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Thursday, March 7th | The Key to Self-Control

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
March 7, 2024 6:00 am

Thursday, March 7th | The Key to Self-Control

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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March 7, 2024 6:00 am

In this episode of Clearview Today, Dr. Shah talks about how we are called to have self-control in our life as Christians and how through Christ that is made possible.

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Can We Recover the Original Text of the New Testament?


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Absolutely nothing less than five stars. We're going to leave some links in the description so you can do just that. Today, of course, is March the 7th, which means that the date the word for today is coming to us from Titus chapter 3 verse 7. Having been justified by His grace, we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. You know how many Christians are still living the slave mindset, still bogged down by sin, still struggling with the same old hang-up, same old habits that you were struggling with 10, 15 years ago? We're still living like slaves, even though we have become heirs. That's right. It's crazy because when you change your mindset and you say, you know what, I'm an heir of God, not by anything I've done, not because of how I was born, but because of His grace to me, then what was the beginning of that verse again?

How does it... It says that having been justified by His grace, we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. You know, because you're justified, and I love that, because it's justified by His grace.

That's why we get to live like heirs. And when you change your mindset, seriously, you start to see God's goodness. You would think that you start to become entitled, but it's really just the opposite. You see His goodness coming through every single part of your life. Dr. Shaw said that before, but repentance is a change of mind about sin, self, and Savior. It's not just feeling sorry. It's changing the way that you think. And when you grasp that, and you really start to change your mind about sin, about yourself, and about Jesus, about who your Savior is, and what it means that you're a Christian, and you're not going to choose to live like the old man anymore.

Yes, we're still sinful on this side of heaven, but you should sin less as you grow in your understanding of who Christ is and what He's done for you and who you're meant to be in Him. Absolutely. Just want to remind you guys, by the way, this episode is brought to you in part by the Date the Word app.

You can download it for free right now on your iPhone or Android. Every single day connects today's date to God's Word with the hope of making it more memorable for you. You know, it's Thursday. It is. Well, you know what that means. It's time for some advice that no one needed. This is the segment, I should say, of our show where we give the good people some advice.

Advise me. Now. Oh, oh. Sorry. I just got a little excited. Yeah, then I got scared a little bit.

Thought you were going to hit me, dude. So this is the segment of our show where we give the good people listening some advice, some wisdom, some earthly wisdom. This is not biblical wisdom, okay? This is earthly wisdom.

This is something that's worked for me. I have been off soda for, man, golly. The Super Bowl party I messed up a little bit, but overall. I thought you were going to be like, I have been off soda for a solid 20 minutes. I would say overall. Overall now. Now, have I had a couple of sodas since then? Yeah.

I would say since January, since 2024, overall have been off. I've slipped up here and there. Who doesn't? Here's some good advice that has helped me quit soda. Someone told me one time, if you crave soda, if you crave a can of soda, drink you a bottle of water. Yeah.

Drink the whole bottle. And then if you still want the soda after, go on ahead and drink it. Yep. Go on ahead and have it. Yeah.

You can do that. That works with not just soda. That works with really any sweet.

Yeah. Candy bars. If you have a sweet tooth, drink a bottle of water. Because most of the time when we're craving something, it's either an addiction to sugar or we're just thirsty. And it's crazy how your body kind of masks that as something else. But I'm like, man, I'm really not feeling good.

I really want this. Really, I'm just thirsty. Drink a bottle of water.

Yeah. And so we drink, because sometimes I'll notice that I'm thirsty and I'll go drink a cup of coffee. I'll go drink a soap back before 2020. I'll go drink a soda. I'll drink something sugary with some taste because that's what everyone says.

I hate water. I want it to taste like something. That's what you got food for.

Yeah. You eat your food for taste. Why are you going to drink something that's going to dehydrate you more just because it tastes good in the moment?

Because you know what's going to happen? Uh-oh. You're thirsty some more because you're dehydrated. So you got to drink another one. Yeah. And now I'm even feeling even more dehydrated so I drink another one. And uh-oh, now you're hooked. Right. And let us know if you have tips for cutting soda or things like that that can turn into a vice for you.

Let us know those tips at 252-582-5028 or you can visit us online at Stay tuned. We'll be back after this. Hey. Hey, you. Me? No, not you.

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Amen. Let's hop back into the show. Welcome back to Clear View Today with Dr. Abba Don Shaw, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You can visit us online at, or if you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028. That's right. And we are here once again in the Clear View Today studio with Dr. Abba Don Shaw, who's a PhD in New Testament textual criticism. Dr. Shaw, may I offer you an ice cold root beer today? Oh, yeah.

Well... You got it right out the middle of the machine. You want it? I'm good. You don't want... I hate to tempt you or anything. I'm good.

I knew what I was going to say. What is happening right now? I'm just going to... Are you... Well, hold on. Hold on. Wait just a minute. Wait just a minute.

Three months clean. Down the drain. You are undermining the advice that you've just given, just moments ago. That was a radio lie. I'm... A what? That was a radio lie. It's a trick. Explain to me like I'm five what a radio lie is.

It's a trick I learned at NRB. You basically lie on the radio. You basically lie on the radio.

You say something on the radio and then it turns out that was a lie. No. I would just thought it would...

I don't know. I just thought it would be something kind of cool. It's actually really sweet. I think I'm going to actually put it over there.

Ew. We want to start the show off with our daily encouragement, talking about what you need to walk away from the episode with. Dr. Char, what is our daily encouragement for today? Self-control. Self-control is something you can do. Of course we know that as the fruit of the spirit, but also we're going to learn today that self-control is something that you have been enabled through the Holy Spirit to apply. If anything you can do is you can control yourself. You may not be able to control your circumstances. You may not be able to control people and the crazy things that happen in life, but you can definitely control yourself.

That's true. I feel like as we've started this episode, there are two kinds of people who are listening or watching. There's one person who's like, self-control, man, I need that so much.

I'm so excited about today's episode. There's a larger or another maybe larger population out there that's like, oh boy, here we go. Self-control.

I got to give up everything fun. Yeah. And I think another thing is like, we all know that we need self-control, but, and you've said this before, this is really, really great advice, not even advice, but just something to watch for. We mock it. You know, we laugh at it and that's the most surefire way to get out of having to do something is just to mock it. Like, I know this one's from me, man.

I mean, hey, look at me. But it's, it's one of the things that is a truth that a lot of us avoid, that our self-control is nowhere near what it needs to be. So what I'm about to share with you is, is kind of in our world today, in our culture, where we are, where everybody's offended over everything, it's going to be offensive, but I hope you will take it in the right spirit because I had to take it in the right spirit, which is this. I first began, when I first got into ministry, and I'm talking about full-time ministry because we're all as believers in ministry, we're ministers of Christ. But when I got into full-time ministry, I watched a lot of pastors or speakers or evangelists or just, just, just Christian personalities and, and they were just overweight.

And, and so it kind of was always understood as being just, just, just happy in life, right? You know, you've, you've, you've over eaten and now you have weight. And this is just what we do. As pastors, we laugh about our weight and talk about how much chicken we eat and how much ice cream we love and, and all of that. And so I would joke about that too. I would hear these pastors joke about it or these, these famous preachers who were amazing and they were men of God, still are, and they would joke about their weight and talking about how, you know, their belt is a little too tight and all. And I began joking like that and, and did that for several years because I had a pot belly for a little while until one day I, I realized, and I don't know if somebody said something or I, no, yes, I read something, it talked about self-control and how we demonstrate to other people whether we have self-control or not based on how we look.

That's true. And so I'm like, wait a minute, does that mean that people in the audience are looking at me and seeing how much weight I've gained and saying, man, this guy knows the Bible. He can talk to me about life and about my spirituality and about my marriage and about my children and all these other things, but he cannot put down food. He does not have self-control over his mouth. I'm not talking about words, I'm talking about eating habits. It's convicting. And so when that hit me and it took me a little while to really come to grips with that, it was very convicting that I'm standing here telling some of these people who need to know Jesus Christ or they need to be more obedient to the word and line up their lives according to God's truth and yet they look better than I do, especially with regards to my, you know, my health. Well, I think I agree a hundred percent and it was convicting for me as well because after I got married, I started to put on a lot of weight, especially my face around like the love handles and just around the stomach and stuff.

And the reason I think it's that people get offended by it is because with any other vice, like, hey guys, you need to make sure that you are practicing self-control with your greed, with your ego, with your pride, with your lust. Those are way easier to hide. Yeah.

If you don't have self-control with your food, there's no hiding it. I mean, you can see it. Yeah. I just want to clarify and I hope people realize, men and women, that we're not talking about you if you have a medical condition or this is something's going on in your life that you cannot help.

I get it. That's a different situation. But if you honestly can tell yourself and tell the Lord, you know, tell us anything that, hey, this has nothing to do with my eating habit, lack of control, self-control, then I don't know what to say to you, but if you can see yourself in the mirror and you go, wait, something's not right, then you need to make a change.

I agree. And I think you've, you came to that and I definitely came to that point where it's like, it's not that me having extra skin is wrong. It's that I got here through lack of self-control and that's what Christ doesn't like. And presenting yourself that way negates what you say to other people about self-control. If you're telling someone to have self-control in their, in what they watch, sexual life or in what they watch or what, but you don't have self-control in what you're putting in your mouth.

How can you say that? Let me have that extra helping. You just had a whole bowl of ice cream. Well, I'm going to have another one.

You know, mama always fed me good and you know, I let her down. He just told us to be self-controlled regarding our watching habits and regarding our words and regarding our anger, but, but you cannot control gluttony. Because it's, it's, it's communicating that some vices and some lusts are okay to give into. Yeah. Some are. And all of them aren't. And they're dangerous ones, but some vices you can go ahead and give into.

And I will go and admit the Bible does say that sexual sins are the worst kind because they're sins against the body. I do understand that that may be on a different level. Okay. Get it. So does that negate the importance of controlling your food habits? No, not at all. No. So we got to do that.

That's right. And the reason we're talking about that, those of you who have been following the show for the past several episodes, we've been walking through this passage in second Peter, where we're talking about the different rungs of the spiritual ladder, how we climb up one and move on to the next and how we shouldn't skip levels. You can't run in a ladder and just jump up to the fourth rung and just hope for the best. You'll hurt yourself.

You'll hurt. Exactly. Right.

So you can't rung at a time and self-control is that next rung on the ladder. But if you miss those episodes, you can always go back and listen to them on your favorite podcasting platform, or you can find those messages on Dr. Shah's blog, The full sermon transcripts are there.

You can visit YouTube to watch the sermons there as well. Right. And the passage that all this is coming from, as you should know by now, if you've been watching the show is second Peter one five, but also for this very reason, giving all diligence add to your faith, excellence virtue, which is excellence to virtue or excellence knowledge, which we learned in our last show means wisdom and discernment in life. Right. And to wisdom and discernment in life, self-control, self-control is the next step up that ladder. That's right. If you don't have all those other things, it will make your journey to finding self-control much more frustrating, if not impossible, because you're not building on the right things.

That's right. If you're not faithful to God or if you don't trust God, it's going to be hard for you to have excellence because you don't care about the excellent life. You're okay with the mediocre life. But if you do have the excellent life because God's salvation is excellent towards you, then you will desire to live by wisdom and discernment because you don't want to cut corners. You want to do what's right and you want to finish well. And if you are going to finish well, then you will have to say no to certain things in life.

That's right. Even though they seem so inviting and you have every desire to indulge. I mean, look, as many of you know, I've struggled with sugar and I've been doing better, trying to do better. And any time I see a candy bar, oh man, I look at it. It's one of those things where you look at it and you feel like it's looking back at you.

It's like the sweat drop just goes down your head. And then cheesecake and we travel and when I travel, oh my goodness, there's so many sweets out there. After every meal, there's a sweet and I'm like, oh, can I have that?

I won't get to have this again until I visit this country. So I'm going to have just one. Just the one. Just one. If I had one and one was so good, maybe I'd have two. Yeah.

If I had one and I haven't burst into flames, I have to confirm that it is actually good and that one wasn't a fluke. Yeah. Yeah. I got to make sure this is actually good.

I need another one to balance it out. Yeah. Fair enough. So it's tough.

It's very tough. But I know that this is also part of my spiritual growth. Right. Because you have that gnosis like we talked about yesterday, that life knowledge.

It's like you said, you now have the wisdom to see, I have to say no to some of these things. Yeah. And then you are a person of self-control because all that other stuff is falling into place. That's right.

I love how these all build on each other. Yeah. Yeah. There are three things in particular that we have to exercise self-control and the word is enchrotane.

Greek word is enchrotane. We need self-control regarding food, which we've been talking about a lot. Second is the tongue, our words. And the third is sexual desire. Those are the big three, aren't they?

Big three. Wow. If someone falls, it's going to be one of those. Yes. And contrary to the false teachers that Second Peter is talking about, or Peter is talking about in Second Peter, they were who were given over to various, lest the believer in Jesus Christ Christ should exercise self-control in life. Just as Jesus exercised self-control. You know, that's one of the things that we often, we often point to our temptations. You know, we were tempted with something and we had a moment of weakness and it's human nature to give in, but Jesus Christ, who also possessed a human nature, was able to overcome those temptations. Absolutely. I mean, you just think about the temptation in the wilderness.

The first bait that Satan used against Jesus in Luke chapter four, verse three is he said, if you are the son of God, command this stone to become bread. Bread. Now you talk to somebody who has the ability to do that and they haven't eaten for 40 days. Yeah. Yeah. Like, yeah, that sounds kind of good. Some of y'all out there, like after 40 minutes, you start getting hangry. Like we know, you go in between your snacks and you start getting a little grouchy. If I miss, yeah. 40 days?

40 days. If I miss breakfast, I need to, I need to just have a come to Jesus meal. And it's not like one of those things like cartoon where you're looking and you see a stone in the distance and it looks like mirage time to become one of those Texas Roadhouse hot rolls that comes right out of the, right out of the oven. It's not that.

He can actually do this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would 100 percent command the stone to become bread. Yeah.

And it'll be a billion, trillion times better than Texas Roadhouse bread. Right. Dripping with that, that honey, what do you call it, the honey butter?

That honey butter. Yeah. All right.

Hold on. We, we, we, we got to, oh man. I got to swallow the extra spit in my mouth because it's salivating. We ate lunch a couple hours ago, but just thinking about that bread right now and one of those big burgers from Texas Roadhouse is just getting me hungry. So here's a funny story. Hundreds of years ago, this is like going back almost to 1995, 96, Nicole and I went to Ryan's Steakhouse. I remember, oh man. Do you remember Ryan's Steakhouse? We ate there a lot. Oh, there you go. Not just because my name is Ryan.

Okay. They used to bring out these rolls, yeast rolls, and they had this honey butter. So good. And if y'all have never had Ryan's Steakhouse here in the good old south, y'all are missing out.

Yeah. So we got closed and, and new restaurants and chains came in. But anyways, I sat there and I ate literally like 10 to 15 of those rolls. It's easy to do because you eat one and it's just so light and airy and fluffy. I'm like forget this rice and corn and teriyaki beef and chicken.

I'm gonna forget that. I can't even judge you, man. I've done the same thing.

I've done the same thing. I have such stomach ache that night. The bread, it expands when you get in there and you're just like, oh, why?

They're known as yeast rolls for a reason. I mean, they rise. It's crazy because people will do just anything to satisfy that. Yeah. You know what I mean? And it's, it's one of the things that, uh, the serpent actually tempted Eve in the garden with that fruit.

Yes. If you remember, it says in Genesis 3, 6, so when the woman saw that the tree was good for food. So people will do anything, like you said, um, to satisfy their taste buds and to satisfy their belly and to just like, ah, yes. You said one time, I think you even brought up Cain and Abel, you said, you know, how far back food causes issues, you know, like some of the first earliest sins were all committed over food. I'm glad we're talking about it in this context because it links those that self-control, that discipline around what you eat and how much you eat, it links it to spiritual matters.

It's not just, I need to watch my waistline. No, it's, this is your spiritual discipline and your relationship with God. It centers around that.

That's right. Think about the people of Israel in the wilderness, some of their worst sins happen over food. Oh, you're taking all the man and trying to store it. And prior to that, they were complaining to God is like, we would rather go back to Egypt back in our bondage when all the food was good.

Remember, remember all the pickles and the cucumbers and leeks and garlic, salmon. It was all free. It was all free. But you were slaves. I know. But the food was free.

Forget about that. It tasted so good. I would rather be a slave and eat that good food. And Egypt knows how to make bread. I mean, Egyptians know how to make bread. And even back then, I mean, we're going back like 3,500 years ago, the bread was talked about.

Really? The bread basket of the world, right? Egypt?

Yeah. And the Hebrews were like, but we want that bread. I just want that bread. God's like, here's manna. Well, okay. It's fine, but can I get, can you, can you, I mean, you're God, can you just give me some Egyptian bread? Just let that rain down from heaven.

Can I add another application? Most church arguments don't happen over the doctrine of the Trinity or the virgin birth or the resurrection or some great doctrine. Guess what that happens over? Over the potluck dinner. Potluck dinners. Somebody acted up at the pile of, why would she bring that? Why would she bring that? Now look at them.

They don't want anything. And they want to get in line first. Yeah. I'm telling you. Now she, she brought that. And I guarantee you, listen, I guarantee you. That's why she needs to bring the napkins. I guarantee you she's not going to stay to help. There she goes. Look, look. They're leaving.

They ate and they left. Bye. Y'all take care.

I can't believe her. And you know who you are. You know who you are out there. By the way, I know some of you right now are saying that's not true.

The first church argument happened over food. Yep. Yeah.

You're exactly right. Who are they? Who are they? It was the Corinthians.

No, no, no. I'm trying to remember. The Greeks and the Hellenists. It was where they would go in and eat too much of the Lord's feast. No, that's the Corinthians. Oh, that's the Corinthians.

That's what I'm thinking about. But they were talking about how their needs were not being met. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Yeah. You're right. When they appointed the deacons. That was even before that. Yeah. And so guess what I said? Peter and the disciples, the apostles said, we're not going to stand here and wait on tables.

We're going to give ourselves to the word of God in prayer. That's right. Because it was over food. They're fighting over food while the gospel is being preached.

And then, of course, the Corinthians, like y'all brought up, they were fighting over food. Yeah. So I mean, the whole point is this. This this is real. Yeah. And it's so base, so ground level.

But it's one thing we need to do. The second bait very quickly is again, we're talking about the temptations that Satan brought against Jesus in Luke, chapters four, verse five. He took him up on a high mountain, showed him all the kingdoms of this world in a moment of time. And the devil said to him, all this authority I will give to you and their glory for this has been delivered to me.

And he wasn't lying about that. That has been given to him temporarily. And I give it to whomever I wish.

Therefore, if you will worship before me, all will be yours. Now, the second bait that he used against the son of God regarding self-control, we're talking about self-control, is regarding I or the pleasure. Right.

Because that fruit was also pleasant to the eyes. Yes. The one that Eve was tempted with was also pleasant to the eyes. And so interesting to see those parallels between how Jesus was tempted in the wilderness and how Eve was tempted in the garden. Yes. The temptations haven't changed. So often those sins are so enticing and so beautiful and so pleasant to the eye, it looks so inviting.

But you see, Jesus, the new Adam, he reversed, or not reversed, I would say, he did right where Adam did wrong. Right. Yeah. So. And it's one of the things that I think we can easily forget how attractive sin is, because we know in our brains that sin is ugly and it's black and it brings death. But those moments of weakness, I think we either forget or we choose to ignore it.

And it's very base. Yeah. Food. Yeah.

It's not some grand theology or some vision that you're trying to usurp or corrupt. No, it's food. I want to put some stuff in my mouth and some other stuff. It tastes good, so I'm going to keep on putting it in. Or even just beauty.

Like look at it. It's beautiful. Yes, I want it. Is it good? It looks good.

It makes me feel happy. Yeah. I want that. Yeah. The immediacy of it too.

I want this right now and I want a lot of it. Now, here comes the third bait that the Satan, that the devil used against Jesus, which is in Luke 4 9. And he brought him to Jerusalem, set him on the pinnacle of the temple and said to him, if you are the son of God, throw yourself down here, down from here, for it is written, he will give his angels charge over you to keep you. And in their hands, they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.

Now, in this bait, he appealed to his pride. Hey, you're God, man. You got trillions of angels. All you got to do is jump. And when you jump, they're going to just, and everybody's going to see it.

They can all clap. They're going to know that you're the one, man, what a way to win the world. It's going to be tough for you. Why don't you show off a little bit? Yeah. Go for it.

Go for it. Show off. Yeah. Let them see.

Let them see who you are. Yeah. Now, same exact thing that Satan did against Eve.

And it says in Genesis 3 6, in a tree desirable to make one wise. That's what she wanted. Yeah. Yeah. She wanted to be wise like he is. Wasn't just going to taste good. It didn't just look good.

It didn't have greater implications of it. Yeah. Like I know, I know everything.

I know as much as God does. And that's pride. Yeah.

It's a terrible thing. So, so think about it, food, pleasure, and pride. These are the very things we struggle with.

Yeah. I was just about to say, these are the lusts that we even today have so much trouble controlling. Our eating habits, what makes us happy, our entertainment, right? Entertainment.

We, we, we, we spend time over the phone and just scroll and scroll and scroll. But the whole point is this. We need to exercise self control. That's right.

And I love that you ended that way because like even for me, I'm, I'm seeing now I can't will self control into my life. It's only by the word of God. That's right.

That's the answer. Those of you who are looking to develop self control, those of you who at the beginning of the episode, maybe laughed a little bit, maybe rolled your eyes. It's the word of God. That's what allows you to develop that self control. It's not just white knuckling it through the Christian life.

It's God's word played out in your everyday life. If you guys enjoyed today's episode, or if this was helpful for you in developing this discipline of self control, write in and let us know 252-582-5028. We'd love hearing from our Clear Read Today show family. Also want to encourage you to head over to Lots of great ways to interact with the show there.

Scroll to the bottom, click that donate link, and you can be part of the Clear Read Today show family by contributing to what God is doing here for the Clear Read Today show. What's coming up tomorrow, Jon? We are going to be climbing the ladder even more.

Here's something that I bet you didn't know. Just because you're climbing this ladder does not mean life is going to be rosy. It doesn't mean it's going to be easy. You're going to have trials. You're going to have temptations, but good news because the next rung is perseverance.

How do you persevere in this life? We'll talk about that a little bit tomorrow. Love that. I'll put that sound back. That was my mouth.

I can do it again if you want. It went up a little bit. I hurt my throat. I need that sound bite, Jon. I got my sugar from the soda.

Kind of messed my throat up a little bit. Make sure you guys are here tomorrow when we talk about this discipline of perseverance. Love you guys. We'll see you tomorrow with Clearly Today.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-03-07 08:13:23 / 2024-03-07 08:28:38 / 15

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