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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
May 19, 2022 1:11 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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May 19, 2022 1:11 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- Matt discusses the elections and current politics.--2- Callers discuss their lack of confidence in the voting system.--3- Was the thief on the cross an exception to needing baptism for salvation- What about Mark 16-16-

Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
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Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore

The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. It's Matt Slick live. Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick live.

Francis taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right. Hey, everyone, welcome to the show. I hope you're having a good day. I've been having a busy day today. I voted.

Oh, that reminds me. My wife and I went and voted here in Idaho. And for the first time ever, I walked away from the voting booth, having no confidence in the legitimacy of the votes.

How about that? The first time my wife said, I asked her, do you have any confidence in this? She goes, no. We're going through the motions because we're supposed to. But I just don't have any confidence in it. Is that me?

Is anybody else like that? I want to hear from you, what you think. Because I don't have any confidence in it.

It's just my opinion. I just thought of something else. What if just me saying I don't have confidence in it means that I'm not allowed to say that on, say, Twitter or Facebook?

Or YouTube? You know, maybe the powers that be. I don't know. Just say we are in control and don't want you to doubt that we're in control and everything's right. You cannot dissent from our proclaimed truth. All the elections, all the COVID, everything is legitimate. And you're just disseminating disinformation by daring to think on your own out loud. That's what I think, you see, is the case.

But we'll see if we stay on the air here on these different venues that I have. But I don't trust. I wouldn't even think about talking about this, but I don't trust our government. I don't trust the FBI. I don't trust the elections.

Now, I just lost trust over the past few years. I just have. And a few nights ago, I saw 2,000 Mules by Vinesh D'Souza.

Now, I'm going to say, and I'll talk about it a little bit. Maybe if you've seen it, I don't know. It's worth seeing, 2,000 Mules. You've got to see it. It's about an hour and a half, two hours long.

It's worth it. And I went and did some research a little bit on counter evidences to that show. And the left came out, oh, it's not accurate for this or this, and that and that. Okay, so what I found interesting was something that they said.

That's really, is it true? Or is it disinformation? What is disinformation? Disinformation is whatever exists as information that doesn't flow with the status quo. Now, it's automatically disinformation. Notice they don't say it's a lie. They just say it's disinformation. What is disinformation? It's non-truth? How would they know?

Anyway, it's the clever way that the left uses words to dissuade freedom of speech and freedom of thought and to begin and control. I believe there's a demonic component behind all of it. Nevertheless, inside the thing 2,000 Mules, they had a representative of a company. What he does is he can provide documentation. There's a way to get this from the phone companies where they keep records of wherever your cell phone has been through cell towers. You know, the police.

You see it on TV and movies. You know, they get the cell phone warrant location for search. And there's a way to get a download of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of these.

It's all legal. It's all about this company does this. And they do research on it for advertising and other things. And they took this technology and they started watching phone patterns.

And they developed an algorithm to watch patterns that were repetitive next to the ballot boxes. And then what they noticed was that they were single phones. Just one phone. You know, a person has a phone. That's what I mean by phone.

One phone per person. And this happened with multiple people, that the phone would go to a registered nonprofit organization and then go out to different ballot boxes. Then go to another nonprofit organization and go out to more ballot boxes.

Another nonprofit organization and go to more ballot boxes. And they had film, so these people stuffing multiple ballots in the ballot boxes. And they had the film, they showed the statistics or the dots on the screen from the computers and all this stuff. They showed us. If it's true, if it's true, then as far as I'm concerned, I can't trust, I don't trust the elections anymore. Especially the presidential one. Because if it's true, and I'm just saying if, if it's true, I suggest you check it out. Then they had the evidence to show that the presidential election was swayed by it and stuff. So here's a question.

Why did, I just read this today. Kamala Harris can't become president. If something happens to Biden, she can't become president. Can someone verify that? The article said it's because of her parents.

They were not nationals or something. So therefore, by law, she can't be president. The next in line would be Pelosi.

And Pelosi has said several times, she's next in line to be president after Biden. So, you know, so anyway, I walked out of there with my wife today voting and for the first time I realized I have no confidence in the system anymore. Now is that just me? What do you think? I want to hear what you say, you know.

And we're a Christian ministry here and we talk about all kinds of things because corruption can occur in secular as well as sacred realms. So am I right? Am I wrong? I'm curious. What do you guys think? You can call me and talk about anything you want.

It doesn't have to be this, but I'm just curious. Four open lines, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Chuck from North Carolina. Chuck, welcome. You're on the air. Hello, Matt.

Hi, Chuck. I may have been the person who got you thrown off the air on YouTube the other night when I made a comment about President Biden and the Supreme Court. Well, you know, hold on. Before you say anything, let's say you did. Let's say it was used by you or they used your words. Then notice what the case, if it was, who cares? But if it was the case, then it would be a caller who called in who expressed an opinion on a radio show.

If that was the case, that means you're not even allowed to express your opinion. You have to stop that. Right. Yeah, that's right. And when the government presses against you, all it does is make you press back.

That's all it does. We're not going to whimper. If they can come to my house, they can send the federal agents. I'll tell them to their fate. I'm not going to back down from it.

Yeah, we need more people like that. They can put me in jail. They can take away my Navy retirement. They can do whatever they want. I'm not going to back down from it.

No. We need a lot of men like that. That's the way I feel. Yeah, we need men who are willing to stand up and just endure. You know, with the January 6th stuff, people are still in jail. And they're not giving proper hearings. And yet they can track from this phone thing I mentioned, they can track these BLM rioters who were destroying property, and they don't do anything with them. Let them go. Why? When you hear about it, what's going on? You can't trust our government anymore.

You can't. No, I have no confidence in the government. No confidence. You know, I'm 59.

I talk to all my friends. I say, did you ever believe you would see our country come to be what it is? And all of them say no. That's right.

And talk to people older than me, they say no. Life was never like that in those days. Okay, it was harder on the black book. That's true. But, you know, they got through it.

They, you know, I mean, laws were passed and all things, the rectify situation. But, yeah. Yeah, it's a sad thing. You can't even trust your, you know, voting. And it wasn't me maliciously going in there. I didn't realize it until I walked out. I went, wait a minute. I don't even trust that it's going to count.

I don't. And so I asked my wife. She said the same thing.

It was the first time for both of us. Yeah. Jeremiah 17-9 is really true. Oh, yes, it is. Becoming really true, you see. That's right. A captive above all things and deceitfully wicked or uncarefully, whichever. And the Bible is true every day of the week.

Yes, it is. Now, the question is, I want to ask, why are these people doing what they're doing? And I think it has to do with control. They want power.

There are people who like fame, people who like power, people who like money. I think they want power and they get fed by it and they want to be in control. They push socialistic crap. And what's also scary is that the schools, the youth are brainwashed. They don't believe in free speech.

They only believe in leftist free speech. So I believe our country is lost. Unless something major happens, I believe we cannot recover. Unless something major has to happen. Unless the Lord intervenes. He's got to intervene. Unless the Lord intervenes.

That's right, buddy. And whatever he does will be right. Whether he does intervene or doesn't, we go down the tube. I believe we are. The Lord's choice, I think it's perfectly right in his judgment and wonderful and beautiful. Whatever happens, yeah.

Go ahead, Matt. My wife was reading me a text from one of her brothers and stuff in Southern California. And they were talking to somebody.

And I think that was it. But at any rate, there was a guy, people who were saying that the high gas prices are because of Trump. And I was like, how could they possibly believe that?

They were saying this area. His friends are, oh, it's all because of Trump. What? Where are the lies coming from? Now that, we would call a lie. That's beyond disinformation.

Yet it's allowed to just get all over the hypocrisy. Anyway, we've got callers waiting, buddy. We've got to move along, okay? Okay, Matt.

Yeah, thanks a lot. Keep up for your ministry. Praise the Lord, brother. I'm trying, buddy. I am trying.

All right. Let's get on the air with Trey from North Carolina. Trey, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt, how you doing? I'm doing all right, man. Doing all right.

What do you got? I just wanted to call and support everything that y'all were talking about. I feel the same way. You know, you're talking about the election voting and whatnot. I think America is under judgment right now because they look at Trump as their savior, and he is not a savior. He's a president.

Not to be a savior, to be confused with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That's right. And I think that it's unfortunate that too many people have idolized this man to put him on the throne that is not a just throne for any man to be on outside of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is the God thing. Well, that's true. And I think, in addition, I think that the corruption in our government, all three branches of government, there's a lot of corruption. There's corruption in the military.

There's corruption in the educational system. So there has to be something major that's going to happen in order to get our country back because it's getting worse and worse and worse and worse. Could you imagine the idea of Pelosi being president? Oh, my goodness, what a disaster.

What a judgment. Oh. Yeah, that would be, you know, that would be unfortunate. I'll tell you, I do think that I wonder what would happen if civilians, because I don't think our military would do it for us if civilians had guarded all these voting polls and stuff, and looked at the fraud, you know, people coming in with the ballots after hours and all that stuff. I wonder what would happen if Americans would stand up and start, you know, doing 24-hour surveillance on these polls. That's what we have to do.

When the government doesn't do what it's supposed to do, people are responsible to stand up and do what needs to be done. All right, Trey, appreciate it, buddy. We've got a break. Talk to you later, man.

Hey, folks, we have WinOpenLine 877-207-2276. We'll get to the next caller right after the break. Please stay tuned.

All right, buddy, welcome back to the show. We've got something here. There we go. I think we got it.

Sometimes they hit the wrong little something, and it makes a noise like we just heard. So let's get to Shelly from North Carolina. Shelly, welcome. You're on the air. Hi. How are you doing? I'm doing all right.

How are you? So I'm just calling in to answer that, you know, I didn't even think about it until you submitted, so that I haven't been to vote yet. Our polling places are still open, but I didn't make it a priority this time. And I think it's because after everything that's happened, I just don't have any confidence in our polls.

Now, that doesn't negate my responsibility. I was wrong in not voting. But I think that after so much wrong information and so much manipulation over the last few years and what happened in the last polling, last election, I have no confidence. Yeah.

I have no confidence, no confidence either. And I was surprised. I didn't know it until after I voted. I went, wait a minute, does it even count?

Does it matter? And I don't trust the left. But you've got to vote. All the more reason for us to vote.

If we just give up with the left wind, no, we can't do that. And I like the previous caller guy, you know, having people stand out in front of these ballot boxes. Now I understand why the left wants the ballot boxes, because you can stuff them. Right. That's it. Right.

So it was convincing when I heard you. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sorry.

It just gets me going because, yeah. But you know what's sad? I just wanted to say what's really sad in my own family is that my Christian mother has spent the last few years listening to the leftist news. And until she has drifted away from everything that we believe. And she thinks everything is Trump's fault, because she listens to the news all the time. And that's what they tell her. And my sister and I, of course, were conservative Christians are like, Mom, what happened to your value system? We can't talk with her.

We've just made a rule. Mom, we can't talk to you about anything to do with politics or Trump, you know, because she just flies off the handle, because she's done nothing but absorb that brainwashing. It's propaganda. Well, you know, both sides will tilt things. I listen to Tucker on a nightly basis. And I'll listen to him. And I'll tell you, I've even said out loud to my wife, we both watch, I go, that's not logically necessary. That's not logically true. There's several things he said.

Right. They go, no, no, I wouldn't have said that if I was sitting there. And I had to review what I was going to be reading on the air.

I would have said, no, scratch that sentence, you know, but for the most part, it's very interesting. But, you know, nobody's perfect. But still, I mean, come on, you know, we've got to, we're going to lose our country. And see, the reason this is so important, because I know what it is in relationship to the Christian faith and how the Christian's obligation is to promote righteousness and not let unrighteousness prosper. And so we have to do something about this because we're going to be taken over. And, you know, they are not going to stop at the church door. They're going to come in the church door and tell you what you can and can't say and do.

And then the Bible's going to be labeled as hate speech. Oh, yeah. And they come into the family as well. I mean, look what they're trying to do to take the rights away from parents. Yes.

I'm an 18-year-old veteran, and all the time I see the battle in the school systems and trying to take a right from the homeschoolers. So, yeah. All right.

Well, it's good to talk to you. Thank you for your time. Okay.

That's right. Well, God bless. Thanks.

Oh, boy. So much. All right.

Oh, sorry. Let's get to Shelly from Raleigh, North Carolina. Shelly, welcome. You're on the air. Hello? Hello.

You're on the air. Hello. Oh, hi. Can you hear me?

Yes, I can. Uh-huh. Oh, okay. I'm sorry. That's all right.

Good afternoon. I totally agree with you. No, I don't trust the current bad administration. We're watching it. It's kind of wild. It's like living in a twilight zone or something. We're watching it unfold right in front of our very own eyes. We're not crazy. We know what we're seeing. And it's like they've got some kind of...

It's like gaslighting. Yeah. Something's got to be done. It's just a trip.

The lights have all changed so fast. But it was in the Bible. It's in the Bible. Yes, it is. But we've got to do something. Because if we don't get involved in politics, the politics are going to get involved in our church.

That's what's going to happen. Right. So we need to be involved. And there's lots of reasons. But we have unbelievable... Let me think about it.

The promotion of homosexuality, LGBTQ, having children, boys and girls share bathrooms now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll tell you. My girl was in, I'd say, no stinking way. There's no way.

In fact, I've got stories I can tell you about. But I won't get into that. But they are just corrupt.

They are corrupt. Yeah, yeah. But it's like, when did this happen? It's like it seemed like it... To me, it's like things happened kind of slowly. I wasn't paying attention back in the day, but believe that story a lot.

But it was like in the night of the sun. Bam, here it is. We got co-cocked or something.

Yep. How did we miss it? Well, because... Because Christians are busy raising their children, making a living, being honest, paying their bills. And the left has been busy working behind the scenes to gain control and power. While we don't have to worry about them, they're the ones performing, doing evil. And so, and then all of a sudden, there it is. And that's what happened.

Yeah. So now it's time for the Christians to unite. The pastors need to be preaching and teaching on this on a regular basis. Not forcing it into text, but it needs to be addressed.

And we need to stand up and fight against this unrighteousness. I'm so blessed. The church I have is preaching on the 15th of May on abortion.

Why God hates abortion. And it was perfect. It ended up being... No, it was on the 8th.

It was on Mother's Day. Mm-hmm. But you know, these... Let me make you feel fine. I was going to say, the baby killers, you know, the people who like to kill the babies in the womb and then justify it as an inconvenience.

But don't have guns. I'm sorry, what? What did you say? Yeah.

I mean, and quote, unquote, lie, birth, abortion. What the... Let's just act. I'm sorry. It's evil.

I'll let other colors get off of it. It just boils my blood. And I've got to remember that God is in charge. He sees all this mess. He is in charge. But you know what he does? He gives us the responsibility to act.

Right. Too many Christians that say, no, we're going to get raptured out of here by the blonde haired, black, Caucasian, surfer Jesus. We have to worry about it. We're not supposed to be involved in politics.

Yes, we are. Bad preaching leads to a bad society. My Jesus, that is why I'm here, Jesus. Why? Bad preaching leads to a bad society. Okay.

All right. Well, thanks, Shelly. Well, I live in a place where this guy is a pastor and he's got his ordained diploma on the wall but he's preaching wrong.

God, this is how people go to heaven. I'm like, no, let me let you go for real. I'm sorry. You have a blessing and I thank you for what you do. Okay. Well, thanks a lot. I appreciate it, Shelly. Yes. All right. Hey, let's get, we have three up in lines, 877-207-2276.

Martin from Virginia. Welcome. You're on the air.

Hey, Matt. Hey, thanks again for your ministry. Oh, you're welcome.

Thanks for saying. Well, so what do you got? Hey, do you still come on with me? Uh-oh, there's a break. There's the music. There's a break. Okay. Hold on. I'm sorry about that. Hey, folks.

Three up in lines. You want to give me a call? Do you trust the elections anymore? What do you think? I don't. I don't trust them.

So what's your opinion? Uh, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Okay, everybody, welcome back to the show. Let's get back on here with Martin from Virginia. Martin, welcome. You're on the air.

Hey, Matt. Yeah, thanks. Just commentary onto your lead-in about the election and domesticism. I mean, I haven't seen the movie, but I've read quite a bit about it, and I did a little bit of research, like you did, about some of the counterarguments. And most of the counterarguments are just, you know, that's just, they don't fly. They have to do it, of course. But, you know, I think and, they do a really good job of documenting actual convictions of election fraud in 2020, and they actually show the locality, the municipalities of, you know, if anybody says, hey, you know, fraud's not real.

It's totally real. It's kind of, it's provable, and you can see it by conviction. And if anybody even looks at some of these voter rolls that are still dirty, you know, there's no reason to have dead people on voter rolls. But most of the left, they kind of like that, and it makes for good voters sometimes, I guess. Well, dead brains are good leftists, yeah.

Yeah, yeah. And I think something else about some of the, I guess, the Zuckerbergs, the 420 plus million that was donated to help 98% in Democrat localities actually fund these NGOs that mules actually, I mean, and granted, some of these mules, from what I've seen, are just looking for their 200 bucks a day. They didn't know what they were doing. They're just getting paid.

But the leading money, if they follow the money, it goes back to organizations like Zuckerberg and the 420 million that blindly just funded these organizations to wildly do things unregulated and get away with pretty much fraud. So, you know, you kind of get what you vote for, and now we're kind of reeking those unfortunate rewards. Well, the thing is, what the left will often do is redistrict certain areas so that Republicans, I'm not a Republican, but so that Republicans can't win by the votes.

There's a pretty sly way of doing that. Then they get in and they start passing laws in their favor. The ballot box is one thing, and then to deny voter ID.

Now I understand why. They don't want voter ID. They call it racist.

It's not racist. But they call it voter ID is racist because they don't want verification for the ballots. They want to bill the stuff to ballot boxes. That's what it comes down to. That's it? Exactly, yeah. If you don't allow signature verification or ID verification, ID numbers, then you really open the door for anybody any number of times to harm the actual constitutional right of anyone voting in America. That's right. It's true voter fraud if you don't allow that.

That's right. It's time for them to wake up. It's time to wake up. People have got to understand what's going on. I don't know what to do though.

I'm just a nobody radio guy on Christian apologetics. But we've got to do something somehow. Something's got to be done. You've got to vote. You've got to testify. You testify and you vote. It's hard. It's really hard when you know that there's something invalid going against your ballot vote, erasing your vote. But keep voting and pray and keep praying. Prayer is progress.

Things work out. But you testify enough to scripture that you know that it's in the writing that truth will become lies and this is all part of that plan that's playing out. Look, it is, but it doesn't mean that it has to happen now in the ultimate sense. We don't know God's timeline. And too many Christians, they sit in their hands saying it's all in God's hands. Let's do nothing.

And that's the wrong thing to do. Jesus says go make disciples of all nations. He's going to be with us. That means as we go do it that he's going to be there.

Well, he's still with us when we sit down. And another thing, Jesus says the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. We don't run from gates.

Gates just stand there. That means the gates won't prevail. That means when we knock them down, they're not going to prevail. The whole implication is that Christians are to be biblically aggressive. It doesn't mean burning like BLM does and lying about things as the left does.

It means standing forthright on righteousness and moving forward in that polite, biblical, aggressive way of pushing against darkness. That's what we're supposed to do, not sit around and do nothing. Right. Oh, exactly. Exactly.

I mean, if we want, I mean, if there's any justice at all, we'll retire a petty Pelosi and snake in the grass Schumer, you know, short. And that takes action. And it takes courage and it takes faith and it takes conviction. So, you know, Christians need to keep being educated and keep being truthful to their faith.

Yeah. In fact, who was it, the Muslim woman? Islam is so bad.

But she introduced a bill, oh yeah, to introduce a resolution recognizing the catastrophe of Israel's creation. I mean, righteousness is, it's just, isn't anybody else tired of this? It's one of the reasons I do what I do. You know, I'm on radio and I go to chat rooms and I write articles and stuff because I want to fight against unrighteousness and righteousness against Jesus Christ.

And there you go. If you just do, things open up. And as I've said, and this is not, you know, fake humility, the fact that God's got to use a guy from the occult and save him who has Asperger's and then say, let's go out there.

Okay. That's going to tell you how bad it is out there if he's going to lower his standards such that he has to use someone like me. It's serious, but it's serious. There are people out there who are so competent, so intelligent, so articulate, and they're not standing up for the Lord Jesus Christ. It's bad if he's going to use someone like me. It's not false humility. I know what I am, but I also know that God can use anybody and he wants availability.

There are people all over the world who could be used for the glory of God. He's just got to give themselves over to it. Well, it's tough. I mean, as a society, we've kind of been desensitized in a way. Yeah, we have.

Give up. Unfortunately, we've allowed some scope creep in our lives to infect us and infect some of our moral compass. And me as a government, well, a pseudo-government type employee, I've been held to certain standards that when I push back upon, I have to then meet with certain departments to explain things. And it's uncomfortable. And you don't want to keep going through it. So I can see why some people kind of say, hey, I want to kick the can down the road a little bit.

I'm going to retire in two years, one year, whatever. They don't want to make waves. But, you know, making waves isn't really causing an issue. We've got to make waves.

It's sort of setting your standards in your walls. But Christians are set to not make waves. Just get along. Turn your other cheek. Do nothing.

They don't understand what's being taught biblically. Anyway, we've got callers' weights. We've got to move along. But, you know, it's just frustrating. It is.

But things are calling Martin. God bless, buddy. All right. Let's get to Doug from Indiana. Doug, welcome. Thanks for the long wait. Okay.

I guess he got tired of the long wait. Let's get to Jamal from North Carolina. Jamal, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, how you doing, sir? Doing all right, man. Hanging in there, buddy.

What are you doing, man? All right. A little bit of a two parter, as usual.

Wanted to ask, and I already kind of know the answer, but, again, I was approached by some guys at the grocery store, and they wanted to invite me to the Bible. So I was like, all right, cool. You know, let's see what you've got. So we, and they said that you need baptism.

Hey, let's go. You're breaking up. You're breaking up a little. You're breaking up.

So are they saying baptism is necessary for salvation? Sorry about that. Is that better? I don't know yet. Keep talking.

We'll find out. Go ahead. Okay.

All right. So they said that you need baptism to be saved. I said, you don't. I referenced the things on the cross and how he was saved just by asking Jesus to save him. They came back with something I've never heard before. They said, well, that was an exception because Jesus directly saved that person, but everybody else who was not baptized.

Go ahead. So then, so then they say to them, oh, so you admit baptism isn't necessary for salvation. That's it? Because they admitted it. What's the exception? Oh, if it's necessary, there can't be an exception.

Can there? So you're saying, oh, it, baptism's not necessary. Otherwise Jesus would have done what's necessary, right?

He didn't do what's necessary according to you. So therefore it's not necessary, is it? Simple. That's interesting. Take on that. See, this is why I have to have to call in.

I have to hit the back and talk to them about that. So I guess a way I can kind of like, I guess, process it right now quickly would be since Jesus gave that person direct salvation and since those guys said that we need baptism to be saved, then Jesus gave the exception to that one guy. So there is an exception. And it doesn't make any sense.

Why would Jesus give an exception to something that he's requiring of others? It doesn't make sense. Okay. There you go. Hold on.

We've got another break. Okay. Hey folks, three open lines. Give me a call.

8-772-0722-76. We'll be right back. All right, buddy. Welcome back to the show. Let's get back on the air here with Jamal.

Okay, Jamal, welcome back on the air. Yes, sir. All right.

So I'm going to try again real quick. In my own words, the kind I put in my own words, what you're saying is Jesus made an exception according to those guys, but there was no other exception made in the Bible, correct? Well, who says it's an exception? They're saying it's an exception. If it's an exception, then it's not necessary because by logic, what's necessary can't have an exception to it. Otherwise, it's not necessary. This is logic.

Right. Second, who says it's necessary? And who says it's an exception? So they're presupposing that baptism is a requirement for salvation. So I'm going to ask them questions. I'm going to ask them. Are we justified by faith? Romans 5, 1, having therefore been justified by faith. I quote it to them.

They're going to have to say yes. Okay? If they ask what justification is, I'm going to go to Romans 4, 1 through 6, and I'm going to read Romans 4, 1 through 6. Okay. And I'm going to tell them.

This is what it is. Justification is being declared righteous. It's right there in the text. So I say, does the Bible teach that we're justified by faith? They're going to have to say yes. Then my next question is, if you say that we're justified by faith, then my question is, are we justified by faith when we have faith? That's my question. If they say yes, they were justified without baptism. If they say no, they deny scripture.

Yeah. And that also makes sense. And that's why I need to be more learned on the Bible. I've got a Bible up on my phone, but to know what specifically to type in and where I have to be better on that, I could, I guess, type in baptism and being saved, and hopefully that would have pulled it up. They mentioned Matthew about, I think it was Matthew 16, 16, about baptism being required to kind of answer one of your questions.

Yeah, Mark 16, 16. But let me talk about that. Okay?

First of all, it doesn't say baptism is required there. See, people don't know how to think critically, all right? Okay.

And it's very unfortunate that they don't think critically. Now, there's some issues with Mark 16, 16. There's a textual variant, a serious textual variant of that last 11 verses of the New Testament, of the Gospel of Mark there. There's some serious issues.

Okay. And there's 17 words that appear in those 11 verses that never appear anyplace else. And, in verse 12 of Mark 16, it says that Jesus appeared in a different form. Well, that's not the case.

He appeared in the same body he died in. So there's some issues here, and I can get into that and say this is not the place you want to go. And I say, besides, even if you want to do that, if you want to look at it, this is what it says. It says what they want to make it say is not what it actually says. It says, and who believed and has been baptized shall be saved. Does it say baptism is necessary for salvation?

And they're going to argue, but you say, no, it does not. It doesn't say necessary. Does it say believing is necessary for salvation?

It does not say that. Now, we know that it is because the Bible tells us that you must believe, and it's commanded to believe in order to be justified. Where's the related one to say baptism is necessary in order to be forgiven of your sins?

There isn't any. What they're going to do, generally, is they want to go to John 3 through 8, where Jesus says you must be born with water and the Spirit. And they say that means baptism. I need to put my notes up on baptism.

I've got to do that. And it does not necessitate water baptism. And if it did, then what baptism would it be talking about?

Not Trinitarian baptism, but John the Baptist baptism. Furthermore, in verse 10, Jesus says to Nicodemus, he says, you don't even know these things? You're a teacher of Israel, and you don't understand these things? Well, that means, then, that he's supposed to already know from what the Old Testament says. You're a teacher of Israel? You do not understand these things? He's referring to the responsibility of Nicodemus, who's a Pharisee, to be able to know the Old Testament, and you're a teacher of Israel. You're supposed to know this. That means it's found in the Old Testament.

And this is what really throws him. And I'll ask him, where is it, then? What was Jesus referring to in the Old Testament about water and being born and spirit and birth?

Where is it? They don't know what to do, because they've not thought in this term. And sometimes, however, some will say, well, he's talking about Ezekiel, which says, I'll sprinkle clean water on you, and you'll be made clean. I'll cleanse you from the filthiness from all your idols. That seems to be what Jesus is referring to. And then I say, yeah, I think so. Ezekiel 36, 25.

36, 25. And I'll say, notice what it says. He will sprinkle clean water on you. And not be immersed. And not be immersed. That really opens up a bag.

And here's something else there's a throwout at you, okay? Whenever you see in the Old Testament, whenever you see that the Holy Spirit is being sent, he's to be poured. The Holy Spirit is to be poured. It's all over the Old Testament. And I have a list of them.

I don't have them memorized. But I can tell you, when you go to Joel 2, 28, when he says he will pour forth his spirit, that's quoted in Acts 2, 17. That these are the last days, the prophecy of the Spirit being poured forth. Also, when you go to Acts 10, 44 through 48, it says that the Holy Spirit fell upon those who have been listening. The gifts of the Holy Spirit have been poured out on the Gentiles also, verse 45. So, the Holy Spirit is poured.

That's what it means. That's how he comes, by being poured. That's how the Bible talks about it. Now, when you go to Acts 1, 5, and they say baptism must mean immersion. John immersed with water. He baptized with water. But you'll be baptized with the Holy Spirit. You'll be immersed with the Holy Spirit? That's not what it means.

The only way the baptism with the Holy Spirit can occur is if it's by pouring. That's what it means. Yes. It's hard to argue with all that. Oh, yeah. And also, I believe Jesus was sprinkled according to the law.

The Old Testament law of Numbers 8, 7. And that's another topic. There's so much. And I love talking to these guys. See if you can get them in a room and get me on a speakerphone with them. And we'll have a nice conversation. Well, that's another thing I've got to get you on the phone for, because I've forgotten about getting you in front of our Men's Bible study, which actually leads me to my second question, which I'm probably going to have to email you about to describe a further detail. I have a page, or we have a page, called Wednesday in the Word. It's Men's Bible Study.

And I just wanted to get you to check it out and see what you think about it and then comment and make any recommendations as you think that are needed. I'll tell you what I would do is just email me at info at and have me take a look and see if I can, because I've got a lot of stuff. Or get your guys together on Wednesday. I'll be teaching tomorrow night on Catholicism on Clubhouse, and I'll be talking about that.

But heck, I'm totally open to joining in people's studies on a phone situation or a video, whatever, and they can fire questions and help ground people. I would love to do that all over the place. It would be great. Good deal. What time tomorrow night? I don't know.

It'll probably be around 7 o'clock my time, so 9 o'clock Eastern time, probably about that time. That's what I would say. Okay. Well, thanks as always, and God bless. All right, buddy. God bless, man. You're awesome. All right. Let's get on the phones with Anonymous from Salt Lake City.

Christians being lazy. Let's get to Maureen from Ohio. Hey, Maureen. Welcome.

You're on the air. Hi. How are you? Oh, I'd say a little miffed, slightly aggravated, with a little bit of obstreperousness kind of tossed in. Yeah, that's how I am. Same here.

A little good. All right. So the whole voting thing. My thoughts are I'm with you. I don't trust the election process anymore.

There's too much question. However, citizens need to stand up and be counted and let our government know by our vote that we do not care for the current administration practices. Well, that's what the vote's supposed to be in November. Well, in part. Is it going to matter? My word about it is in two years, when the president is voted for, all of a sudden, the Dems start winning all over the place?

Nah. Then that would be proof of me of absolute corruption. And then someone would need to be done absolutely. Well, yeah, there is absolute corruption. But by the citizens voting, we let these people know that we're out there and... I think they think that most people are just buffaloed. And that's really not the case. There's so many more people that are aware of what's going on and not happy about it.

They just don't know what to do about it. And, you know, it's probably not going to change the election. And I don't have that much faith in the Republican Party either. I don't either.

Yeah, I don't either. Definitely, the Democrats and the current administration, they're awful. Yeah, they are. And they need to know how many people they're up against. I mean, you know, they're going to keep on pushing, and if we sit back and we do not vote, things are definitely not going to change. Well, what happens if the votes don't even count anymore and they ballot stuff? They stuff the ballots.

Then, you know, it's too late. They're in complete control. They would love us to vote.

It doesn't matter. They'll just do what they want to do. That's what I'm afraid of. They're already in complete control, Matt. Okay? And the longer they stay in control, the harder it's going to be to reverse it.

And even if it were past the point of reversing it, it's still time to stand up and say that I am a Christian, completely disagree with all of your policies and what you are doing. Yeah. They don't mind if we disagree because they'll just do what they want to do anyway. Yes, they do.

Yeah, they do. They're passing laws now where they don't even want us voicing our opinions. That's right. They're threatening to haul us off to the Ministry of Truth and lock us up like the January 6th protesters.

And my kids are raised, so they can come and get me. Right. You know, there's nothing I've got that means that much to me that I'm going to go along with what's coming. Because if you think what's bad, what's happening now is bad, just, you know. It's going to get worse. Yeah. It is. I don't see the country making it with under Biden for another two years, not without picking up.

No, he's destroying the country. We've got to at least try to get the House and Senate. Once it's done cleaning, we're out of time. There's there's the music. Let's talk about this tomorrow. OK, because this is an important topic.

But yeah. Hey, folks, there we go. Hope you enjoyed that.

I know quite a venture away from standard apologetics of Christianity, but that's what happens sometimes. The word bless you by his grace back on here tomorrow. And hopefully I canceled. I'll talk to you then. We'll see you. God bless. Bye. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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