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That's When Love Was Born

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger
The Truth Network Radio
December 19, 2021 10:31 am

That's When Love Was Born

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger

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December 19, 2021 10:31 am

My long-time friend, Hank Martin, sent me a new Christmas song he recorded - and I shared it on the radio program. Many have heard Hank's voice without knowing it - he sang commercial jingles for many years in New York. One of my best friends in the world, it was a special treat for me to play this beautiful song and have Hank on the program. He told me he'd be up late the night before performing at a Christmas function - so I'd have to handle the heavy lifting of talking on the radio! But he made the early call in time, and it was great to have him on!

Download his song today at Amazon, Spotify, iTunes, and other streaming platforms. 

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Go to Coupon code CAREGIVER. Joy of the Lord, joy of the Lord in my strength. Joy of the Lord, joy of the Lord. Welcome back to Hope for the Caregiver here on American Family Radio. This is Peter Rosberger. This is the show for you as a family caregiver.

Healthy caregivers make better caregivers. That was Gracie, my wife, with Russ Taft. That's off her CD Resilient. You can get a copy of that at and hear all the different songs and music that we've done together over the years. I particularly love that and I love listening to her sing. Speaking of singing, I've got a song that I want to introduce to you all today.

I asked a long time friend of mine, Hank Martin, to come on the show. We'll talk to him after the song is played. This is a song called That's When Love Was Born. There are a lot of Christmas songs out there, a lot of great Christmas songs.

I particularly enjoyed hearing this one. When I first heard it, Hank sent it over to me just about a week and a half ago. They just finished recording it. I said, you know what, I'm having this on the program and I think this will be a great way to launch this week before Christmas and even a little bit after because I think it's a great message for the song. It's called That's When Love Was Born. I will tell you that I love this guy's voice. I always have. I've been accompanying him as a pianist for many, many, many years.

We've been friends for 30 plus years. That's When Love Was Born. One of this earth. Joseph praying. Mary laboring. And at the moment of his birth. That's when love was born.

For the broken torn. Life began again. That first Christmas morning.

That's when love was born. In a manger. A lowly manger. Mary laid him in the hay.

Shepherds kneeling. As God's revealing his son. The object of their praise. That's when love was born.

For the broken torn. Life began again. That first Christmas morning. That's when love was born. Now the word dwells among us.

He's the truth, the way, the life. Our salvation Jesus brought us. The day he stepped upon the stage of time. And that's when love was born.

For the broken torn. Life began again. That first Christmas morning. That's when love was born. That's when love was born.

Isn't that lovely? That is my friend Hank Martin singing his new song, That's When Love Was Born. And I am just pleased to introduce this song to you all. This is the first time this song has been played.

He just recorded it and you can get it wherever songs are downloaded, whatever streaming platform. Hank and I have been friends for a lifetime. I wanted to have him come on the show this morning. He's a little gravelly this morning because he was out singing at an event, a Christmas event last night.

But I called over there and made him get up. So here's Hank Martin. Hank, you with me?

I am with you, Peter. All right, let me tell you about Hank's voice. Some of you all may have heard this over the years and not realized that you were listening to Hank. Because he sang commercial jingles.

Like, Red Lobster, we know how to do seafood. Do you remember that one? I'm not going to make Hank sing this morning. There ain't much left of Hank this morning, but I made him crawl out of bed. Let me see if I can go through the list of what you did. You did GE, We Bring Good Things to Life. You did that one. You did We Build Excitement, Potty Yak, and Two Scoops of Raisins, and Kellogg's Raisin Bran. He did all those jingles in New York.

Nationwide is on your side. Yeah, he was doing that long before Peyton Manning was doing it and others. He's got quite a lengthy history on this. He and I have written a couple of songs together. Last week, I did a song that Gracie recorded with my friend Scat Springs, who passed away a week and a half ago. Hank and I wrote that song called Heaven's Not the Reason. We also wrote a song called The Love of Jesus together.

We have a lot of stuff we've done together. Let me tell you a story real quick before we get into this because I'm going to give Hank a chance to get some coffee down his gullet. Hank's down in South Carolina.

We're both South Carolina boys. Hank's daughter is getting married, and there's probably, I don't know, three, four, five, six hundred people there at the wedding. Hank wanted me to play for him to sing at his daughter's wedding. I've done that many times.

I've played plenty of times. But there was a little bit of a wrinkle in this particular issue is that Hank hadn't finished writing the song. So thirty minutes before the wedding, we're down in the fellowship hall in one of the Sunday school rooms. There's a piano down there. Hank and I are finished writing the song. I've never performed a song because it wasn't finished.

I was scrambling to write out a chart to be able to play this thing. Fortunately, the piano was in the back of the church where the choir loft was at this particular church. This was in Nashville. There was a who's who of people in the music business.

Here I am, this young man. This was, I guess, what is this, thirty years ago, Hank? I get up there, and the whole service, I don't even remember the service. I know he walked her down the aisle.

I know they had a service, but I'm up there just scrambling trying to write out this chart. Then Hank comes running up to the choir loft after he delivered his daughter to be married. He comes running up there and says, are you ready?

I'm over there just a wreck. We got through this song that had never been played before because it had just been finished writing within the last twenty minutes. Hank did that to me, and I've never forgiven him for that. That prepared me to go on live radio, live TV, and everything else. He said, you got it now.

You're ready. You see, this is the way we do it in New York. I said, well, this ain't the way we do it here. How are you doing this morning, Hank? Well, I was a tenor last night, and I'm a baritone this morning, but I'm doing great, and as a buddy of mine says, I'm vertical and still taking nourishment, and I thank the Lord for that. You are indeed. Well, this is a beautiful song. That's when love was born. I know when you first heard it, you just flipped over it. Oh, my God. I love hearing your voice, Hank.

I've listened to it for a lifetime. There's a little secret there that I tell people close by, and I'm going to go ahead and just tell this to my audience here because y'all are family. I don't accompany many people. I just don't like to do it. I play for Gracie, and I play for Hank.

That's pretty much it. Very rarely will I play for anyone else unless there's mitigating circumstances, but I just don't like to do it because I like to enjoy the song. I don't want to work that hard at it, and I don't really want to carry other people as they're doing it. I just want to be able to enjoy the music, and when Hank sings and when Gracie sings, I just kind of get lost in the song, and he's one of those special ones that do it. People want to get this song, Hank. Well, yes, I am too kind to you, Hank. If people want to get this song, where do they go get it, Hank? They get it from any of these.

My son and my grandchildren know this better than me. iTunes, Amazon, Spotify. As a matter of fact, my dear, beloved wife Beth, she picked me up last night after we played for a cotillion last night, a debutante cotillion in Florence, South Carolina, and she said, Guess what? I think I bought you a first download on iTunes, and that's where it's out there on all those sites. Well, go out there and get it then.

Wherever you download digital music, you can get it. That's when love was born, and Archie wrote this, and who else wrote this with Archie? Two other guys, Gary Duffy and Jimmy Carter. Not the Jimmy Carter, I assume.

Not the present. I knew he was building houses. I didn't know he was writing songs. Hank, you are a delight to get up early in the morning and put up with all my nonsense. Thank you for a lifetime of being a friend, and thank you for your music and for this song.

That's when love was born. Go out and stream it today. You can get it, and we'll put a link out to it on the podcast as well. Hank Martin.

What are you? What is your website?

Oh, Lord, don't give out your email, hey? Bless his heart. This is Hope for the Caregiver. We'll be right back.

Hey, this is Peter Rosenberger. Have you ever helped somebody walk for the first time? I've had that privilege many times through our organization, Standing with Hope. When my wife Gracie gave up both of her legs following this horrible wreck that she had as a teenager, and she tried to save them for years, and it just wouldn't work out, and finally she relinquished them, and thought, wow, this is it. I mean, I don't have any legs anymore.

What can God do with that? And then she had this vision for using prosthetic limbs as a means of sharing the gospel, to put legs on her fellow amputees, and that's what we've been doing now since 2005 with Standing with Hope. We work in the West African country of Ghana, and you can be a part of that through supplies, through supporting team members, through supporting the work that we're doing over there.

You can designate a limb. There's all kinds of ways that you can be a part of giving the gift that keeps on walking at Would you take a moment and go out to and see how you can give? They go walking and leaping and praising God. You can be a part of that at
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