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NRB Chronicles 2022 - Father Me - A Documentary Produced and Directed by Sheri Pedigo

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 12, 2022 8:00 am

NRB Chronicles 2022 - Father Me - A Documentary Produced and Directed by Sheri Pedigo

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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June 12, 2022 8:00 am

Father Me Web Site

Sheri Pedigo- recording artist, song writer directs this Journey that is near and dear to her heart.

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Amazing, amazing stuff.

Just how God uses so many wonderful folks and gives them visions and gives them gifts. And so here at the NRB 2022 is, I don't know, one of the best. I've been coming, I guess, 17 years and I've never seen as many or as powerful.

And it seems like for such a time as this, because there's so many heavy duty things going on, it's unbelievable. And so I'm so thrilled to have Sherry Pettigo in front of me. And she's doing, have done the documentary or you're doing it? I just finished it and just premiered it at the Burbank International Film Festival in September of last year.

And the documentary is? Father Me. Father Me. So yeah, I've just, that speaks story all over it. Especially for those of us who actually do boot camps with John Elbridge boot camps.

We talk all about father wounds and oh my goodness, it's so amazingly important that Jesus come into this, right? It's an epidemic worldwide. It's not just America, it's worldwide. Yeah, because Satan's worldwide and he knows that this is a very tender place. And so tell us about your documentary. What's going on with that?

Well, it started in 2019. I had written a script actually and I really felt like, and it was about two people on their journeys with their fathers. And I really felt like the Holy Spirit woke me up one morning, so I want you to do a documentary. And I want you to interview and go after these people that you know that have father issues in the industry.

So I live in LA and I contacted Oded Fair. He was one of the first because I was a worship leader at Ojai Presbyterian Church and he was there and I thought he was a Christian. I said, Oh, you're a mess because he's Jewish. He was an Israeli actor, right? He's pretty famous.

He was in The Mummy Returns. And I said, Oh, you're a messianic Jew. He goes, what's that? He goes to church because of his wife. And so he heard my father me song because I sang it at the church and he was very moved. And his wife told me, you know, Oded's really touched by the song.

So wait a minute, back up. I'm sorry. He heard my father me song. So is, and I apologize, is that a song that you wrote? Yes, I did. I wrote the song.

The song came to me first in my spirit and I really feel like I was just a download from heaven. And so are you a recording artist too? I am. So again, I'm so ignorant. I'm sorry I should pay more attention.

No, no, it's okay. So you had a song, Father Me, and God gave you that in your spirit. You wrote the song.

Yes. And then they were playing it in your church. I sang it and played guitar with a piano player at the church after I just had finished composing it.

And well, okay, because I know this is a fast interview so I'm going to get to the specifics here. When I decided to do this documentary, I approached Oded because I already knew he knew about the Father Me project, right, because they had read my script. But it was all through the song. This song is like, it's the forerunner for this documentary.

I get it. And it's so powerful. I mean, when you see this documentary and at the end I have the song playing because I wanted the song to be, it tells the story of anger, of forgiveness, and how we get there.

It's so anointed. I mean, I could never write something so profound as this bridge. And I will tell you the bridge. Father to the fatherless.

I finally understand. You took the nail out of my heart and placed it in your hands. That's only a heaven written bridge. Now the bridge is like, you know, a lot of people don't know what a bridge is, right? So that was, because we don't have time to tell how that came to me, I can just tell you it was divine.

That's all I can tell you. It was completely a divine intervention of the Holy Spirit. And I had a flat tire and I was very angry. But God, through that flat tire, gave me that bridge. But I could have missed that bridge if I had stayed in my anger. See, anger is a very, it's very, very toxic.

And we have choices in our life, you know, we've got choices. And I touch on this about why kids go in gangs because they don't have fathers. The gang becomes the father. Anger, they get in anger, they shoot somebody, kill them, they go to prison for the rest of their lives. We have a problem with anger with our kids because they didn't get the love they needed from a father. And a lot of these kids, even kids that grew up with fathers in the home, when the fathers were too busy working, the kids wanted the attention.

So they'd go out and do, make crimes, get involved in stuff that they shouldn't get in trouble because they wanted the attention of the father. And this is, I mean, this documentary has opened my eyes in so many ways, much more than a film would have done. And it's touching people.

And it's just getting started. And so this is out? It's not out on a platform yet, but I, the song, you know, I've been doing interviews because I'm prepping to release it. Okay, so the song is out.

And how do they get to the song? Well, you can actually see it through my trailer right now because I don't have the full thing out yet because I'm doing a touring documentary. And I haven't released it out because I'm careful about who I'm going to let distribute it right now because it's got to be, for me, I have to have the right distribution for this. And my distribution portal right now is a touring documentary. So I'm doing bookings, I'm speaking, I'm teaming up with foundations, I've teamed up with the foster care foundation where I'm showing it and we're drawing money up for the foundation. I'm doing whatever I can to help the people that need it the most. I'll never ever forget when I, I actually, you know, went to several of these boot camps, began to understand, you know, the father situation, the fatherless situation and how much I needed God as my father. When the light came on and then God started, just because of what I do, he started pouring these people in to teach me things that I really feel compelled to share with you just right this minute.

So that, you know, cause you're out there doing this. So we had this exercise that we do when we're doing this talk that you're to go back and think about all the fathers that God brought into your life, not your earthly father. And so what you do is you start thinking about, oh, there was this coach, there was this boy scout leader, there was this man that lived down the street that always helped me, you know, fix my lawnmower, you know, whatever it was that you're being fathered.

And you would take these pictures and begin to realize that God had been sending fathers into your life the whole time. And God isn't the backup plan. Like if somebody, you know, lost their father or they had a father that was now called like a whatever, God wasn't the backup plan. He's the original plan for every single human being.

Right. And he's the big orchestrator of all the fathers that have been sent into your life like ever since, you know, you were born because he realized that what was at stake and how Satan would try to drive you to be fatherless and have that sense of an orphan spirit. My father lost his dad when he was nine years old and grew up without a father. My father never talked about his grandfather. I mean, I knew nothing about my grandfather until my father had a heart attack in 2015. And his dad died in the hospital. My dad never and he was trying to escape the hospital. I'm like, Dad, what?

You can't. I didn't have a heart attack. I just got a heartburn. You know, so he was like, you know, very distant. And my dad was never really, this is my graduation. He just wasn't present, but he provided.

See, this is what I mean. It doesn't have to be that the father was abusive. The father was, you could have lost your dad and never known your father, lost him.

And there's so many elements here. Yeah, it just wasn't, you weren't the apple of his eye like it was meant to be, like Jesus' own father said over him, this is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased. And you can see that he was attentive. And if Jesus needed to hear that from his father, think about it.

If Jesus needed to hear that from the Heavenly Father, which apparently he did because when he was baptized, that's what happened, how much more, you know, do we need to hear that? And so I can see that, you know, for all of us. What happened with me is I was dating all these guys that had father issues because I was looking for my father. And so then I started singing because I work with Safe Passages, which is Batter Women's Home in California. And I sing at their functions and they've teamed up with me with my Father May song because she was abused by her father. And a lot of these girls that come into these Batter Women's Homes, they're in these horrible relationships because they all had father issues. So they get with these guys that had father issues.

They abuse them. It just has a pattern that really needs to be looked at and be broken. And I really feel my documentary, it's opening up people's hearts, I can tell you that. When I showed it to a group not long ago, one of the guys in the group I've known for years never knew he had an alcohol problem, never knew about his father abusing him.

All of a sudden he starts hollering and he says, and all this anger is coming out of my mind. I didn't know any of this ever was in your heart or none of this. It has opened up people to talk about it, get angry, get through it, and then go fix it.

Right, if you can get it out in the light, then you've got a chance to bring healing. And so as I was saying, God's brought people in my life to realize, as I was interviewing, Satan is so aware of this strategy. He has been using it to do unbelievable harm that when you look at it, you're like, Oh my gosh, here's what he did.

Okay. Some historical things that he did that the slave owners, especially in the Bahamas and in Haiti, that was a diabolical plan to remove the fathers from the family and create all this sexual promiscuity because they knew that if they came out of a family, they were so much easier to control if they had an orphan spirit. You are so right. And this thing has been, it was, it was poured out on those countries. And so what's going on in Haiti? What's going on in Barbados? You know, all these different places that suffer with this huge father wound, Jamaica, huge alcoholism, huge, right. And then, you know, America and like, Oh my goodness, this and you're exactly right. So this is huge. And the neat thing is really that here we are in this generation, in this time with so much stuff, and you and I were both at the same documentary last night.

And think how the Chinese people love their family. I mean, you saw, so close and we can learn from that. We can really learn from what their closeness. Yeah. I was speaking with Larry Elder the other night.

I so funny. I mean, I'm California and right now voted for him, but I didn't know visually who he was and ran into him with my friend from Daystar TV and who interviewed me for my documentary was my first interview that I did. And when he found that I was doing a documentary on father hoodie, I ended up actually speaking to him for quite a link about his own father. And he said, I've been saying this for so long. And he said, even Obama touched on it because Obama on Father's Day spoke about this. And he said, you know, it is an epidemic and it's in our prisons, you know, and you know, they don't need incarceration. Yeah. They've committed crimes.

They need love and they need fatherhood and they need to be understood and need to be healed of this. And if we're the arms and feet of Jesus and we don't pray and at least I'm doing my part. If somebody told me I was going to be doing a documentary on this, you're out of your mind. I am a performer. I'm this. This has changed my life. Wow.

It's given me such a destiny and a purpose. And I'm just, listen, I'm just putting it out there. I know I'm not selling this to Netflix.

I know I'm not giving it to a network to just run with it one time and be done. No way. This is a documentary that has to keep going. And I may even turn this into a series. It's the Lord's and he's the director. He's the producer. I'm putting it out there.

I'm just going with it and I want to do as many showings of this, you know, speaking engagements, Q&As. So again, the intro for you, if you're listening, is Sherry Pedigo, P-E-D-I-G-O, right? Her song, Father Me. If you go to get to the song, right, is there a website or? You will be able to hear the song. You'll hear the song and somewhat of a trailer and be praying, right? God is up to something that she'll have the wisdom to give it to the right distribution way and that if God wants to continue the vision by doing a series or whatever he does, I mean, how beautiful again that God's given you this passion and this burning for such a necessary thing for such a time as this, right?

In my spirit, I'm so full. I was looking at what Angel Studios has done with their crowdfunding and what they, you know, that Smokey and the Bandit song, I'm going to do what they say can be done. We got a long way to get there, you know, and that song has been going on and on. This is crazy, Lord.

Why does Smokey and the Bandit keep coming to me? Because they did what couldn't be, they said could not be done. You know, people say, give it to this network. I said, no, no, this is God's thing and he's going to put it exactly where it needs to go and I am not worried about it because he is the director, the writer and the producer. I'm just the vessel that he used to put it out there. Thank you for sharing it with the Truth Network. We're blessed and honored that you would do that, Sherry. God bless you. Thank you for showing the truth. That sets us free.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-04-06 01:44:39 / 2023-04-06 01:51:04 / 6

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