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It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff
The Truth Network Radio
July 15, 2023 1:00 am

10,000 Reasons to Listen

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff

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July 15, 2023 1:00 am

 Today Nikita speaks with good friend Tim Quinn. Listen as he shares a powerful story of God's grace and prosperity.


This is Rodney from the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we explored manhood within Jesus Christ. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds. Sit back, enjoy it, share it, but most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the Truth Podcast Network. This is the Truth Network. I have a question for you. What does Sting, the million dollar man, Ted DiBiase, the Russian nightmare, Nikita Kolov, and Tim Quinn, a web designer, have in common with over 10,000 youth acquiring the fire?

Don't go away. This is the United States Champion. Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is set for one flaw.

Introducing first, from Lithuania, he weighs 123 kilos, the Russian nightmare, Nikita Kolov. Now, the devil's nightmare. Welcome back to another episode of It's Time to Man Up. Today, today, today, old friend, we go way, way, way back. You're going to enjoy this interview, this conversation today. Tim Quinn, welcome to the Man Up Show. Tim Quinn Thank you, brother. How you doing? Ted DiBiase Well, I am doing wonderful. Great to have you here. And let's do this. Let's tell our, let's share with our listeners a little bit of backstory, but yourself, that lovely bride of yours, Miss Katie, your family, just kind of fill us in first on your family.

Tim Quinn All righty. I am from Ohio, a little small town that nobody's ever heard of called Moxahala. The nearest big town to me would have been Zanesville. And that's where you and I have met and talked many times is in the Zanesville area. And my wife is from a little town called Junction City.

This is all in Perry County, Ohio. And about 15 years ago, after a very rocky business that I owned, the Lord led us out here to Vegas, my wife and I. And then our second to the youngest son, Shane, he come out with us. And later on our youngest son, Adam, followed us out. And our two oldest sons, Kelsey, Sean, and Justin are still back in Ohio.

So, so four boys, two in Ohio, two out there in Vegas with you. Now, are they, so, and then of course you're, how long have you and Miss Katie been married? 49 years. 49 years.

Wow, Tim. As of your birthday. Like for real, like you, like you guys got married on my birthday. That's so special.

Yeah. I've told you that many times, brother. You know that we did it just because of you.

You just reminded me of it though. So I'm flattered. I'm honored that you were married on my birthday, but 49 years, Miss, you're coming up on, I guess they call it 50 is the golden anniversary. Is that right? Yep. That's next year. Next year will be the golden. Well, we'll have to maybe have a piece of birthday cake and anniversary cake together or something.

See, we can't make that happen. Yeah. We definitely got to do that.

Definitely. That's amazing. Well, congrats on a serious note. Congratulations on 49 years, Tim. Thank you.

That in today's world is quite a milestone. And so 49 years, four boys later, grandchildren? I've got four.

Justin has two sons and two daughters. So we've got the four, Tuntishawn and Shane have yet to find, well, the Lord has not really sent them that correct girl yet. Yep. Still looking for, for that bride. Still waiting. Yeah. Still waiting for the Lord to send them the right person.

I hear you. Adam, Adam got married about five years ago, four or five years ago, something like that. And so him and Josie are out here. They don't have any kids yet, but they're getting ready. Now they're finally at their selves financially sound as the, like they wanted to be. So they're, I think they're working on it. Yeah. They're following a plan. They're following a plan.

And so she wanted to graduate, get out of college first. So. Well, there you go. Well, and we met, you mentioned us meeting, of course you, old, old school wrestling fan. Would that be an accurate statement?

That would be very accurate. I was a Mark. Oh, well, and for those who may not know that terminology that equates to a very avid wrestling fan.

Right. And how many years, like, like how far back do you remember, uh, wrestling? Like, like maybe like when you first started watching it, were you really young or why, why'd you get interested in it? Well, I started watching big time wrestling back when I was, uh, I don't know, maybe pre-teen or pre-teen, uh, flying Fred Curry and, uh, 500 pound man, mountain, haystack, Calhoun, Baron Wanda Rasky when he was young. And a lot of those guys that we went into Seacrest auditorium in Zanesville, my uncle, uh, I think his uncle took us in.

Me and my brothers, we went in and watched a live match with flying Fred and chic and some of those guys. So I started watching way back then, then, uh, when cable came about in our area, we picked up a TBS. I started watching, uh, you know, Crockett Turner and Crockett or Crockett's promotion. Well, I think first, yeah, I think, well, I ended up in Georgia championship wrestling, right? Ollie Anderson, Georgia. Yep.

Correct. They, they, they, cause I remember, I remember, uh, when, when the road warriors joined Georgia championship wrestling, Ohio was one of their tours. Like they go to her up in Ohio. They tour up in Michigan, uh, because of the programming on, on the super station TBS, right?

Six Oh five on Saturday nights. And, uh, so let me test your memory here. You mentioned Baron Von Rasky. Do you happen to remember, of course, you know, do you know what his like finisher was?

Right. Do you know? Do I know what was that again? His finisher. What was his finisher? The claw. The claw.

Good memory. And when he'd do an interview, let me test you a little further, Tim. When he'd do an interview, do you kind of remember like what the last thing like he would maybe say on the interview by chance? I don't remember what he would say, but I would always hold his, hold his hand, hold his claw out, grab his arm, hold his claw out.

He would, he grabbed like his forearm and he put that claw out, man, you got a great memory. And, and he would go, Doug, there's all the people need to know. Right. So he'd say his whole spiel. Right.

And then, and then there's all the people need to know, you know, and, uh, Baron is such a cool guy. You know, some don't know, you know, he was a, a school teacher, uh, like his day job. Right. I didn't know that.

Yeah. He, and, and of course he was from, from, uh, the Cornhusker state of Nebraska and, uh, taught school there as did another pretty famous wrestler guy by the name of George, the animal steal. And he used to teach up in Michigan and, and, uh, high, what do they call it? A moonlight. That's a moonlight as a pro wrestler, like, like in the summertime and kind of, you know, on his school breaks and stuff.

And some may or may not know that, but Baron Von Arashke. And so, so was that how, I mean, I'm trying to remember too, Tim, how kind of we originally met, was it through wrestling? Uh, do you, yeah. Okay.

Well, I'll tell you that, but before we go to that, I want to mention one more school teacher that was a wrestler. Okay. He actually, he actually taught in the Cambridge, which is the Ainslie area about 20 minutes from, uh, Zanesville, uh, bill Edie superstar superstar, bill demolition, demolition tax. Yes. Yeah. And why he was one of the original Mongolians, he used to go into, uh, from what I hear, you know, people I've talked to that was sat under and said, he'd come in and teach. He would have it. I have a little like a yarmulke type hat covering his little ponytail.

You know, I could make teams with Mongolia. Yeah. I do remember now bill mentioning that, uh, you know, teaching school as well. And he's, he's down in Georgia. He's got family actually in, I think a daughter in Charlotte or Charlotte, I think North Carolina, but, uh, well, that's pretty cool.

That's pretty cool. As, as for us meeting, what we did is, uh, I happened to see where, uh, Ted be the off the, and I'm not a good friend of ours. He had written a book and I called to get a copy of this book and his manager or agent, whatever you want to call him at the time, he said, well, you know, said Ted is doing a meet and greet and a wrestling event down in Wheeling, West Virginia, which was about an hour from where I live hour and a half, something like that. And he said, if you'd like to go to that, you know, this is what the tickets would be. And if you want to eat, want to eat dinner with all the wrestlers, you know, some Nikita will be there and tie in stallion, uh, Billy Graham superstar superstar. Yeah. Yep.

Uh, Ming George South and, you know, a few others, Eddie Guerrero was one of them as well. And, uh, he said, if you would like to go to that, you know, you can do that too. And I said, well, absolutely. So me and my two sons, we made the trip down to Wheeling and that's, that's where we met. That's where we connected, you know, and that was, that was the, um, I don't know what template is the right word, but we, that's where kind of, we got the idea from that show. I remember that now. It's good memory again, that, that was kind of the idea of launching into a, using wrestling as an outreach to share the gospel message. And we saw the response of the fans there. Oh yeah.

Yeah. And then that birthed, uh, many, many, many outreaches that we did with George South. He'd bring his ring in and his, his crew and, and, uh, all across really the Southeast and, and down into the, into Texas and, and even up North. I did one recently in Michigan where we set up, set up a wrestling ring and, uh, and sometimes we'd have some matches. Other times we'd just do illustrations and then carry that, that salvation message, uh, out to the audience.

And many, many times, I remember the first time Tim, Lex Luger came to one, we were doing one in Georgia. Right. And he's like, and he's like, so like, now what is it you're doing? I go, it's, it's an outreach, right? He said, but there's going to be wrestling. Oh yeah. It's going to be live wrestling, matches. And then I'm going to share my testimony and we're going to give an invitation.

We're going to give what, you know, the church, they call an altar call. Right. And, and he's like, okay.

And he was like, super skeptical. Right. So him and I ride down this little town out in the middle of nowhere in Georgia. And this gymnasium is packed. I mean, to the gills, there's no AC in there. It's hot. It's, it's hot.

I'll just stop right there. It's hot. Right. It's hot. Yeah.

Right. And, you know, we had, uh, I think three matches and I came up for intermission, gave my, gave my, you know, gave my testimony, gave an invitation to receive Jesus and over, over a hundred people responded to get, like the ring turned into an altar, responded, flooded the, the ring, uh, to make a decision to surrender their life. And I remember that drive home last night, Lex was almost like speechless. Like he was like, I never say anything like that in my entire life. He was like blown away. Like his skepticism went out the window, so to speak that night.

And from that point on, he was totally supportive of, uh, uh, of, of those outreaches. And we'd, uh, we've done many together and had him share his testimony sometimes, you know, grabbing that old rugged cross. Well, Hey, so, so do you have any, do you have any fond wrestling memories, Tim? Uh, wrestling itself, uh, well, yeah, I remember, well, I never got a really good into the live bashes.

Yeah. I was never fortunate enough to, uh, but I remember a lot of the TBS shows. I remember dusty, dusty was always my favorite. And then when you joined him and it was like, wow, you know, this was a dream over the top, right? My favorite evil. Oh yeah.

And I remember dust to being on these funky, like a monkey tour. He always has to have such charisma and he's probably one of my biggest memories you coming over because of the quote unquote accident from, uh, Magnum red for Magnum when he had the, uh, the accident. Yeah. That was another highlight. So, you know, you highlights for the wrestling.

You're listening to the truth network and truth Nikita Koloff here. And I am excited. Did you hear the huge announcement, the big announcement?

Well, maybe it's a minor announcement. Anyway, Facebook go look up my new my new fan page, Nikita Koloff fans and like it and follow today. If you would like to support Koloff for Christ ministries for a gift of $25, Nikita will send you his two CDs adoration and declaration for a gift of $50. Nikita will include his book wrestling with success. And for a gift of $100 or more, Nikita will include a signed copy of his newly updated life story, a tale of the ring and redemption.

Go to and donate today. You're listening to the truth network and truth So that was, you know, going back to what you were talking about with the resting outreaches. I remember one time you had to quit letting people in the ring because the ring collapsed.

There was many people. Well, yeah, I mean, they were certainly excited to get in the ring, especially if you've never been in a wrestling ring before. Right. And every wrestling fan's dream, I think, get in the wrestling ring and what some don't realize, though, and obviously, depending on how the ring is made, man, if you hit those ropes the wrong way and or you don't know what you're doing, you know, injuries do play a part in that business, believe it or not.

Oh, yeah. Well, I know Shane got a little bit of Matt Byrne and he was kind of George, because he refereed a match for George up in Cleveland and wake him up with you guys. But if you remember that, Shane actually got a referee a match and George said, okay, I'm going to throw you under the bottom rope. Shane says, no, you're going to put me over the top. And so he went over the top and came down. George said, you know what I mean? You did that like a pro. And he said, maybe so, but I won't be turning pro, right?

He's like one and done. Yeah, that's the other. Well, and so you and I began to develop this friendship with you, with your family. Of course, I'd been up in Ohio and stayed with you a number of times up there when you moved out to Vegas. I've stayed with you. Yep, you guys have been great hosts.

And even back when we came out, we came out for a lot of conventions, business conventions, and that sort of thing. Of course, you opened the door for me to get in some of the churches out there as well. And it's been an amazing, amazing friendship. And one thing people may not know, but they'll know now is you originally helped set up, well, you helped set up my original website, And that's part of your background, right?

That's some of what you've done. You're a computer, well, web designer kind of guy, right? Yeah, well, not as much anymore as this just moved on and I didn't want to follow. But it went to WordPress, which to me is a, I don't know, it's just a cheap way out.

But for people who don't want to really set their own designer and stuff, I always prefer to design my stuff. It's like, you go to, you go either to the ministry page, which is the WordPress, or you go to the wrestling site, which is the site that I originally put up for you and have remodeled through time over the years. Yes. Yeah. And you, I mean, you did well in designing that and got a lot of great compliments over the years.

And yeah, we eventually separated the two just so there was one more designated to ministry. And then for those avid wrestling fans, those who could go out or go over to the other site and take a walk down, you might say down memory lane, as you put different photos and videos and stories and just lots of different things up there. So you're not as engaged in doing web design anymore, just because the way it's evolved. What first got you interested in doing that though? Well, when I went to college, I learned computers, a little bit about computers, that was part of the game. Part of the curriculum was learn how to do calculations on a computer, but just got started doing HTML, which is, you know, the web format for a website and started getting interested in that and just started developing interest for it. I've always liked to do design work graphics and you always like to draw and paint stuff like that.

Not very good at it, but I like to do it. And then when the computer came about, I started doing logos and I did a book cover for you, a couple of them, uh, did, uh, dual cases and stuff like that for you. If you, and for Ivan, I actually, I haven't called off as well, did his website, but I started doing websites and, uh, when I met Ted, I started to do his site. So I did a site for Ted. He put me in touch with you again after we'd met to see about a website. Of course you was ready. You wanted one. And then, uh, through you, I think I got Ivan. And so I've done all three of you guys and eventually I ended up doing one for Chuck Norris, which was a, a big thing.

I think that was the last big one I did. Uh, but, uh, I maintain a couple. I maintain yours still and help you with your man camp and your, and, uh, I do one for, uh, Dr. May Spaker who's in Florida. He is a, well, he does dinosaurs and, uh, very, very astute scholar in the field of archeology with, uh, the blood knows blood and all that stuff. So I do science for with him.

So I still maintain a couple. So you're still, yeah, you're still involved in that world, although you're, you know, off, off doing, doing other things now, now, you know, you're, you're, you're, other things now, now, uh, transition from Ohio, Ohio and, uh, O H I O O H I O in my mind, I'm actually doing the letters in the studio right now. Oh, it had to be quite a transition though, out to the, uh, deserts of Las Vegas.

I would imagine. Well, when you consider that, uh, the little town we lived outside of that, we moved from little town called Crooksville, about 2,500 people. We come down over the dam, over the road from the dam, from a Lake, uh, or from, um, Hoover dam down, uh, the Hill and then down the mountain there from border city. And we looked out over the lights of Las Vegas. And the first thing we did is I got, I was driving the truck and then Shane and my wife and our dogs were in the car behind me. And I got on our little walkie talkies that we had said, Oh my God, what did we get into? Cause if you look out and you just see a blanket of light, it was like, I've never seen anything like that in my life.

Yeah. That'd be a shocker for you. But you, it was a culture shock culture shock.

That's what I'm looking for a culture shock, but you've done well. And, and, you know, speaking of technology, that sort of thing, you're very engaged in your church out there, right? You guys have done a lot with like, um, behind the scenes, like in the sound booth and have you done like different videos and stuff as well, put together for your church, that kind of thing? Well, I've done, when I was with convert chapel, green valley, uh, I was with the worship team, played a lot of, I play bass and do a lot of base work with them. And then also worked in the sound booth, uh, ran sound and then worked in the tech room. When I was dealing with one of the other positions, I was in the tech room, uh, for our live video, uh, for the live stream, you know, the webcast of it.

Shane did the camera work. So one of the things we did is this, you know, back when we first got out here, mid say 2000, we, uh, Shane would video the worship and then we had a way in our sound booth to do a 24 track recording, just each individual instrument. So I would bring that home and I would do a mix of that, add in the effects that needed added. And then I would take the video that Shane did, scrub that, uh, audio and put up the audio, the mix of the 44, 24 track recording.

There's a few of those up on YouTube, but, uh, CC, I think it's CC, Green Valley, uh, worship. Would your company, business, or you personally like to partner with me in supporting Kolof for Christ Ministries, the Man Up Show and Man Up Minutes? Go to and click the donate button.

You can give monthly, annually, or one time. God bless you for making a difference around the world. So some, so somebody could go there and hear some, some of the work you guys have done. Right.

Yeah. See some of the camera work Shane did and some of the audio work that I did. Now that's awesome.

Well, and they can go to and, and see, see some of your web design from the past as well. And, uh, well, I'm grateful Tim for, you know, just for our friendship, the long lasting friendship that, that we've had. And of course you've traveled some with me. I remember, uh, we're, uh, we're almost out of time, but I want to, I want to just make mention when we went out to the AIM conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Right.

And, uh, yep. When I ran, but I did the, uh, ran the booth for you, your booth. And, uh, I think Justin did Ted DiBiase's and Shane was, uh, doing one for Sting. The Sting's people kind of buggered out on him.

So Shane ends up working that one or Justin, one of them. It was one way or another, but we ended up working the booth and that was, I was awesome. Yeah.

It got to me. I mean, in addition to, to the wrestler, there was so many incredible athletes out there at the AIM conference. We've had Larry Kerchuck on the radio show before on the podcast before as well.

And, uh, he, he has more stories than we have time to tell. I mean, we could be telling, you know, so anyway, but, you know, yeah, I was thinking the choir on the fire and nevermind. Yeah. The AIM conference out in Phoenix. Yeah. We had a great time out there. That was awesome. I was just, I just reconnected with Larry myself, uh, just within the last month. Well, and he, he is still doing some amazing things out in Phoenix.

So you mentioned acquire the fire. I'll just for those who, as somebody just recently told me, they, they saw, they saw the, uh, the presentation. They saw the dramatization we did for acquire the fire out there in Indiana, over 43,000 youth in attendance and, uh, Sting and I, and TBS, he did a, an illustration and then shared our stories afterwards, our personal stories. And that night in that dome, we saw over 10,000 youth respond to the altar call.

It's one of the, one of the bigger altar calls I've ever personally witnessed. And, uh, as we illustrated really kind of Stings life and, and he was, he was the good guy Ted and I of course played the bad guys and, and tried to, yeah, try to tempt him with everything, uh, under the sun that we are all tempted with. Right. The temptations of life.

And, and of course the Stinger, uh, not by might, not by power, but by the spirit of the living God, do we overcome the darkness and evil of this world? Right, Tim? Oh yeah. That was awesome. I was there. I saw it was great. As I said, we was working, you got your boost, but when you did the dramatization, we actually, I had to come back and watch that. So that was fantastic.

And go, go out there. I think, uh, I think acquire the fire. Um, I know you can find it on YouTube. Um, I can't remember what, what that specific show was called, but if you're, you go research it folks and, and, uh, you'll, you'll be, I think, blown away by, by one, the significance of that drama. I say this real quick, Tim, the guy who wrote it, the guy who wrote out the drama knew nothing about wrestling, knew nothing about Stings life.

And when we, when we, when he and I, he and I had Ted read the script, we're like, Oh my gosh, Steve, this Stinger, this is like your life stories. Like, I know this is crazy. Right. And, uh, but man, it just, it made, obviously left a lasting impression and quite an impact on all of those young people there that night and, and still does. It's a great thing about YouTube, right?

You go to YouTube and pull up lots of things and, and still be impacted by it. So, and there are pictures of that event on your website. Yeah.

Still photos, right? Yep. So I may have to, we may have to find that Tim and, and, and put a link on my website. Can we, can we try to do that? I can send you the link. Yep. I'll do that.

Uh, whenever we're finished here, I'll go and grab it. We'll find it. Tim and Katie Quinn, longtime friends, Viva Las Vegas, living out in Las Vegas. Tim, I just broke somebody's eardrum. Um, Hey, I appreciate you guys. So love to you and, and, and to your, your bride, Katie, and, uh, look forward to the next time I can get out to Las Vegas. Amen. Love you. And, uh, give the girls a big, Hey from me. All right, Tim, thanks for tuning in to another episode, man up.

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