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The Coming Messiah

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
May 13, 2024 6:00 am

The Coming Messiah

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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May 13, 2024 6:00 am

In this episode of Clearview Today, Dr. Shah talks about the time in which Jesus came and how He wasn’t obscure to the Pharisees. His entire life pointed to the fact that He was the prophesied Messiah and the Pharisees understood that.

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That's and use that promo code T-O-D-A-Y. You're listening to Clearview Today with Dr. Abbadan Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm Ryan Hill.

I'm John Galantis. You can find us online by visiting or if you have any questions for Dr. Shah or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028. Or you can email us at contact at

That's right. We want you guys to help us keep the conversation going. You can do that by supporting the show. You can share it online with your friends, family.

Leave us a good five star review on iTunes or Spotify, anywhere you get your podcasting content from and absolutely nothing less than five stars for any reason. Absolutely nothing less. Our verse of the day today is coming from 1 John 5, verse 13. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God. Even in John's gospel, that is a huge theme is belief. You know, that's really John's entire goal is that he wrote that gospel.

I think he even says that at some point. I wrote these words so that you would believe. That is his entire goal because he knows that ultimately that's what your faith hinges on, is belief that Jesus not only did what he said he was going to do, but that he is who he says he is. Yeah, and you can have confidence in what you believe. John writes here in both his gospel and this, of course, one of his letters, that you may know that you have eternal life. That's not a question you have to struggle with. That's not a question you have to wrestle with. Yes, doubts may come in, but doubts can be addressed.

You can have confidence that you have eternal life in that belief in the Son of God. That's right. Big thank you to Date the Word for partially sponsoring this show. Ryan, how are you doing today, man? Oh, I'm tired. Yeah, I'm kind of tired too, man. It's been a long...

I'm trying to hydrate with my Clearview church. Yeah, you're looking good, man. Look, here's what I thought. We usually don't do this, but I was thinking of just kind of outsourcing one of our segments today. Because as you know, today is all the small things. This is our weekly segment where we talk about just some of the little things that God has given us to enjoy in this life.

But these days, I'm too tired to do it, man. I thought I was going to kick it over to our engineer, David, because he said there was something that he really enjoyed about life. And I want to just kind of... David, if you want to just kind of launch us into ourselves.

No, you don't want to, David. So, you know, it's always good when you're growing up and you're a little kid and you don't really have any cares in the world. Things just kind of seem almost weightless.

True. You get to get up in the morning and you get to go and... Life just feels magic. Yeah, you go to Bojangles, you get a biscuit, your grandma takes you to the movie theater and you all sit there and watch.

Then she goes and gets you games at a rating you probably can't play. Now, this is during the summer or this is like instead of going to school? The school year. Yeah, of course, of course.

No, I'm playing during the summer. And then, you know, when your mom takes you to Walmart and you're in the basket and she buys you a doughnut to keep you occupied. You eat it and then you leave without paying for it. What? You said you... Hang on.

First off, you ate it... Hold on. Because one of those things sounded like a felony. Yeah. I don't know if it's a felony. A felony?

Wow. A criminal offense. She's going to federal prison for that.

Punishable by law. The police are here now. Oh my goodness. There they are on the door. I can't believe it. You said you ate the doughnut in the store. She let you do that or you did it without her permission?

No, no, no. So we would go to the store and I was a rowdy kid. And I would have probably had thrown the wrapper out of the cart. I was going to say, because you probably have nothing signifying that you had the doughnut. There's no empty box. There's no bag.

There's nothing. He's got it. But he's like...

I can see little Dave. He's like, I'm done with this. And he just throws it in the floor.

And his mom doesn't even notice. So we, many times, would get to the car and then she'd be like, oh, that doughnut. Now we got to go inside. Or she would be like, when she was really sick of me, she'd be like, you know what? Next time we come back, I'll pay for both.

I just don't want to go back inside because I've had enough. You can ask. I am asking her. So I'm texting her right now. I texted her. I said, because David's mom is on our worship team. I wouldn't just randomly text his mother. But I said, did you let David eat doughnuts in the store while y'all shopped?

Three question marks. She said, yes, it was like a tradition. So she liked it. Yeah, it was something... Or did she just maybe miss it these days?

She probably just misses it these days because here's the thing. We'd go into Walmart and it was like a ritual. We'd walk in, the first thing I'd have to do is have to use the bathroom for whatever reason.

At the worst bathroom to use, nonetheless. We would do that. I would go. We'd get a doughnut, go around the store. Once the doughnut's gone, I'm not calm because there's sugar in the doughnut. I'm not calm. So I'm acting out.

I'm being crazy. And then we'd go by the toy aisle, to which she swore she'd never buy me a toy. And then you, of course, hard cut to you with a toy.

No, it never would have been hard cut. Oh, she didn't buy it? No, she wouldn't buy the toy.

So she would steal doughnuts, but hard line with the toy. Right. Gotcha.

Right. It was accidental theft. And yeah, normally ended up with me being just rowdy. The worst one, I had a pair of Heelys and I skated away from her until she finally caught me.

Yeah, I'm texting her. She said it was like a tradition. I said, y'all forgot to pay for it.

She said, only a few times, but I would remember when we'd get to the car and I'd go back in and pay. You're a bunch of thieves. You're a bunch of Walmart doughnut thieves. And that's are all the small things for the day.

Love it. What's your hack? For those of you who have little kids, parents, you know what I'm talking about.

What's your hack to making sure kids are well behaved in the store? Oh, it's a switch. Not like from a tree. I mean, like you buy them a Nintendo switch and just bring them. Oh, got it. Okay. Okay. That's wild. I was like, you just carry a stick in the store?

No, I did that on purpose. Ellie takes the wooden spoon. Yeah. We have a wooden spoon that she takes in her purse. She would keep a stick in her purse, like a switch, and it would make its way out whenever need be.

Ooh, that's crazy. Ours has a little red ribbon tied on it. So when Gavin sees it, he knows. He's like, okay, I'll stop. I'll stop. I'll stop. I'll stop.

Write in and let us know what your hack is, parents. We'll be back after this. Bye. Bye.

Bye. Check us out on Apple Music or on Spotify. Anywhere digital music is consumed. We've got a few singles out right now. We have an EP out as well, and right now, at this moment, actually, we are working on our first ever full length original album.

Hopefully that's gonna be out sometime this coming summer. Clearview Worship on iTunes and Spotify is your 24-7 place for inspiration and worship. Follow us today and let God's message of hope, love, and faith be a guiding light in your life.

Amen. Let's hop back into the show. Welcome back to Clearview Today with Dr. Abbadon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can visit us online at, or if you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028.

That's right, and we're here once again in the Clearview Today studio with Dr. Abbadon Shah, who is a PhD in New Testament textual criticism, professor from Carolina University, author, full-time pastor, and the host of today's show. Dr. Shah, have you ever blatantly stole donuts from a store? Let me ask you this.

I'll put it on more broadly. From a store? From a store, yeah. So here's the real question. Okay.

Because I don't want to call it, it's stealing technically. Did you ever let your kids eat in the store while you were like at the grocery store? No. Never let that happen. I think Nicole may have, but then it ended up paying for it because it was not the full package eaten, but I don't think so. I've never done that.

My parents wouldn't allow it either, but I have seen people like take the drink and they'll drink it and then pay for an empty bottle. I always felt like that was kind of embarrassing, so I didn't do that. Yeah, I've never done that. Yeah. I'm afraid somebody's going to call me out.

Right. Like, hey, are you stealing? Well, so I'm glad you say that because that never happened to a certain someone in this room. They would eat the donuts in the store and then forget to pay for them.

There's a lot of a certain someone does that doesn't make any sense. And walk out. What happened, bud? Oh, he's gone. He's gone. I looked at him and didn't see him. He's not visible anymore. He was gone.

Go ahead, David. Respond. Yeah, when I was little, I would go in Walmart with my mom and that was always hectic.

Like first thing that would happen is that... Hectic? Why is it hectic? Me. Like taking you as hectic? Yes. As a kid.

As a kid. I almost spit out my coffee. Me.

It's still hectic. Yeah, that's true. It's me.

I'm the problem. No, you don't get to double down on this. You just get to tell your story. You just steal donuts from the store.

Tell us. I'd pull up to Walmart and I'd be me and my mom would be like, okay, I'll go ahead and get you a donut so that you'll be quiet and riding the buggy and just, I can get my groceries. So she'd give me a donut and I'd eat it while we're going around getting groceries. We'd get to the checkout and we would go through the line, check everything out, be putting the groceries in the car. And then as she's buckling me in, she'd be like, David, we didn't pay for that donut. And I was like, oh. How often would that happen?

That happened. I feel like every time we went, she doesn't learn. Why would you give them the donut to begin with? Like what, like what, how, how I can see, I can see a big box of donuts and she, he eats one. It's a 12, you know, it's a dozen and even then I don't think it's right. The store has like a little bakery section where they have single donuts.

Yeah. You just pull out the one. So I would just, well, she would pull out one, give it to me and I'd eat it and then she'd forget.

And I was like maybe seven or eight. So of course I wouldn't care. You know, I need to pay for this donut. You're like, I got a donut, cool. I'm good. Yeah.

I'll be, I'll be quiet as long as I'm chewing it. That happened more often than not. I just don't understand how much trouble you could really be causing from the buggy for her to be like, the donut, giving you the donut is the only solution.

Parents sometimes will do whatever it takes just to get, just to get through. I was the kid that I went into Walmart, asked for my mom to give me a toy. When she said no, I took off on my Heelys down the aisle of the store. And then when, when she finally caught me and put me over her shoulder, she just left her basket. She was like, we're going home.

And as she's carrying me out, I'm yelling, help, help, somebody help. I, the thing is it sounds fake. That would not happen in my home. Oh no. It sounds like a made up story.

The only problem is his mom has told me that. So I know that it's true. And I got home and got the, the rod.

Did you really get spanked? Yeah. Okay.

All right. So here's the thing. Our Monday segments are starting to go down because it's supposed to be these little things in life that the Lord gives you to enjoy, but it's just become stealing and petty vengeance. And it's, it's just, it's bad.

We may need grief. I try to, I try to steer it back. I try to salvage it with like, hey, the dishwasher. It's chores. It's all the wrong things. There you go.

Yeah. Not all the small things, all the wrong things. So if no one saw him eat the donut, there's no reason for them to believe that he actually ate it. You know what I'm saying? Like it's a way to get away with it, but there's no evidence that he ate it unless he's like being, imagine him at the checkout, he's just got glaze all over his face, sprinkles.

He's like, donut, what are you talking about? I'm uncomfortable with you trying to segue crime into the main segment. Yeah. I'm not sure how that goes in here. The fellas over at the Truth Network, Mike.

I'm uncomfortable with them. Yeah, it's Truth Network. That's true. Yeah. Truth Network.

Not the stolen Donut Network. I'm not in an email right now. They want to see me at their office at 8am. And I hate that for you, but we're going to go ahead and power through here. In light of yesterday's, or I'm sorry, Friday's conversation, we're going to pick this back up today talking about not seeing is believing, but rather the opposite, believing is seeing, and how God gives you the eyes of faith to see what he's doing. In light of that, Dr. Shaw, what is the daily encouragement for today? I would, again, if you heard yesterday's show, is just know that God's Word has stood the test of time. You can base your life on it. No matter what somebody is saying right now, no matter what the bestseller that everybody is raving about, just know that there's plenty of good, solid, objective scholarship has been done to prove that the Bible is the Word of God. You don't have to abandon your faith, you don't have to live in doubt forever. Doubt's okay, but don't live there. Just know that there is another side, even if you're not hearing that right now. I love that you say that, because I think a lot of new Christians who are teetering on it, they feel as though stepping out in faith is stepping out into the dark, or into the unknown.

Or into an ignorant world. Like, I'm going back, the professor I was listening to, or this really smart friend I have, he was really enlightening me, and you're taking me back into the shadows, you're taking me back into the dark ages, and that's not true. Do you ever play Frogger? You remember Frogger?

No, but I've heard of it, yeah. So it's kind of like that, I'm imagining, like, I'm playing that blindfolded, like stepping out into traffic. Oh, okay. I was really trying to catch up. I just wanted to play video games. But I got you, yeah, yeah.

I just wanted to talk about video games. It would end with Frogger. Yeah, yeah. Like, they're like, okay, I'm taking this step of faith, I'm probably going to die.

There could be oncoming traffic. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'm stepping out blindfolded. But I like your encouragement there, where it's like, the work has been done. People who are way, way smarter than us, and me, and have devoted their lives to this, have built a foundation of biblical evidence for us to stand on. Yeah.

And one thing I'll point out is, I am almost like, when I look at scholarships, I almost imagine myself as somebody eating at a buffet. So there are times I will go to the scholar because he is solid on the Trinity. I mean, rock solid. Very good. Very good historically, very good theologically, very good biblically. They have very comprehensive knowledge. They're aware of the ramifications of picking some trendy view.

They understand all that. And I may not go to them when it comes to, say, textual criticism, because they're not the best reliable source. Sometimes those people will even make comments about textual criticism that I go, hmm, stick to Trinity. Yeah. You're doing great there.

Here, you did not do well. Yeah. I feel like that, in and of itself, is helpful to a lot of people, because they hear biblical scholar, and if that biblical scholar says things that are contrary to what that person believes, then their whole belief system crumbles. They're like, oh, well, this person is a biblical scholar, and they're saying this, so now I have to either buy in wholesale to what they're saying or just drop everything that I believed. And sometimes even if they're lifestyle, they do something bad or they mess up or they mess up in some area of their life, just know the scholarship still stands, even if they themselves don't have the ethos anymore. I want to see if I can take this analogy even further and paint this illustration.

Tell me if it works. But I feel like there are people who haven't even paid for the buffet yet. They haven't even paid for their ticket, but they're trying to have the buffet mindset. So they're like, okay.

Is that David? Well, yeah, so David, a little bit as far as the donut goes, but I'm talking about even people are like, all right, tell me why I should believe in Jesus. And you lay out the evidence, and they're like, okay, give me another proof, and then you give them some more, and they're like, all right, give me another. You haven't even come into the restaurant yet. You're out in the parking lot, and I think of even the Jewish leaders that were talking to Jesus, they're like, all right, show us another sign. And he's like, here's a sign that I'm the Messiah. I'm the one. They're like, give us some more. Give us some more.

Yeah. But it's like at a certain point, you do have to take that step before you keep asking for evidence. Well, see, if you go back to John chapter 8 is what you're referring to in verse, John chapter 5 and verse 39, where it says, Jesus said, you searched the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life, and these are they which testify of me, but you're not willing to come to me that you may have life. Verse 45, do not think that I shall accuse you to the father. There is one who accuses you, Moses, in whom you trust, bro.

That's a shot. But if you believe Moses, you would believe me for he wrote about me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words? Wow.

That's that's a, there's so much there. I mean, what we just read seems like a little stream, but it's a massive ocean. And you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life, and these are they which testify of me. So again, the old debate, or at least the old debate on this show, did the Jewish people know, that Jesus was the Messiah? I believe they, or did they even have the understanding of the Messiah as we now understand it?

Or did Jesus have to come and like create the understanding of the Messiah being God's anointed King who was going to die on the cross for their sins? Was that such a radical idea that they were all confused and shocked and bewildered and wondering, I don't get it. This is not what we studied in our Saturday school, you know, not Sunday school, Saturday school. Very nice.

Very nice. This is, no, I don't think so. And this right here testifies that because they were looking in the scriptures for eternal life. And what Jesus says is these are they which testify of me, but you're not willing to come to me that you may have life.

Not that you're unable to, or not that you're confused, but you're not willing. And what they were saying was, no, we think you may be, but give us another sign. And John's gospel is the gospel of signs. Some scholars have divided it up as a gospel of signs and gospel of glory. The first half signs, the second half glory.

And you know, you can study that or take issue with it, but either way, he uses the word signs again and again. It's not, these are the beginning of miracles that Jesus did. No, these are the beginning of signs that Jesus did. And the very first sign was turning water into wine. And this was not just to show Jesus's humanity that he went to a wedding. This was not just to show the happy Jesus who also likes to celebrate with us. Because those are the applications- Or that Jesus is totally cool with drinking. Yeah, or he's- Yeah, he's cool with it.

Because he did it. That's the one always gets me. It's like, really? Yeah. Yeah? Okay. Whatever.

That's the application you pulled out? That's what they- Or the side on the other side, or the people on the other side, which are like, hey, but that wine? It was not intoxicating. It was just juice. It was just juice, man. It was well just- Yes.

And that's not true either. Right. The whole purpose of, if you just want to focus on the wedding at Cana, was that yes, it was intoxicating. But the purpose for that sign was to show that Jesus had come, the real wine was here. And when you are drunk on him, that is true celebration.

That's right. That's true joy. I mean, I've been to weddings, and I've been to parties where people drink, and then they're like my best friend. I mean, they are, we're buddies.

Because they're drunk, so they're just laughing at my every joke, they're so happy they met me. Slamming their fists on the table. Yeah. Slapping them. And the next day, they don't even know who I am. Right. Right?

Or they're like, hey. I'm like, last night we were like- We were thick as thieves last night. Yeah, I thought it was all good. Oh, okay. So, the earthly intoxication, whatever that is, gives you only temporary joy.

When you have Christ in you, that is joy everlasting. That's right. Something else, the Old Testament, the law, that's the first wine. Remember the master of the ceremony says, hey, you kept the best one for last? That's crazy. And usually, we start with the best one, and then when everybody's drunk, then we give them just- The cheap, the stale stuff, because you can't tell.

Yeah, they can't tell anymore. But you have kept the best one for now. Jesus is the best wine. That's right.

Everything else was just mediocre compared to him now. And if you don't believe this interpretation, by the way, this is a scholarly interpretation, this is not just something I just made up here, is the pots that were sitting there, that Jesus told the servants to fill up, they were for the purification. They were not just wedding pots, I mean the wine pots, they were purification pots. That's what they would dip their hand in and wash their hands and their feet in ceremonial washing. And Jesus says, fill them all up, and now take it.

Draw from it and take it to the master of the ceremonies. And then they come back and they go, wow, this is amazing. The whole purpose of that is to show a sign that he is the true wine. Not the vine, not John 15, Jesus is the one who brings true joy.

And when we are on him, it will not make sense to the world, it may not even make sense to us, but we are just enraptured by him. I think that's what the religious leaders were seeing. And I like that you said that it didn't make sense to them. Well, it made sense in the fact that they knew it was coming, but why they should, I guess it just never clicked with them. Or if it clicked with them, they chose deliberately to go the other way.

And sadly, we only focus on the negatives, right? We only focus on the Pharisees who rejected Jesus and the Sadducees who rejected Jesus and the members of the Sanhedrin who turned against him. But do you know a lot of Pharisees believed in Jesus? The Bible does say that. That's a good point.

No, we don't talk about that. I mean, Nicodemus was a member of the Sanhedrin. He believed in Jesus. So a lot of people did come to Jesus and believed in him.

They were like, I get it, I get it, you're it, you're the one we've been waiting for. And their lives were transformed. In fact, the first church, you know, when we talk about the church grew by leaps and bounds on the day of Pentecost, and they just kind of gipped on growing, who are they? They were not people from South America or people from Europe or people from Africa. They were Jewish background believers.

So the first converts were actually the ones who were waiting on the Messiah, whether they were Jerusalem people, Hebrew background believers, Hebrew background Jewish people, or whether they were Hellenists, Greek background Jewish people, either way. They didn't see the full picture, though. They're searching the scriptures. And that was there. That was the linchpin. They were looking to the scriptures for the proof of Jesus saying, it's there, but you missed it. Yeah.

Yeah. Oh, maybe they didn't even miss it. But he's telling these people that you're missing it. Because in John chapter 145, Philip found Nathanael and said to him, we have found him. This is even before Jesus sort of officially begins his ministry. What does it say in John 145? Philip found Nathanael and said to him, we have found him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. What does that mean? Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph means they were looking for him.

It says the one that Moses wrote about. We found him. We found the Messiah.

He's here. Yeah. Yeah. So they didn't need it explained to them. They knew it. They were celebrating. They were like, this is the one.

Yeah. They didn't even need an explanation that Jesus is the one. They did not even need that explanation that the Messiah would be like this. They just were like, hey, we connect the dots.

He is the one who fits the bill of the Messiah. And so then Jesus says to these people, the certain group that did not believe him, but you're not willing to come to me that you may have life. So they were choosing. Yeah. It was like they were ignorant or an unwillingness because we just don't get it.

It was we're choosing to reject you. Yeah. We get what needs to happen. We get that God has a plan in sending his son into this world. We just don't like the fact that you're claiming it.

Yeah. And because you're doing things that right now are very much according to that plan, it's just we just don't like you. When the vineyard owner sent his own son, they said, come, let us kill him. And if we kill him, then the vineyard is ours. I wonder if they somehow in their immature imbecile mind, they actually thought we can kill him. We can kill God. We can kill the son of God. And we have a new system. Maybe.

Maybe we can reclaim this plan for ourselves. Somehow? Yeah. I mean, we talked about the confidence that sometimes some scholars have, like they see themselves above scripture. Sometimes even people, forget about Bart Ehrman, sometimes people in our own camp sometimes have this level of confidence in dealing with scripture because they have a degree or they have published books or they have so many accolades and so much admiration from their followers and their fan club. And I'm talking about in evangelical circles that they almost have this cavalier attitude when they discuss certain things in the Bible. And to me, it's like, I don't know, you need to come down a few notches.

Yeah. And I think that's a great point because we tend to think that it's always the serious questions or difficult passages of scripture or not understanding prophecy or wanting questions about flood and creation and stuff. But it's really just unwillingness. It's just people are making up their mind that I'm not going to submit. Unwillingness because of the evil of the human heart.

Human heart is evil. Like what is it? Who talks about it? Is it Isaiah? Oh, Jeremiah? Jeremiah.

Yeah. The heart is wicked. Because it is wicked, it wants to dominate. It wants to be in charge, it cannot stand the fact that I'm going to let someone else take charge. Well, he's the one who made you. He's the one you have to respond to. Yeah, I don't like it.

I don't like that, wow. And we presume on the grace of God, the love of God, the goodness of God, and we think, what is he going to do? What's he going to do? Kill me?

Golly, yeah. What's he going to do? Take my life? I mean, he loves me too much. He gave his son.

What's he going to do? I think we soften that blow because we often regard the Pharisees, mistakenly, as just kind of acting out of ignorance, like they didn't realize that Jesus was God's son. But the much more insidious truth is, no, they knew.

They knew. This is one of those radio moments where it's like you have to talk, but you also just want to sit and think on that and meditate on that. Because when you, it's like you said, when you really think about it, that's heavy. And it's something that I'm struggling to put into words. I want to just sit and reflect on it. Man, so good. So helpful for us in understanding our hearts and understanding the importance of faith and in believing in what God has said to be true.

Once you have that belief, then you have the eyes of faith to see what God is doing. If you enjoyed today's episode, write in and let us know, 252-582-5028, or you can visit us online at Don't forget, you can partner with us financially on that same website.

Scroll to the bottom, click that donate button, and let us know what's coming from our Clear Show family. Gentlemen, what's coming up on tomorrow's episode? You know, everything we talked about today is kind of heavy, and you may know somebody in your life that has this sort of unwillingness, this ulterior motive. We're going to talk about tomorrow. There's a very serious charge brought against them, but there is hope. There is a logical next step for those people to take and for you to take if you know someone like that in your life.

So we don't want to end on a dour note. Make sure you come back tomorrow. We're going to talk you through how God's plan for these types of people in our lives.

That's right. Make sure you guys are here. We love you guys. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you. God bless you.
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