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Jokes From Last Saturday - American Humor

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
July 18, 2022 3:18 pm

Jokes From Last Saturday - American Humor

Kingdom Pursuits / Robby Dilmore

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Learn more at That's a-r-n-i-c-a-r-e dot com slash iheart. So you knew my riddles were coming, didn't you Peter?

So speaking of America... Hold on, I'm sitting down. I'm catching my breath before it hits. Alright, here you go. There you go.

It's time to play shenanigans. Do you remember that from the 60s, Peter? Were you there for that? Uh, I remember it, but I tried not to. I was just a kid.

I thought that was Stu Epperson at first, thinking that. So here's the one that I know is gonna stump you. I just think maybe, Peter. Anyway, what do you call a bee from America? Carmen, you got any ideas? A bee from America? A bee from America? I'm not sure.

Well, most of us use computers know that that's a USB. Hold on, I'm fixing some alka-seltzer right now. It would help you, Dr. Wallace, if you had some alka-seltzer.

So, yeah, I understand. My wife Tammy asked me the other day, if I could have any superpower, what would it be? Right? Do you have to ever think about that, Carmen? If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

I'm flying to work. There you go. I told her America. What do you think? If you could have a superpower, if you had America, it'd be a deal, wouldn't it, Peter? Yeah, I can see you're rolling in laughter.

If you had China, you'd have both China and America. See what I did there? There you go, Dr. Wallace, you can use that one.

Yeah, you can. So what's the difference between America and a bottle of milk? Do you know that one, Dr. Wallace?

No. The difference between America and a bottle of milk, Carmen, you want to give it a shot? America is red, white, and blue, and a bottle of milk is just white? Well, that's true. That's very true.

But in 200 years, the milk will have developed a culture. I gotta chuckle out of somebody. I knew it could happen. Bless your heart. Yeah, bless my heart. So here comes your riddle. So where does the favorite American pastime, where does the favorite American pastime first show up in the Bible? Okay, so that gives it, make it a little easier.

Favorite American pastime is baseball. Where does it first show up in the base?
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-22 19:39:05 / 2023-03-22 19:40:54 / 2

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