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Caller Hears Tough Truth About "Follow The Money."

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger
The Truth Network Radio
March 7, 2020 10:19 am

Caller Hears Tough Truth About "Follow The Money."

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger

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March 7, 2020 10:19 am

"It's always about the money ..."  is a statement caregivers are well served to remember— particularly when caring for someone else's family member.

This caller discovered that she has more than one problem following a stint of taking care of a man she considered a "grandfather" - but wasn't. 

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Let's go through our experts, our entrepreneurs, and Um, on 24 hour care, because I work and my husband, well, it was, who was, who was providing the 24 hour care service or nurse or somebody?

Yeah, there was, we had, we had various people. I mean, he was a very difficult person because he was always, I mean, did you, how did you pay those people? How did you pay those people? Um, with cash, with his money. No, no, did you write a check or did you do cash or what? Um, I think it was my cash.

My husband was the one taking care of the finances. Wait a minute, wait a minute. You were paying 24 hour care with cash. Is that what you're telling me? Um, yes.

Okay. You got two problems. One of them is, is that you have no record of what you did with this money. And the second problem is you paid people with cash that needed to be paid with a check or something to track it for, to provide a 10 99. Um, you know, the, the payroll tax, all that kind of stuff. So this woman can, can come after you and you guys have really no way of being able to show what you did with the money. And it's always about the money and follow the money.

You've heard those phrases before. So what you and your husband are going to have to probably do is go back and account for every dime of that. And that's going to take a lot of work on your part, but you're going to have to do it. You obviously, um, let the money just kind of filter out through cash and you have no record of, you're going to have to do some detective work on that. And you're probably going to need some good legal counsel on this and maybe even a good CPA. I'm sorry, but, uh, you are at risk and you are vulnerable for this. If you can't show that you spent his money properly.

And instead you just said, well, we, we pay cash for everything that's, that's going to be a little bit challenging for you to, to be able to stand up. Even if this daughter is way out of bounds and you were doing the work and you were taking care of it, that's still his daughter and you guys went through his money and you don't have anything to show for it on paper. So go back and see if you can find any receipts and put them all together as much as you possibly can. Do some forensic work.

Uh, this daughter may be just a real jerk, but you know what? The court's going to see it a different way. I'm, uh, I'm afraid, but get some good counsel on that one before you go any further, but start doing some forensic work on that. Okay. This is hope for the caregiver. This is Peter Rosenberger.

I've got to go. Hope for the for more information and the podcast and the books and everything else we do. Be a part of what we're doing. we'll see you next week.
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