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A Centurion Leads the Way

Beacon Baptist / Gregory N. Barkman
The Truth Network Radio
August 23, 2020 12:00 pm

A Centurion Leads the Way

Beacon Baptist / Gregory N. Barkman

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August 23, 2020 12:00 pm

God used a Roman Centurion to bridge the gap between believing Jews and Gentiles in this account from Acts 10.

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Today were going to examine the account of the first centurion in the New Testament to intersection Christianity two weeks ago, we examined the account of Matthew chapter 8 of the centurion of the city of Capernaum, whose servant was healed by Jesus unto displayed such remarkable faith. Last Sunday we looked at centurion was responsible to carry out the crucifixion of Jesus on the cross we saw how that this centurion and these soldiers who served as the executioners all came to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. But now we come to acts chapter 10 and probably the best known of all the centurions in the Bible the only one whose name we know, namely Cornelius and the one whose account is the longest of all the centurion accounts this when taking up the entire 10 chapter of the book of acts, and is also mentioned twice more comes up again in the pretty significant section next Chapter 11 is referred to again in the Council of Jerusalem of acts chapter 15 so that tells us that this narrative is highly significant and God wants us to pay attention to.

It was used to dislodge peters from harmful prejudices and may God use it in a similar fashion in our lives today. But this led the way in Jewish Gentile unity in the body of Christ God use a Roman centurion to carry that out. So were going to look at chapter 10 the following four areas number one God prepares a Gentile verses one through eight, number two God prepares a Jew verses 9 to 23. Third, God exalts his word 24 through 43 and finally, God accomplishes his purpose.

44 through 48, I'm going to have to summarize a lot of this because the chapter, so long so bear with me, but here we go.

First of all, God is at work preparing a Gentile Gentiles were considered by the Jews to be outcasts. They were considered to be very unlikely candidates for salvation. They were considered to be unqualified for inclusion among the people of God, and furthermore, most Gentiles could care less what the Jews thought about them. Most of them didn't find that these things bothered them a bit. They had their own religion they worship their God's Romans like this centurion. They worship the great pantheon of gods that the Romans worshiped fact there were so many that nobody can worship the ball the less that you said we worship all of you. I like to pray for everybody less would you say God bless everybody that sort of the way they worshiped all the gods because there was no way for them to worship them all and yet here is a Roman Gentile from a pagan idolaters background whom we find when the chapter opens is worshiping Yahweh, Jehovah God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

God has obviously been at work preparing him for this encounter that we read about in this chapter.

So God prepares a Gentile who was this Gentile, and what did God commanded to do was this Gentile.

His name is we already know was Cornelius and he was stationed in Caesarea are Bible doesn't name it this way but it is known to others as Caesarea merit team a, which means by the sea rather Caesarea's Caesarea cities were named Caesarea were named in honor of Caesar. So there were a number of them across Roman Empire, but this is the one that was in the northwest corner of the land of Israel on the sea. It had been greatly enlarged, expanded, built magnificently by Herod the great, the great builder and it served as the seat of government for the territory of Israel in the Roman empire. This is where Cornelius was stationed as to occupation. He was a Roman centurion and he was attached. We are told here to the Italian Regiment or some Bible say Italian by and the underlying language indicates the Italian cohort, which actually is a technical term that describes exactly what kind of military body. He was attached to the cohort was a unit of soldiers made up of approximately 600 million there would be six centurions, each with their 100 men that they were responsible for but formed a cohort in the Roman army and that it would take 10 cohorts to make up a Roman legion 10�606,000 and there were approximately 6000 soldiers in a Roman legion not really say approximately because they didn't just know count 123-4599 100 and stop there. Sometimes there were fewer. Sometimes there were more and likewise with the cohort. Sometimes these cohorts had as many as a thousand soldiers rather than 600 even had a term for that that indicated one that had been deliberately enlarged, but a standard cohort 600 soldiers, six centurions Roman Legion 6000 so in Caesarea. They had a cohort they evidently thought that was enough. That was all the soldiers they needed in that location, but they had soldiers stationed Ulster, where throughout Israel.

We learned two weeks ago, the Capernaum, which would be on the other side of the land of Israel to the north, Caesarea Northwest Capernaum Northeast Capernaum was a garrison town and there were Roman soldiers stationed there.

We don't know how many Jerusalem was a garrison city. There were quite a few stationed there. In fact they had built a fort adjacent to the temple so they could keep an eye on the temple the fortress. Antonio actually was built so that those who inhabited that Fort actually could look down into the temple courtyard to see what was going on. That was proved to be necessary. Over the years and trying the Romans trying to keep the Jews from rebelling against them, which they frequently tried to so this is Cornelius, one of the six centurions assigned to Caesarea America merit team, but he is not a pagan.

He is not an idol worshiper.

He is described here as a devout man and goes on to describe some of his activities that can be labeled under the term devout. What was that involved his devotion he worship Jehovah that he had such, we would say at testimony, standing and influence on others that he had persuaded his whole household. Not only his family but his servants in many, no doubt of his soldiers had all and influence to join him in the worship of Jehovah. That means that he attended a Jewish synagogue. He worship with the Jews. He listen to the Old Testament Scriptures being read and explained the observed many of the religious customs of the Jews. He was virtually a Jewish proselyte except for circumcision. There were a lot of people in this category and that term devout is a term that that means that it's not just a general term that means he has religious devotion.

But in this context, a devout Gentile is one who basically does just about everything a Jew would do except he's never been circumcised, which is the mark of the old covenant, in which would have included him in the company of people known as the people of God, namely Israel. Furthermore, we read that he gave generously of his substance and he also was a wealthy man, as was the centurion in Matthew chapter 8 clearly wealthy man most of the centurions were wealthy people. They were all certainly above the average economically and socially, and many of them work quite wealthy, but isn't it interesting that in describing the godliness of the centurion. Matthew chapter 8, even though though there only two or three things told us about him. One of them is his given same thing.

We come to accept detailed Cornelius, a godly man devoted man what we told specifically about him that he was generous and is giving in the parade faithfully those two things. Those are two very important marks of a person who has been changed by the grace of God. God changes the heart to make a person generous eight. Naturally, we tend to be rather selfish. Rather, protective, rather reluctant sometimes fearful to give Leslie not have enough for ourselves, but when God works in a hearty changes that heart so that that part he likes to give what when God changes the hearty mixes in some respects not totally in some respects, like God himself and God is a giver.

God is a generous giver.

God gives lavishly for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.

The greatest thing he possibly could have given that he is constantly giving those who are true followers of the Lord Jesus Christ are also generous givers or they could become such of the passing of time. The work of sanctification in their hearts they also learn to pray talking to Jim work last night.

Yesterday afternoon about the decision we made to go ahead with the Bible conference in October and about some of the things that he might consider preaching in word were still in that discussion we talked about several possibilities and is going to think about it will have further discussion. One of the things he suggested was I could bring a series on the Lord's prayer but in a specific way, namely how you take each of the elements of the Lord's prayer and how you incorporate them into your prayer and what that teaches you about God and about yourself and about devotion worship to God. And I said I like that one. I don't know if that someone will want to go with what I like that one think that could be highly beneficial to us to learn more about prayer because of course those who have been changed by the grace of God become prayers and givers and Cornelius was a prayer in the giver and furthermore we learned in verse 22 is 22. Yes, that he had a good reputation among all the Jews what the messengers told Peter there is another piece of information about him.

That's who he was, what God commanded to do well. You'll find that in the opening verses, the angel appeared to Cornelius while he was praying at the ninth hour, one of us set times to pray in the Jewish system.

He's following Jewish patterns of worship, they would pray this day they normally would pray at 9 AM at noon and 3 PM. Morning noon and night, but the morning in the new morning and night really wasn't night.

It was middle of the afternoon corresponded to the times for the sacrifices of the temple. The morning sacrifice in the evening sacrifice morning sacrifice third hour, 9 AM evening sacrifice ninth hour three, 3 PM and then they generally inserted the third time at noon.

That's the one that Peter is following portion we didn't read one Peter goes up on the housetop to pray. What time is it new so Peter is following this custom again is not a requirement of the Old Testament Scriptures, but it is a pattern that was followed by Daniel who prayed to the Lord three times a day and others. David and the Psalms at morning and that new indented night. I will lift my voice in prayer and so forth and so this would become the pattern for devoted Jews worshiping juice areas. Jews and Cornelius was following that pattern, he said in that afternoon prayer and angel came to me and what he told me he said send men to Joppa.

That would be about 33 miles south of Caesarea. Also along the coast on the sea send a droplet for a man named Simon Peter whether he never heard of Simon or not.

We don't know, and when he comes, you listen to what he says is he's going to tell you what to do in the vision.

Angel leaves the why is that significant will think about it quite in the angel just telling what he needed to know what in the Angels is given the gospel. Why did the angel tell them what Peter came to telling. Why would an angel come to speak to him. Obviously he has a visitation from an angel and angel does communicate to him. Why would an angel come to him and tell him you gotta send to Peter to come and tell you what to do.

What is the angel just the two answers to my question.

The first one is. Honestly, I don't know, because the Bible doesn't say, but the second one is I got a pretty good guess because this is a pattern that is followed throughout the Bible we learn that God usually uses human messengers to communicate his word to people when there's something additional needed. God provides it and we find many examples of that throughout Scripture, but God generally doesn't provide something beyond the human messenger when the human messengers available in Cornelius's case, there was no human messenger available until the angel told him where to find one so that's what the angel had to come and do it again. Why is it so important to use human messengers to communicate God's will. While I think particularly the context of what's going on here in this chapter, I think this is another indication of how important it is that every believer be connected to other believers. Every believer have a relationship with other believers. Every believer become part of the body of believers. You see, though, we must be saved one by one individually.

It's you and God is not you not say, by what your parents do you not say, by what others do you not say, by what the church does. That's an individual matter between you and God. But if were not careful, we continue to act as if everything else about the Christian life is primarily individual and anything beyond just me and God is more or less secondary and incidental God says no no no no no no no and so by delivering his word to us to human messengers. He's tying this to human beings who are part of the body of Christ.

That's what is doing this chapter is bringing Gentiles into the body of Christ to God is preparing a Gentile. Secondly, God prepares a Jew, God prepares a Jew, and they need preparation to bridge this gap between Jew and Gentiles for inclusion in the body of Christ. Jews require divine preparation to embrace Gentiles into the same body of God's people, and it wasn't easy for them. They require special preparation, we see that here so God prepares a Jew and now this is versus I didn't read so get out. Summarize, but the same two questions number one.

Who was this Jew a number two. What did God command him to do. Who was this Jew answer. His name was Simon Peter familiar name to us. His occupation Roman centurion, but an apostle of Jesus Christ.

In fact, the leading apostle of Jesus Christ, one who would lead others, one to whom others looked for leadership.

Where was he not in Caesarea none Caesarea emeriti muck, but rather in Joppa 33 miles south as I mentioned carrying out what we recognize from Scripture. The apostles were doing, namely an itinerant ministry going from place to place, preaching the word of God and also healing you find Peter's healing and chapter 9 of this very location but God is already preparing him, though he still has some more preparation to do, but we find him lodging at the house of Simon a tanner. Now a devout Jew wouldn't do that.

Why because tanners were ceremonial ceremonially and defiled life because they were constantly touching dead carcasses.

That's what leather is. It's the skin of an animal, a dead animal, and they were constantly doing that and that that made them ceremonially unclean and very devoted Jews wouldn't do wouldn't go into the house of the tandem assignment did he learn that much.

Apparently Simon the tanner was also a follower of Jesus Christ but a but as usual course, but Peter had gotten that far over his hang ups about Mosaic scruples and so he was at the house of Simon the tanner, what did God command Peter to do two things. Number 128 unclean animals in the vision number two to visit a Gentile home as far as eating the unclean animals that was clearly forbidden by the law of Moses read about in Leviticus chapter 11, God had a whole list of animals which were clean and were acceptable for consumption in a hot another list of unclean animals that were forbidden and were not acceptable for consumption and Jews were required to make a clear distinction between them and to only eat the clean animals and observant Jews did that faithfully and Peter was one of those observant Jews so Peter only eight as we would say today kosher that he goes up on the house top date they had their roofs were kind of like a patio often had an awning up there. They would go up on the flat roof that had a little parapet around it by way of an outside staircase and subpoena went up on the patio to get away from what was over going on in the house was a place to have his prayer time and devotions, and while he was doing that he went to sleep. Take take comfort.

It happened to Peter to more than once, sometimes happens to us in spite of our best intentions.

We intend to pray, we find ourselves going to sleep reading our Bible, we find ourselves going to sleep, we should we should push back we should find it. We should try not to but it's not be unrealistic. So Peter goes to sleep and he has a vision and out of heaven comes this big sheet barely like ropes tied to the four corners of his being let down out of heaven, and in that big old canvas sheet. There are a mixture of animals both clean and unclean, and Peter hears a voice that he recognizes as the voice of God.

Literally, the voice of Jesus Christ. He pulls another boater in this section, like he did previously when he says not so large that the voice says to him, rise, Peter Killen eight Peter says no not so, Lord, Lord,.so are you, Lord, are you not know. I've never done that I don't do that I'm a good you was up comes back down.

Same thing again. She goes up comes back down three times this happened every time Peter refuses I can do that violation of God's word is a violation my conscience, I can't those unclean animal okay because Peter had failed to recognize that the Old Testament ceremonial requirements of Moses had already been abrogated by Christ that took place actually won one clear statement of it is in Mark chapter 7 where Jesus is teaching about clean and unclean foods and the fact that foods coming into a person even unclean foods from a Jewish standpoint, don't defile remember that section and the disciples questioned him about it and then he said are you thus without understanding do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him, not did under Moses. If you ate pork and defiled you ceremonially. But Jesus says it doesn't really defile you as Allah symbol a lesson that taught other lessons in these requirements for the Old Testament, but it doesn't really defile you defiled, but as a matter of the heart, not a matter of what the flesh touches so that doesn't defile you because it does not enter his heart. Verse 19, but his stomach, and is eliminated and then this statement very important.

Thus purifying all foods with that statement. Jesus said the kosher requirements are God.

But here's Peter how many years later still, not only practicing them but defending them, and even say the Lord Jesus Christ know the Lord. I can't do that is got some things to learn here doesn't.

So God commanded him to eat unclean animals and number two God commanded him to go to a Gentile home. Also, something which was forbidden, but not by the law of Moses with that one was forbidden by Jewish tradition. Moses never said that Jews couldn't go into a Gentile home.

Now there were some commands a number of commands in regard to the relationship between Jews and Gentiles wasn't to be any any intermarriage. There were other requirements they were not to be defiled by those who worship false gods and that really was the whole issue wasn't a racial thing at all. They had made a racial thing in the days of Jesus, they would not even set foot inside a gentle tile home because the fathers not Moses not the prophets, not the word of God, not the Old Testament with the fathers are taught that when you do that that makes you ceremonially unclean that defiles you and then you have to go through ritual cleansing before you can attend temple worship and so forth and so on. That's why the religious leaders would go into pilots colonists for the trial of Jesus because that would defile them in that Gentile home and they couldn't observe the Passover and so Peter is meticulously following a legitimate law of Moses without recognizing, without knowing, without understanding that it already been abrogated by Jesus and he's also following a Jewish tradition which was never in the word of God, but which observant Jews had all picked up and followed and treated as if it was the word of God fact, Peter even talks about it in those terms that to go into a Gentile home was to disobey to violate the law of God it wasn't, but in Peter's mind. It was which. If you allow me to make another point here because he couldn't stop me. I don't think if you tried but that's the reason we need to be careful that we don't add to God's word and put requirements upon people to God's will doesn't put because even if in the beginning they are innocent and we try to make it clear that this is not Scripture but we need to do it anyway.

It's only another step or two until this tradition becomes as much the word of God is the word of God people's minds. And there is no end to the list of things that Christians add to the Bible that believing people shouldn't do anything from I don't know if I want to venture into this because of somatic, but anything from women wearing pants to who knows what these are all added to their not the word of God there added to the word of God, and there may be little reasonable purposes for them at some point, but it's not long until, that takes on the same authority in the minds of people is the Bible itself, and that is wrong that is dangerous, that is diminishing God's word by the elevation of human tradition, but this vision of the sheet being let down rise, Peter Killen eight was sufficient.

According to God, and what Peter understood God was doing your was sufficient to both correct.

Peter the legitimate Mosaic law about ceremonial about the about unclean animals and this cultural taboo which he was treating in that fashion.

This cleared them all away what God has cleansed, don't you call unclean.

God has cleansed all the unclean animals so don't you call them unclean.

God has cleansed all races and classes of people, so don't you pick out any of them and call them unclean Gentiles are not unclean, but it is a reminder that cultural taboos are strong and they must be yielded to God's word but we move on section 3 God exalts his word in one Peter got there Peter and the six men traveled with him. He was wise to take along some witnesses what was going to take place. He found Cornelius and large gathering of family and friends all Gentiles waiting for them when Peter walked in the door.

Cornelius fell down and worshiped him, and Peter jerked them up fast so don't do that.

I'm a man just like you.

You don't worship me you don't even bow down to me.

Somebody forgot to send that memo to Peter successor in Rome, you don't kiss my toes. You don't you don't treat me that way. Lookout Peter responded to this standup. I'm a man, but Peter was so encouraged by the people who were there to listen to him attentively. Peter gave a testimony.

He said all of you know, y'all know that Jews are supposed to go in to eat and have fellowship with Gentiles in their house.

Everybody knew that taboo but he says God's corrected me on that God has showed me that that's not his will and so Peter is demonstrating public obedience to what God had told him.

He says here I am in your house and spite of my cultural background and prejudices. Now why am I here basically what he says why am I here and he didn't know for sure you only knew the God told him to go, but he wasn't sure why he had come so Cornelius tells him why Cornelius tells about the vision that he had dramatic answer to prayer with clear instructions to send for Peter and that he's waiting for Peter to tell him more of God's will that God wanted Peter to tell them God didn't tilling through the angel and the vision but I'm so encouraged Peter was so encouraged by verse 33 Cornelius SOI sent to you immediately and you have done well to come now therefore we are all present before God to hear all the things commanded you by God is there ever been a better congregation to preach to.

Isn't that the way every congregation should be.

Now therefore we are all present before God to hear all the things commanded you by God, please give them to us like Texas into Peter's sermon that's there versus 34 to 43 being a preacher. I've divided his sermon into number one. The introduction number to the body. Number three. The conclusion is introduction. Peter says I've come to realize God shows no partiality that no one God is no respecter of persons. God doesn't show partiality but nobody is excluded from coming to God because of their class. There race there position in society. I understand that now.

In fact, he says seekers from all nations are accepted by God. That's the introduction what's in the body of the sermon. I'll just go over quickly.

It's all about Jesus. Verse 36 Jesus is the promised Jewish Messiah. Verse 37 Jesus is the Savior of the world, not just the Jewish Messiah. Verse 38 Jesus is the heaven attested Messiah, God has put his seal of approval upon Jesus and identified him as the appointed Messiah. Verse 39 Jesus is the Jewish fully rejected Messiah.

He came unto his own his own received him not.

He came unto his own, and they crucified him. The gelding that's with the Jews did, but versus 40 and 41 Jesus is the resurrected Messiah. If you want evidence that he is the Messiah you have to look any further than the empty tomb.

He came out of that room why to show us that in spite of the Jews of unbelief. In spite of their rejection.

He is indeed Lord of all, he is indeed God's appointed Messiah. He is indeed God the son he is indeed King of Kings and Lord of lords, and this proves it.

He was resurrected from the dead. Finally, Jesus is the proclaim to Messiah.

We are now proclaiming him across the earth and we are proclaiming him not only as the Savior of sinners, but the judge all men you Cornelius as well as myself, Peter as well as you were sitting on this pew today as well as myself standing behind his pulpit will all going to stand before the Lord Jesus Christ.

Someday is our church conclusion or application of the sermon is very simple, tells us in the last two verses of faith in Jesus brings remission of sins and unbelief in Jesus brings judgment and so he was in essence giving an invitation without sound very much like an invitation and nobody raise their hands and nobody walked in.

I'll they didn't do that kind of thing that but basically what he saying is look at this is the way it is.

If you believe in him, your sins are forgiven if you refuse to believe in him you are going to be judged and cast out. It's either salvation or judgment which for you.

That's it. By a male God's not done. The fourth part of the chapters, God accomplishes his purpose in verse 44 through 48 and this gets involved in tongues and so forth. But I quickly just review that I can't get into detail, but the gift of the Holy Spirit was was given to those who were gathered because they believed him them. Therefore they receive the spirits enabling power came to them while Peter was still speaking these words verse 44, the Holy Spirit fell on those who heard the words that's the spirits enabling power. He's enabling them to hear he's enabling them to believe he's changing their hearts. Furthermore, this is the spirits inclusive embrace verse 45 and those of the circumcision, rather uncircumcised circumcision. The Jews who came with Peter who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also, this is God showing the inclusive nature of salvation.

The inclusive nature of the body of Christ. And finally, there's the spirits public manifestation. What is that the Holy Spirit fell in such a way that they spoke with tongues but that's followed in verses 47, 48 by the sign of the new covenant, namely water baptism. And Peter said, how can we forbid water baptism to those who have received the Holy Spirit the same way we did in the beginning so water baptism becomes a testimony of inclusion of the new covenant. This is the testimony that I have been received and I'm part of the same body, and biblical baptism is not accomplished without water here in this passage, you have both the baptism of the Spirit and the baptism of water and they are both present. They are both manifested.

They are both necessary. The one doesn't cancel the other.

Some people have erroneously taught because I have been baptized by the Holy Spirit. I don't need to be baptized with water, will somebody forgot to tell Peter and somebody forgot to tell Cornelius adjust his word about tongues why the talks I think it's teaching this lesson so hard for them to understand the first time, tongues were manifested in acts chapter 2, the Holy Spirit came upon an enable to speak in tongues believing Jews. The second time is annexed chapter 8 in its believing Samaritans Jews had a hard time believing that Samaritans could be included in the body of Christ, but they could be and the evidence to the Jews who weren't sure about this was that they heard them speak with tongues just like the Jews did, but now when we got not Samaritans half breeds. We've got all out pagan idolaters Gentiles who are believing in Jesus and guess what they believe in Jesus there included to they are treated exactly the same way the Holy Spirit fell upon them. They spoke in tongues as well. So now we know believing Gentiles are included in the same body as the Jews who spoke in tongues annexed.

Chapter 22 demonstration of all these different classes and categories of people all being brought into the body of Christ, the tongues, as I'm confident we studied this in first Corinthians tongues is not wasn't designed to be carried out perpetually throughout all ages, but at this early stage.

This is what it showing Joe's believing Jews are part of the body of Christ. Samaritans are part of the body of Christ.

If they believe Gentiles are part of the body of Christ. If they believe all one body we want an open doctrine. One immaturity so the tongues validates it all.

These categories belong to the people of God and fulfills the words of Jesus in regard to the first Centauri and remember back annexed chapter 8 when Jesus marveled at his faith and he said I tell you that people are going to come from North and South East West from all over the world and all going to come.come and sit down for him, Isaac and Jacob in the banquet salvation quickly. Some lessons number one God's fulfillments are often unexpected in regard to the salvation of Gentile. Sometimes we misunderstand exactly what was going on with Jews.

The Old Testament foretold the salvation of Gentiles.

The Old Testament included a number of Gentiles who were say Ruth the Moabitess, for example. Others so the salvation of Gentiles which was foretold and exemplified was therefore not totally unexpected by the Jew. What was well exactly how God was going to do this is what they misunderstood. They assume certain things about the inclusion of Gentiles and they were mistaken and basically what they assumed was certainly Gentiles can be saved if they will become Jews like Ruth that like Rahab did. Like other Gentiles did were included in the people of Israel.

Of course they can be included to fill become Jews and that was their idea of how Gentiles are to be saved. They got to become Jews, they got to be circumcised.

They got to join us in our Jewishness and believe in Jesus and then they'll be part of the same body with us we we have no problem with that. But when God fulfilled his promise of Gentile inclusion. He fulfilled it in an unexpected way. Gentiles didn't have to become Jews and therefore many Jews resisted God's fulfillment. No, no, no, no, that's not the way you're supposed to do it, no, no, no, that's not the way we thought you're going to do it, no, no, no, that's not the way you told us you were going to do it knowing that they were wrong but they thought so my point is this. Just be careful. Some people get very dogmatic about prophecy. This is the way God's got to do it because this is the way I understand you may be just as wrong about how God's going to do what he says is going to do is Peter. The other Jews were about how God was going fulfilled his promise Gentiles coming into the body of Christ. Think about that as we go to listen to about racial prejudices today.

Sometimes Christian people justify racial prejudices by misinterpretation subscription.

But a lot of that in America.

Now those errors are corrected by the New Testament teaching which clearly forbids racial prejudice by the people of God. This passage annexed to and would be one such place. That's what God showing Peter there.

It applies to Jews and Gentiles, but applies to any kind of racial categories or ethnic categories that we make carveout James chapter 2 verse one we are told that we must not observe the practice of our Christianity, with partiality, and that word literally means by observing faces. In other words, according to appearances you don't treat one person, one way because of the way they look at another person. Another way because they look different in our society today with that saying is you don't treat one person, one way because the of the color of their skin.

What you observing on the outside observing which you observe on their face that's forbidden that's forbidden by the word of God.

Christians must reject racial prejudices. Now it doesn't matter that I grew up believing this is contrary to Scripture that a change doesn't matter.

People that I love and respect believe that is contrary to Scripture. Got a change doesn't matter if I heard preachers who preach that from the word of God and they said this is God's will that we segregate the races they were misinterpreting and misusing Scripture the same way the Jews were misinterpreting Scripture in regard to Gentile inclusion if it's contrary to the true teachings. Scripture got to rejected you have got to change is not a matter of I can do it or not do it. It's my choice.

This is a requirement for the people of God, you have got to reject such racial prejudices be God else say my other applications. Father seal the truth of this portion of your word to every heart according to the need is you know, we ask in Jesus name

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