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Q&A with Koloff - #15

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff
The Truth Network Radio
May 4, 2021 5:00 am

Q&A with Koloff - #15

It's Time to Man Up! / Nikita Koloff

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May 4, 2021 5:00 am

Nikita is mixing it up...his Q&A guests are in studio! David & Wendy Graham are BACK to ask Nikita a few questions, like: What kind of breakthroughs have you seen in your life or the lives of others because of fasting? And do you miss the wrestling days?

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This is the Truth Network. Nakita Koloff here. Questions and answers. Q&A with Koloff, the devil's nightmare. Hey, welcome back to another segment of questions and answers with Koloff.

Nakita Koloff here. And, Matt, I always have fun with these segments, because sometimes I know what I'm going to get, because you as a listener or a follower on social media, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, will sometimes submit your questions to me, and then I kind of know ahead of time and maybe can even prepare to answer those questions. But today's a little different for a couple reasons.

One, I've got a couple with me in studio. Now, normally with questions and answers, I'm calling you, and you're at home or you're at your business or you're wherever, and I'm calling you and we talk and you're asking your questions, but today's different. This couple I've got in studio now, they're no stranger to the Manna Podcast because they've been on the Manna Podcast in the past, but I thought, I've got to bring these guys back and have them on the Q&A show, and I don't know what questions they're going to ask. So, man, no pressure here, but I want to welcome to the Q&A with Koloff, Wendy and David Graham. Welcome, guys. Glad to have you here today. Thank you, Nakita.

Good to be here. Yeah, well, it's great to have you guys in studio. And by the way, if you did not hear the show with these guys, the Manna Podcast with David and Wendy, I want to encourage you, go back and listen to the interview I did with them. They had some amazing insight.

There are Christians out in the marketplace with their car business, with the storage business, and just such a phenomenal interview that I did with these guys. And so I encourage you, go back and listen to that interview. But today, Q&A with Koloff. And so, hey, guys, we talked on the show how we've known each other for quite a few years now, I guess, I don't know, I mean, 12-plus years. And of course, we talked on that show how we met and since that time have built such a really wonderful friendship with each other.

And you guys are big supporters of Koloff for Christ Ministries. But today, a little bit different format. So you're in studio with me. It's Q&A with Koloff. So I guess, Wendy, I'm going to go to you first and give you the opportunity to ask whatever question God's put on your heart to ask me. It can be anything, right? It can be wrestling.

It can be anything. So the floor is yours, Wendy. What question do you have for Koloff today? Well, Nikita, it's been great getting to know you these last years. I know David knows you better, but you have stayed at the house a few times. And I've gotten to know you a little bit. I know how important prayer and fasting is to you.

I see that in your life. And I just, I guess I want to, a lot of people, they may pray, but I don't think they have a lot of experience with fasting. And I want to know what kind of, give me an example of a breakthrough maybe that you have seen because of fasting in your life.

Or maybe you were fasting for someone else's prayer to be answered. And their life. Can you give me an example of maybe a breakthrough that you've seen? Okay. That's a great question. And let me just, for the listeners out there, that may be a term, a word that you're not even familiar with, right? Fasting. What do they mean?

What are they talking about? I mean, I know it's been my experience in all my travels and talking with people and encouraging them to consider fasting. The Bible is clear. The Bible talks about it in Matthew chapter six. There's three main things Jesus references in Matthew chapter six. Giving, praying, and fasting.

And interestingly enough, there's not an if in front of that. In other words, like if you give or if you pray or if you fast, he's pretty clear. He says, and when you give and when you pray and when you fast.

And so let me just say first, for those who are not familiar with fasting, right? I know we get a variety of listeners to this. Sometimes, you know, they might be a follower of Jesus, a believer in Christ. They may not be a believer, at least at this point.

But maybe they will be after listening to the Manna podcast or the Q&A with Koloff. And so that may be a very foreign word to them. Fasting. What do you mean? Well, let me just say first, and I will get to your question.

I will get an answer for your question, that if you're not familiar with that, one of the best books on that is a book by Mike Bickel. Just Google that name, Mike Bickel, called The Rewards of Fasting. And when God first called me to fast, Wendy, I was like, Lord, like, do you mean food?

Or like, what exactly are you referencing here? You know, because back in the day, I mean, I used to eat like in the wrestling days, like 10,000 calories a day on average, right? That's a lot of food, right? That's a lot of food, right?

To maintain a 285 pound frame and as active as I was in the ring, working wrestling almost every single night, working out two, three hours in the gym every day. I mean, that was my lifestyle, right? So when the Lord, when I gave my life to Jesus in 1993, after leaving wrestling, and he starts talking to me about fasting, I didn't know anything about it either. I mean, I didn't have a clue what it was. I read about it. I saw it in the Bible, but I'm like, all right, I don't know what that means. And so I had to go and educate myself and got a book on fasting to understand it, to understand why. Why did Jesus say, and when you fast, right? And so I learned about it. And then as the Lord impressed it upon my heart to do it, I'm like, and he's like, and he was pretty clear, he's like, yeah, food. And I'm like, okay, I'll do it, I'll do it.

You know, that's years and years and years ago now. You know, I've been walking with the Lord for over 27 years, but it's become what I call a lifestyle for me. So fasting is as much a part of my life as eating is a part of my life. I just incorporate right into my life.

Okay. And so the significance of it for me, Wendy, so I guess part of how I would answer, address that is, is I've learned that on the days I fast, and there's all kinds of different fasts out there, and most of the time for me, it's either a water fast or a liquid fast, right? Not eating, you know, solid foods and that sort of thing. But what I found for me personally is my heart, my Spirit, Holy Spirit, my Spirit lives and dwells in me and becomes so much more sensitive. My Spirit becomes so much more sensitive to the Holy Spirit so that on the days I'm fasting, when I'm reading the Word, eating the scroll, I like to say, reading the Word, spending time in prayer, talking to Him, and I'm getting better at this. I'm still working on this, but the part about listening to Him, I'm good with talking to Him. I'm not so good yet on listening to Him, in other words, just spending time.

In fact, I think it's funny, right? We'll ask questions, we'll ask Him questions, and then how often do we sit around and wait for the answer? Because we're so busy, right?

We're so busy lives. So, one, it really postures my heart to be more sensitive to the Word, sensitive to His voice, and to listen and hear from Him. And so, now, I'll do that on a very regular basis. And then there's times when He'll call me to extend the fast, and partly it may be for a breakthrough for myself. Like, maybe I'm really searching for an answer on something. It could be an answer about a business.

Lord, am I supposed to get involved in this business? Or, as you made reference to, I might be fasting and praying for somebody else's breakthrough, or them looking for an answer for something. And I like to tell people, hey, if you're in a situation where you've been praying about a breakthrough, or looking to get an answer from God, then you might consider fasting and add that into your life.

Does that answer your question? Or there can be more to it for you? No, that's good.

I just wanted to see what your thoughts were. And I know the listeners out there, probably a lot of them, have never fasted, have never even thought about it. And maybe this will get them to the point to read about it and read, in God's Word, what He says about fasting, and if He wants us to on a regular basis. So, yeah, that's good.

I think it's been so valuable for me, personally, to implement that, incorporate that into my life. And I'm convinced, I'm convinced, and Dave, you can chime in on this in a second, too, if you have a few thoughts regarding fasting. I'm convinced that there's many rewards and blessings that believers have missed out on because they're not fasting. Because Jesus clearly said, when you fast. And so because they don't, or had never even known they should, have missed out on a lot of blessings and rewards.

Would you... I believe that, too, absolutely. Yeah, it's just, I feel like it's becoming more and more important to me, and God wants me to incorporate that on a regular basis in my life. And so it's just in the forefront of my mind these days. That's why I wanted to ask you.

Yeah, no, great question. David, any comments, any thoughts on fasting? Well, you know, the first time I ever fast was with, you know, you was a part of that back in 2011.

Yeah, at the camp. Yeah, you know, I just, I never did that before. And, you know, when I did fast, you know, I thought it was going to be the end of the world, you know, without food. I'm not going to survive.

I can't make it. Yeah, I've been eating food for 50 years, you know. Now you're saying stop eating it. You know, but when I did that, you know, that's when God really spoke to me, especially when He said, when you said it was over with, but He said it wasn't over with. So I continued that fast, and then He just started speaking more and more clearly. I could hear Him more.

I could see Him more. You know, I always ask for Him, you know, give me a sense of eyes and ears, a little bit to see what you're doing and where you're working at. Let me hear you speaking to me. And when I fast, you know, when He lays that on my heart, you know, He speaks to me like so clearly.

It's just, it's unbelievable. That's good. Well, and what resonates, what pops up in my spirit right now as you guys are, we're discussing this is intimacy, the word intimacy. That, you know, it's about a relationship with Jesus. It's about, really, it's not about a religion. It's about a relationship with Jesus.

And when you posture your heart and you walk in obedience to that word, that there's the possibility of growing in intimacy with Jesus, right? So that's what I'm hearing you say too, as you speak that. Yeah. And I'll tell you, I'll be honest with you. I still don't like it.

I mean, I really don't. When I don't, when I'm thinking about fasting, I don't want to do that. But when He lays on my heart, I do it. I just be obedient.

And then He shows up and shows off like He always does. Because blessing follows obedience. Blessing follows obedience. Okay. Any other thoughts or comments, Wendy? Okay. All right. So David, so the floor is yours.

Question for Kolov. Okay. Well, let me ask you, I know, I probably know the answer to this, but I'm gonna ask you anyway, because I know where you're at in life and what God's doing through you and all. But do you miss the wrestling days?

Do you miss that scene and that popularity and people, you know, and just... All the fanfare. Yeah. And I get asked that a lot. I actually do it, not only, you know, I have my own podcast and radio show, but I do a lot of interviews for other podcasts. I've probably done a dozen different podcast interviews in the last two, three weeks and constantly. And I got another one. I just did one in Ireland and one in Australia.

And I got a couple more that have given me an invitation overseas and here in America. And I get that question a lot, you know, do you miss it? Do you miss it?

And truthfully, I would say I do not miss being involved, being in the ring. I mean, I look back on it and it was, I feel a wonderful part of my life journey. And certainly it's, I will say that it's easy to get caught up in that, the hype and the hysteria and the fanfare and all of that. And it's easy to get caught up in that. And it's difficult for some to walk away from that. Right?

It really is. Cause they kind of feed off of the frenzy of autograph seekers and the roar and cheer of the crowd. Now I enjoyed that. I'd be lying if I didn't say, I enjoy, I mean, you've got 20,000 people chanting your name and cheering you on. I mean, or in some cases booing you as they did.

They loved to hate me in the early part of my career. But I think what's helped with that though, guys, what's helped me with that is I haven't completely walked away from the wrestling business. Meaning I'm not in the ring. You're not going to, if you want to see me in a pair of tights, for those of you listening out there, go, go pull up YouTube. Cause you will not see me live in a pair of tights.

I'm just saying, I'm just saying, you're not going to see me in a pair of tights live, but go watch me on YouTube. But, but I'm still involved in the sense of, of like legends, autograph signings. We're doing a lot right now, like a lot of virtual signings and, and, and, and in-person signings, you know, and so I get the opportunity and that's not only at signings, you know, comic cons, different venues where I get to meet the fans and hear their stories, but also on a smaller scale, other wrestling shows like regional shows where they'll bring me in because of the name, you know, to be a name on, on, on, on the show. And so I get, I still get to be around the active wrestling and every now and then there's the possibility the fan may get to see the infamous Russian sickle just every now and then. And so all of that to say, I'm thrilled.

I'm, I feel just humbled and honored to have had the career I had but have no interest or desire. In fact, they just asked me recently, go, what about a one-off Nikita? Like just one more, you know, one more match. Right.

And, and I'm like, you know, they may all, and some of these guys, you know, some of these guys, they say, you're one of the few guys that retired and actually retired, like stayed retired. Right. And, and cause some of these guys would come back and I get it. Like they'll offer them a couple million dollars, you know, to, to have a match, you know, pay Goldberg, whatever, 2.5 million to have one match over in Saudi Arabia. Right. So it, so the money can be tempting, but is that what God wants me to do? Right.

Do a one-off and go in and have another match. And so, so yeah. So, you know, all, all that said, I'm thrilled and God's still using that wrestling career to his glory and with, without me putting on a pair of tights. So. Right. Yeah. Good question. That was a great question. Yeah.

A lot of people want to know that. So, well, Q and A with Koloff, you guys had great questions come, you know, different coming from different angles on, on, on where I'm at. And, and again, just appreciate you guys. Love you guys. Really grateful for our relationship and our friendship and thanks for coming into the studio.

Thank you for having us. Yeah. Thank you. You're welcome.

All right. Well, Hey, next time on Q and A with Koloff dial in, we'll have another great, some more great questions to answer for you. And, and Hey, just remember, just go on, and submit your questions. I want to hear from you and, and, and, and you may get a personal phone call from the Russian nightmare. And I'll answer your questions on Q and A with Koloff. Thanks for tuning in. This is the Truth Network.
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