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Jesus Loves Insruance

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
October 14, 2023 1:51 pm

Jesus Loves Insruance

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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October 14, 2023 1:51 pm

In today's show Jerry speaks with Scott and AC Reynolds Jr. Listen as they share wonderful stories and tips. 


This is Rodney from the Masculine Journey Podcast, where we explored manhood within Jesus Christ. Your chosen Truth Network Podcast is starting in just a few seconds.

Sit back, enjoy it, share it. But most of all, thank you for listening and choosing the Truth Podcast Network. Welcome to the Christian Car Guy Radio Show. With today's guest host, our Christian Body Shop Guy, Jerry Mathis.

I say this calls for action and now. Good morning and welcome to Christian Car Guy Radio. This morning, I'm filling in for Robbie Dilmore.

Robbie's on a man up camp with Nikita and I tell you what, I wish I was there with them. And I'm sure they're going to have a blessed time. And this morning, as we get ready to get rolling into it, as we get rolling, I have Scott with me to talk a little bit about him. We're going to talk, share a little bit what's going on with Jesus Labor Love and Junior Reynolds, who, a friend of mine, been in the automotive repair industry and towing industry for, I guess, 263 years.

I've been a lot of years. Also this morning, before we really dive into it, over the past week and what we've been witnessing, you turn the TV on with what's going on in the Middle East, it just makes you, I mean, it breaks my heart just seeing that and to see the hurt and, you know, just the hate and the evil that is going on there. I just pray that we as a nation and as Christians throughout this world just get on our knees and just pray. And we all know the answer. The only way this is ever going to be resolved and we sit there and we look what's going on in the world with Ukraine and now with Israel and Palestine, you know, is Jesus Christ.

That's going to be the only thing that's going to really ever make a difference in any of it. And I think, you know, sometimes as a Christian, I think we kind of wallow in our sorrow and hurt, where when the world gets dark and we certainly live in a dark world, we certainly live in a country that is dark in so many ways. I sit there, my daughter's a teacher, an elementary school teacher, and her concern and anyone who's in that field is the fact that what we're teaching our kids, we're not getting our kids in church and getting that foundation underneath them, but we're concerned about if they want to be a dog or a cat or identify as a man or a little girl or a little boy. You know, that's nothing but evil. That's nothing but Satan. And we need to make sure that sometimes I think as a Christian we go, you know what, it's just, you know, I'm just throwing up my hands. I just pray that God comes back. And I think we all are praying that.

We know that, I don't know when that day is, but I can guarantee you one thing. We're closer today than we were yesterday. And every day we need to make sure that we, you know, live it out that way. And when this darkest, when the world is the darkest, when the country's the darkest, when our neighborhoods are the darkest and our school systems, our workplace, we as Christians need to be our brightest. We need to make sure our light is shining.

And this morning as we get ready to dive into this, I just wanted to make sure I just said that because I tell you, last night I had to get up early this morning, have an elders meeting, but I'm sitting there, next thing I know it's two o'clock in the morning, 2 a.m. and I'm still watching TV. And it's just seeing all of that, you know, it just, only way I know I'd even say it is just say that it's just evil. It's just evil. It's just Satan. It's just Satan running rampant on this earth. And it just breaks your heart.

I mean, seeing death and innocent civilians in which on both sides there's going to be those casualties and stuff. It just, you know, you just think, you know, there just has to be another way in which we say it. The only other way is just knowing what Jesus Christ is. It's certainly the answer, but it's hard to say. It sure is.

I know that. I know I'm looking at two Christians in front of me and I'm just kind of, what's your take on that? I mean, it's just, it has to break your heart. Yeah. Yeah, I think what's most disturbing, Jerry, is it seems no value for truth anymore. I mean, we can see what's happening, but one side wants to blame the other and it's like your truth, my truth. No, it doesn't work that way.

There's only one truth. Yeah. I mean, we have became a country in a world that compromise and appeasance is sort of the way we don't want to offend anybody in which, well, I guess you can offend somebody if you're a Christian, but as far as any other, anything else, we don't want to offend anybody. We don't want to put the spotlight on ourselves sometimes as Christians and God doesn't call us to be in the shadows.

Yeah. I'll tell you, Jerry, growing up in my life, we had Christian homes, we had Christian parents and you had training that we don't have there today and we put it, it seems like in the school systems. The school systems, what we've done is failed to elect Christians. We don't vet them.

We don't do that anymore. In our school system, I was a combat officer in Vietnam and I had to experience communism and I see it as it's happening now. A lot of people don't know this, but the draft took place for the Vietnam warriors, 18 to 26-year-old guys, let's see who they were taking. The reason, they were trainable, they're not mature, their brain had not completely established adulthood, so they used that to send us over there. Now, the leadership, communism leadership is the fact that in school, if we'll take that age now back to five years old, we can train that child and teach it in these days.

And if you want to see what I'm talking about, they take away our history, they tear down our statues, tear down Columbus' statue, but we celebrate his holiday, the federal holiday, so what does that tell you about leadership? If we don't sustain into the Christian teachings of this country, we're about, I'd say 35% of Christians in this country right now. We're overrun and we need to make sure we're prayed up and looking at who's running. And if we live long enough, I think God's coming right around the corner.

I see it everywhere. But all we can do is pray. Myself, I wouldn't want to go to Israel, but in my age and what they do now, I'd probably get a lot of people killed. Yeah, the world we live in is just so upside down. I mean, we sit there, look what's going with what we're teaching our kids and stuff and with history and stuff. You know, there's a lot of ugly part of our history that I wish, you know, if we could go back, could rewrite it, but we can't. You know, we can't just wipe it away and tear that page out of the history book and pretend it didn't happen. You know, there's parts of that that's ugly, but we need to know that it was there and we need to make sure that we don't make those same mistakes again.

I mean, that's what we need to learn from it. And schools, I mean, we've got kids in elementary that there's districts in this country that are teaching them stuff that they, like I said, what they want to identify as. These kids, some of them, they're being taught that and they can't even write their name yet. You know, what are we equipping these kids to do and be? Jerry, I got a question.

I haven't had anyone answer it. On our children, or just human race, we have laws established, crime against nature, indecent exposure. A child having a position with a child you shouldn't. What happened to those laws?

Where did they go? Right. Yeah, it's just sad. And I just think that when we sit there and we see that unrest throughout the world, and like I say, just what's going on, it just saddens you, but it just also should make us aware and wake us up that, you know what, we as Christians, we need to be bold for one thing. We need to make sure that our voice is being heard, but also we have to do the way Christ did it also. We have to do it in love. We have to make sure that we love, as a Christian, we should love each and every human being who walks this earth. And we should want the best for them, and what's the best for them, and how do we show love is to try to introduce them to Christ so they have eternal life. But, you know, the world just puts us in a, well, when we try to be bold as a Christian, then the world will look down on us in so many ways. You're absolutely right, Jerry.

And it's just sad. And this morning, I know this is a calling show, and I'm going to go ahead and give you the number 866-348-7884. I'd love to hear you call in, just sort of, we're going to jump around with a lot of things. We're going to talk about Jesus' labor of love. We're going to talk about just sort of the repair process, and if you're in an accident, Junior has just recently been in an accident, and those procedures have changed a lot, especially since COVID, how insurance companies handle things.

And we're going to kind of just kind of flush them. You're listening to The Truth Network and This is a calling show 866-348-7884.

I'm Jerry Matthews with Scott and Junior Reynolds. And Scott, real quick, your involvement with Jesus' labor of love. And I'll tell you now, you are an answered prayer, because a few years ago, I remember Robbie was just getting overwhelmed, I mean, with the ministry.

So many needs out there. And you are certainly an answer to a prayer that he had. And when he, I remember when he called and told me, and he first, I guess it's probably the first week he had talked to you, and you had got, really dove in and got involved in it. Just what a blessing it is. And I know that that ministry has been a blessing to you also. Go ahead and just tell me a little bit about and tell the listeners what you do. And then we're going to take some calls.

I think we have a couple on the line, as a matter of fact. Well, thanks so much, Jerry. I'm actually the one that's blessed. So what we do is we help people, mainly single women that have gone through a lot of stuff, but we've helped men as well, some veterans. We don't really turn anybody away.

So you can go to and just scroll down to the Jesus Labor of Love. And you can fill out this online application. And I'm usually the one, pretty much, that calls. And we pray with you and try to find out what your needs are and what you're going through. And you can take your car to your local mechanic, if you live out of state or out of the area.

If you live in our area, we have some people that we can recommend. And even in Raleigh, Durham, we use a lot of the same people over and over. And I try to keep the receipts. So I know a lot of these guys. And sometimes your car is beyond repair.

And a lot of people go through that and they don't have any answers. We actually have people that donate cars. And we never know when or how many. But God has been good. And so you can get on that list.

And you never know. So I see miracles every week. Absolutely. And I always encourage people to go online and scroll down. And if you just feel like you'd just like to get involved and help, I mean, a big ministry on that and a big part of that ministry is prayer. You can join the prayer team and just help pray for these people that are in need and, you know, the opportunity to give and giving cars. I mean, this is an organization, you always worry about organizations like this and nonprofits, you know, how much really goes to that ministry.

I can tell you now it goes 100%. Because every year I think Scott gets 100% raised because it's from zero to zero. So we keep pouring out the money, pouring it on them. Same thing with Robert.

Nobody gets paid. Everybody does it because they love the ministry. More importantly, they love Jesus Christ.

They want to share Jesus Christ through that ministry. Right now we have Wendy on the line from Cary. Wendy? Good morning, Wendy. Hey. Good morning. How are you doing this morning? I'm doing well. It's great to hear you guys' voices on the radio this morning.

I've been so encouraged just listening to you already. Well, I think Scott may have a couple questions for you. Do you have a comment? I'm looking at it and it says you'd like to make a comment about the Jesus' labor of love? I would love to. You guys have helped me a couple of times.

I'm a single mom, have full custody of my son, and just been struggling as far as making ends meet. And most recently it was Danita's story. I'm standing in an auto parts store. My battery died. I literally had to jump start the car to get it to the auto parts store. And I'm standing there looking at the batteries, which, as you know, have increased in price since the last time I bought a battery, for sure.

They're upwards of $200 plus now. And I just didn't have the money to put a new battery in my car. And I sent a message to Scott and I said, hey, I know you've helped me before, but I really just can't get from point A to point B without a battery. My battery is shot. I had been jump starting it for a week and a half at this point and didn't even know if it would jump again at the auto store. And Scott put me in touch with some folks he knows, and TWI Motors, I have to thank Terry, because he actually put the battery in my car for free and has his own business.

I recommend them. TWI Motors, he was great. I didn't feel uncomfortable meeting with him or Scott. And I got to actually bring my son and he got to meet Terry and Scott.

And y'all, they were mentoring my son while they're changing, putting the new battery in my car. So it was like a triple blessing. I knew I could reach out. I was grateful.

I could just talk to him and say, what options do you have? And Scott prayed with me and this option became available through Terry. And then Terry showed my son how to work on cars. So I just can't say thank you enough.

It's been a blessing. My car is running again. It's really old. My son jokes that I have the same model car as I do kid.

They're both 14 years old. But it's back up and running. I have a 14-year-old kid and a 14-year-old car, and praise the Lord, it's getting me point A to point B again. And I think I'm on the list eventually, maybe Terry received a donated car. But I just want to encourage anybody who is helping the ministry out. They're helping real people like me. Y'all are not only helping me not only helping me physically with the car, but spiritually and just helping take care of my son too and the Lord. So I'm just so grateful for y'all.

Thank you so much. Awesome story. Before you get off the air, you said TW Auto Repair or what? Go ahead and give a shout out because I love to be able to give a shout out to somebody who's doing things right. Yeah, Terry from TWI Motors. He was willing to help provide the battery and I think gave a discount to the ministry as well. And just a super guy. I was comfortable meeting with him even before Scott got there.

And like I said, I was helping teach my son some things. And yeah, so TWI Motors, I would shout out to them too. They're great.

I assume they're in Cary. No, no, no. Oh, you know Terry.

Terry, the junkyard guy. Okay, now that you said it. Yep, absolutely. You're one of his mentors. Yeah, yeah.

Never mind. Terry Inman. Boy, I tell you what, it took a while for me to...

I got lost there. Yeah, I call him. He's one of my best buddies, but I call him the junkyard guy, my junkyard guy. So he makes sure that cars pass inspection and he'll go get them for us and stuff.

So he's a real asset. Thank you for your kind words this morning, Wendy. And I hope you and Trey are doing well.

Yep. Also, we'll be back in just a moment. We have Christian, please hang on from Charlotte, also calling in. Again, this is calling show 866-348-7884.

You're listening to The Truth Network and Here come the Dodge boys. Those good guys are back.

With a look in their eye. They mean business this time. Their deals are great.

Now's the time to buy. See the Dodge boys now. Welcome back to Christian Car Guy Radio. And as I said before, as we were going off for the last break, that we have Christian calling in from Charlotte. So Christian, how are you doing this morning? Hi guys.

I'm extremely blessed and grateful to have woken up this morning to share my gratitude with you guys. All right. Let's hear your story.

Oh yes. Well, I'm a single divorced mother of seven and oh yes, they're good. My kids are doing good. I have been coming on the radio quite often to talk with you guys about a vehicle and guys from my kids and I, we want to say, thank you, Daniel and Judith. You've received a vehicle and people don't understand that when you don't have the means of transportation, it can be quite detrimental.

Very detrimental. I don't have been able to when I, right now we have COVID, but when I heal from COVID, I have got a job. I worked in the healthcare field. Thank you God. I was able to get a job.

I'm going to be going back to school to further my healthcare career. And Daniel and Judith, thank you so much. It's more than just transportation. It's the transportation to furthering people who are the better. And you know what, if people have donations out there or, or even able to help the ministry in any kind of way, it is very, very, very helpful. Especially mother of seven like me. My children are so grateful.

They're able to get to doctor's appointments. It's little things like that, that you don't know until you don't have it available. And we were without a car for so two, three years.

Wow. Well, just hearing that story, I mean, you're right. So many times we don't understand just the importance and the blessing that an automobile will bring you. And I mean, because we all take it for granted. I mean, what you've experienced and what Scott has experienced by helping people and on the, on the, on the ground floor with the boots on the ground type of ministry, you know, me and junior sitting here, you know, we, we go out there every morning and there's a car out there for us to get in and go and do what we need to do. But not everybody is able to have that. And this ministry is meeting a need that is huge.

Yes. And then people like me, I went and automatically got a job because right now, healthcare is short staff, very short staff. So I was able to get out here and help serve my community and help serve others and also be able to try to find a way to provide more for my children.

I'm so proud of you. I think I think you get when you pray for a need versus a want. I think it just changes the whole avenue that you're walking on. Absolutely. And then I'm able to bless others by getting out there and serving to people that not getting the proper care that they could use right now.

You're allowing your blessing to overflow to others. And that's that's so yeah. I know you're excited. I can tell on your voice.

Yeah. I'm just now I'm just figuring out what I want to go to school to do next to be able to further my my health care career to help. That's just my job on this earth is I don't know what it is I I'm supposed to do. But as long as I can give to others and help others, it makes me feel like my purpose. It's a part of my purpose. Christian, I just want to say that I'm pretty sure that Dan and Judith couple from Cary are listening this morning on 105.5 and just want to give a shout out to them for their blessing. Yeah, and my children are so grateful guys. Well, like I say, it's just building up and doing it through Christ and you know, it's so cool whenever and Scott will probably agree with me.

Well, I know he'll agree with me on this. When you see and see somebody take that attitude of I need to serve others and let my my blessings overflow to others and be able to give back to the to others. Man, that is just what an encouragement. Absolutely. And also only encourage you to start praying for where God needs you. Get that prayer going where God needs you.

Yeah. I'm so excited about you going back to school and your job. It's gonna be tough. It's gonna be tough. You know that with those kids, but you can do it.

You can do it all your spare time. You're going to go to school with seven kids. We'll be praying for you for sure. Thank you guys.

Thank you for calling in and updates with your school and your job. Oh, for sure. Well, have a great weekend. Try to stay dry. And yes, we're recovering from COVID at the moment. You'll be in our prayers for that also.

And then let your blessings overflow and just just to see where God leads you. We'd like to see some more pictures of kids. Oh, for sure, guys. All right. Well, thank you for calling in. And I just want to take a moment again to you go on the website.

Just just the two callers. You ought to be able to see the the blessing that that this ministry is able to bring. And like I said, anybody who who this kind of touched and if you've been listening for a while to this just this show Christian Car Guy Radio, you've heard a lot of talk about Jesus' labor of love.

And there's so many opportunities for you to be able to help. I'll always say do not take money from your local church because it's so important that that you do and you tied there and you're given to the church. But so many people have that extra. I want to just give a little extra. Where can I put it?

And now again, I'll say it. Everything that goes to Jesus' labor of love goes 100% right back into the ministry to meet needs of those that are hurting and need a vehicle and go online. There's opportunity to give a vehicle. There's opportunity to just make a donation. There's opportunity to join the prayer team to be able to just lift up in prayer. Those that just absolutely sometimes I know that there's situations you go in and people when they sort of get the crisis behind them will tell you the most important piece of what I received from you is just took time to pray for me and pray with me and let me know that you know what? Somebody cares.

More importantly, Jesus Christ cares. And so I just encourage you to go online and take that opportunity to do that. Also, I just want to take just a moment if you've listened ready to Christian Kargai or Kingdom Pursuits over the last few weeks, we've had Fonda Bryant was on air with me a couple times and she mentioned her suicide prevention training courses that she does online. I just want to just mention that and because today is the day that she does the free online training. Fonda is the expert in this field in mental health illness and if you like I say you look around, it's rampant.

That's a major issue and it's also a disease that I think gets overlooked and sort of pushed in the corner because it's like people are ashamed to admit they have those issues until it's too late or we don't want to address them because we don't want we think it's craziness or whatever but it's an illness. But Fonda's QPR training which is today October 14th from one to three. If you're interested in that you can contact Fonda at FondaNC underscore 40 at Again that's Fonda F-O-N-D-A-N-C underscore 40 at or you can even call and leave a message she'll tell you how to get get online you you know just just just put in her number on on the search engine it's going to bring you to that to her wellness action recovery ministry where it'll kind of give you links to be able to get to it. I'm even going to give out her cell number it's one seven oh four eight oh seven three two six seven.

Again the way to get in contact with her FondaNC underscore 40 at and her cell number is one seven oh four eight oh seven three two six seven. It is a two-hour training and it will enlighten you and and it will certainly be a blessing because that's certainly a an area that we need to make sure that those people are dealing with mental illness that we have them in our prayers. Well junior I know we're fixing to go into a break but I a little bit you were just in an accident not too awful long ago not too awful long ago and it the whole process has changed so much and I know some of it you've been in the repair industry and in the automotive industry for well before birth I think your dad pulled you out and put a put a wrench in your hand I mean you know it's but it's changed so much get a little bit about your experience. Well I tell you if you have a need for your insurance company you're going to learn a new experience with them you're going to do the appraisal for them through pictures it's a task but it works. Yeah and and we're going to talk a little bit about that how it all has changed and and you know now with the direct repair facilities we're a direct repair facility for most of the major insurance companies but also when you have a claim you don't sit in the gesture anymore they want you to take pictures. You're listening to the Truth Network and Welcome back to Christian Card Guy Radio I am Jerry Matheson and Robby this morning is at the man's retreat with Nikita and I'm sure they're having a good time out in the wilderness again this is the calling show 866-348-7884. Well this morning we've been covering a lot of ground first we talked about just some of the the tragic stuff that's going on in the world right now and stuff and just as a Christian make sure that we are in prayer and that we are we're the light I mean that's when it was darkest we need to be the the brightest and Scott's talked a little bit of a lot about we've talked a lot about the Jesus' labor of love and that important ministry and again go online you can scroll down find Jesus' labor of love great opportunity bunch of opportunities to serve if you have a vehicle and we know where you can put it to good use yeah give us a call contact us we'll get it picked up have needs there's an application in there to fill out Scott it's easy to not we're not gonna it's not too awful tough not too hard just get it filled out so we can follow up from there and Scott'll be the one contacting you a lot of times somebody family member may pass away and they might have an old truck or van or something behind the barn or something and and the tires are flat or whatever and think shoot I can't even get the sucker started we have people that will come out there and get it and tow it in and a lot of times you know with a little monkey grease and some love we can get it rolling and of course I can guarantee you if it won't pass inspection and and everything it's not safe we we definitely wouldn't um put anybody in it but you never know and a lot of times we can um sell it or whatever have it crushed and use the resources to help somebody else yeah we just just just come get it yep absolutely and and also just prayer team there needs help they're just lifting up people in prayer if you're a facility as in within listening and hear this radio show and you're a facility say you know what I just really want to figure out a way to get plugged in the community to be able to help some way hey drop us a text or or drop us an email we'd love to be able to get you to you know you may be a facility that can help with somebody who has some bulbs burn out or or or just need some work done on their car we'd love to be able to refer them to you if you're willing to work with us and uh there's a lot of people out there that I know that businesses all the time I've talked to and said you know what I just really wish there was a way I could use my business to be part of a ministry yeah and this is a great opportunity absolutely and now we're going to get back to junior talking about the claim process how it has changed over the years jerry told you I was in an accident was this four car collision and the lord just really inspired me and my wife and I'll tell you why we wouldn't even in the car we were inside the restaurant eating and the car come through uh off the highway into the parking lot and took four of us out there was one lady sitting in her car and the lady that was driving the car but um I prepare myself to if something happens if I need towing or if I need mechanic or if I need a body shop that I've been in that industry all my life since 1941 when my dad started of course I wasn't there at 41 but um have yourself a program established to where you need to be with who you need to be with concerning that vehicle so I was all set up for that jerry ray's body shop was where I was definitely going to go jerry and I've been friends since um I guess I told him I ought to go piggy park grill over on south way back way back but uh he was outside I was north side but jerry and I have had a good life together as friends and always will have but you're going to go through a new experience with the insurance company they're going to let you do the work for them they'll do it through email phone calls and um I think my wife's listening to this I'm going to give a shout out to her because she kept me calm doing this whole thing I've never had to do an adjuster's job but I understand now after working through them and having jerry and them to explain to me why it was like that um it's okay another thing wrong with they work with you through email renting the car you never see the adjuster you talk to them but you never see them so that helped me by having jury towing company um same way if I need a towing company I know I'm gonna call if I need a repair I know I'm gonna call and take my car too these are people that you're going to trust and always have a planned program for yourself and um I think you'll um you you'll uh with the price of cars now check your insurance policy right now make sure your car is covered and it's uh for the the value of the car and also for if you're traveling your motel is covered that your car rental is covered just look at your policy and make sure you're covered yeah I think the important piece of that information there is it's so important to have an agent you can sit down and talk and walk through the whole process because when you sometimes when we we get ready to to get a policy or get insurance on something we start looking at price price is important that needs to factor in but you also need to know what you're getting with that that's right and it's so important to have an agency you sit down and kind of walk you through the whole process and all the what-ifs may happen make sure you got enough coverage there's a lot of in my end I see it a lot a lot of people have an accident and don't have enough coverage to cover the car and that's it breaks your heart or they they dropped collision years before they should have dropped it and those things will come back and bite you and when you're you know not many people have thousands of disposable cash that it doesn't really matter to them because it can really especially when you have people come in just like some of the people with the Jesus labor love that you run across we run across them that are just barely getting by and then all of a sudden have a accident and don't have enough insurance or the proper insurance and then they're they're just they're almost carless because of that and the whole process has changed I mean as junior said you know they they will want you to take a lot of insurance companies want you to take pictures and I tell people because they'll come in and they're already stressed out and upset because they well I know there's more damage than this they get it they already sent them a check and an estimate and they're looking well it doesn't have everything covered all that process does is gets the process started and just don't worry about that and I tell people all the time that's why it's important as you mentioned have a plan know a shop that you want to if you're in Seattle Washington or Richmond Virginia wherever it may be Charlotte North Carolina know where you're going to do it know that you have a relationship because they're going to help walk you through it and they're going to be there and assist you through it and it's just really important the same thing with towing when you when you you know when your daughter or wife is broke down and you're just randomly calling somebody junior is president record association for uh too many years to even even count them now but he'll tell you not all companies are the same and and there was people that we were have run across over the years that are fine businesses but I wouldn't want them going out there and picking my daughter up at 12 o'clock at night I mean it's just so so have that and know who you're going to call and have that in place great advice it'll save you a whole lot of aggravation even to the point of when you break down or an accident somewhere and you say you don't have somebody in the Winston-Salem PD or the Charlotte PD or whoever it is calls out for a next out record your vehicle may be taken to the other side of town or the other side of the county and which that's a huge inconvenience for you because then you're having to try to figure that out and then if it's not at a facility that is towed to that can make the repairs then that's another tow you have to a relationship so everything in store but there's one thing we're forgetting too and I meant to mention this while ago Jerry if you lease a car be sure you have that override policy that'll take care of that car because there's a policy out there that helps you helps you not come up with some cash if it's total just check out with your insurance company and ask absolutely do they cover that lease car completely yeah like I say it's a matter of just sitting down with somebody who knows and you know what I understand that you can save money by doing stuff online and I'm certainly not against saving money but you better know what you're what is you're getting into what's it saying good works no cheap and cheap work ain't good that's right relationships are everything that's it absolutely and great advice thank you junior now yeah and before we wrap up just one more time Scott how do you get in touch with if you need a service if you're needing the ministry of Jesus labor of love to help you out how do you do that if you're a facility and want to volunteer your time how do you do it okay uh real quick you just go to christian car guy this is the truth network
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-10-19 09:44:52 / 2023-10-19 09:59:42 / 15

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