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So What? / Lon Solomon
The Truth Network Radio
October 19, 2020 11:00 am


So What? / Lon Solomon

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Want to help America? We can do it by supporting political candidates that stand for biblical values. You know nothing is more helpful when we as the church are trying to restore moral equilibrium to our country. Nothing is more helpful than to have allies in the political arena, but to me it is scandalous how poorly we as Christians mobilize ourselves to get allies like this into office. You remember all those liberal groups? They know how to mobilize the votes that they've got. What's wrong with us? And folks, let me say further, all those liberal groups, the National Organization of Women and the ACLU and People for the American Way, friends, all of them put together don't have enough voters to elect one single politician if we as Christians mobilized and concentrated our votes. To put it another way, if every person in America who says they're a Christian were to vote together in a block, we could elect any candidate in any election anywhere in America. We could.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-06-10 17:17:19 / 2023-06-10 17:18:09 / 1

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