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Friday, January 5th | Praying in the New Year (pt. 2)

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah
The Truth Network Radio
January 5, 2024 6:00 am

Friday, January 5th | Praying in the New Year (pt. 2)

Clearview Today / Abidan Shah

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January 5, 2024 6:00 am

In this episode of Clearview Today, Dr. Shah continues to talk about prayer and why you should seek to make it a part of your life in the new year.

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A healthier, happier you is just a click away. That said, let's start the show. Hello, everyone. Today is Friday, January the 5th. I'm Ryan Hill. I'm John Galantis. And you're listening to Clear View Today with Dr. Abbadon Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can visit us online at, or if you have any questions for Dr. Shah or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028, or you can email us at contact at

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We're going to leave a couple of links in the description so you can do just that. And today's verse of the day is coming to us from 2 Peter, chapter 1, verses 5 through 7. I'm about to walk you through some fruitful growth in the faith. It says, but also for this reason, giving all diligence and to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love.

One right after the other, right after the other, independent, interdependent upon one another. You know, Dr. Shah told us this in a sermon he preached one time. It's not the fruits of the Spirit, it's the fruit of the Spirit. Each one of those things, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control, are all dependent. They're different facets of the fruit, singular, of the Spirit.

And this is similar language. I mean, the title, even though these aren't original descriptions, the title is fruitful growth in the faith. And it's like Peter is reminding us here that the Christian life is never done. You never arrive this side of heaven. You're not like fully sanctified here on earth. But it's like, okay, when you've checked off faith, like I have faith in my life. Now add to that faith virtue. Okay, well, I'm developing virtue. God is refining that in me.

Now add to that knowledge. Go deeper in your faith, grow in your faith. And there's always a next step to be taken. But that's not to discourage us. That's to show us that there's always more depth to plumb. There's always more riches to pursue in Christ.

It's a process of growth. You know, what we're focusing on for 2024. And if you're a church, if you're really any organization at all, I really, really urge you.

It's not too late. The year just started. Have a theme, have a goal, like a theme goal for 2024. Because ours is progress and growth. And the purpose, the true purpose of any organization, any business, any nonprofit, any church, any organization at all is not profit, it's growth.

Because if a business is making money and it's not growing at all, that business is doing something wrong. And so looking at all of these different, like you said, these facets of our faith, diligence that gives way to knowledge. I'm sorry, faith to knowledge, then knowledge to self-control.

They keep growing and building on one another. And ultimately you end up at a place where, it's brotherly kindness, you end up at a place of love. So it's not perfection. You know, you're not the ideal perfect God-man.

You're just a Christian who walks and lives in love. You know, speaking of our 2024 goals, we're five days into the new year. We are. Doesn't feel like it. I know, it's crazy. How is your resolutions coming?

It's a bit early to be checking in. They're going pretty well so far. So I had really a two-fold resolution for myself personally. One is just sort of like more intentionality, more mindfulness where physical wellness is concerned. So just being mindful of what I eat, working out, going to the gym, been pretty consistent so far.

It's only five days, but pretty consistent so far. And then another one is, it seems like a minor thing, but before I go to bed, you know you always have that lull, like you get ready for bed and then you don't go right to sleep. Oftentimes what I would do is scroll on my phone. Well, I've just replaced that with reading. There you go. I love that. Sometimes it's nonfiction.

Sometimes it's fiction, but just spending time reading before I go to bed instead of just scrolling on my phone. It's little small things, man. My resolution is to get back in the gym too, because I'm going to tell you guys, I'm going to tell you on the radio, since Thanksgiving, have not been in the gym. That's bad.

That's bad. The whole month of December. So January 1st hit.

It's January 5th now. The first hit and I said, you know what? Enough. I say enough. I'm getting back in the gym. Bye, golly gum.

And here it is, the 5th, and guess what? I haven't been. Oh no.

I have not been. I hate that for you. I've actually been wanting to talk about this. I wish you wouldn't.

This feels like it's going to be hurtful to me. Heck yeah. I came to your house last night. Yeah.

That's not true. I asked you. You asked me to bring you something. Knock, knock.

Here I am. So I came to your house. I came in. I said hey to Gavin. I said hey to Holden. And then you, as I was leaving, I was like, hey, I'm going to the gym in the morning. Come with.

You haven't been. It was 10 p.m. And I'm leaving. And I was sad, because I had eaten a lot of spaghetti. A bowl of spaghetti.

Yeah. And so I was sad. And I was like, I don't want to work out.

I'll never work out again. But John said, John said, you know what, no, I'm not going. And then I said, okay, I'm going to come here at this time. I'll pick you up. You wanted me to get up at 7 a.m. Right. And then I said, okay, whatever, fine.

You do you. He was like, if I, you know what, this is what we'll do. I'll step on my scale. No, Ellie, well, yes, but Ellie had pulled out the scale to try to make a point. Well, she said, well, yeah, she pulled out a scale to make a point.

And I was like, all right, whatever. You said, okay, if I step on the scale and I'm over this number. You can say the number. You want me to say the number? Yeah. You said, if I step on the scale and I'm over 230, I'll go to the gym.

I promise you I'll go to the gym. Nicholas just mouthed. Oh, my goodness. You know what he did? He got there.

He stepped on the scale. I won't happy with what I saw. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this.

Just a yes or no will be fine. Was it over 230? It was 230. No, it was 230.7.

Okay. Well, I mean, that's right on the money. So I used to be 220, but that's all lean muscle. No, it's not. You haven't been to the gym. That's all muscle. It's lean spaghetti.

It's a lot of spaghetti. And I'm going to change. It's the new year, 2024. Like you said, we're only five days in. Only five days in. Still timed and course correct.

So if I'm getting lazy five days in, I feel like that's still fine. It's a slow burn. You know what I'm saying?

I'm not going to just go dive in to freezing cold water like David does. He goes all in. He's like, I'm in.

Yeah. I'm in it for the long run. I'm in it for all of 2024. So I'm saying today's January 6th, tomorrow. I'll be in.

Right. I'll be in. I give my word to the radio audience. And on Monday we can check in.

We'll check in and see how things are going. I mean, I'm sad. Is this the sadness or the spaghetti talking? Well, the thing is when I'm sad, I eat spaghetti to feel better.

Does it work? I feel sadder. Well. I feel sadder. But then when you feel sad, you have to eat the spaghetti. I don't think that's a good coping mechanism.

Write in and let us know how you're doing on your... I didn't mean to cut you off. No, no.

You're fine. I was just going to say the worst part of stepping on the scales was just seeing David's eyes. It wasn't like... Because I expected him to be like, see, I'm right. He was just sad.

It was genuine. It was just sadness. He was sad. He was like, this shouldn't be.

This should not be true to me. Nicholas is about to lose it. Write in and let us know how you're doing with your New Year's resolutions. 2-5-2-5-8-2-5-0-2-8. Just want to encourage you. We've laughed about it on the show, but five days in, if you feel like you've already kind of fallen off the wagon, just pick yourself back up.

It's all good. You got the rest of 2024. Jump back in. You can do it. I got nothing.

Just play the ad. Visit us online today at We're going to grab Dr. Shaw and we'll be right back. What's going on, listeners? My name is Jon.

And I'm David. And we hope you are enjoying the podcast thus far. We really appreciate how many of you download the podcast every day. But we also want to remind you that we are first and foremost a radio show. Clearview Today is actually syndicated through the Truth Network. And we just want to let you know right now that in addition to hosting the all-time best Christian talk show of all time, hashtag Clearview Today, hashtag Clearview Today, the Truth Network also, as it turns out, has an extensive library of Christian programming. We really love everything they're doing at the Truth Network because the whole goal is to encourage, challenge, confront, and uplift listeners with the life-changing truth of Jesus Christ through Christian talk radio. And listen, we know we are not the only show wanting to expand its audience. So if you have a vision for your show or for your ministry, why don't you consider syndicating your show through the Truth Network because they rely on decades of experience of self-syndication with a full array of features for your long-form or short-form content. Make sure you visit the Truth Network online today at Or you can give them a call at 336-759-0363.

Again, that's 336-759-0363. Well, John, are you ready? I was born ready, my friend. Let's hop right back in. All right. Welcome back to Clearview Today with Dr. Abbadan Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ.

You can visit us online at, or if you have any questions or suggestions for new topics, send us a text at 252-582-5028. That's right, and we are here once again in the Clearview Today studio with Dr. Abbadan Shah, who is a Ph.D. in New Testament textual criticism, professor at Carolina University, author, full-time pastor, the host of today's show, Dr. Shah, I need to repent, I need to confess. Oh, no. I have not been in the gym. I have not been in the gym.

This is the guy who bench presses more than anybody else, and I'm so disappointed in him. We were taking account of, you said we're five days into the new year, how are the resolutions looking? Can I tell you how his five days have looked?

Mine's not looking good. Go ahead. He stepped on the scale at his house, and he was 230. 230. Yeah. But most of that is just dense, rock-hard muscle. No. It's mostly spaghetti.

I invited David over for spaghetti, and he was like, I would never eat that. Just never too late to jump back in and get your gains back. I want to. You're young. Yeah. And you know how to do it now.

You don't need a lot of advice. You know what to do. Jump in.

Have you ever been in that position where it's just like, kind of like Paul, I know, not only do I know that I need to do this, I want to do it. I'm just not doing it. Yeah. Right. The thing I want to do, I don't do.

And the thing I don't want to do is just stay out of the gym. That's what I end up doing. Yeah. I don't feel that way about their prayer life. Yeah. Yeah. We've been talking about prayer these past couple of days, but a lot of people are like, I know this is good.

No one in the Christian life ever said, prayer is not important. Yeah. I just don't do it. Yeah. Yeah. You have to feel it. You have to go through a trial in your life. And most times that trial is something that is like, oh, I really want this person to get better.

Oh no, they died. So I know how that can be. That the moment you feel like, now this is a great opportunity for me to exercise my prayer and see God work. Oh, well, it didn't work. Well, you know, it didn't work. Yeah.

No, wait, why don't you just try in the little things in life, like God helped me to be more Christlike today. That's right. That's right. Right. And then see how that works out.

Instead of immediately going to the big things like, can you raise someone from the dead? Can you please just split the sky in two and show me that you're listening? Yes. Or remove this mountain, cast it into the lake. Right.

I got to get across that ocean. Yeah. And the Lord's like, oh, you just want this obstacle overcome? Like, no, I want to see you physically pick up that mountain. See that mountain there?

I want it gone. Yeah. Well, do you have this faith? Of course.

Yes. I'm ready for it. That's like, I mean, we're leaning back on the gym example.

That's like, you haven't been in the gym and you get underneath, I don't know, 350 pounds on the bench. And you're like, I got this. Do you want to just hit the 25s real quick? I got this.

No. Uh-uh. Don't do it. We're going big. Don't do it. You know, that happens by the way.

When you come out and listening to us or watching us, there are people who get into the gym and they go for the heaviest weight. Is this your first time here? Well, I can do this. And then they're like, and then help, help, help, help. We were there one time when that happened somewhere and I saw, it was funny because we were talking and I saw Dr. Shai, he was talking to, he was talking to David, I think, but we were in a circle and he was talking, he's like, but one of the things that God is just really doing, we just heard that, and you, I've never seen you leap into action like that. And I was like, God is really like, we all picked the thing up off that guy. I was like, man, that was, that was pretty crazy.

It's crazy that people will do that. Yeah. Immediately go through the big things, but let's start with the small things. And it may be that it won't be long before you hit the big things.

I hope the next prayer you pray for is for a massive mountain to be moved, but I hope you will grow in your faith, but let's begin praying for the small things. Do you think we just believe that we've got those small things already figured out? We've already got them all. Yeah.

Yeah. We just, we, we are nowhere else would we try it even in the gym that that did not happen every time I've been in the gym for years and years and it's just a couple of times I have seen couple of times where some newbie walked in and immediately tried to go for the heavy plates once or twice. But in, when it comes to spiritual life, people immediately go for the big plates, the heavy plates and it's like, no, let's start small and see how God will bless you and then let's keep moving. That's a good point because I've, I've prayed prayers that were quote unquote too big for me. Just keeping the, the analogy going and I can tell that I'm unprepared and I'm not mature enough to be really praying that prayer because I just find myself repeating myself over and over. I don't really know what to pray. I know what I want, but I'm, I'm not familiar, I guess, in a way with talking to God.

Yeah. Leaning on language that isn't familiar to you, leaning on language that isn't natural to you because it sounds spiritualized, it sounds lofty and you believe that, you know, your words are going to motivate God in action. And it's not that I have to like do this like navigational dance of conversation with God. It's just that I can tell that I'm unprepared for this.

I'm really just casting out a line in desperation. Just keep the gym analogy going instead of the fishing one. You haven't stretched.

You haven't talked to anybody. There's no personal trainer. You're not with a bunch of guys who know what they're doing or gals who know what they're doing. You're just going in there and just picking up whatever comes natural.

First time in the gym. Yeah. Yeah. And you're really not ready for it.

And before you know it, you pull this and pull that and then you're out of the gym and you're trying to get surgery and it's crazy. So there has to be a plan. There has to be some learning.

There has to be some tutorials. That's right. Well, and then I guess as we're, as we're headed into the new year, you know, one of the things that we prioritize here at Clearview is prayer today, even we have our 24 hour prayer vigils going on right now. People are coming in for the next 24 hours, spending time praying for our church, praying for their personal needs, praying for our community. You know, that's, that's a big deal.

That's not something that a lot of people do, but it's something that has been very impactful in the life of our church and in our community. One of my favorite places to visit in Israel is the Mount of Beatitudes. Yeah.

Yeah. You guys have been there with me and it's a beautiful place and you can see the Sea of Galilee down below. You can, this mountain just sort of builds up and then you have this chapel behind you, which is not that old.

It's about a hundred years or so. But you can picture the multitude just sitting down this hill. And I believe Jesus was not on the top of the hill speaking down to them. He was on the bottom of the hill speaking up to them because that becomes a natural amphitheater. Have you ever been to an amphitheater or an ancient one, like a Greek amphitheater, you know, they stand down there on a stage. You saw tons of those, Ryan and David, and you've seen some too in Israel at Beth Sheehan. So there's a stage, but how are the chairs laid out?

They're laid out way up. So also the Mount of Beatitudes is like a natural amphitheater. It was crazy because as beautiful as the chapel was the year before that, we actually got to stand on the mountain side because I think the chapel was already closed and we wanted to film you reading some of the Beatitudes. And so you went down and spoke up and it was crazy how at the top of a literal mountain I could still hear you. And it was crazy because I was sitting there thinking like, it would have been nothing for Jesus to stand right where he's standing and speak up to those people. That's right.

That's right. And the wind from the Sea of Galilee, because it's kind of the way that sea is sitting, a lot of waves, a lot of wind comes and just kind of blows randomly, but it kind of blows right up towards the hills, surrounding hills. So he was down there speaking to them. And one of the things he talked to them about was prayer. And in Matthew chapter seven, verse seven, he's already said something about prayer, but here he starts again and says, ask and it'll be given to you, seek and you will find. Back in chapter six, he told his disciples not to pray like the hypocrites. He told them, you know, the hypocrites stand in the synagogues and the street corners, but he told them, you go in the secret place and pray without vain repetitions.

And then he taught them Lord's prayer, as we know, our father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come and on and on and on. But just when you think he was done with speaking on the subject of prayer, he comes back to it and he talks about prayer again. But it's not like he was revisiting the subject of prayer.

He never really left the subject to begin with. He was always on the subject of prayer, because everything that he talked about after teaching the Lord's prayer was still in the context of talking to the father, treasures on earth and treasures in heaven, was about trusting the father. Not serving two masters was about being loyal only to God. Not to worry, for those of you who know the Sermon on the Mount, I'm just kind of walking down the list between the Lord's prayer and the passage we just read from Matthew seven. Not to worry was about taking all your cares and worries and anxieties to God.

Judge not was about prayerfully confronting and not condemning other people. So Jesus was still on the subject of prayer. But now what he is doing is that he is telling his disciples, prayer is hard because you want the answers now.

You come to him when you are desperate and the situation has reached a breaking point. So when your prayers are not answered, you feel like God doesn't care, those are the moments that you have to persist in prayer. Yeah, imagine how silly it would be if Jesus never prayed up until the Garden of Gethsemane. But the reason those prayers, he had such confidence is because every single day in the time of peace, he was still getting up early in the morning and disciplining himself to pray for his father. But what we do is we wait until we're right in the midst of the garden and be like, all right, Lord, let this cup pass for me.

This is the first time we've spoken, but please just take this from me. We trick ourselves because we grow up around prayer. We grow up, pray before you go to bed, pray before your meals.

So we think that it's just this thing that comes naturally. But prayer actually takes a lot to develop as a discipline. So it's not that the Lord's Prayer is not relevant anymore, because now we are not in Matthew 6, we're in Matthew 7, of course not. Lord's Prayer is the foundation, but then it goes above that and tells the disciples or Jesus tells the disciples that it's not going to be easy. Just because you know God as your father, just because you know what it means to hallow his name or holify his name, just because you know it's about his kingdom, not yours, just because you know it's his will, not yours, and all these things, I can go down the list, does not mean prayer is going to be easy. You're going to have to persist in prayer. You're going to have to make sure you don't give up on prayer. Hence, he says it three times, triple imperative, ask, seek, and knock. Very similar to what Paul had said in 1 Thessalonians 5, 17, pray without seizing. Whether you get the answer or not, or whether you get the answer you don't want, it doesn't matter. You keep on asking, keep on seeking, and keep on knocking. So let's keep reading. Verse 8 says, for everyone who asks, means who keeps on asking receives, and he who seeks, keeps on seeking, finds, and to him who knocks or keeps on knocking, it will be opened. And then it even gives us a little illustration here. What man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone, I mean calling on the nature of God, or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?

I mean, think about a serpent, a cobra, or a viper, or a diamondback, or a whatever. Just hand it to him, here you go. Here he goes, like, oh my goodness, I just got bit by a snake, and it's my own dad. Thanks a lot, Pops.

Yeah, why would you do that? I thought it was like a little rubber snake, no, no, it was a real one. That's a real one, man, you said you wanted a fish, right? There you go.

There you go. If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him? So think about that. Yeah, you really don't imagine Jesus using sarcasm like that.

But it's his humors. What Jesus is really saying is, he's not advocating persistence in prayer as much as assurance in the nature of God. That's a great point to make, because we are not saying, because we're talking about that going forward, growth and discipline in your spiritual life, but it's not that the more you do it. Just storm the gates of heaven.

Have you heard people say that? Storm the gates of heaven. You're going to storm the gates of heaven? Did you realize how that's going to pan out for you? That's going to go well for you, pal.

I think someone tried that one. It doesn't work like that at all, but it's not that you, the more you pray, the happier God is with you or the better you get at it, it's that you are, you know God better and you have, like you said, assurance in him. Yeah. It's about really trusting in the nature of God, knowing that's my father. So maybe he didn't hear me this time, or maybe he wants me to wait, or maybe he really wants to see how earnest I am in asking for whatever I'm asking for. So I'm going to keep asking, believing that he is my father and he will give it to me in his own will and timing, or he will give me something better.

Yeah. I remember one time, Dr. Shah, you said this about prayer and it's the most profound thing that prayer does for us. It's not a magic pill. It's not a, you know, wave your wand, this will happen. It's prayer changes our heart to match God's heart so that we begin to pray for the things that God wants.

It's sort of a misnomer. Prayer is powerful. We hear that, but prayer is not powerful.

My communication with him is not powerful. God is powerful. Right. And prayer changes us. That's right.

That's right. So the enemy will always get you to doubt that and think, make you feel like God doesn't care or doesn't want to give you the best or he's holding out on the best for your life. So you have to just reject those thoughts and don't believe those lies instead, trust the nature of God. Wow.

Trust the nature of God. Yeah. You think people do that? You think people let the enemy get to them and that's why they stop praying? Oh, definitely.

Because they start believing. There are a lot of agnostics sitting in church. Wow. Wow. Yeah. If I, if I may say it again, restated, there are a lot of believing agnostics sitting there.

Wow. They believe, oh yeah, Jesus down on the cross for my sins. I do believe that. I just don't know for sure if this Christianity thing works for me. I hear the Bible and I know pastor shall preach the Bible or whatever, whoever your pastor is. He, oh man, he preaches the word. Do you really believe and take that word to heart? Yeah.

But no, you can't do that. You just, you just got to know the, you know, sometimes God doesn't know really nobody here. Just me and you talking and maybe God. Do you really, really, really believe what you're hearing? And if people are deathly honest, they will say, they'll say they don't.

They don't. Yeah. That's a chilling statement. It is because you start thinking about all the rash, erratic decisions people make in their lives without praying. And it's, it's, I think you're right. It ultimately comes down to they, there's some lie that they believe about God. Yeah. You know, they, they think the wrong thing of God.

Yeah. And also we need to keep in mind, Jesus was not promising a health and wealth prayer. Just listen to verse 11.

If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him? So God may not want you to have all the health and wealth, nothing wrong with health and wealth, but, and you can pray for those things. And it's okay to pray for your health.

You're going for surgery or you got some sickness or some weakness or whatever it is. You can pray for those things, but there's more that God wants to do in your life and through your life than just health and wealth. Yeah. I mean, think about people in the Bible, like Job. So I was going to say, I was like, if that's the metric, then we've got some people in the Bible who failed. Didn't Job get all his stuff back at the end of the story? You mean to tell me he just, just kept scratching with the pottery?

I mean, the kids he lost didn't come back alive. And then Moses with his impediment and all that. And then Ruth losing her husband and then Paul with a thorn in the flesh that he prayed for again and again and again and again. It's not just three times, but he kept on praying. And God said, no, I'm going to leave that thorn right there.

And because I'm going to work through that thorn. Right. I think something you told me years ago is that God loves you too much to answer every prayer the way that you want.

Because the things that I would have asked God for, the things that I did ask God for as a 20 year old would have served me ill in life. Yeah. Of course. Yeah. It would have set me up for failure if I'd gotten a yes to that prayer. That's right. That's right. And so could it be that asking now for health and wealth, if I'm asking like, God, make me a millionaire, could it be that that would harm me?

Yeah. Maybe you should be praying, Lord, not my will, but yours be done. And it's not a not my will, yours be done.

As in, I'm just not going to pray and just, you know, trust God for his will. No, he wants you to come and ask for what you're asking for. Right. Right. But in that asking, what you're really saying, what Ryan said earlier, Lord, help my prayer to conform to your will for my life. Yes.

Help me want what you want. Yeah. Yeah.

For me. That's right. I love that. I hope this has been helpful for your prayer life. Those of you who are listening, you know, that's something that we can write off or something.

We can neglect a lot of times. See, I say, I say grace before dinner, I say my prayers before bed. But prayer is so much more than that. And I pray that this, our hope here at the Clear View Today Show is that this would help catapult you into a deeper prayer life as you head into 2024. If today helped you in your prayer life, write in and let us know 252-582-5028. Of course, you can visit us online at

Don't forget, you can partner with us financially on that same website. Scroll all the way to the bottom, click that donate button and let us know that gift is coming from our Clear View Today Show family. We count you a blessing as we impact the nations together with the gospel of Christ.

I also want to remind you to visit and use that promo code today, that's T-O-D-A-Y, for a great little discount on all of their products listed on their website, as well as a portion of those proceeds coming right back here to the Clear View Today Show. John, what do we have on deck for next week? Next week, we are still setting up our 2024 goals, talking about some of the things we as a church are going to be doing in 2024, some of the things that you can be looking forward to in your life and in your ministry. Lots of good things happening. That's right. That's everything we can do to keep you on track. Love you guys. See you next week on Clear View Today.
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