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Words of Life / Salvation Army
The Truth Network Radio
April 1, 2020 2:00 am


Words of Life / Salvation Army

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April 1, 2020 2:00 am

In this episode, Major Jerry Friday offers some beautiful encouragement through Elijah's story. You may feel worn out, scared and unsure of your future right now. But God will continue to provide.

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J.D. Greear
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J.D. Greear
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J.D. Greear
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
Summit Life
J.D. Greear

Hi, this is Chris Benjamin, the director for the Salvation Army Soundcast. We wanted to take this opportunity to share some additional messages of encouragement with you from some of our hosts from shows like 1-4s of Life and Heartbeat. We just pray that these are an extra blessing to you. If they are, please share them with a friend. God bless.

Hi everyone, my name is Jerry Friday, and I am coming to you today from Atlanta, Georgia. I've been thinking a lot over the past couple of days about my favorite Bible character in the Old Testament, and that's Elijah. Elijah was a man who pleased God, and because of that, God had a task for him. It was not a very pleasant task, but Elijah accepted that, and he pronounced judgment on Ahab and Jezebel, and because of such, found himself quarantined by a brook where the birds flew over every day and dropped bread from heaven. Elijah had to make a decision one day because he discovered that that brook, that fresh water that God had provided, dried up. He had to make a decision. Do I continue to trust God? Do I continue to seek God's counsel and advice, or do I turn my back and give up? Thank goodness he chose to trust God.

He trusts to go to God and seek God's counsel. God told him to go to the city where he would find a well with a woman who would provide for him something to eat and something to drink. And when Elijah got there, the woman responded, sir, I only have a little bit of oil and a little bit of meal left. I'm not going to be able to feed you anything because I'm going to use that to feed my son and myself our last meal.

Elijah said, no, no. God sent me. You go home and you cook that meal for you and your son and me, and we all know the story.

The meal never ran out. The oil didn't run dry. God provided for them. I am so thankful that Elijah, in his time of crisis, when he found himself with his brook dried up, trusted God. And I hope and I pray for you that you'll do the same thing. I'm sure many of us have felt like our brook is dried up, have felt like God has turned his back on us, that we have nowhere to seek guidance or counsel that we can trust. But I promise you, my friends, if you will be like Elijah, if you'll turn to God, if you'll trust in God, he will provide. God ended up blessing Elijah and others through him. And I pray that's the case for us. I pray that God will bless us and that God will use us to bless others through these difficult times. Trust God. Believe that he has something better for us than we ever, ever dreamed for ourselves. In Elijah's case, you've heard it said, when God shuts a door, he opens a window. In Elijah's case, oh, he opened a window.

And that window led to tremendous blessing. I pray those blessings for you. Don't give up. Hold on to the hope that God has something better for you than you could ever dream for yourself. God bless you.
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