that also are coming on the scene that desire for people to worship them. Look at 1 John 2 18. Children, it is the last hour.

And as you've heard, the antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come, therefore we know that it is the last hour. There are lots of people in this world that want you to worship them as God. They may not be saying it like that, you know.

They may not be putting it in those words, but I promise you every day we are getting messages all the time of people that want you to worship them as God. Look at verse 5 and 6. He says, do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. This is probably the most difficult of all the verses, and maybe one of the most difficult verses in all of the New Testament, because partly what's happening here, Paul's saying, hey, remember when I was still with you and I told you these things?

Well, guess what? We weren't privy to that lecture. So they were messing this stuff up, and they had some other information when Paul was with them at some point where he was telling them about all this stuff.

Well, that's not in 1 Thessalonians or 2 Thessalonians. So we're not privy to any of that information, and then he says, and you know what is restraining him, but we don't know what's restraining him because he told them at some point, and we weren't privy to that conversation. The basic idea is this man of lawlessness that's going to be revealed at the last day, something is holding that back for the time being. Now, you can go study this, and different theologians will honestly say different things. It's the Spirit of God, it's God, it's law, it's Satan holding this back.

Like, we don't exactly know. I think the majority view is probably it's the Spirit of God that's holding it back. So like he says, man, it's very, very much a mystery.

Look at verse 7. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he's out of the way.

So something is restraining it until it's not being restrained anymore. So even though this man of lawlessness will eventually be revealed and comes onto the scene, we know that even 2,000 years ago and even today, there is this mystery of lawlessness that is happening among us. And I think it's kind of funny that he calls it a mystery because when you read all this, obviously it's a pretty big mystery, okay? Just trying to even understand it all is a pretty big mystery. We don't have to understand it all to believe it though, okay?

We got to understand that. Like, you don't have to understand every little bit of this to believe what Paul is saying. The mystery of lawlessness, it's a spirit of false worship. So if the man of lawlessness wants everybody in the world, you can't worship another god, you can't even worship a false god, you got to worship me, then I think it's safe to assume this spirit of lawlessness that's among all of us is the same idea. That you've got to worship something other than god and put that thing in the place of god. There's nowhere that we can go on the face of this earth where people are not worshiping false gods. I mean, there's a spirit of this, the mystery of lawlessness is all around us, you know? My wife Allison had this wonderful opportunity last week with another lady from Mercy Hill to go visit some of our missionaries literally on the other side of the globe.

Literally on the other side of the globe. And there where they're at, there's people of different religions, but there are people that literally go worship idols. They literally go worship statues and idols, but here people worship sex, people worship money, people worship self. There's people all around of us where this mystery of lawlessness is going on. Let's look at verse eight, and then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved. We see that Jesus, when the lawless one is revealed, Jesus will actually end up killing him. And I don't have more time to get into this because this could be a sermon in and of itself, but I think this idea of Jesus doing it with the breath of his mouth is Jesus doing it with the word of God. You think about Revelation where you have this image of Jesus with the two-edged sword sticking out of his mouth where he's coming to judge.

And then you think about Hebrews talking about the word of God being a sword that is able to pierce. I think the image here is Jesus coming to kill this man of lawlessness with the word of God itself. You see, Paul is very much giving us, like I said, a masterclass on deception because he brings up what we don't see many times is that Satan is behind all of the deception. So the people bailing on the faith, the mystery of lawlessness, the man of lawlessness, it's very clear here from what Paul says that Satan is actually behind all of it.

And this is something we've got to be aware of and that we have to know. Because what does John 8 44 say? He was a murderer from the very beginning. That's who Satan is. He doesn't stand in the truth because there's actually no truth in him when he lies, which that's all that he does.

When he lies, he actually does it out of his own character, out of who he is, for he is a liar and the father of lies. We are dealing with that all the time, and there's got to be an awareness of that. And we'll circle back to that here in a little bit. Let's look at the final two verses. Therefore, God sends them a strong delusion so that they may believe what is false in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. All right. Can you all agree with me? This is a pretty dense part of scripture here.

Okay. Just trying to get through all of this. What is this last part saying? It's basically showing us this pattern of how people end up getting deceived many times. Because it talks about, and it talks about this other places in the Bible, it actually uses this language that God sends them a strong delusion. So we see this reality that God will send people deeper into their own deception. And we see this throughout the Bible. Not only does God allow it, but it actually says God sends them a strong delusion. What Paul is talking about, this is why it's such a master class on deception, what Paul is talking about is this spiral that can happen in people's lives. Where people choose not to believe the truth, and then God allows them to go deeper and deeper into that.

You've all been around somebody like that before, or maybe you've even been in that position yourself. Because we think I'm in a neutral position to determine whether I believe in God or not. The thing is, as we don't believe, that actually sends us into a deeper and deeper delusion. This is what Romans one talks about, for although they knew God, so based on God's natural revelation, they knew God, but they didn't honor him as God, they didn't give thanks to him. So what happened?

What happened? They became futile in their thinking, their foolish hearts were darkened. So unbelief leads to further darkened thinking. That's the pattern of the way that deception and unbelief actually works. People will end up believing what is false. Not believing what is false in the sense of, because we've all been around people that they're doing the wrong thing and they know it's the wrong thing, and it's like they know what's right, but they're not doing that.

We're not talking about that. We're talking where people have gotten to the point where what is true they think is false, and what is false they think is true. So they believe what they believe. And what I want us to see, because Paul brings this out in the very last phrase here, there's this connection between pleasure, unbelief, and deception. You see, a lot of times we just think, oh, unbelief is about the mind, right? And a lot of Christians, when we want to convert somebody, we're like, okay, apologetics, I got to convince somebody in the mind. Yes, some people are led astray through the mind. Most people are led astray through the heart.

Look what he says. Who do not believe the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. I can't tell you how many people that I have seen that as they get into some sinful situation in their life, all of a sudden their beliefs about God begin to sort of follow that. You know, I remember a number of years ago hearing about this seminary professor that my wife really respected and sat in some of his classes, and then all of a sudden he left. He left the faith, left teaching in the seminary, and he was just like one of the most well-respected people. And then very soon after that, it came out, well, he was also in an affair.

And so the question is, what came first? The stuff in the mind about rejection of God or theology? Or do you think maybe the affair came first because he was led by the pleasure, and then ultimately the stuff in the mind and the theology and all of that ended up following? You see, we just got to realize if we are dipping our toes in sin, that it's a dangerous game to be playing.

Because the pleasure can lead to a darkening of the mind, and then that could lead to us doing things we never would have done before. And see, Paul is just drawing all this out. This is so helpful for us to be able to see all of this. So what do we take away from all of this?

What do we take away? First, we see deception coming from every single angle, right? I mean, we see deception inside the church. We see deception leading people out of the church. We see this man of lawlessness. We see this spirit of lawlessness. We see the fact that Satan is behind it all. We see that God allows us at times to go into these deceptions.

We see that people are totally tricked in their mind so that they take what is true and they say that it's false. So here's how we want to end today. That's the world as we're thinking of the day of the Lord that's coming. That's the world that we live in. That's the environment you live in every single day, whether you see it or not, whether you recognize it or not. And this passage is saying, as the day of the Lord approaches, that is only increasing. That stuff is not decreasing, okay?

Because obviously it's sort of a pinnacle with this man of lawlessness and the spirit of lawlessness. So we are heading, we are increasing into that direction. So the question is today, what do we do? Like, what do we do to actually fight this?

Here's the application for today. Fight deception by knowing and loving the truth. That's pretty much our only option as this stuff is coming at us. Fight deception by knowing and loving the truth. But here's the first thing that I want to draw out as we're sort of bringing this to a close and we're asking the question, okay, what does this matter for me today?

What does this matter for me when I wake up tomorrow? The first question I would just ask for all of us, and this is what I've just been really wrestling with this week as I've been in this passage and I've become so aware of everything that's going on in the spiritual realm and how it's coming at us. Are we watchful regarding the battle we are in? The reality of what's actually happening, are we aware of that reality?

Because I'll just be honest, many times I am not. Are we sober-minded regarding it? And I think today, for some people, today needs to be no more than just a simple wake-up call for your life, to realize this is happening all around me.

And what does the Bible say about Satan in 1 Peter 5.8? Be watchful, be sober-minded, because why? Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. That's our reality. And I know for me so many times, and I know probably for many of you, it's so easy just to get up in the morning, stick your phone right in your face, check your email, look at social media, too tired at night to teach the kids the Bible, do any sort of devotional, don't memorize any scripture, you know, put myself in tempting situations, not in community. All the energy in my life ends up getting put on something other than spiritual things. And all of that just indicates we're not aware that a spiritual war is happening all around us.

And so we have got to just have awareness around that. Let's all answer this question together. What, pray, does the lion go after? That's the answer?

The weakest. That's the pray the lion goes after. And so the question before we even talk about like knowing and loving that you got to just be aware. Like this has to be on our radar. Like you just can't wake up and just go to work and this not be on our radar. Because we'll be devoured.

We will be devoured. So how do we actually battle it? I actually think it's very simple.

It's not necessarily easy to do, but it's very simple. And the question is, are you battling deception in your mind and in your heart? That's the answer to deception.

It's knowing the truth and it's loving the truth. You think about how this was bookend, this whole passage. At the beginning, he's talking about don't be shaken in your mind. Think of the snow globe. Don't be shaken in your mind.

And what's he saying at the end? They refuse to love the truth. So it's something that has to be in our mind, a battle of the mind, but it also has to be a battle of the hearts of our affections.

Yes, people can be led astray through heresies and wrong understanding and people can just be led astray through pleasure. And so where we're going to fight this war as this stuff is coming at us, it's going to be in our mind, in our hearts, and it's going to be that over and over and over and over. And we've got to have weapons to fight with if we are in this war. You know, in a good verse for you to go study later, and we've talked about before because it talks about battling this would be Ephesians six and it talks about how do we battle this? We battle it through truth and righteousness. We battle it through the gospel. We battle it through faith. We battle it by our salvation. We battle it through the spirit.

We battle it through the word of God. You see, our minds need knowledge. Our hearts need affection.

We don't even know all of the wrong beliefs and heresies and things that are going to come at us. And so what we've got to be doing day in and day out, if there's a flywheel to fight deception, it's our minds need knowledge. Our hearts need affection.

Just over and over and over and over. Our minds need knowledge. Our hearts need affections. One way to think about it is God's word will help us to fight the battle in the mind and Jesus will help us to fight the battle in the heart.

And so that's really as simple as the application is today. Like, are we in God's word to fight the battle of the mind? And are we reflecting on what Jesus has done for us to fight the battle in the heart, our affections? You know, it's so easy after you've been a believer for some amount of time to begin to maybe lose affection for Jesus.

To not wake up and think about, man, Jesus died for me. He was buried for me. There was a great exchange that happened where he took on my sin and gave me his righteousness. And he was resurrected for me. And that was God saying that I accepted the sacrifice. We've got to reflect on that because our heart has to be in the right place or we're going to be led astray.

It's in the mind, but it's also in the heart. So I want to close just by praying for us today because like I said, the application, it's not that complicated. It's not that complex, right?

The complexity is all the stuff that's going to be coming at us at all times. And we simply got to be just putting God's word in our minds, right? So that we could set our minds on the right things as the Bible talks about. And every day we just need to wake up and say, thank you, Jesus, for what you've done for me so that our heart gets in the right place so that we're not drawn away by those pleasures. Let me pray for us. God, as the day of the Lord is coming, obviously there's so much that's going to be coming at us. And we thank you, Jesus, that we don't do this through our own power. We do this through your power, through your strength. We do this through the word of God and we do this through the spirit of God. And God, every single person that's here at Mercy Hill today, under the sound of my voice, I pray that you will protect them, God, that you would protect their minds from being deceived and drawn away and you'd protect their hearts. And Lord, you would be their greatest affection, that they wouldn't be drawn to any pleasure of this world, that they wouldn't be drawn to any sin. And we thank you, Jesus, that in the last day we know that you're going to win and we are going to be with you and we praise you and we thank you for that. And we pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.
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