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Is the Coronavirus Setting the Stage for End Times Events?

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Truth Network Radio
April 17, 2020 8:00 pm

Is the Coronavirus Setting the Stage for End Times Events?

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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April 17, 2020 8:00 pm

With the global coronavirus pandemic that has let to governments enacting strict shutdowns across the world, Christians are naturally wondering whether this could be a stepping stone to the events the apostle John writes about in the Bible’s final book of Revelation, which details a “rapture” (snatching away) of followers of Christ, global governance led by a leader called Anti-Christ, worldwide “tribulation”, and the long-expected return of Jesus Christ.

After all, Jesus says in Matthew 24, “be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming…for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will” (Matthew 24:42, 44).

Mike Gendron, director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries, will join us this weekend on The Christian Worldview to discuss how the events surrounding the coronavirus—worldwide impact, government reaction, widespread illness and death, economic downturn, restrictions of Christians—are elements of what the Bible describes in the coming End Times...


Is the coronavirus setting the stage for end times events? That is the topic we'll discuss today, right here on the Christian Worldview Radio Program, where the mission is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to share the good news that all people can be reconciled to God through faith, in Jesus Christ. I'm David Wheaton, the host, and our website is a rapture, a snatching away of the church followers of Christ, global governance led by a leader called Antichrist, worldwide tribulation, and the long expected return of Jesus Christ. After all, Jesus says in Matthew 24, be on the alert for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.

The Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think he will. Mike Gendron is the director of proclaiming the gospel ministries. He joins us today on the Christian Worldview to discuss how the events surrounding the coronavirus, the worldwide impact, the government reaction, widespread illness and death, economic downturn, restrictions of of Christians, are elements of what the Bible describes in the coming end times. Mike will give an overview of various eschatology views, explain what Christians should be doing right now, why professed faith healers have been impotent to cure those with the coronavirus, and much more.

Let's get to the first segment with Mike Gendron. Mike, it's great to have you back on the Christian Worldview today during the midst of this whole coronavirus pandemic. We're going to talk about it in terms of the possibilities that this is setting the stage for biblical end times events. Before we get into that, perhaps you could just give us an overview, just give us a brief framework for what you understand the Bible to teach for the end of days, including the the rapture, the return and reign of Christ, final judgment.

Sure, Dave, it's good to be back with you. Looking at Bible prophecy, it's always exciting when we see the signs that are often referred to in scripture as the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus spoke of those in Matthew 24. But when we look at the overview of human history, it really all started with Satan getting kicked out of heaven, and then he caused the fall of humanity in the Garden of Eden. We have been seeing the work of fallen mankind over the last 6,000 years. That includes the period of time where God was focused on the Jews, and the Jews rejected the kingdom of God. Then we had the beginning of the church age when Jesus went to the cross, and we've had 2,000 years of church history. That was, of course, followed by 2,000 years, basically from the time of Abraham to the time of Christ. Prior to that, we had 2,000 years prior to Abraham.

We're looking at 6,000 years of human history right now. We know that after the church age, it will actually end when the Lord Jesus comes for his church, and that is called the rapture of the church. When that takes place, we will see a seven-year tribulation. We don't know if that'll start immediately after the rapture. Most would speculate that it would happen sometime after the rapture, but pretty imminent.

That will be the apostasy, the great apostasy that's been talking about throughout the church age where people are falling away from the faith of the apostles. The growing apostasy will actually reach its zenith at the midpoint of the tribulation period, which is called the abomination of desolation. That's when the world ruler, the Antichrist, will walk into the temple of God, declaring himself to be God. At that point, we have what is called the second half of the tribulation, the great tribulation, and that's when God will pour out his wrath on the earth.

We see that starting in Revelation 6, and we see that that is the wrath of our Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ being poured out on the earth. That will continue for about three and a half years until the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. When the Lord comes during the second coming, he will set up his 1,000-year millennial reign on this earth. That would be the 1,000-year reign that we see mentioned primarily in Revelation 20. It's mentioned six times, the 1,000-year reign of Christ. It's also mentioned quite often in the Old Testament, the prophecies. We have a 7,000-year human history.

We're at the 6,000-year point now. The next event we're looking for is the rapture of the church, followed by the tribulation, the seven-year period, and then the 1,000-year reign of Christ on the earth. You just gave us the premillennial view of eschatology from Scripture.

I'm not going to assume that everyone who's listening today holds that view. Just contrast that briefly to the amillennial view or the post-millennial view. The amillennial view denies the 1,000-year reign of Christ. They actually spiritualize the six times of a thousand years, as mentioned in Revelation 20. So they deny the reign of Christ on this earth for a thousand years. And of course, as I shared, we have many prophecies that point to Christ ruling and reigning for a thousand years in the Old Testament. So then you have what's called the post-tribulation view that Jesus will come and take the church away at the end of the tribulation period.

Of course, that is a minority view. It basically says that Christ will take His church to heaven at the end of the seven-year period and then immediately come back down with the church to rule and reign for a thousand years. There's also another minimal view, and that's called the mid-tribulation rapture, where the rapture actually takes place at the midpoint of the seven-year period. But those that are real students of Bible prophecy will acknowledge that the rapture occurs before the tribulation period, because we know that right after the rapture of the church, there will be the wedding feast of the Lamb. And so we know that the Lord Jesus would not beat up His bride, which is the church, and then have the wedding feast of the Lamb.

So we're going to be protected from the tribulation period. We, of course, is the church of Jesus Christ. Mike Gendron with us today on the Christian Real View. He's the director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries.

Their website is just that, We're talking about how the coronavirus pandemic, the dynamics around it, are possibly setting the stage for the oncoming of end times events. Now, Mike, you just have written a chapter for a book on globalism, and globalism is what the world government is going to be in that end time scenario where the Antichrist rules the world over all the nations. It's a globalist framework. You talked about in this chapter how this globalism is going to involve government and religion.

So how do you see the world transitioning from where it is now to that future structure of globalism? Well, we have a pope that's now been in office for seven years, Pope Francis, who has made his primary agenda to bring about a global religion. When we look at Bible prophecy, we see that there will be a false prophet and a world ruler who will usher in a time of peace and prosperity on the earth. So David, I believe if we're in the season of the Lord's return, the office of the papacy will have to be the catalyst to bringing about a global religion. It's because I believe that the pope is the most influential false teacher in the world today, and he has global influence. His religion is located throughout the world. He also has what is called a charisma of infallibility.

So people look to him as not erring when it comes to faith and morals. So according to scripture, there will be a one-world religion that will promise peace through the world and prepare the way for a false prophet and the Antichrist. We see that in Revelation 13 and 17. We know that Pope Francis has been successful in executing the Vatican's well-defined strategy to create this one-world religion. Now he's using his global influence and power to help establish a one-world government for the Antichrist.

The apostle John in the book of Revelation described the ruler of this vast empire as having power and great authority given to him by Satan, and he will receive worship from all the world and have authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation. So how do we know that the pope has been very influential in bringing this about? Well, just recently, in fact, a year ago, May 8, in 2019, he spoke at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, and he demanded that a new supernatural legal constituted body enforce climate changes and policies and other worldwide threats. This supranational body will advocate a policy of decreased national sovereignty and increased global unity, claiming that planetary problems are exasperated by an excessive demand for sovereignty on the part of states. So the pope is trying to convince the world that our only hope for peace, prosperity, and planetary salvation is to surrender our national sovereignty. So rather than calling for the outright abolition of nation states, the pope insisted they all be subjected to an external global governing authority. So Pope Francis went on to deride nations that have border walls, and I find this quite amusing because when you go to the Vatican, you see that it's surrounded by a very substantial wall. Yeah, it really does go to the point that man's default in our sinful nature is to be globalistic, is to want to gather together like it was in the Tower of Babel, where they want to make their city and their tower and make a name from themselves, but God separated the peoples. There's the foundation for the biblical worldview that nations and people should be separate and not unified together.

It's really the separation of sin, the separation of powers, as we see in our own government today. Mike Gendron with us today here on the Christian Real View, the director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries, proclaiming Let's get into some of the details of this coronavirus pandemic. One thing that's been very notable, of course, people are losing their jobs, businesses are forced to shut down, there's all this social distancing going on, people have to stay at home across the country. One of the big restrictions for the Christians have felt is the inability to gather in churches in person or even by drive-in services have been shut down in various places with civil action taken against those who have come to church even in their cars.

And yet at the same time, Mike, liquor stores are about to remain open, abortion clinics are allowed to remain open, people are driving around in their cars and so forth. What do you make of the restrictions going on toward churches right now from gathering in person or even by drive-in and how does that portend for, let's say, religious freedom in the future as we as we move toward the end times? Okay, Mike Gendron is going to answer that question right after the first break of the day here on the Christian Real View radio program. Mike is the director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries. The website is They have an excellent newsletter, e-newsletter that you should sign up for. Just go to their website,

You can also visit our website, We have all sorts of resources available for you right now. We have the little booklet that's been very popular, How to Be Free from the Fear of Death. It's a 20-page booklet. If you've never contacted us, it's free. Just order a copy by calling or emailing us. For everyone else, you can just order them. They're 50 cents apiece. People are buying them in bulk to give out to people during this time.

It's by Ray Comfort. Much more coming up today on the Christian Real View on the coronavirus, possibly setting the stage for the end times events. We'll get into some commentary about that after the interview with Mike. Also, Twyla Brace coming up on the program later on. Much more to get to. I'm David Wheaton. People everywhere have anxiety about the coronavirus pandemic.

What will happen to their health, their job, their finances, the future? There is also heightened spiritual awareness. Why is God doing this?

Am I right with him? We encourage you to order Ray Comfort's 20-page booklet, How to Be Free from the Fear of Death, which explains how one can have peace with God in a country where there is no God. We encourage you to order Ray Comfort's 20-page booklet, How to Be Free from the Fear of Death, which explains how one can have peace with God in a confident hope for this life and the next through the good news of the Gospel. If you have never contacted the Christian Real View, request the booklet, How to Be Free from the Fear of Death for free by calling us at 1-888-646-2233.

For everyone else, you can order as many as you'd like. The mission of the Christian worldview is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to share the good news that all people can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. For when Christians have a stronger faith and when unbelievers come to saving faith, lives and families and churches, even communities, are changed for the glory of God. The Christian worldview is a listener supported ministry. You can help us in our mission to impact hearts and minds by making a donation of any amount or becoming a monthly partner.

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I'm David Wheaton. Our topic today is, is the coronavirus setting the stage for end times events? And our guest is Mike Gendron, the director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry.

We have a full segment with him, so let's get straight back to the interview with Mike Gendron. What do you make of the restrictions going on toward churches right now from gathering in person or even by drive-in? And how does that portend for, let's say, religious freedom in the future as we as we move toward the end times? Well, it's just been really interesting to see all the misinformation and confusion that has been going on from so-called experts and the media. There's a lot of fake news and a lot of fear mongering going on.

People are really confused right now, David. And as far as religious freedom goes, it's really, as you mentioned, very disheartening to see how the government is picking and choosing who can gather and who not is able to gather. We've got Ramadan coming up shortly.

It's going to be interesting to see if the government tries to establish a closure of all the mosques. When I look at how the world population is dealing with the crisis, I see it really from two different perspectives. We see the Christians, they've been born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Unbelievers, of course, need to know that it's appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment. Christians must use strategic opportunities such as this coronavirus to tell others where they can find sustaining hope, not only for this life, but also for the next. So this is where I think the church really comes in.

We must point unbelievers to Christ and His Word, because Jesus declared, He who hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and does not come into judgment, but is passed out of death into life. So the hopelessness that people are experiencing right now can only be eliminated when they hear about our blessed hope, the Lord Jesus Christ. So I'm really encouraging Christians everywhere to take advantage of this opportunity. People are so concerned about their mortality.

They're facing death right now, and they don't know where to turn to find hope. So I really believe this is a very strategic opportunity that the Lord has laid before us. It certainly is, and you wrote about this in your last email newsletter, and I would encourage listeners today to sign up for that free newsletter from Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries.

Just go to, and you can sign up right there on the website for Mike's regular e-newsletter. Now one thing that I haven't heard discussed very much is the fact that there's a very large swath of a word of faith movement, the extreme or extreme charismatic movement who believe that the gifts that the the supernatural gifts the apostles had in the first century, specifically the gifts of healing, that men and women have those gifts and are able to heal people, why they haven't been able to do anything against this particular virus. I'm thinking of people like Bethel Church in Redding, California, led by Bill Johnson, Mike Bickel, IHOP in Kansas City, even Benny Hinn, well-known quote faith healer, even Francis Chan, someone who's very familiar in evangelical circles, recently spoke at the Moody Founders Week about how he healed everyone who came to him when he was on a missions trip to Myanmar. How do you explain, Mike, how the profession by these people and many others that God has given them and others, human beings, we know God can heal, that God has given men and women the gift of healing, how they've been impotent to do so during the coronavirus? Yeah, that's really a good question, and I really believe that this coronavirus is really a blessing from the Lord.

Let me just explain why. We see in Romans 8, 28, that all things, including this virus, all things are in the will of God. It's for our good and for God's glory. All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. I believe that one of the good things that has come out of this, David, is the exposing of the false teachers as being frauds, because clearly if they had the power to heal, then they would be front and center, and they would be the most popular people on the earth today as they heal this virus.

But they've really proven to be frauds. We see in Ephesians 5, 11 that we're to expose the evil deeds of darkness, and I believe the Lord is really helping us in this way with the coronavirus. I really hope that the people in the Word faith movement will actually recognize that they're following imposters and false teachers and false prophets, and that they will turn to the sure Word of God. There is so much misinformation and conflicting opinions going on right now, and even within the church.

I say that within the professing church, because I know that many of these false teachers have really never experienced a second birth and are really agents of Satan to deceive the world. But many people have become disillusioned about all that's going on. No one really knows who or what to trust. We see these mounting death tolls and unemployment, all the fear mongering going on, the conspiracy theories.

It's really created a lot of confusion and panic and discouragement. More than ever, I think we can point people to the sure Word of God. We have the infallible source for truth, which is the written Word of God. Instead of looking to these false teachers, we need to encourage people to abide in God's Word, and only then will they know the truth, and the truth will set them free from being held captive by Satan to do his will. And we know that Satan uses these pawns to deceive the world.

That's his ultimate goal. Mike Gendron today here on the Christian Real View radio program, the director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries. I just want to read, Mike, a short sentence or two from a recent column in Market Watch, an online news publication. And the title of the story was, The Next 45 Days Are the Most Critical Period in U.S. Financial History. And the quote comes from someone named Alan Lance, who was mentored by Templeton, a really well-known investment guru. And he was talking in terms of the stock market that this is an incredible, incredibly tenuous time right now.

And he said, unfortunately, this crisis has all three parts of the past bear markets sell off, he wrote. This pandemic not only threatens America's standard of living, but also could position us as a secondary global power, unquote. Now, if the United States becomes a secondary global power in the world, and the new superpowers become, let's say, China, and Russia, and so forth, that changes the complete dynamic of the world, because you allow a vacuum there for evil actors to take place.

Do you think that that is a reasonable possibility as a result of this particular coronavirus pandemic? And part two of the question is from Revelation 18, and I think I've asked you this before, but I'm going to ask you again about Babylon the Great, the fall of Babylon the Great in Revelation 18. It just seems that the nations of the world are weeping over her fall because of their lost financial benefit of doing trade with her. Is there any possibility that if America does lose its superpower status as a result of the economic downturn, this doesn't turn around fairly soon, this article saying within the next month and a half or so, that America could be this Babylon the Great mentioned in Revelation 18? Well, I don't believe America is mentioned in the prophetic word except for in Zechariah when it says that all the nations of the world will come against Israel.

So America is obviously there. But when you look at Revelation 18, I think it's more of the global financial system that actually craters. And of course, America right now is probably the strongest economic nation in the world.

At least it was up until two months ago. But I really do believe that the coronavirus will actually bring America down to a more even strength as far as the rest of the world is concerned economically. There cannot be a global government unless the superpower is eliminated, or at least brought down to be equal with many of the other nations. So one of the things that I've been tracking, David, and I'm sure you have too, is the testing and the tracing that's going on. Because when you look at Bible prophecy, we know that in the end, there will be a chip that will control the buying and selling of the world's economy. And I think we're seeing a precursor to that right now with this coronavirus because last week, Apple and Google announced a partnership that will let users opt in to a decentralized tracing tool to help determine if a person has come in contact with someone who tested positive for the COVID-19.

So the opt-in system will use Bluetooth to transmit to nearby devices. Well, when we look at Scripture, we know from Scripture that a global ruler will cause all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, and the slaves to be given a mark on the right hand or on their forehead, and that will control the global economy. And so we know that there's a pending government policy right now in America to trace and contract everybody that's been involved with the coronavirus, whether or not they've had the actual virus itself or they've been asymptomatic. The only way to push the economy back into motion is to have testing and tracing. So we see the government doing that. We also hear the government talking about the public health professionals recommending everyone carry a card that indicates their status with the virus. Well, we know that the card is going to be inconvenient.

So when card carrying doesn't work, then maybe an invisible tattoo or a chip will be placed on people's hands in order to validate whether or not they can participate in the economy, whether or not they can go back to work or attend sporting events or concerts. And so it's all very interesting. I think we're living in a time where the Bible speaks more about than any other time in human history. Mike Gendron is our guest today on The Christian Real View. A lot to say about how this coronavirus pandemic is potentially setting the stages, moving the ball forward toward the end times. We have more coming up with Mike, some follow up commentary. Also, Twyla Brace from Citizens Council for Health Freedom will join us.

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We have one more short segment with him, so let's get back to the final moments with Mike Gendron. The fact that this pandemic has been relatively speaking, now it's been horrible not to diminish the pain and suffering and death that many have suffered through this, but comparatively to other diseases that come every year or other deaths, 180,000 people die per day in the world. It's almost seemed like this is being used in such a way as to advance just what you said in that last answer, so thank you for reminding us what scripture says about what's going to be taking place in the future with the ability to buy and sell and a mark on your wrist or your forehead as being technology that's already present and possibly used through this coronavirus pandemic to implement it. Mentioning the deaths, right now there's been over 140,000 deaths worldwide and 35,000 in the United States, and when we look at the COVID-19, it really could be a warning to all of us for the future, because again, if you're a student of Bible prophecy, we know that the future is going to bring tribulation and famine and floods. There'll be hail and earthquakes, and most of this will be much worse than what we're seeing today. In fact, in Revelation 6-8, we see that a fourth of the earth will perish, and then we see just a few chapters later that the remaining population, another one-third of the population will perish. Then in Revelation 9-6, we see that in those days, men will seek death and not be able to find it.

They will long to die, and death flees from them. Right now we see the world trying to remain alive, but it's going to get so much worse than the tribulation period that people will want to die and won't be able to. So more than ever, again, David, we need to encourage people to avoid the tribulation period.

The only way to do that is by repenting and putting their faith and trust in Christ alone, and God promises to save those. Jesus Christ becomes their refuge and their strength during this time of great trouble and great famine and pestilence and all the things that are going on in the world, we see as a precursor to what will take place. Mike, thank you so much for coming on the Christian Real View today. Thank you for all you do at proclaiming the gospel to lift high in God's Word, God Himself and His Son. Well, thank you, David, for having me.

Stay safe, and may God bless you and keep you protected from this virus. That was Mike Gendron, everyone, today on the Christian Real View, the director of Proclaiming the Gospel. Their website is He's just a relentless ambassador and evangelist for the gospel and for biblical truth. He was formerly, those of you who know him, he was a Roman Catholic for much of his life before he came to understand the true gospel of faith alone in Christ alone by God's grace alone. If you missed any of the interview, as always, you can go to our website, to hear it. You can also sign up for our free podcast and it comes right into your smartphone every week, or you can click and play it right on your computer, lots of ways, or go to

We also air there as well to hear the Christian Real View. Now, this virus is not a hoax. I'm going to say a few things about it, but one thing it's not. It's not a hoax. Real people are suffering and have suffering and died from this.

Okay, so let's be clear about that. Just like real people suffer and die every day from other diseases and accidents, etc. Someone sent me a statistic from the Worldometer website, and it talked about worldwide deaths since January 1st through April 1st. Now, we're a little bit beyond that now, so it's not maybe perfectly accurate, but worldwide deaths from various causes from January 1st to April 1st. There have been about 46,000, probably more than that now, maybe 50,000 or more deaths from the coronavirus, 50,000, let's say.

From the regular seasonal flu, this is worldwide, there have been 121,000 deaths, according to the Worldometer. By malaria, there have been 246,000 deaths. By suicide, there have been 269,000 deaths.

By traffic fatalities, there have been 338,000 deaths. By HIV AIDS, 421,000 deaths. By alcohol, 627,000. Smoking, 1.2 million. Cancer, 2 million. Hunger, 2.0 million. You know what the biggest cause of death in the first three months of this year was?

Abortion. 10 million babies in the womb have been killed by abortion worldwide since the beginning of this year. Now compare that again to the first data on COVID-19, 46,000, 50,000 deaths. Comparatively, this is much less dangerous than a lot of other things that take the lives of people every day. At the same time, it's not a hoax. Again, certain parts of the country, New York, New Orleans, different cities, urban areas especially, have really suffered. People are suffering and dying through this. Certainly, some social distancing in certain areas, certain affected areas was warranted for a time, especially as the threat of this virus on society at large was being evaluated. But the predictions by the so-called experts has been completely overblown and wrong.

It's the only way you can say it. Dennis Prager wrote a column on this. I want to read just one paragraph of it. He says, a large swath of the expert community cloaked itself with unscientific certitude beginning on March 16th with a model from the Imperial College of London. The sort governments relied upon for the decision to run their economies, which projected about 2.2 million Americans and half a million Britons would die.

2.2 million. Almost every national leader, politician, and media outlet in the world believe that model. As I explained in my last column, now this is interesting, modern men and women have substituted quote experts for prophets and priests. Science is the secular religion and quote experts are its are its prophets and priests. In fact, they have greater authority among the secular, especially those left of center, than the pope of the Roman Catholic Church has among Catholics.

Whereas popes have invoked the doctrine of infallibility twice in history of the Catholic Church, experts invoke it every day among the secular, faithful, faithful as Dennis Prager's column. So predictions by this have been overblown and wrong. Even the source of this virus is almost certainly known to be now, not what we were told, a wet market where they were selling animals of kind of bizarre kinds over in China. But it's rather being reported now that it came from a virus lab in Wuhan where either human negligence or human intent allowed this virus to get out. And now it's being released at China when they knew about the virus.

They closed domestic air travel, no one could go in and out of Wuhan and and travel on the ground, but they allowed international travel to go in and out of their city. This is again another evidence of this wicked Chinese communist government. So now though, fast forward to today, you have government continuing to close down society here in America with again a relatively low number of deaths and not to diminish anyone who suffered and died, relatively low compared to the number of deaths attributed to many other factors that are taking place all the time around us. So now you can only attribute what is taking place in the shutdown of our society and the wrong predictions.

It really can only be attributed now as not letting a crisis, as they say, go to waste. There must be political motivations for what is taking place. I know here in Minnesota we've had something like 80 maybe 100 deaths out of 5.6 million people and yet our state is still shut down. People can't go to church, can't meet in public and so forth.

5.6 million people, 80 to 100 deaths. So the political ends can only be, just a surmise, can be to tarnish the president to make sure he does not get reelected, to try to destroy the economy, to perhaps transform our society and our economy to some sort of socialistic or surveillance state as Mike Gendron was talking about. Because is this a important or is it setting the stage for the end times?

I think you can only say it likely is. I mean your people are being conditioned right now with this global shutdown for global control and it's always in terms of the excuse quote unquote for your safety and your security. You can do anything to a population when you say well this is actually for your safety and your security. You know you need to put a chip in your hand so we can track you and so we can keep other people away from you if you have the safety and security of society. It's a way to transform possibly the economy, look for global solutions, socialism, a health care takeover. You mentioned religious restrictions suppressing free speech. Letting people go to church in to a drive-up church in your car. How could that possibly be dangerous to be in your own car with your own family who you're living at home with to go up to listen to a drive-in service over the radio.

It makes no sense at all. But what Mike Gendron said about focusing on and doing during this pandemic was very important. Is there an opportunity here and there is an opportunity here and there is for a widespread proclamation of the gospel of Christ. And we're going to take our last break of the day here. I have one more short quote to read from a guest that you would recognize here on the Christian real view about what he thinks we should be doing regarding the end times and so forth with regards to this coronavirus. I'll read that after this final break of the day and we'll have a few minutes to get to a conversation I had with Twyla Brace from the Citizens Council for Health Freedom right after this on the Christian real view. David Wheaton here to tell you about my boy Ben, a story of love, loss, and grace. Ben was a yellow lab and inseparable companion at a stage in my life when I was single and competing on the professional tennis tour. I invite you to enter into the story and its tapestry of relationships with Ben, my aging parents, with a childhood friend I would finally marry, and ultimately with God who caused all things even the hard things to work together for good. Order the book for your friend who needs to hear about God's grace in the gospel or the one who has gone through a difficult trial or loss or just the dog lover in your life. Signed and personalized copies are only available at or by calling 1-888-646-2233.

That's 1-888-646-2233 or People everywhere have anxiety about the coronavirus pandemic. What will happen to their health, their job, their finances, the future? There is also heightened spiritual awareness. Why is God doing this?

Am I right with him? We encourage you to order Ray Comfort's 20-page booklet, How to be Free from the Fear of Death, which explains how one can have peace with God and a confident hope for this life and the next through the good news of the gospel. If you have never contacted the Christian Real View, request the booklet How to be Free from the Fear of Death for free by calling us at 1-888-646-2233. For everyone else, you can order as many as you'd like for 50 cents per booklet.

Perfect for sharing with others. To order, go to or call 1-888-646-2233. That's Final segment of the day here on the Christian World View radio program as we talk about the topic is the coronavirus setting the stage for end times events. You heard an interview from Mike Gendron and a couple more sentences on that but I thought at this time many of you who know who Twyla Brace is, she's the president of Citizens Council for Health Freedom.

We have her on the program occasionally to talk about health care issues. She's immersed in this particular subject so I thought it'd be interesting to actually talk to her this week and see what her biggest takeaways were from this whole coronavirus pandemic and let's just play that short segment right now. What have you been thinking about, someone who's immersed in health care all the time, what are the three biggest takeaways that you've been thinking about with regards to this pandemic, whether it's from where it came from, how the prediction models have been all over the place to the health care readiness of this country for the future to health care.

Just give us your top three things you're taking away from it. We first got interested in this issue right after 9-11 and the anthrax scare when they tried to have states pass something called the Emergency Health Powers Act and we spent a lot of time trying to make sure that that individuals if a pandemic or a emergency declaration was declared or that people would have the right to not be vaccinated, treated, examined, have specimens taken, all that sort of thing. So it's 18 years later and what we feared has actually arrived and so probably the three biggest things are just the grab of government power and the different ways that that's happening, whether it's government telling doctors that they can't prescribe hydroxychloroquine even though it could keep lots of people out of the hospital, which is the last place that you want to end up in, or the fact of the new public health surveillance database or system that Congress has put in without any kind of debate whatsoever in the rush of passing a bill, nobody got to figure that out, or just our different rights, different rights that we have and particularly as you see them around the country and some of the more egregious states using the police and handcuffing people that are all by themselves on a little piece of land running. But there's also all the innovation that's coming out of the physicians in this country.

It's been very exciting to me to watch the transition from where they started and where they are now and I can talk a little bit about some of their treatments which I think are very exciting and they're helping to save people that weren't saved like that in China or Italy because they really hadn't gone that direction yet. And then the third thing is just what's happening to all the patients who aren't COVID-19 patients and all the denials of care and the health insurers who are saying no to things that doctors think are essential and necessary and the shuttered hospitals and the clinics that aren't answering their phones. I'll add a fourth one if you don't mind and that's just everything that's happening with the numbers, the fatalities. So, New York increasing their numbers by 3,700 people even though those people had never been tested for COVID-19. They have no idea if they really were or died of that or had it or anything.

And then the models that they're using that were the shocking numbers that are just been whittling down and whittling down and whittling down and yet they led to lots of the changes, the lockdowns, the shutdowns, all of that happening around this country. And now doctors are being advised to say on the death certificate that someone has died of COVID if they think it might have been possible. And that's all skewing the numbers of how virulent is this because we depend on the deaths and we depend on those kind of numbers and we want real accurate statistics and we're not getting them. It's so hard to know what to believe now that the CDC has said that doctors can do this and then some health departments like here in Minnesota, Senator Scott Jensen who's a physician said he's essentially being encouraged or coached or pushed to count these people as COVID-19 deaths but he said he's not going to do it because he has no idea. Okay that's Twyla Brace and you can see all that's going on you know even inflating the numbers of people who are dying of coronavirus by other means but saying attributing it to coronavirus.

Why would they do that? Well there's money at stake, there's reputations at stake for the prediction models. It's all become very politicized. Again, worldview is always the bottom line.

Ideology, pushing forward and ideology is always the bottom line even more so than money I believe in the world. Again, Twyla Brace was with us. Her website is

If you ever need to know anything about free market solutions in the healthcare industry, go to that website. Get sent up for her free e-newsletter Also, they have a Facebook page.

She's doing videos right now that are very informative as well. I want to close today by reading that little, I think it was an email that I received from a guest who has appeared on this program from time to time. I'm not going to mention his name because it was a kind of a private email but I'm just going to say what he said as we talked about what Christians should be focusing on and doing during this pandemic. He said, increasingly it seems to me that the Lord is reshuffling the international power structure in preparation for the tribulation, that seven-year period of time before the return of Christ. It's not only the destruction of jobs and wealth but also the way individual liberties have been taken away seemingly overnight.

Chinese-style facial recognition systems likely will be coming to Europe soon to monitor people in the name of public safety, therefore your safety and security. Our top priority right now, he writes, is to obey the Lord and pursue personal holiness to the extent that is possible. Over Easter week or Holy Week we spent a lot of time studying the crucifixion and how God's holiness required the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We're all sinners saved only by God's grace but it's still quite something to think that when the rapture happens, the snatching way of the church that Mike Gendron talked about, in an instance we'll be face to face with Jesus. I thought that was just beautifully and wonderfully put, not a worldview based on fear, a worldview based on what the reality of things going on in the world and looking to scripture on what we can anticipate ahead. So I hope you listen to that and we'll take that as an encouragement and inspiration today as what we as Christians should be doing right now. I want to thank you for joining us on the Christian Real View today. Again you can always go to our website to pick up some of our resources that we're offering in our store. We have a fully redeveloped store with all kinds of adult and children's books and DVDs and Bibles and gifts and all kinds of things there and those purchases go to support the ministry of the Christian Real View. Again there's a free resource right now, How to be Free from the Fear of Death by Ray Comfort.

This little booklet has been very popular, it's 50 cents if you've contacted us before and if you've never contacted us just call us or write to us by email and we'll send you one for free. You know we do live in a changing and challenging world, maybe now more than ever with this coronavirus, but there is one thing one thing that Christians can count on and trust in. The Bible says that Jesus Christ and his word are the same yesterday, today, and forever.

There's a rock to build the house of your life on. So until next time everyone think biblically and live accordingly. We'll talk to you next time on the Christian Real View. We hope today's broadcast turned your heart toward God, his word, and his son. To order a CD copy of today's program or sign up for our free weekly email or to find out how you can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, go to our website or call us toll free at 1-888-646-2233. The Christian World View is a weekly one hour radio program that is furnished by the Overcomer Foundation and is supported by listeners and sponsors. Request one of our current resources with your donation of any amount. Go to or call us toll free at 1-888-646-2233 or write to us at Box 401 Excelsior Minnesota 55331. That's Box 401 Excelsior Minnesota 55331. Thanks for listening to the Christian World View. Until next time think biblically and live accordingly.
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