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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
December 5, 2023 5:20 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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December 5, 2023 5:20 pm

The Matt Slick Live daily radio show broadcast is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry -CARM-. During the show, Matt answers questions on the air, and offers insight on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues-- The show airs live on the Truth Network, Monday through Friday, 6-7 PM, EST -3-4 PM, PST--You can also email questions to Matt using-, Please put -Radio Show Question- in the Subject line--You can also watch a live stream during the live show on RUMBLE--Time stamps are approximate due to commercials being removed for PODCAST.-- -Topics Include- -04-- -How are children sanctified in 1 Corinthians 7-14---13- Is it ok to have Female Pastors, or Female Deacons---55- CARM's Matching funds drive December- Everything you donate is doubled-

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Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network.

Today's date is December 4th, 2023. If you want to give me a call, all you've got to do is dial 8772072276. Today's a half show because I've got some homework and some stuff I have to do at the bottom of the hour, so a half hour. If you want to give me a call, today's your day, or you can give me a call on Tuesday tomorrow. All right, we have three open lines, 8772072276. All right, let's just jump on and get to Mark from California. Mark, welcome. You're on the air.

Hi, Matt. My question is regarding 1 Corinthians 7.14 about the unbelieving husband being made holy, the children. I'm wondering your perspective on what that would mean to be holy. It says sanctified. Let's see, sanctified.

Yeah, it's from Hagiosti. Sanctified, yep. I've often wondered about this particular verse, and I'm sort of preamble saying I'm not exactly sure what it means.

All I can do is give you a couple of theories. The commentators discuss it, and we just don't know exactly. Sanctification means to be set apart for holy use. Now, can an unbeliever be sanctified in that sense? Well, yes, an unbeliever can, in that even if he's an unbeliever, God can still assign him a role to do according to God's purpose for God's end and be set apart for that use. Now, that's possible, and God certainly does it.

He spoke through Gamaliel, the high priest, who was not a believer, rejecter of Christ, and yet the Holy Spirit prophesied through him. So there's that possibility as something. All right, now, there is something else, though, in the issue, because there is the union of a husband and a wife, and you become one flesh. So what do you do when one is a believer and the other one is not a believer?

Well, this is where we get to be a problem, as far as exactly how it works. Now, notice what it says, otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy. So if a wife is a Christian, a husband is not, or vice versa, but a wife is a Christian, a husband is not, the children are sanctified because of the believing parent. And so this is what it says.

Okay, that's clear. Now, what does it mean to be sanctified or holy? Well, they're under the covenant aspect. This is actually a good supporting verse for covenant theology, and covenant theology states that the Lord works covenantally by establishing agreements with boundaries and stipulations, rewards and punishments, and covenants vary. Old Testament is Old Covenant, New Testament is New Covenant. So the covenant aspect of God works today and works through the Christian church.

And so there's a covenant aspect. It would seem to say that the children are then sanctified to the believing parent for holy use, and that's a covenantal faithfulness that God has to the believing parent to the children. Now we get to the issue of the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife. The greater takes more precedence over the lesser. The greater is the sanctification or the justification of the work of God saving a spouse.

And the unbelieving spouse is not saved by proxy, but is guarded a little bit and kept in better standing because of the relationship with the believing spouse. So that seems to be what's going on. Because they're one flesh. So if they're one flesh, how does that work? So this is why some of the debates and discussions on this have gone forth.

No one really knows exactly, but those are the kind of ideas that are floated around. Yeah, and I would certainly agree, too. I think that we see more in the church. We see people that have, I mean, I don't know the percentages, but people that have grown up in the church generally become believers, right, or people that grow up in Christian families, generally speaking. Again, I don't know the numbers, but I think we could probably say that that's a good assumption at least. Yeah, except statistically.

Statistically, 80% of the children raised in a Christian home go to a Christian church, leave the faith. Yeah. Yeah, it's really bad, yeah. And I'm not sure why, but statistically it's just horrible.

Yeah. Do you know the statistics on the people that claim faith or that belong to a church? Do you think the statistics would be that they grew up in a Christian? 80% grew up in a Christian family? Yeah, of those who grew up in a Christian home, went to a Christian church when they were kids.

When they go to school, actually I remember now more of it, when they go to a secular school like a college, 80% lose their faith because secular college is extremely hostile to the Christian faith, and most pastors are not equipping the Christians. They're not. I'm sorry, but they're just not. They don't know how.

I'm not knocking them and complaining. They have so much to do. That's why, I'm just taking a plug, that's why I believe that a group of churches should hire one or two apologists or people who their job is to go and do a circuit through the churches and teach, so we equip the Christians.

And I've suggested that for years, and I wish ten churches would have me do a circuit and teach them through a year. At any rate, I think it's a good idea, but they don't want to do that. I don't know what the reason is. I don't know why.

Everything has to be perfect for them. I don't know. So that's what it is. Well, I appreciate your answer. Do you have time for another quick question? Yeah, we have nobody else waiting, so go ahead.

Cool. So our church is considering, actually not considering, they're in the process of ordaining female deacons. What's your thoughts on that? Should I break faith with the church because of that whole scenario? All right, so let's go with the Bible. Hear what the Bible says, all right?

And let's see what it says. It says, Deacons, this is 1 Timothy 3.8, Deacons, likewise, must be men of dignity, not double-tongued, or addicted to too much wine, or fond of sordid gain. But holding the mystery of the faith, these men must also first be tested. Let them serve as deacons. And the word there is these, and the word men is not there, but the Greek word for these is nominative plural, masculine, which means it's the masculine form of the word. It's not neuter, which might include male and female.

It's actually male. And then let them serve. And it's also in the Greek as deacons. And then it says women must likewise be dignified. And then it says in verse 12, deacons must be husbands of only one wife.

So in the Greek there is andres mias gunikas. So women can't be deacons according to Scripture. Yeah, the qualification, I'd say the primary qualification for elders and deacons is that they're men. One of the primary qualifications, right? Yeah. Just show them. Would you consider that an issue?

Something so simple in my mind about that. Is that something that I would be looking at the leadership like, are these people that I can trust? No. Because they're handling the Scripture like that.

Nope. I'd go up and tell them. One of the reasons they're... I'd say it. One of the reasons they're... Go ahead. Go ahead. No, go ahead.

I'm sorry. Yeah, so one of the reasons why they're, I guess one of their Scriptural reasons that they try to give is that Phoebe is called a deacon. And I've done the searching. I know that the word can be used, deaconess can be used in different ways. It's used through different ways throughout the Scripture in the New Testament. And they don't, they just don't, like you said, the apologist. We need the apologist to come through, or the person who has the study, you know, the Scripture, who just real simple, I mean, I guess it's me in this situation, like real simple, like, you know, that word just like, you know, the cosmos is used multiple different ways. And, you know, we can't just say it, you know, it means the same thing for Phoebe in Romans 16.1, as it does, you know, as Paul using it with Timothy, in the context of determining for us what is being said to Timothy, the same with Romans. Yeah, there's a problem. Yeah. So, let's just say I was talking to your pastor, let's just say I was there for whatever reason, and I said, oh, you can do female deacons.

Yes, we are. Well, what do you do with 1 Timothy 3, 8 through 12? Deacons must be men, they must be husbands of one wife. What do you do with that?

Well, Phoebe, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, that's what they do. Okay. So then are you setting Scripture against Scripture?

That's the question I'd ask. Because if they understand what it says in Timothy, then they go to counter it with something else, then immediately what they're doing is setting Scripture against Scripture. Because it's very clear, deacons must be andres miesgo nikas in the Greek. You know, it's a husband of one wife.

And only a man can fulfill that. Well, she's called a servant or a deacon. Well, yeah, the word deacon occurs 29 times. In Matthew 23, 11, the greatest among you must be your servant. Must be your deacon? Yeah. No, Romans 13, 4. Yeah, exactly. The government is a deacon of God to you. So, you say, look.

This is real simple, it's not difficult. It is. And their committee was called illegitimate totality transfer.

It means this word. So, therefore, it refutes the clear teaching of 1 Timothy. That's what I would talk to them about. I'd say, so, if you understand. They say, well, we're still going to have women deacons. And I'll say, then I cannot trust you to be a proper shepherd since the elder is supposed to be able to refute error. The Scriptures address this specifically. You seem to ignore what the Scriptures tell us clearly.

And so, therefore, I cannot trust you as a proper teacher of the word. And I need to leave. And I'll tell people why I'm leaving too.

They won't like that. I want to know. Dude, I'm so glad to hear you talk like this. It's encouraging. I'm getting discouraged lately.

I really am. There's a lot of discouragement happening and there's a lot of things going on. It's just a little spark of light in a dark forest when you say things like, well, the Scripture says this. And I wish people had the same attitude as you. I wish the elders in the church would stop. Which way is the social wind blowing today?

Let's just make it work for the ladies. I'm just so tired of it. I'm getting so tired of this stuff. I feel like Sisyphus, the Greek guy who was cursed to push a rock uphill for the rest of eternity. Man. So you're an encouragement that you take the word of God seriously.

Thank you, yeah. It's intriguing to me. I want to know what is the force behind this that is causing these people to go this way. They said that they're a church that's wanting to be reforming. And they're connected with some solid reformed churches in some ways.

They do a reformation rally periodically. And yet this is not reforming in any sense. It's compromising. Now they might come back and say, well, it's his husband and one wife.

What if he's not married? So let's get to that. After the break I'll give you some information. Okay, hold on.

Hey, folks, if you want to call, three open lines, 877-207-2276. I'm not against women in ministry. The scriptures are. They're not to be in a position of authority. I can give you the theology behind it.

If you don't like it, I can tell you what to scratch out in the Bible so it suits you better if you don't like it. Hey, we'll be right back after these messages. It's Matt Slick live, taking a call at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right. Welcome back to the show. Let's get back on with Mark. All right. So a lot of times what they'll do. Are you still there, by the way? Yeah.

All right. So sometimes what they'll do in order to try and deal with this issue is they will say, well, what if, you know, it's his husband and one wife. So if you're taking it literally, what if he's not a husband? I mean, he doesn't have a wife. Or what if he's married, his wife dies. He's no longer husband and one wife. And I say, yeah, you're right. And also has to be children. Also plural. So if you have one child, I guess you can't be a deacon or an elder either, right?

So we can take this and run with it if people want to be legalistic about it. But I say, normatively speaking in that culture, people were married very early. Life expectancy was about half of what it is now. And so they were married early. They had children early. So it was the husband and one wife. And in that culture, marriages were arranged.

This is what was normal. So in the plurality of marriage, polygamy, no, no, no. One wife. And that's what's being spoken of. And the assumption is it was already male. They were all men.

That's how it had to be. And Paul clearly states that it's not a cultural issue when in 1 Timothy 2, 12, and 13, he says, I do not allow anybody to teach or exercise authority over a man but remain silent for Adam was first created. So he ties it with the created order.

And so, therefore, this is not cultural. And churches who have women deacons and women elders are unbiblical and they need to repent. And I know if anybody who's listening and disagrees with me, please call me up right now and we'll have a discussion. I don't care if you're a senior pastor. I don't care if you're a congregational member. We'll go to the Word of God and see what it says.

And everybody needs to abide by the Word of God if you don't. You're rebelling against it and you need to stop. You need to do that. And no one's going to call me. I've offered this. By the way, I've got to do this. I know I'm talking a lot. But I want to offer the challenge yet again that I'll come out to your church.

You know, we can arrange a payment because I can't afford too much. I'll fly to your church and we'll have a public debate on does the Bible support women pastors and elders as an example. And I've been offering this for, I don't know, 15, 17, 20 years. I don't know.

And not a single church ever, ever has taken me up on it. All the radio I've been doing for all these years. I wonder why. Yeah. Anyway. Okay. Well, I appreciate it. Yeah, thanks for your help with that and all the having some conversations. All right.

Yeah, let me know what happens, you know. And I would tell them, I'd say, look, this is what it says. I had the Bible right in your hand and show right what it says right there. And if they go to Phoebe, you know, Romans 16, 1, say, are you setting scripture against scripture? And then you can go to, like, for example, Romans 13. Let's see. Let me give you the verse.

This is a quick one. Romans 13, what talks about the government. Okay. And verse four. So 13, four is a minister of God for you.

It is a diakonos. Yeah. So is it a deacon? Yeah. So that's a good one right there. So of course not. Yeah.

And so neither is Phoebe in that office because the pastoral epistles, Timothy and Titus, they're pastoral epistles on how to behave in the church of God. And so I tell them, I'd say, look at it. I'd say, what do you guys think of this?

Let me know what you think. And then give them a week or so and they don't repent or come to agreement. And then say, sorry, I need to leave. And I'm going to, me, I'd say, I'm going to tell people why I'm leaving. I'm not going to come back anymore because of this.

Here's the scriptures. And I, you know, that's what I would do. Like me. Me.

I don't know. I'm obstreperous. I agree. I agree with you. Yeah. I'm obstreperous. Oh, thanks.

What's that? To me, it's sad that, that something's really, I mean, I'm not a pastor. I'm not trained. I'm not, you know, I just study, listen to different people. And you know, when I got questions, I usually read a commentary, read the Bible out.

It has great commentary stuff, you know, all kinds of different stuff. We usually disagree. You're right. There's a lot of disagreement with the commentaries, but at least you're getting an understanding from people who've been trained. Again, you're one of those. I try to be faithful. I try to be faithful to the word because I'm afraid to teach because it's a responsibility. I take it seriously and I want to represent what God says. Personally, I don't like the idea that deacons can't be women. I want women to be used in the church more and more, but that's what it says.

So that's what I say. It's not up to me. It's up to God. Yeah, and we know that God does use women in the church, but it's just this thing of the ordained authority is the way that I understand it. And you know, it's a position of authority that God has given to the church.

And just stepping on God's toes, I guess. They are. Yeah. And I once again put the debate title challenge out there to anybody if you want to arrange it in your church. Okay. It's a polite discussion. But does the Bible support women pastors and elders?

And it's not going to happen. I wish churches would have me out to teach the congregations. I say, just give me three days.

You know, Wednesday night, Friday night, Saturday night, whatever it is. Just give me three days to teach them doctrine and all kinds of stuff. And I have a manual. We can distribute it and they can fill in blanks, you know, that you have answers on the next page. That's what's easy, but they can learn, you know, and I can put it together for them. I'd like to do that.

Maybe if you put on there the tagline of women pastors, elders, and deacons, maybe that will draw on that. I don't know. Yeah.

I was thinking that a better tagline might be, come listen to Reverend Slick and bring your toes so it gets stepped on. You know? Yeah. Yeah. That's what it is.

I'd show up. All right, brother. Thank you. All right, man. Okay, God bless. God bless. All right. That was Mark from California, and if you want to give me a call, we have nobody waiting right now.

877-207-2276. So, just so you know, at the bottom of the hour, I've got to go do my studies and a half hour show today. We'll have a repeat for the last half, but I've got to tell you guys, let you know that we're having a matching funds drive, and we're going to be putting together a newsletter about it and reaching out to people. So I want to let you guys know that there really is a need, and the months of December, they really help us a great deal when people donate, and we have a matching fund. So if you donate 10, it'll become 20.

If you donate 100, it'll become 200. And I want you to know something, that here's an example of the kind of things that CARM is working. We reach out in different countries.

Here's one of them. We had a discussion on Friday, and a guy named Moses, he works with us in Nigeria. He has been threatened with death. The Muslim that tried to kill him, they've shot up his house, he's had to flee.

Then when that died down, some other stuff happened. He passed out literature about Islam, nothing against it, just reciting some of the stuff it teaches. And so the Muslim didn't like that, and so they had him arrested. He spent several days in jail, and their goal is to, they ultimately want to kill him, but they're trying to use a legal system. So they had him jailed. They got beaten in jail.

And he got out, he got a lawyer, and we had to help him support a little bit for the lawyer. And then the case was dismissed, praise God. So he's been going around the countryside preaching and teaching. And a lot of you don't know this, but there is the positive confession, name it and claim it stuff as teaching stuff. And also, there's a lot of false teachers out there that are teaching that the gospel is, well, Jesus died for your sins, but you have to be good and keep certain habits and certain things to be saved. That's gospel. He is teaching now the true gospel.

And three congregations now have Bible study groups that are now leaving their congregations want to study with him because they're believing the true gospel. This is the kind of stuff that we support. If you want to help us out,, C-A-R-M dot O-R-G forward slash donate. It's easy. It's right there. forward slash donate. May the Lord bless you. We'll talk to you tomorrow.

God bless. Mama, what does the chicken say? A chicken.

Oh, okay. A wolf. Oh, a wolf.

What about the tiny dog? Cat. Owl. Dolphin.

What does the turkey say? Whale. Oh, whale, so... To the giraffe. Giraffe, really?

Okay. Giraffe. Giraffe.

Giraffe. You're not going to get it all right. Just make sure you nail the big stuff, like making sure your kids are buckled correctly in the right seat for their agent's eyes. Get it right. Visit slash the right seat.

Brought to you by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. Hallelujah. Oh, praise my soul, God really loves us.

Yes, God really loves us. But for a lot of people, our attachment to the past outweighs our commitment to the future. We have to stop looking back and start looking forward. The Truth Network encourages you to forget the past.

Face it and move on with the love of Jesus Christ. My husband, Alex Hussey, was hit by an IED in Afghanistan. I was pointing him in on foot patrol, and I stopped on the bomb.

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Go to It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome back to the show. I'm chuckling because I just remembered a line in a movie, which I can't repeat. I wasn't cussing or anything, but the way it was delivered cracked me up.

I just popped it into my head. So I'm going to read the rest of this email that this person... In fact, this email I just found out is a few years old, and I just emailed the person back during the break, and I said, I said, have you repented of your false doctrine of women pastors and elders yet?

So we'll see. At any rate, to go on, this email, the person says, Catherine says, I was quite appalled at his statement and know that God is not pleased as she knows what God wants. There's no scripture for her position.

She goes on. It would take too much to show here that women in leadership is biblical, sound, central to God's heart for the body to function as the spirit chooses to give gifts and raise up women to lead. This kind of sentiment is pretty bad. It's an appeal to emotion, not appeal to scripture. You know, when the Bible says, when Peter, when Paul says, do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man but remain silent, for Adam was first created, what does that mean?

You know, and appoint elders in the city if any man be above reproach, et cetera. What does that mean? It means women. It does. Or when an elder, by definition, a pastor is an elder, and an elder is to be, a husband of one wife, and how's a woman to do that?

How does a woman fit that bill? And so this is why I believe that nobody in roughly, you know, 20 years of radio, nobody has accepted the challenge for me to do a public formal debate. You know, I want to fly out to their church, I think I can get a church local here to house it. I have connections. And you can get that going.

And you can fly out here if you wanted to. And we could do a public debate, have the cameras on, and each person could get a copy of the debate once it's over. I would like that.

You know, does the Bible support women pastors and elders? That would be the topic. Okay. That would be it.

I would use scripture, and the other person could try and use scripture. And I would hope that that would happen. But it hasn't.

And I don't believe it ever will. Because all I got to do is go to my page and read my arguments. And they're right there.

And every now and then when I find a church online that has women pastors and elders, I email them. And I say, why are you doing this? The Bible says it. I have a little thing I give.

Right here, it says this right here. Why are you doing this? You're going to get scripture. And mostly they never respond.

Mostly they just never respond. I had a discussion with a guy about ten years ago here, women pastors and women elders at the church he was going to. And I talked to him.

He was an assistant pastor. We had a nice, polite conversation. And I answered every objection, every challenge he had. He was dismissive of the ones that I brought up. And he said at the end, he said, well, we just have to disagree. I said, no, we don't. We're going to just disagree. You're wrong. You need to repent.

And he didn't like that. But I said it politely, but it's true. It's true. That's right. Mr. Bill says, Matt, all you have to do is go to the Bible. That's all I've got to do.

That's all I've got to do. And I would like it that they would do. They'd go to Phoebe. They would go to Deborah. You know, they would do stuff like that.

And I would be listening for the ripping of the verses out of context. All right. Let's see.

This person says, this goes on. A sexual sin by leaders is always biblically wrong. That's correct. Apostasy and times falling away. Much of this is based on not acknowledging Jesus as God and salvation through him alone with his word as authority in our lives.

She's correct there. I was shocked and dismayed to hear his words. Pride and division are tools of Satan. And this man will have to answer for this accusation and sin. So now all of a sudden I'm in sin for saying women are not to be pastors and elders when Paul the apostle clearly teaches her not to be.

I wonder if she is repentant. And she goes on and you will have to answer for not confronting this lie. Yeah, I have confronted your lie. Anyway, I won't be listening to your show any longer. Okay. That's fine.

Because of Jesus, Catherine, I won't read the last name. So that's a good hate mail. That's a good, generally, I think the ladies give better hate mails than the guys for two reasons.

Generally speaking, they're a little bit more precise in their grammar and they're better in it. They're emotional. And I like that.

I like the emotional stuff because I think it's entertaining when they use that over scripture. Um, how much, I just raised some eyebrows out there. Yes, I did.

But Hey, that's what the Bible says. I challenge you. Here's another one. I challenge you to telephone recorded.

I challenge you to when was this as a, why where did I get these old ones from a long time ago? Maybe I answered this guy. I did answer him already. But anyway, um, I challenge you to a telephone recorded debate. You blind heretic. Yes, that's the way to start off.

That's good. Uh, visit that as with this Catholic website, um, this will be good for your, our readers. The debate will concern the identity of the one and only true religion and also the unbiblical nature of justification through faith alone and the absurdity of Protestantism.

This telephone recorded debate will run on a free form. You know, this is, this is what I get. I'm going to continue reading, but I always liked these because they tell me how it's going to be. They don't ask, they proclaim, they pronounce, they tell me, they inform me this is how it's going to be. I'm like, Holy, can you at least ask, can you be polite?

They don't do that every now and then I get that attitude here and this is there too. This telephone recorded debate will run on a free form and then a cross examination format ensuring fairness, excuse me, and equal time to each side. This prevents you from cutting me off your radio while you're getting decimated. Wow. Wow. Boy, this guy's confident. Don't run away like the woman and cowardice you are.

Whoa, that's not nice. You just insulted women. You know, saying that that cowardice is associated with being a woman.

Are you kidding? There are women who have far more courage than a lot of men. That that's uncalled for. I would quote that in a debate if I was debating him and say, what do you mean by this? Like don't run away like a woman and cowardice you are. What, do you hate women? Boy, this guy's not rational. He says, you read so many Protestant community mythologies. I do? What do I read?

What myth, you know, like the book of Romans? He goes on, you can reach me through this private email of mine, blah, blah, blah. It makes no difference whether it's on your radio show or not as long as the debate conditions and format are stated at the beginning.

Well, it will be good for you to study up. I know your radio show that allegedly attempted to refute justification through faith and works. It was pathetic. Um, let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see if I'm the judge or something, blah, blah, blah. Yeah.

Okay. You know, it's, it's interesting. I find that a lot of members of the Catholic church, um, are exceedingly, uh, full of hate. Not all of them, but a lot. You know, they're just full of hate and pride. Um, I noticed that, but not, not getting all of them. A lot of, cause a lot of them though, I will say this are pretty nice too though, but you know, it happens. All right.

We have nobody waiting. So I'm going to, nobody call on these more. Hey male, I have to inform you in charity that Protestantism is a false religion of man that leads to condemnation. It would seem that as a result of cognitive dissonance, you temporarily downplay the obvious inherent inconsistencies of your manmade religion. One of the pillars of your false religion is that the Holy Spirit will guide the individual believer while reading the Bible. But obviously the 50,000 plus growing denominations stand as a constant irrefutable proof that the doctrine of Protestantism are not the spirit of truth. See, this is really faulty logic. They say that 50,000 there aren't 50,000 and uh, and I asked him, where do you get this number? Well, you just gossip because they don't know where they get this.

Please hear this 50,000 to Protestant denomination. Really? What are they? Can you name me five? What are they?

Uh, and where'd you get the 50,000 from? Okay. And they don't, they don't have any answers.

So I say, you don't know and you're spreading gossip. And um, and just because we have differences of opinion on minor error errors doesn't mean that we're wrong. This has Catholics disagree on minor errors within their heresies. I'll go on here. Any honest person, oh gee, these are always good things to say.

If you're honest, you'll believe what I tell you. That's how it comes down to it. Any honest person would realize that since the original founders of Protestantism disagreed with each other on crucial matter, budget doctrine, uh, we did not say what they are.

I'm scanning a hand. He's listing like Zwingli and Calvin and Luther, but he doesn't say which doctrines they're disagreeing on. He says, then Protestantism is false. See, that's ridiculous. It's faulty logic.

So if two Catholics disagree, then does that mean Catholicism is false? These guys cannot think. That's another thing is I've, I've met so many people and I'll point this out that that's not logical. You're saying they still can't see it. They're so radicalized that they can't see straight.

You should visit this one website for the most important information that you can ever see in your life. There's absolutely no salvation outside the Catholic church. That's right.

If you're not a Roman Catholic and belong to the Roman Catholic church, you can't go to heaven because it's about membership in the true church, not Jesus, but the true church. And that week is what we call cult mentality. Hey, there's the, uh, break music. We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live taking a call at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right. Welcome back to the show. Last segment of this wonderful Friday.

If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276, we have nobody waiting right now. I guess people are enjoying me doing the hate mail and I read one more during the break and I laughed. This was good. This is, I like this one. And this is what the email says, just reach up to your head. See if there's a little switch there.

Please move it to the on position. Thank you. Yes, that's awesome. That is a good one. That's what I'll say.

When I'm talking to a Catholics and Eastern Orthodox and they get really tweaked because I'll say stuff, right? And they go, and there's go, you know, like, like a little dog on a leash and they want to get me right there. And so what I'll do sometimes, Hey, can you do me a favor? And they go, what? Look behind you, wherever you are. Just look behind you.

They go, what? Why? Are you looking behind yourself? Are you looking? Look down.

Why? Well, just see if your diapers are filled. I'll say that to them because it's the tweak, you know, cause I'm to say stuff and it's a lot of fun sometimes to have fun. But you know, Hey, this is the kind of thing I would say, look, is there a switch on your head? Please move it to the on position. I think I'm going to start using that one. I like that one. Check switch on skull.

Move to on position next. Oh, that's pretty good. I like that one. I do. That's good stuff. All right.

Let's get another one. There is, there is a way to know the truth, but you are obviously afraid of taking it. That's it. Oh.

And it says, this is the subject. Your intelligence towards Mormonism is sadly lacking. My intelligence is lacking. I have my information on Mormonism, you know, all the stuff I've been studying on it for years and years. And I know some of the world's experts on Mormonism, they're friends of mine and I can talk to them about anything about Mormonism anytime.

Yeah. And my, uh, your intelligence toward Mormonism is sadly lacking. That reminds me, uh, probably gonna have Bill McKeever on, uh, or, uh, Eric Johnson on Monday or Tuesday next week because, uh, they're doing a grand opening of a Mormon, not a Mormon thing.

Christian, I forgot the name of it because they just opened it up. The official opening is next week in Sandy, Utah. And I may go down there. It just depends. I got a lot of driving to do this week coming up, but it takes someone out to another city for a doctor appointment.

He can't drive that far and stuff like that, you know, which is fine. And um, and my wedding anniversary is next week too, 36 years. My wife and I are married.

She's so lucky to have me, man, she's a lucky woman. And uh, so the Mormon opening thing, whatever, oh, Bill's not listening. Bill and Eric are listening.

And if, oh, I don't, Terry's not listening cause she has a different job now. But if they're listening, the Mormon open building thing that they're doing, uh, next week, I want to get down there for it. Utah Christian Research Center. Thank you, Charlie.

If it wasn't for people making me look good, I would look even worse. So the Utah Christian Research Center grand opening is from the 11th to the 24th, 11th to the 24th. So that means then that I could get down there next week, but that's on a Friday.

So I have to have dinner with my wife on Friday. So that's out and I can't get down there for that. Maybe I'll go on the first weekend of December, something like that, go to private tour, private tour. I don't know, but it's really a great thing. What they're doing there is Bill has shown me, um, videos and stuff.

He showed me some stuff. We've had calls about it and uh, it's a nice building and they're going to have a library in there and they're going to have a place for people to meet, to teach, uh, relax and all that. And, um, you know, so it's gonna be great. I'll be down there sometime too, and I'll let you guys know when I'm going to be there and you can meet you. It'd be fun, you know, be fun to meet us in Draper. All right. Uh, let's see, let's get over to here.

Let's get over to here. Uh, your name is slick. How very appropriate. That's the insult. That's it.

That's all. Now I have to give this one a thumbs up because not only did the person think to use my name, which really is slick, but associated with it just an implication of impropriety by saying it is appropriate that it's my name. This is clever and I appreciate that.

Many can do that and have such a excellent insult ness in such a short span while attacking the individual, uh, whose last name is slick. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. If I met that person, I'd go, that was good.

Seriously. High five. I liked that one. All right. Let's get on the air.

Let's get to wow. Simon from Norway. Hey Simon. Welcome. You're on the air. Hello. Hi Matt.

Thank you. I, um, talked earlier in the program today about, uh, being a Christian in politics. Uh, and, uh, I actually am, uh, in politics, uh, you said I, last time I called many months ago, uh, I was sitting, I was going to run again. Uh, you said if you lived here, you'd vote for me now. We do have voter ID here, so I don't think you would get away with it, but, but, uh, but I did get reelected. So yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, and the thing is, I'm, I'm in the, I was in the Christian, uh, democratic party. Uh, but they, they didn't want me there because I'm Christian. So, so as a, so then the, some people here that in the, in the, that in their municipality here said, well, let's form another party.

So we formed a local division of a Christian conservative party and we got enough votes. So, um, my question is though, that you said that you all, if you ran for office, uh, you wouldn't get elected and you would, you know, people would just call you so and so, a homophobe and whatever. But, but, but the thing is, I don't think that's a reason for not running if you're considering running because, uh, you might be called both. Yeah. Okay.

Yeah. You know, I mean, I'm going to do it. I would go for the presidency. I would just jump right in the deep end because I'm as qualified as Biden is. So he's incompetent and I'm basically incompetent. So Hey, we're, we're even if he can do it, I could do it.

All I need is a bunch of people to stuff the ballots like he did and the liberal leftist media to slant stuff and suppress information like it was done. Then I could win, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm just, I just think that, you know, I'm, I'm in politics locally here, but you know, it does give a position and, and a voice to be able to, uh, to speak up, you know, even in national matters.

So, so, uh, you know, you don't have to run for president or prime minister or whatever right away, but you know, you start off in a place where there's influence, which can, which can have a, uh, a large effect on, on many people. So yeah. And you know, I don't know how you are, but I've always, you know, I've ever, now people wonder about this during an office, whatever, cause I, the only reason I'd think about it cause my last name, it fits perfectly. So you know, it's just like, you know, it would work and you know, can you imagine the insults and the jokes coming out?

Oh, it'd be awesome. You know, but here I was thinking, you know, I'm up there and they're interviewed and you're, are you against homosexuality? Yes, I am. Just, you know, what about it? You know? Yeah. It's a sin. Yeah. I believe it's a sin. That's right. It doesn't mean I hate them, but it's a sin. Yeah.

We should be pushing in our children. So what's the problem with that? Am I allowed to have my opinion? You know? Yeah. I mean, those are the types of arguments that I give when we've had these issues of flying the rainbow flag and those such issues here. Uh, you know, I have argued against that, uh, also biblically, just staying, staying from the political pulpit, you know, that, uh, it's, it's, it's against God's will that we, that we fly these flags.

So we, we must not do it. Yeah. That's right.

And I would ask him, can you, uh, fly up, you know, can you put a cross up there too sometime in any buildings? I mean, just fair. Yeah, we have a cross in our flag.

Our national flag has a cross. Oh, there you go. Oh, that's true. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

So they're saying, why don't we, why don't we just raise the Norwegian flag, you know, it unifies everybody. Yeah. There you go. Yeah. Now make me want to move over there and vote for you, get a quick citizenship somehow and vote for you. Sure. Yeah.

Locally, you just have to live here for three years and then you can vote even if you're not a citizen. I guess it's not going to happen. Tell my wife, Hey, hon, I know you don't like the cold here in Idaho, how about Norway? I'd get this weird stare. It'd be interesting. Yeah.

Yeah, I want to go to Norway sometime, I'd love to go there. I would. Yeah. It would be fun to go there. Yeah.

It would be good. Yeah. All right. Well, I listen to your show pretty much every day, even though it's very late in the evening. What time is it there in Norway? It's five to one, so 1255 at night. Yeah.

Oh, that's early. I don't go to bed till two or three, so that's, that's easy. Yeah, no problem. But I'm glad you're listening.

So yeah, I usually listen to your show live, but not every day, I catch it on recording and on rumble. But today it's Friday, so I stayed up. All right, man. Well, God bless, man.

God bless. All right. Yeah.

And by the way, great seeing you on the podcast with Eli and Si and that other guy for this epic round table. I like those things. I thought it was fun. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

I want to start doing those too, but I'm so stinking busy, but yep, we'll do those too. All right. And also, unfortunately, I cut the subscription to the Patreon since you're obviously not on there, but I went in and started donating by credit card instead. So I get enough value to run my money by listening to the radio. I appreciate that, but I am thinking about starting a Patreon.

But I don't know what people would want me to do with it because I've already got so much other things going. But we'll see. Yeah. Yeah. All right.

Well, you got our support here from Norway, so let's just keep it up. I appreciate this one. Yeah. All right, man. Well, God bless. Yeah, in dollars.

Not corners, though. Yeah. Okay. All right.

Thanks. Bye-bye. Okay. Bye. All right.

How about that? From Norway, we get listeners. We get them from, I think Korea also had callers over the years, anyway.

And Poland and some other stuff. So we've got about two minutes left in the show, and what I'm going to do is read one more hate mail and then make a closing comment and stuff. I like this hate mail. This is good. It says, you're an absolute idiot and have no idea what you're talking about, and anyone who believes what you write is a fool.

Wow. Well, I do enjoy hate mail, and why is that? Why do you think? I think it's because when you're doing the work of the Lord, the world's going to hate you. When you shine your light, the world's going to hate you.

Think about this. If the world loves you and everybody loves you for everything you do and stand for, then you're not following Christ. There would be a peace with people, but if they love everything about you, then something's wrong because the world hates the light, and it hates the truth of who Christ is. I'm not saying be offensive, just to be offensive, but I am saying that truth is what offends people, and our job is to speak the truth of who Jesus Christ is, not for the purpose of being offensive. Let the Lord Jesus be the offense, not us, and that's what it needs to be. So there you go. I hope you all had a great Friday, and I'll be on the air on Monday and Tuesday, full days, Monday and full day Tuesday, and then off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

There's a lot going on, and that'll be that. I hope you all have a great weekend, and that you have a good time in church when you get to church on Sunday. So check it out, and pray with this ministry, and please consider supporting us.

I don't ask very often, but forward slash donate. We do need that support because that's how we stay on the air, it's how we support the missionaries and all that kind of stuff. And Lord bless you. By his grace, back on the air on Monday, we'll talk to you then. See you, bye. Bye.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-12-05 12:37:29 / 2023-12-05 12:59:09 / 22

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