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Song of Solomon 2:12 - The Wonder of Spring

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 28, 2022 8:31 am

Song of Solomon 2:12 - The Wonder of Spring

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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June 28, 2022 8:31 am

Song of Songs 2:12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;


From death to life - Spring is a wonder and oh the depth of that wonder spiritually and in Love - what a fun episode

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This is the Truth Network. Hidden treasures of the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. Oh the wonder of biblical spring that we get to dig into today in verse 12 of the second chapter. The winter is gone and now, oh boy, we get to verse 12. And verse 12 says in English, the flowers appear on the earth. The time of singing of birds is come and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.

Oh, can we hardly wait for that one? Because the idea of biblical spring is like, here comes Jesus. And I mean, is it any surprise that, I don't know if I've ever really put all this together quite as much as I've thought about it this morning is that Jesus, Easter comes in the month of Nisan, okay? And the month of Nisan in Hebrew, you may know that, but beautifully, beautifully, beautifully, the word flower in Hebrew is also pronounced Nisan.

It's, he might have, you know, now I know why they went from dots into Nissan, but anyway, completely different spelling of Nissan. They both start with a nun, which, you know, is, is thy word is a lamp unto our feet is the first verse in the nun section, but it has to do with a light that has to do a lot with faith. And so, um, in that beautiful that, that we bloom like flowers and we give all that light as Jesus comes. And I thought about the whole idea of spring and blooming. And you know how when, um, you know, in movies everywhere where the girl falls in love, that was kind of haggard or whatever, and all of a sudden she starts to make herself pretty and beautiful and Oh, the beauty comes out as we begin to fall in love, which all this seems to speak back to remember when we were talking about, you know, back in verse, uh, seven that we charged the daughters of Jerusalem don't awaken love before it's time. Well, it's time when you see these flowers coming up and you can see this whole idea of the person that now has faith that, that somebody is going to love them is going to beautify themselves and come up. And, and it's really neat that the word flower is a nun as we talked about and then a Zaddy, which has to do with righteousness. And so when we feel like we're in the right faith, like we've just flower like crazy and it ends in a nun as well, meaning once again, that's all kinds of light that that is as happening as a result of love. And that flower idea of course is a way that we bake fruit.

So, you know, we need the pollen and all that stuff to happen. And that's the way that the lilies do what they're doing and the roses Sharon and all that stuff comes together as we are definitely in this season as, as we're in this verse 12 talking about Jesus is saying to come away, he's selling us on the idea that it's time, it's time and we need to know. And Oh, and he showed up, you know, if they'd only known the time of his coming, it just, this is a heartbreaking verse in some ways, but it's absolutely spectacular when you think about it. And then it says the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.

It said the saying, I'm sorry, the singing of the birds has come and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land. And the word singing is a little different than the word song, like the song of songs. And it has a Zion in it, which you might remember from the verses and 119 Psalm that Zion has to do with remember. And when you think about the idea of a lover's song, right, this they're playing our song and the whole idea of remembering that that point of first love is and, and singing is, is part of the rejoicing that goes along with, Oh boy, he's here. And you can't help but note, as I noticed you know, there's often people make reference to when you see birds in the Bible is speaking of heavenly beings.

Be the good angels or bad angels. In this case, you know, you might just think about who sang like crazy when, when Jesus came in Bethlehem, right. And they were singing in the highest, you know, the whole idea was the birds were singing.

And I don't want anybody to miss that. You know, the flowering was going on and the birds were singing if, if we make that connection between angels and birds, it's a spectacular thing to think that Oh, did the angel sing that particular day. And they sang the day that you fell in love to by the way, with Jesus.

And, you know, there's no doubt that singing has everything to do with that. And then he makes note of one more thing in this verse and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land and that word turtle I don't know why they translated that way. But that's not a turtle like a swimming in the water. That is a turtle dove. In fact, that is the very animal that is mentioned. I don't know how many times in the book of Leviticus and Numbers that that those one that they sacrificed, right, which is very much a dove.

And don't you think it's fascinating. I think it's fascinating that the two animals that we hear throughout the Bible are sheep and doves, sheep and doves. They sacrificed sheep and doves. Sheep and doves are prey to almost everything. However, when you think of innocence, when you think of beauty, and certainly, you know, godly these both these animals have all these qualities.

It's just really, really cool. And then, you know, the whole idea of there was a dove that descended, of course, on Jesus when he was baptized coming out of the water. So here we have this picture of dove and sheep, even at Jesus's baptism. And so when we hear the voice of the turtle, and of course, we're going to hear a lot about dove and a couple of verses coming up and doves used throughout this, you know, the biblical, you can't help but just note the symbolism is always sheep, doves, grapes, you know, it's all here in the way that the Holy Spirit expressed this through Solomon, that we could see that these would be things that Jesus would Jesus would talk about time and time and time again.

So, you know, as you picture this and this whole idea of spring, and how much, you know, the winter's over, and it's time to go with Jesus, you know, think about what does that look like in your life, you know, what does that look like when you began to bloom when you began to blossom, when you came out of a winter. And so I was thinking about everything. And I remembered that, you know, I haven't talked a lot about this in recent podcasts, but I had a what was called a brain abscess. And it happened as a result of a brain biopsy, you know, which they thought of the lymphoma had come back to my brain.

And so you don't ever want one of these, by the way, they literally cut a hole in your head. And, and that's what they, you know, through your skull, and they went in, well, unfortunately, when they did that, they put a plate of titanium plate in there that had a staph infection, which led to this horrible infection in my brain that really is pretty life threatening, extremely life threatening. But nonetheless, you know, I survived it.

And God came through in a lot of miraculous ways. But what I want to point out, it was certainly another winter season that I experienced in my life. And as a result, I looked like a freak coming off of this because they shaved off, you know, a lot of my hair. So my head looked pretty bizarre, it was covered in bandages.

And then, you know, when I got out of the hospital, because this was so severe, I had this pump that was pumping this vancomycin through me that I walked around, I had this thing, I was carrying all sorts of tubes come in and out of me. And you know, I was pretty freaky looking. Well, at the same time, for whatever reason, it was my turn to give my testimony at the Rotary Club in Mocksville. And so when I gave my testimony, which obviously I was blooming, because I'd come through that winter and I was more in love with Jesus than ever.

And I, you know, look like free. But here was this guy that looks so strange, I guess, and talking the way that that I was so in love with Christ as he had come through for me in so many different ways. And talking about my testimony, well, they were so excited about what I said at the Rotary Club that they asked me to speak to the whole city of Mocksville at the at the Walk for Life, which was a big event back then. And they had it at the Davey High School, you know, football field, which was huge, which is where, you know, most everybody in Mocksville could all gather. And so it was a huge crowd that day.

And it was one of the first times I ever spoke to that larger crowd. And there I shared Jesus, because I was in full bloom, you know, I just I was like, man, I'd come out of the winter. And I could not have been more in love with God as he had come through for me in so many ways. But, you know, it was his love that made that blossom, you see, that light was all you're doing is you've been in the presence of God. And so your face reflects that light. And while you're blooming, you know, is a wonderful time to share with people, like, oh, my goodness, like, God has given me this whole time with him, so that we could share that because every one of those fruits that were given as a seed for more fruit, which is again, that letter none has very much to do with seeds. So when you think about that blossom of the flower, it starts with a nun it ends with a nun. And we plant so many seeds when we share our testimonies of how God is blossomed in our lives. I hope you take that light and go share it today. Thank you for listening.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-29 03:47:29 / 2023-03-29 03:51:51 / 4

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