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"Not a Grief Nor A Loss..."

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger
The Truth Network Radio
January 9, 2021 3:24 pm

"Not a Grief Nor A Loss..."

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger

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January 9, 2021 3:24 pm

We often start the broadcast with a trivia question, so I asked the audience to tell me which hymn contained this stanza ...and then we discussed how this affects the family caregiver.  ( plus I played it live on the keyboard, along with other hymns mentioned by callers.)

Not a burden we bear,
Not a sorrow we share,
But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief or a loss,
Not a frown or a cross,  But is blest if we ____________

check out this link for more of our music.

Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger

More than 65 million Americans serve as a family caregiver.

Are you one of them? Who are you taking care of? You're taking care of your aging parent, you've got a special needs child, you've got somebody in your life who's been diagnosed with something, a traumatic event or illness, you're in the coronavirus in the full sway of it, mental illness, you've got somebody in your family who has a mental illness, you've got somebody in your family who has a drug impairment or addiction or some type of alcoholic condition, those are chronic impairments. Wherever there's a chronic impairment, there's a caregiver and we're here to help you see a path to safety where you can live a calmer, healthier and dare I say it even a more joyful life. I am Peter Rosenberger bringing you now my 35th year as a caregiver, an understanding of the journey and I'm offering a lifetime of experience as a lifeline to my fellow caregivers. What does safety look like? What does help look like?

What does hope look like when you're a caregiver? And these are things that we discuss on the show. If you want to be part of the show 888-589-8840 888-589-8840 our phone lines are open. We start off with a trivia question oftentimes in a scripture and and even sometimes a hymn and sometimes all three and that's kind of where we are today on this one and this is gonna be a little bit hard for you guys. Well some of you, some of you may not be, some of you may be just real scholars at this sort of thing, but I want you to tell me what hymn this stanza is from, okay? What hymn this stanza is from and if you know the number 888-589-8840 it's not in every hymnal by the way so this may be a little bit obscure for some but here it is not a burden we bear not a sorrow we share but our toil he doth richly repay not a grief nor a loss not a frown nor a cross but is blessed if we and that's the title of the song comes right after that do you know what that is do you know what that hymn is it's a I'm as you those of you a regular listeners show know that I'm a big fan of the hymns I was a music major I've been in church music since I don't have it I don't really have any recollection of not being involved in church music and I've come to cherish and love the old hymns of our faith and I'm on a mission to help people remember these and hopefully integrate them back into their lives because these are these are born out of great challenges great difficulties great sorrows in many cases and also great theology for some of these ones that have stuck around some of the ones that are out there today a lot of stuff coming out has a little bit of weaker theology but we're we're about on this show making sure that we're equipped as caregivers with good sound doctrines and theology so that when the storms do come that we're not just boiled I mean blown over we're not just thrown aside that we can you never know how valuable an anchor is until you're in strong seas you know and and that's that's where we are as caregivers that we're in strong seas all the time but we gotta have something that that anchors us what anchors you what anchors you as you go into this thing you look at our situation with the country going through all this turmoil you know our country seems rudderless we seem adrift and and what is anchoring us and for you know several hundred years our anchor was in God as a as a collective the Word of God was more authoritative than even the Constitution and I would suggest to you that we have unhooked ourselves from that and we are adrift and a lot of that came about because of the founding fathers had a and an understanding of the depravity of man and so they built this elaborate system of checks and balances but John Adams said many many years ago and I'm paraphrasing but he said basically the Constitution is not going to do much if you have people that are immoral or irreligious that just you know have no anchoring in anything other than just whatever they want to do and and that's a true statement and we're seeing that being played out every day so what anchors you as a caregiver what is what is what do you bow the knee to and and I would suggest to you if it is not the Word of God then it's it's whatever that you're holding on to then will not sustain now you can disagree with me try it out and see if it works if you want to disagree with me let me know how that works for you but I'm bringing three and a half decades of this and every kind of failure you can name and I found that scripture holds fast every single time the authority of the Word of God is you know paramount and but it doesn't mean much to say it if we actually don't know what it says in it and that's where a lot of these great hymn writers were so this is this is what we do on the show is we try to speak in a way that caregivers understand I speak fluent caregiver and I want to make sure that you understand these principles these doctors these scriptures and what does this mean and a lot of this can be found in the great hymns of our church so anyway so if you know what this is not a burden we bear not a sorrow we share but our toil he does richly repay not a grief nor a loss and a lot of you are dealing with a lot of grief and a lot of loss and there's not one grief and not one loss not a frown nor a cross but it's blessed if we what eight eight eight five eight nine eighty eight forty eight eight eight five eight nine eighty eight forty let's go to Nancy in Mississippi Nancy good morning how are you feeling did we lose Nancy hold on a second there you go Nancy how you feeling Nancy pretty good pretty good thank you I was calling because I just would like to ask for prayer for my family and for my husband who recently lost a leg how did he lose his leg well he has an aneurysm behind the knee strangely enough and they are they putting a prosthesis on him I know he just lost it the 30th of December so oh this is this is brand new this is brand brand new yes and the aneurysm supposedly behind the knee of the the circulation was gone and the lower part of his foot and he his foot turned purple and I thought after we had a toenail removed before we get into the nitty-gritty of the amputation and I and I understand this my wife's a double amputee that's why I asked tell me what is your specific need for prayer today because I don't want to run out of time up against the brakes and so forth well that he will move as he returns to a nursing home today again that he will that they will obviously they their work is that they help people and that he will get better he may not be a prosthetic candidate but that he will continue to get better and now it says here that he has dementia that did you said he has dementia yes yes all right hang on just a second we got it we're up against a break here Nancy what I'd like for you to do we're going to two things because certainly we want to lift him up in prayer but also want to talk about you and it's not an easy thing to watch a loved one lose a limb I've done it twice and it is a it's a painful thing and so you're watching him and then he has to go back to a facility where you're not able to engage with him so we're going to talk about that a little bit too when we come back can you hang on through the break just a minute this is Peter Rosenberger this is hope for the caregiver eight eight eight five eight nine eighty eight forty we'll be right back welcome back to hope for the caregiver here on American Family Radio eight eight eight five eight nine eighty eight forty I'm Peter Rosenberger if you want to be a part of the show eight eight eight five eight nine eighty eight forty our trivia question today is what him does this verse come from not a burden we bear not a sorrow we share but our toil he doth richly repay not a grief nor a loss not a frown nor a cross but is blessed if we and see if you know that one we're going back to Nancy in Mississippi Nancy good morning I wanted to continue our conversation how are you doing Nancy still with us now she's not there she's talking about her husband is going back to nursing home he just lost his leg vascular issue from an aneurysm and once prayer for him and I would ask that we all do that and Lord we do to lift up Nancy and her husband in this difficult time it is not an easy thing to watch somebody losing limb and he's dealing with dementia he's in a nursing home we got the coronavirus her visitation is limited and I know that this weighs heavy on her in him both and I'd ask that you comfort and strengthen them father and as it says in this him not a grief nor a loss not a frown nor a cross but you're gonna bless this if we follow you in this father and we we just lift her up for that in Jesus name Amen all right let's let's go back to the phone lines here Catherine in Virginia Catherine you you there with us this morning yes and I know the song you know the song Catherine now you got to sing it that's that's the only that's the only kicker you got to sing it Catherine I don't sing all in the morning about I know it's okay you don't that's very is that it that's it hold on a second okay let's see you another great hymns love it burden we we bear not a sorry but our toil he does which we repay not a grief or a loss not a frown nor a cross but is blessed if we trust and I don't sing very well in the morning either but you'd say great by the way Catherine trust that's why I married a singer so that I don't have to sing so you you got that Catherine way to go great job on that tell me about your mother-in-law well she's I gotta say she's wonderful we've gotten closer closer and closer to her and we know we have less time less and less time with her because she's 84 now and she's fascinating she's wonderful she's a Christian she grew up on a farm I just I love talking to her we enjoy serving her we go there and we take care of her physically she's okay but we just take her to the doctor's we know her lawn we just help her out change her light bulbs things like that it's it's just not a burden it's it's a gift so right what's going on with her oh well just she has just elderly or does she have some okay she has a gout in her foot it's something that her family seems to get so sometimes she can't walk she can't drive anymore she is she's alone so we try to visit her often we don't live with her yet or we all feel a little stuck where we're at we we could maybe move into a new house but we have many children we've had six children so we're balancing those two things we homeschool but whenever she needs anything we go and we shop for her we take her to the doctor's we keep her company we even we research medical things for her we've we've improved her health care somewhat just by research learned what have you learned about yourself through this process I mean you've raised six children and that's that's quite a feat I'm one of six children but what have you learned about yourself as as you've gone through this well one thing it sounds small but with six five still at home and we homeschool is I need to drop things when she needs us and stop the homeschooling just just throw a few books in the car maybe listen to something educational but I have to put myself second you know for her my tell me why the next tell me why that is tell me why you feel I don't know it's just what is it what does that look like putting yourself second like that oh there's just that moment where I have to change my plans because I'm you know child focused really household focused I might have a shopping list I might have you know grocery run that I need to do I might want to cook something I might have something on the stove I just turn off the stove put something in the refrigerator grab a few workbooks and we all go it's it's not a wonderful drive and make them what you're saying is it requires a level of flexibility yeah just putting myself second trusting trusting like you said in God it's just it's just it's not about me and my plans you know all of a sudden it seems so important to have a plan every day right when you have six children it seems very important it's very important when you have six children seems important what would it be appropriate to say that it's not necessarily putting yourself second but it is making yourself more flexible yeah and just I love I love that you brought up that song because it fits perfectly it really is about trusting in it and it and it really isn't about me and God isn't really requiring that much I've heard people with with you know many more problems call in to your show and you know they do and maybe in and that's that's probably going to escalate as she continues to age and so forth there'll be other issues that I think that a good plan if because you like plans and it's important when you're a homeschooling mom of six children you know and also you've got a mother-in-law issue it's it's you know plans are important and you don't want to you know jeopardize the well-being of one person but the expense you know for someone else you want to learn how to incorporate all of it in there as you do it to the best of what you can do but if you if you constantly put yourself and say oh I'm just gonna put myself second I'm gonna put myself second it tends to foster a mentality that your needs are expendable and they're not and what I would suggest is it's just a vocabulary change that you know we're gonna have to learn to be flexible you know there's an old proverb it's not in Scripture but it says blessed are the flexible for they should not be bent out of shape and because that that flexibility y'all could write that down too by the way that flexibility is it's going to be tested as she continues to have other issues encroaching upon her does your husband is he involved with her as well well he's actually the one I'd actually he's the one who does most everything I just bring the children so she you know has a nice visit and he's the one who does he and my older son and we all help out you know that with the yard that's actually kind of a big deal but we do work very hard on their yard but these are all important things but I would I would suggest you would you have your family get togethers around the table with with your six children and with your husband not with her but with them say look you know we love your your grandmother and we when she's our family we're gonna honor her we're gonna follow scripture and all those things and it's and using different words because if you constantly say well I'm gonna put myself second I'm gonna put myself third well then eventually you got six children you're gonna put yourself seventh yeah and and and they don't need you way at the back they need you leading at the front with flexibility and learning to adapt and they learn from you and how to do that so use those vocabulary words one of the things I set out to do when I started this show many years ago was give caregivers a better vocabulary of what help looks like and what and how to define this and to give non caregivers a better vocabulary of what this looks like so that we're saying things with our mouth that are more reflective of what we're actually doing my wife is it has enormous amounts of needs 80 surgeries both legs gone I mean you know all this kind of stuff you've heard the story and she lives with severe pain all the time if I put myself second if I have that mentality then it doesn't take too terribly long when you live in that kind of crucible to start coming up with a martyrdom complex and okay as opposed to I'm not putting myself second I am NOT putting her first I am simply recognizing her needs require a great amount of flexibility on my part and okay but I have to I have to exercise I have to eat I have to rest I have to sit down I have to be still and those are hard things to do and I have to be creative to do it to carve out that kind of time and you with six children are gonna have to be creative you already are you know you can't you can't run that type of tribe and and not be creative and not be organized but part of that organization is a sense of flexibility in a sense of you know what we're gonna pull together in this we're gonna adapt we're gonna learn we're gonna grow but we're gonna constantly evaluate you know where we're going do you ever do you know who Susanna Wesley was yes yes I have a son named Charles Wesley well John and Susanna Charles were part of she had I think 10 yeah at least 10 kids before they reached adulthood but she she homeschooled yeah she had a passel of them I think actually she had 19 but somebody correct me on that if I got it wrong but she had a passel of them and she was extremely committed to educating and organizing for these children and she put the needs of the family and actually while her husband was away she started a pretty significant Bible study and people got mad at her because she was a woman doing this and and yada yada yada there's a lot of drama but she told her husband well you get back here and you start doing your job you know kind of thing right and because he was traveling to London or something doing that and and so these are these are but but at no point did she come across a like you know she would diminish herself she understood her role very clearly and and she stepped up and did that sounds like you have a lot of those similar traits but as you do this bring them together let them see you be flexible let them see you adapt and let them see you lead as well okay we've got to run to a break this is hope for the caregiver this is Peter Rosenberger 8 8 8 5 8 9 88 40 we'll be right back imagine a parent at the end of a rope caring for a special-needs child and that parent could get a daily phone call from a caring person breaking through the isolation and checking in on that stressed mom or that stressed dad what kind of difference do you think that would make imagine going to the grocery store in peace while knowing a century was on duty for your loved one at home being able to look at them on your phone talking to them at any time from anywhere even if the power goes out imagine being able to safely monitor your loved one in an assisted facility even during the quarantine imagine a system that guaranteed your privacy so much it provides a 1 million dollar guarantee these and so many more services are just one click away for you as a caregiver I've tested this out in my home and the time is now for caregivers to rethink how we give care with 92% of people stating they want to age in their own home caregivers are facing a daunting challenge as the the COVID-19 has made us reevaluate placing loved ones in assisted living we need to care give smarter and that's why I want to tell you about constant companion constant companion is using tech to offload the stress of caregivers can't take everything away it's not a replacement for the human touch but it is one more tool for your tool belt to help you live a stronger healthier and dare I say it a more joyful life as a caregiver how about checking this out companion 24 7 companion 24 that's www.companion 24 www.companion 2 4 use that promo code caregiver for a special discount the promo code is caregiver I'm telling you this is life-changing for you and me as a caregiver I'm using this right now I want you to as well this is Peter Rosenberger join us at Welcome to the show that has been used exclusively as a family caregiver. Now in my 35th year as a caregiver through a medical nightmare I've learned a lot of things along the way every bit of it the hard way and but I guess those kinds of lessons stick with you 8 8 8 5 8 9 80 8 40 8 8 8 5 8 9 80 8 40 and along the way I've learned the value of these great hymns of the faith that as a pianist I play and they're very strengthening to me they're very comforting to me I put it out on a CD it's called songs for the caregiver you can download it at all the streaming services if you want a a physical copy of that CD you could go out to our website to see how to do that 6 1 5 2 9 7 5 3 8 8 by the way you can call to our friends over at logos bookstore in Nashville they'll be glad to ship you one 6 1 5 2 9 7 5 3 8 8 if you want to get one of those as well and I Gracie sings about I don't know about almost half of the songs on there but it's very simple and it's called songs for the caregiver and I put these hymns on there for a reason because they sustain and they they they will they will build us up as caregivers as we're dealing with these sorts of things and today I had my trivia question was one of those hymns and I tried it when I do the trivia stuff I try to do things that are going to connect with where we are I'm not just doing trivia like you know what was the atomic weight of such-and-such element it's all got to be relevant to where we are as a caregiver and the verse was from this the stanza from this hymn was trust and obey is the hymn not a burden we bear not a sorrow we share now let's stop right there for just a moment not a burden we bear not a sorrow we share if you're a caregiver for any length of time through somebody who has a you know any kind of significant impairment you understand that that verse burden we bear sorrow we share but our toil he doth richly repay and you understand toiling that's not a word we use a lot but it is a an important word in this song not a toil he does but but our toil he doth richly repay not a grief nor a loss how many you understand grief how many you understand loss I would suggest to you that a great many of you do not a frown nor a cross but is blessed if we trust and obey trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey and and that may sound like a almost infantile in the way it approaches that but there's great truth in this hymn trust and obey and as a country we need that right now more than ever but it's a these and I'm you're gonna hear me do these hymns often and and play them I've got a keyboard hooked up here through the board and and I like to play them because these these things get into our spirit they get into our soul they permeate into us and and we hang on to this when moments come that are incredibly difficult and painful and and whether it's a particular verse that you've memorized a hymn song whatever it comes to your mind to anchor you in there my that old him my anchor holds and you know the one my faith has found a resting place not in device or creed but you know these are songs that mean something and and I am I was watching a documentary the other day on on Fanny Crosby one of the most prolific hymn writers of all time probably I think of all time she wrote like over 10,000 hymns a lot of them she had to write under a pseudonym because she was writing so many her publisher wanted to do multiple books but they want everything just be Fanny Crosby so he she did it under a bunch of different names and she was blind she's blind since an infant a friend came to her and said Fanny and then she didn't write she actually if she grew up in a Christian home where she memorized scripture as a child but she did not really have any kind of personal relationship with Christ until she was 30 and most of the hymns she wrote she wrote after she was 40 and and a friend came to her and said you know Fanny I am I've got a tune that I feel like the Lord has given me can you help me with this and she she she sung the tune for her and Fanny sat there blind and wrote out the lyrics in five minutes to this one I want you to wrap your mind around that in five minutes she wrote out I mean she she did the lyrics for blessed assurance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste of glory divine and people asked her said Fanny how can you write these songs about Jesus when he lets you be blind and she said oh no you don't understand the next face I see will be his you know these these the we have this tremendous legacy that has been passed to us by people of the faith Hebrews says when appropriate remember those who spoke the word of the Lord to you and when appropriate imitate their faith and this this implies that we constantly revisit this legacy that has been passed on to us through hymns through the writings through teaching and most of all through scripture to anchor us when these things hit and they will hit they're hitting our nation right now collectively and a friend of mine called me up the other day and he said I've been thinking about you and Gracie a lot because you know we're all freaking out with all this stuff with the pandemic and you know the politics and everything else and it's just really unsettling and then it dawned on me that you and Gracie have lived an unsettledness like this for decades how have you done it and I answered truthfully we've done it poorly but but we constantly are having to remind ourselves to anchor ourselves in the Word of God anchor ourselves in his truth his sustaining truth his provision his faithfulness above everything else not a burden we bear not a sorrow we share but our toil he does richly repay not a grief nor a loss not a frown nor a cross but is blessed if we trust and obey laban in Kansas laban good morning how you feeling good morning very well thank you yeah when I heard that song it took me a while to figure it out because you know but anyway I grew up in a country church where we sang in the denominational hymnal on Sunday morning but we had a little brown hymnal that we sang out of on Sunday night and yeah yeah and the line that I always think of and trust and obeys is one of the verses says in fellowship suite will sit at his feet or we will walk by his side in the way and I always had to ask myself am I walking by his side in the way or am I just in the way tell me about what's going on with your wife oh well she had a slight stroke and of course no stroke is a small stroke but relatively speaking she had a it messed with her vision and so she doesn't drive and and and and so otherwise she's you know very capable but but other issues you know mobility and and and so forth a little bit you know I I am pretty much the housekeeper and so forth are you are you any good at it leaving not nothing nothing to brag about and and I work 40 hours a week and we're fixing up a house a fixer-upper and so I think if I have an issue it is just being pulled in many directions you know and and and so I I I so appreciate your program and and the you know helping helping to put it all in perspective and trust in the Lord to to lead you know step by step but it well I'll give you a secret that I learned and I do the housekeeping and the cooking and everything else and I'm not as fastidious as I should be I'm getting there but I was a I was asked one time to that was being asked about technology and caregivers and what kind of technology do I incorporate as a caregiver and I said well I have two pieces of very valuable technology and one of them is a Bluetooth for my phone so that I'm constantly hands-free because I'm always working I mean I've done I've done national interviews while cooking dinner and yeah and I don't make any apologies for it if you hear pots and pans in the background I don't make any apologies for it because I'm thinking yeah hey I'm a caregiver deal with it and but the other piece of technology I use as a crock pot well while I was waiting while I was waiting for you to catch up with my call I got the laundry going I listen I I I respect that man and I will I will get you know I'll be doing laundry and ironing and I got a I got a friend of mine that discus Lee is kneeling me she said you're gonna make a great wife you know and I thought well first off that's a terribly sexist thing to say number one and I'm always pushing for men to do more laundry and cooking and everything else because I think we have we have misaligned these roles but I am I respect that laban I really do because I've had people call in and men who were trying to care for their wives as they were caring for aging parents or whatever and the men wanted to know how to better care for their wives and they wanted to you know how they could and as a conversation ensued I could tell that the men was wanting how can I help my wife help me better and yeah that's what I you know and and they were they were they were wanting a little bit more attention and I will this is a family show and I'll leave it at that and and I stopped them and one of them was a pastor and he was rather indignant that you know how dare I insinuate that he needs to do something besides his pastoral duties and I asked him what's going on in the laundry room and and you know well I'm working I can't and I'm like dude you know get in there and do the laundry get in there and clean the bathroom you know and yeah so that that's where that's some of the best seminary is the laundry room so laban I want you to do something for me I want you to hang on I'm gonna send you a copy of my CD songs for the caregiver you like him oh wow and in fact actually hang on through the break because I want to ask you one more question when I ask you hang on to the break and I've been losing people when I do this I don't know what's matter with me all right I'll hang I'm hanging don't don't go anywhere label we'll be right back this is hopefully caregiver eight eight eight five eight nine eighty eight for have you ever struggled to trust God when lousy things happen to you I'm Gracie Rosenberger and in 1983 I experienced a horrific car accident leading to 80 surgeries and both legs amputated I questioned why God allowed something so brutal to happen to me but over time my questions changed and I discovered courage to trust God that understanding along with an appreciation for quality prosthetic limbs led me to establish standing with hope for more than a dozen years we've been working with the government of Ghana and West Africa equipping and training local workers to build and maintain quality prosthetic limbs for their own people on a regular basis we purchase and ship equipment and supplies and with the help of inmates in a Tennessee prison we also recycle parts from donated limbs all of this is to point others to Christ the source of my hope and strength please visit to learn more and participate in lifting others up that's I'm Gracie and I am standing with hope. Actually I think I'm giving some real thought to going up and saddling up today we live in Montana the horses haven't been ridden a while I've been recovering from a knee surgery and I think it's about time for me to get we got some snow out there so I may go riding the snow I don't know I may not this is Peter Rosenberger welcome back to hope for the caregiver this is the show for you as a family caregiver hosted by a caregiver about caregivers and it is helping us as caregivers navigate to a place of safety eight eight eight five eight nine eighty eight forty eight eight eight five eight nine eighty eight forty I'm talking with Laban in Kansas Laban I want to ask you one more question what what's a hymn that means something to you that that it tugs at your ear every time it's played or you sing it or whatever what's a hymn that means something to you my my number one go to him when when I start hearing a song that is just horrible on the radio or something my I start singing praise him praise him Jesus our blessed Redeemer and and I hardly know more than one line but I'll just sing that over and over just to drown out the rest of it but but I guess that's the well that that is a thing that is another Fanny Crosby hymn yeah that is a great hymn I'm not gonna sing it laban you're gonna have to sing it that is a great you know I love that oh and well it is not on my CD but I'm gonna get Jim's gonna get your information and I'm gonna send you a copy of my CD it's called songs for the caregiver and I put some some hymns on there that just soothe my soul Gracie Gracie sings like I said almost half of them and I've got some instrumental stuff and she does an arrangement on this thing the two of us with orchestra she starts off acapella with be still my soul that goes into balm and go yet that'll just just break your heart it is so beautiful yeah and you'll love it so if you'll hang on laban but thank you for the privilege of playing that song for you now every time I play that you know I'm gonna think of you now I won't sing it very well because I can't sing very well even I do the best I can yeah you you've you've challenged me again to to learn more than the first line well these things these things do sustain us don't they they really do yeah and so thank you for just let me have that conversation with you about that because anytime anybody wants to call in about the hymns if I if I have my glasses on I can see the hymnal I'll try to play it if I can't I'll just wing it by ear by memory so but I love to play for my fellow caregivers this is a way we can build each other up and you have blessed me this morning so hang on Jim's gonna get your information and well I want to send you a copy of this CD and I really appreciate the call laban okay oh well thank you thank you I appreciate you got it you've got a you've got a kindred spirit here on this show and you call in anytime you want okay thank you all right we'll see you Homer Homer in Oklahoma Homer how are you feeling it's been a long time good morning Peter I am feeling encouraged you were playing your message this morning truly resonates the hymn that really touches my heart is Horatio Spafford's it as well with my soul oh that's it that's a great one Homer we're not gonna play stump the band this morning are we you know you're really hitting up some key points speaking as a man I see what you did there Homer some key points key piano key points you see I see I see what you did there Homer black and white keys I am I am so encouraged because having been a caregivers for so many years oftentimes I become frustrated as you with those who perceive us as mere linear males and I have been refined and as I'm sure Horatio Spafford was as well through suffering and I possess a new skill set so keep preaching your message keep playing god bless you my friend Homer thank you for the encouragement and if I didn't have a bank full of phone calls I would play the whole him for you but it is on songs for the caregiver you could download that today from all the streaming services and that that him is on there I put I put it as well with my soul on there is one of my favorites as well Homer you're a blessing and thank you it's good to hear your voice again it's been too long I look forward to the next time all right all right my friend have a great day you too Mary in Missouri Mary good morning how are you feeling well Mary you're you're you're a bit distorted it's a little hard to hear you are you close to your phone are you on speaker or what I am close to my phone but I get poor signals because of the hills or singers because of the hills all right well we'll do the best we can tell me real quick we're running out of time here tell me real quickly what's on your heart and mind this morning my heart where you were talking about piano and sometimes in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep I would just get up and I would play every hymn and the hymnals that I had oh I love that Mary I've done that myself I love that one of my favorite hymns if you know that one I told y'all not to play stump the band this morning here y'all gonna y'all gonna test me here because I don't have my glass I can't see this hymnal to the love of God how wonderful God is and how how majestic and how far-reaching here in our lives when we are at the lowest we can sit down and then saying just take a handle for people that are caregivers I know what that's like and I know what it's like to be 24 7 through 65 and one thing that I would watch everyone that's a caregiver is to make a way to get a getaway for a while you know to kind of get your head on straight that's it you gonna sing it for me Mary he shall forever more endure it shall forever more endure I'm holding him to do this so doing this one-handed here those Saints and the Saints an angel song I'm sorry my eyes are not working yeah oh love of God how rich and pure how measureless and strong it shall forever more endure the Saints and angels song that's a great that's a great song to have this morning isn't it oh man I've got to get a I got to get a better way to say I've got a keyboard here my piano is not hidden here in the studio and so I got a keyboard in here so I have to get something to so I can hold the hymnal but y'all if y'all start doing stump the band this is gonna get really tough for me but I'm gonna do the best I can well Mary you have inspired me this morning I love that because you are a you know you when anybody that gets up the middle of the night in place of the hymnal you you have my attention and I love that all night long you know just go through the hymnal and you'll be so enriched and so encouraged well Martin Luther used to say that next to the Word of God music elevates our soul more than anything else and I agree and and Bach was whose theology was so spectacular and he's considered the father of church music understood that 200 years after Luther and his his music that's why it's so timeless it is so beautifully constructed and all you know so much of Western music is based on that and these hymns are based on that so I appreciate you bringing that to our attention Mary I've got to run I got one couple more calls here I got to take in I'm gonna try to squeeze in for the end of the hour Mary thank you for listening and you call in I'll work and I'll play that hymn and I'm gonna work on that and next time I play that I'll be thinking of you with it because that is that's a beautiful hymn so thank you Mary God bless you brother you too thank you Linda in Tennessee good morning Linda only got just about a minute or two but how are you feeling I am feeling blessed I am definitely blessed well that's good to hear what's going on with you real quick well four and a half years ago my husband had a massive heart attack and less than a month after that he had a mild stroke and when he was in the hospital but there were seven doctors and five of them said that there was nothing they could do when he had his heart attack they could just make him comfortable well four stints later after two of those seven doctors said well let us try and I prayed about it and prayed about it and after the four stints he was he was alive and less than a month later when he had his mild stroke he went to the same hospital and dealt with the same doctors and God preserved his life once more and Linda I only got only got about 30 seconds tell me what's the big issue for you today like I don't have I don't have near the frustration I had when it first happened a year and a half ago my internet went out and I've been reading my Bible every single night I pray to the good Lord above for knowledge and understanding and he has he has lifted such a weight off of me and that's what our that's what our verse is today not a burden we bear not a sorrow we share but our toil he doth richly repay not a grief nor loss nor a frown nor a cross but it's blessed if we trust and obey and Linda sounds like that is the path that you're on and I appreciate so much you calling we've got to go we're out of time this is Peter Rosenberger this is hope for the caregiver hope for the caregiver calm we'll see you next week hey this is John Butler producer of hope for the caregiver and I have learned something that you probably all know that Gracie his wife lost her legs many many years ago and started a prosthetic limb outreach ministry called standing with hope and recently they ended up with a rather unique and unexpected partner Peter had a conversation with Gracie and take a listen Gracie when you envision doing a prosthetic limb outreach did you ever think that inmates would help you do that not in a million years when you go to the facility run by CoreCivic over in Nashville and you see the faces of these inmates that are working on prosthetic limbs that you have helped collect from all over the country that you put out the plea for and they're disassembling you see all these legs like what you have your own prosthetic and arms when you see all this what does that do to you makes me cry because I see the smiles on their faces and I know I know what it is to be liked someplace where you can't get out without somebody else allowing you to get out of course being in the hospital so much and so long and so um these men are so glad that they get to be doing as one band said something good finally with my hands did you know before you became an amputee that parts of prosthetic limbs could be recycled no I had no idea you know I thought a peg leg I thought of wooden legs I never thought of titanium and carbon legs and flex feet and sea legs and all that I never thought about that as you watch these inmates participate in something like this knowing that they're helping other people now walk they're providing the means for these supplies to get over there what does that do to you just on a heart level I wish I could explain to the world what I see in there and I wish that I could be able to go and say the this guy right here he needs to go to Africa with us I never not feel that way out every time you know you always make me have to leave I don't want to leave them I feel like I'm at home with them and I feel like that we have a common bond that I would have never expected that only God could put together now that you've had an experience with it what do you think of the faith-based programs that CoreCivic offers I think they're just absolutely awesome and I think every prison out there should have faith-based programs like this because the return rate of the men that are involved in this particular faith-based program and the other ones like it but I know about this one are it's just an amazingly low rate compared to those who don't have them and I think that that says so much that doesn't have anything to do with me it just has something to do with God using somebody broken to help other broken people if people want to donate a use prosthetic limbs whether from a loved one who passed away or you know somebody who outgrew them you've donated some of your own for them to do how do they do that please go to slash recycle slash recycle thanks Gracie
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